Part nine - Official

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(I know the little girl doesn't look three in this picture, but it was one of the only photos I could find of Joe and a little girl)
The following morning - in the hospital.
Joe's POV
Last night was a blur. The crash, the ambulance arriving, everything. Me and Dianne had stayed here last night, even though I had told Dianne that she didn't have to, she told me she wanted to be there for me. I was so glad, I knew I wouldn't have been able to do this alone. Watch my little girl suffer in front of me. This morning I had rang my mum, dad, my sister Zoe and Alfie. My dad unfortunately, is abroad due to work, but my mum, Zoe and Alfie are all coming to see Alexa later on this morning. She still hadn't woken up and I was worried, the doctors had told me she had most probably hit her head of the door, which knocked her unconscious. They also told me that she should wake up within the next hour, but I just wanted her to be awake now, so I could talk to her, find out if she was okay. I decided to express what I was feeling to Dianne.
"Dianne" I asked.
"Yeah Joe are you okay?"
"Not really what is she doesn't wake up," I could feel the tears filling my eyes. "She's my little girl she can't leave me"
"Aw Joe come here" she said engulfing me into a hug. "The doctors said that she should wake up within the hour, there's nothing to worry about"
"T-t-thank you for everything, I couldn't have done this alone. I love you." The last part just slipped out what was she going to think of me? She probably thought that I was moving to fast.
"I love you too" Dianne said, getting rid of my anxiousness.
"Erm Dianne, I know this isn't the mist romantic way but erm I was wondering if you would be my Girlfriend? It's just i love you and you really helped me last night. It's okay if you say- " she cut me off with a loving kiss.
"Of course I'll be your girlfriend Joe."
We both looked in each other's eyes, before being brought apart by the sound of a small voice.
"Daddy where am I?" Alexa questioned.
"Alexa you're awake! You are in the hospital princess, you fell asleep for a long time and you've badly hurt you arm" pointing to her pink cast, trying to explain the situation to her so she would understand.
"When can I go home?"
"We'll have to ask the doctors, should I call them in now and we can find out?"

I went outside to find one of the nurses, being greeted by my mum who was holding flowers and Alexa's giraffe teddy - Patch.
"She left it at my house yesterday" my mum told me handing me the teddy. "I thought it might cheer her up"
"Thank you I'll give it to her in a minute, I just looking for a nurse. She's in there with Dianne"

I found a Nurse further down the hall and we went back to Alexa's room together. I handed Alexa her giraffe to which she was really excited to see.
"Hello Alexa, my names Nurse Lydia and I'll be looking after you until you go home is that okay?"
Alexa nodded, I could tell that she was a little nervous so I reached out and grabbed her hand, which she held onto tightly.
"Right so who are these" she asked Alexa motioning towards myself and Dianne. "You're mummy and daddy."
Alexa nodded her head. Wait she just implied that Dianne was her mum. She's never said that about anyone.

Dianne's POV
The nurse asked Alexa if me and Joe were her mummy and daddy to which she nodded. I was stunned. She really thought of me as her mum, I would love to one day call her part of my family, but her mum that's a big role to take on. Before me or Joe could intervene, Alexa starting talking to the nurse.
"Well not really, that's my daddy" she said pointing to Joe. "And that's Dianne she's not my mummy but she is kind, funny and bootiful like a mummy."
I was at that moment that my heart melted at Alexa's cuteness, I turned to look at Joe who had the biggest smile on his face. He later told me that it was because Alexa had never said anyone was like her mummy. She must really like me.

Later on that day.
Zoe's POV
Me and Alfie arrived at the hospital, checking in before heading up to the room where Alexa was staying. As much as we were here to see Alexa, we needed to show Joe something important. Something that could change his life.

We walked into the room to find Joe, Dianne and Alexa. My mum had been there earlier but had to leave for work meetings. We said hello to all three of them, giving Alexa the sweets and teddy we had picked our for her earlier - in hope for her to feel better. We chatted away for a while - the five of us - before I asked if I could speak to Joe privately in the corridor.
"What is it Zoe is everything okay?" Joe asked.
"Well sort of. Just look at this" I said handing him my phone.

Joe's POV
Zoe handed me get phone that was open on an press article. I thought it would just be the press making up stupid rumours about me and Dianne being together until I saw the title of the article.

Social media star Joe Sugg's secret daughter? Or strictly professional Dianne Buswell's?

Authors note -
Oh no! The press have found out! What's going to happen now?
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

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