Part twelve - Meeting the strictly cast Pt. 2

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Dianne's POV
"Awww she's adorable"
"OMG she's the double of Joe"
"Look at those dimples"

All of the pro girls were cooing over Alexa, talking about her cuteness and how she was so sweet. Alexa was currently sat on the floor talking to Amy, however I could tell she was a little worried that out of all people in the room she only knew me. She stood up being careful of her arm, and came over to the sofa I was sat on curling up on my lap. I think that the rest of the crew realised she was a little nervous, so started involving her into the conversation.

"Hiya Alexa, I'm Kevin I was wondering if you would like to play with me?" Kevin asked Alexa.
"Yeah, can we pway hide and seek? Pwease"
"Of course, you hide I'll count"

So Alexa set off trying to hide, basically she put her hands covering her face, trying to stand still.

"Ready or not here I come" Kevin told her. "I wonder where she could be" He said even though it was clear to everyone where she was.
"BOO!" Alexa shouted making Kevin 'jump'.
"I'll count now"she told him. "1..2..3..5 wait..4...5..6...8..9...10! I'm coming to find you"
She found him straight away but Kevin has other plans.
"I doesn't count if you don't catch me!" He shouted, running round like the little kid he is.

General POV
So Alexa chased Kevin in circles, round the green room while the others watched in awe of how cute the pair were together. After a while Alexa caught up with him, as Kevin purposely bent down 'tying his shoelaces'. Alexa smiled walking over to Dianne once again to sit on her lap.

Dianne's POV
Alexa tiredly walked over to me, yawning like crazy. All that running around must have tired her out. She climbed onto my knee, curling up in my lap. She started playing with the ends of my hair causing her to fall asleep, I knew this as when Joe's tired he does the same thing and it puts him to sleep. I looked down seeing her fast asleep, I carried on my conversation with the guys, talking about our group routines. The little Sugg flat out, snoring quietly as we spoke.

20 minutes later
Joe's POV
Me and Stacey walked back from our mini photoshoot, after getting back changed, and headed for the green room. As we walked to the room Stacey kept on bugging me on what was going on with me and Dianne, after I may have accidentally told her that I liked her. Since then she's been bugging me constantly, if only she knew we were together, she would go crazy!

We arrived at the room, walking in to see the pros talking while Alexa slept on Dianne's lap. Again the cutest sight, of my two favourite girls together. Me and Stacey joined in on the conversation, until one of the producers came in asking for all the professionals to go to the main stage, to practice the group routines. I scooped up Alexa from Dianne, she stirred slightly however went back to sleep on my lap.

"So tell me, no ones here, you and Dianne?" Stacey asked me, desperate to know.
"Me and Dianne what?" I told her, although knowing what she meant.
"I know you like her Joe, you told me. And I can tell she likes you, the way you look at each other gives it away"
"If I tell you you have to promise me two things; you'll stop bugging me and you won't tell anyone"
"Of course Joe, I won't tell a soul" she said genuinely.
"Well I told her I like her..." "and..." Stacey interrupted.
"And now she's my girlfriend"
"OMG youse are together! Youse are so cute, #joanneforever!"
I laughed at her excitement, which was very similar to when Zoe found. The were both clearly 'Joanne' fans.

Dianne's POV
Me and Amy were sat down where the audience sat, while the male professionals practiced some routines, just talking to one another.
"So you and Joe?" Any said clearly hinting in something.
"Me and Joe What?" I asked her.
"Oh Dianne don't try and hide it, I can't tell by the way you look at each other you can tell you are in love"
" you can't and it's not true"
"Dianne you're my best friend I can tell when your lying, so tell me what's going on"
"Well... don't tell anyone but... we're together" I said, I knew that me and Joe wanted to keep it private but Amy is my best friend and I knew that she would tell anyone.
"OMG I knew it!"
"Amy shhhhh we want to keep it a secret"
"Oh sorry, and done worry I won't tell anyone"

Authors note -
So now Amy and Stacey know.
I'm not sure wether to carry on with this section and create a part 3 or not. Please leave you suggestions in the comments. Ideas needed as Im struggling to think of knew concepts.
- Charlotte x

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