Part ten - The secrets out.. to the world

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Continued on from the last chapter
Joe's POV
I read through the article to find out that the press had gotten hold of the fact there was a little girl in the back of the car, badly affected by the crash. This had caused speculation that the little girl was either my daughter or Dianne's daughter.
"What do I do Zoe?" I asked.
"Erm I'm not sure Joe by what I do know is that this isn't going to be one of the rumours that goes down over time. They have real proof this time."
"I know I know. Do you think I should just do an Instagram post addressing the article so that the press don't have time to blow it out of proportion?"
"I think that would be the best idea Joe, come on let's get back to Alexa she probably wants you"
"Okay then, thanks for the advice Zoe"
"Any time Broseph"

I laughed at the nickname before we both headed back into Alexa's room. I walked over to where Dianne was sitting wrapping my arm around her waist our of habit. She smiled at me before continuing on her conversation with Alfie.
"OMG wait are youse two together?" Zoe asked excitedly.
"Erm yeah we are, but we don't want anyone finding out so lower your voice Zoe" I said half joking, half serious.
We both didn't want anyone to know about our relationship yet, especially not the strictly producers as we could both be kicked off the show for breaking our contract.
"Omg no way! You guys are so cute together." Zoe told us.
"I told you daddy called you coot and bootiful Dianne"
We all laughed at Alexa's input, but me and Dianne knew that Alexa's was in fact the one that brought us together.

Later on that night.
Joe's POV
We were allowed to leave the hospital around one o'clock in the afternoon, so we had headed to the dance studio to practice our dance for Saturday night. We had found out that Dianne had fractured her wrist, but was still able to dance she just had to wear a splint (I'm not entirely sure what there called but the thing you wear once your cast has been taken off) for a few weeks while it healed.

After practicing we went back home to my apartment where Alexa fell straight asleep after a long two days in the hospital. Me and Dianne were sat on the sofa watching a movie, when I decided that I was going to put an Instagram post up about the whole secret daughter thing. I chose a photo of me and Alexa, making sure that you couldn't see her face clearly. Although I was going to be telling everyone about Alexa I still wanted her to have some privacy. I wrote what I wanted to say before showing Dianne to see if she thought it was good to post.
"I think that it's perfect" Dianne told me, and after putting it off for a couple of minutes I finally hit post.

(I know that this photo isn't joe in real life, but just go with it)

Liked by diannebuswell, zoesugg and 568,432 others.
joe_sugg:As many of youse have heard myself and Dianne were involved in a car crash yesterday night due to a drunk driver hitting into the back of my car. And as many of youse have found out, there was also a little girl in the car affected by the crash. My little girl. My three year old daughter. Alexa May Sugg. (And before youse all ask about her mother - she's not in our life and hasn't been since the day Alexa was born). I didn't want to tell youse guys this way, in fact I didn't want to tell you guys at all. I just wanted Alexa to experience a 'normal' childhood away from the public eye. But now it's all out in the open as I felt as though you guys deserved an explanation. And no Alexa won't be the 'star' of any of my videos; you may see her in the background of my videos here and there or on my Instagram but I do still want her to have a life not being followed by the press. I hope you understand my decision to do so. And thank you all so much for the get well soon messages to myself and Dianne we really do appreciate them.
Comments -
zoesugg: ❤️😘 sending my love to the three of you.
diannebuswell: ❤️💜💗 and again thank you for all the get well soon messages x
sjdooley: hope youse three feel better soon. Sending get well soon vibesss ❤️ also when can I meet her? 😘💗
joannefan123: OMG Joe Sugg has a child!! Would never have expected that! Sending my love 💙
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Authors note -
Hope you are all enjoying the story so far :)
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

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