Part nineteen - Protective

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Joe's POV
It was currently Friday morning, and me and Dianne were rehearsing our salsa for musicals week. We were going to go over the dance a few times before camera block through this afternoon. Alexa is currently sat watching CBeebies on her iPad, while me and Dianne run over our dance. We have all the boys rehearsing with us later on, but at the moment we wanted to just go over the steps.
"Joe, Olivia, one of the producers, had just text me saying that we can go down and practice on the stage before the boys come. Let's go"

As the three of us were heading down to the main stage, we bumped into Stacey and Kevin, who were also asked if they wanted to rehearse on the stage before camera block through. The now five of us walked through the many corridors until we reached our destination. Me, Dianne and Alexa sat down on the audience chairs, allowing Kevin and Stacey to practice first. Their dance was amazing! They went over it around three more times before Olivia called all three of us over, so we could talk to her. She wanted to tell us what time camera block through was starting and wanted to know if I needed someone to keep an eye on Alexa. I agreed, thanking her before sending Alexa over towards Stacey and Kevin who were now sat down. I watched Alexa 'skip' over to the pair of them (she can't skip probably , it's so cute) before the whole good mood changed. For everyone watching.

Third person view.
Joe sent Alexa over to stacey and Kevin, so she skipped her way to the chairs. She was being very careful of the cameras surrounding her, when one of the camerawomen grabbed ahold of Alexa's arm, squeezing it tightly so she couldn't escape. The camerawomen, otherwise known as Fern, looked at the now shaking child she had grabbed before screaming
"Watch where you are going you idiot! You are absolutely hopeless and need to stop being stupid around expensive equipment."
She said letting go of her arm to push her down to the floor.

Dianne's POV
I cannot believe what I have just witnessed! A fiftyish year old woman, screaming at a three year old child for walking about three metres away from a camera. I was fuming! I ran over to the scene, Joe right behind me and I could see Stacey and Kevin walking over to see if Alexa was okay. I hope she was the poor thing, she didn't deserve that to be pushed and screamed at for doing nothing. Oh this woman's going down.

Joe's POV
I can't believe that a woman has just hurt and screamed at my little girl. What gives her the right to do such a thing. Alexa did nothing wrong at all. I followed behind Dianne who was heading over to the camerawoman and Alexa along with Stacey and Kevin. Oh I was going to give this woman a piece of my mind.

Stacey's POV
OMG as if that woman has just hurt Alexa like that, she had done nothing wrong at all. All she was doing was coming over to me and Kevin so that she could sit down to watch Dianne and her daddy dance. She didn't need to be screamed at or pushed over for nearly going near a camera. Oh this woman was never going to here the end of this.

Joe's POV
I reached the now sobbing Alexa scooping her up into my arms, embracing her into a hug. I could hear that Dianne and Stacey had already started shouting at fern however all I wanted to make sure was that Alexa didn't have to hear the screaming. I walked over to Kevin and asked him if he could take Alexa away from here, and try and make her feel better. Kevin, being such a good friend, of course said yes and took her away after I had told her everything was going to be alright.

Third person view.
As soon as Joe saw Kevin and Alexa leaving he joined in with the argument with the three women.
"How on earth could you hurt a child like that, she had done nothing wrong"
"You are a disgrace"
"I'll be going to the producers on you"

And that's what they did.

Dianne's POV
After screaming at Fern the three of us went on a hunt for Alexa and Kevin. We found them talking to AJ in the cafeteria, as they both ate biscuits. Alexa looked somewhat better than she did before but she still looked shaken up and not herself.

Joe's POV
"Princess, are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked Alexa picking her up from the cafeteria chair.
"Y-Yeah just s-scared"
"I know baby, I know. But I need you to be brave and tell the nice producers what happened okay"

So they five of us headed for the producers office.

2 hours later

After a long two hours of witness statements, statements, conversation and finally Fern being fired. Me and Dianne were able to take Alexa home, we had decided to rehearse our dances tomorrow morning instead. We thanked Stacey and Kevin for their kindness and headed home.

Later on that night
After our very eventful day we managed to
Eat dinner
Get Alexa to sleep after about an hour
And were now cuddled up on the sofa

Dianne's POV
Throughout the day  Joe has been putting on a brave face for Alexa however I can see right through it.
"Joe are you okay"
"Ye- no no I'm not okay. Today was awful. I witnessed my little girl being s-screamed at and being hurt"
"Aw Joe I know it was awful for me to watch, I can't imagine what it was like for you. But joe it's not you fault I promise. It was that vile woman's fault and she deserves what she received"
"Thank you Di. I love you."
"I love you too Joesph."

Any with that he was fast asleep on my chest, snoring lightly.

Authors note-
Really sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been really ill and then extremely busy.
Thank you to @sydpaige11 for this suggestion!
Do you want me to do a time skip to after strictly and include your suggestions now, or carry on till the final. Please comment your thoughts.
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

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