Part One - Little Dancer

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Monday Morning
Dianne's POV
It was currently 8am in the morning, and I had strictly rehearsals. I decided that this year I was going to just do the professional dances, so I could spend more time with Joe and Alexa. Due to Joe and Caspar having a meeting at the house today, Alexa was coming to rehearsals with me. She's comes to dance a lot of the time with me, and she is always well behaved. She spends the time watching her iPad, colouring or talking to me and the rest of the pros during our breaks.

Right now we have to eat breakfast and be at Elstree studios for half past eight for rehearsals. I made the three of us pieces of toast, taking Joe's into his office while me and Alexa ate at the table. Then I helped Alexa get ready, before we got our shoes on, grabbed our bags, saying bye to Joe before heading to the car, to get to the studios.

Dianne's Outfit

Alexa's Outfit

Alexa's backpack

We arrived at the studios for half eight, however found out that the choreographer was unfortunately stuck in traffic. So we had half an hour to do what we wanted, which basically was talking. I sat on the floor with Amy, Kevin, Neil, Jeanette, and Katya, while Alexa sat on my knee.
N: "so what do you think the dances will be this year"
Am: "I think that they said something about more, contemporary, lyrical pieces"
J: I'm sure I heard someone say something about including a lot more lifts"
K: "all I know is that it's going to be a lot more tiring"
D: "yeah definitely"
N: "yeah even for people who aren't dancing"
The rest of them started laughing.
D: "huh"
K: "look down"
I looked down to see Alexa fast asleep on my knee.
Am: "How come she's so tired?"
D: "oh Alexa's scared of thunder and lightning, so she hardly sleep last night, well none of us did really"
J:"awww well hopefully she sleeps better tonight"
D: "yeah hopefully"

We stayed talking for around another twenty minutes before the choreographer arrived. Alexa was awake now so I sat her down on one of the chairs with her iPad and headphones while we were rehearsing.

An hour later.

I saw Alexa put her iPad back in her bag before she stood up in the isle of the chairs. I wondered what she was doing, until she started dancing; pirouettes and her no hand cartwheels. She had taken gymnastics lessons last year, where she quickly learnt many acro tricks, however her coach moved away so the classes stopped. I had also taught her many dance steps and she loved to dance around the house. I could see the choreographer watching her, and at first I was worried about him getting annoyed, until I saw him smiling. He called over the assistant choreographer to assist us professionals before he, Luke, walked over to where Alexa was dancing.

Luke's POV
I was rehearsing with the pros when I saw a little girl, who must be only around four or five, dancing in the isles where the chairs are. This was my first time choreographing the pros as I normally help choreograph with the pros and their celebrity partners. Therefore I didn't know who the little girl was but she was amazing. I called over my assistant choreographer, Mia, before walking over to the girl. I reached her, before she stopped dancing, smiling at me.

"Hello what's your name?" I asked her.
"My names Alexa"
"Im Luke. I was just watching you dance and you are amazing! Who are you here with?"
"Thank you, I'm with my Mummy"
"Your Mummy ? Who's your Mummy?"
"Oh really, well if I asked your mummy, would you like to be in one of our dances? We need a little dancer"
"Yes please"
"Dianne could you come here for a second please"I said shouting her over.

Dianne's POV
"Dianne could you come here for a second please" Luke shouted.
I stopped dancing and walked over to where Alexa and Luke where.
"Is everything okay?" I asked.
"Yeah everything is perfect. We are thinking about doing a dance were we need a child. And I think Alexa would be the perfect person. Would that be okay?" Luke responded.
"Yeah of course that would be amazing. Alexa would you want to do that?" I asked.
"Yes yes yes! Thank you Luke"
"Your welcome Alexa, we can start rehearsing after Lunch, okay?"
And then Luke walked back over to the other pros. I pulled Alexa into a hug telling her well done before I walked back over to rehearse.

After Lunch
Luke's POV
"So for our dance it's going to be about two parents divorcing, and how they are fighting over the custody of the child. So for the dad it's going to be Kevin, the mum it's going to be Dianne and for the child it's going to be our special guest Alexa." I said before Alexa ran over to Dianne. "The rest of youse can work with Mia, while I work with the three of these" The other pros walked into the second rehearsal room while me, Kevin, Dianne and Alexa stayed in the room.

The dance was to Unsteady by X Ambassadors and started with Dianne handing Kevin some papers, divorce papers, before he falls to the ground. They then start 'fighting' continuing the dance, until Alexa walks onto the stage. Dianne grabs hold of her hand, walking away until Kevin grabs Alexa's other hand trying to pull her the other way. The dance continues with Alexa dancing with Kevin in some parts, Dianne the other until Kevin picks Alexa up walking off the stage leaving Dianne broke down on the floor. If performed the way I wanted this would be one of the best dances I had ever choreographed. I highlighted both of Dianne and Kevin's skills as well as included Alexa's gymnastics tricks and a few different lifts as well.

We rehearsed for around 3 hours, completing the dance, we would just need to improve the technique and emotion in the rehearsals later on this week in time for the show on Saturday.

Dianne's POV
We finished rehearsals for the day and it was time for me and Alexa to go home. We arrived at the car, before I strapped Alexa in, and we headed home.
"Are you excited to tell Daddy the good news"
"Yeah. Will his meeting be over?"
"Yep it's finishing now, so it will be over when we get home."

Half an hour later
Joe's POV
I heard the front door open, it must be Alexa and Dianne. I heard the sound of feet running before Alexa burst through my office door, the biggest smile on her face.
"Hiya daddy"
"Hiya princess how was your day?" I asked as she sat herself down on my knee.
"Really good! Guess what happened?"
"Erm you met a elephant?" I said jokingly.
"No silly. Buts it's really exciting."
"What happened then?"
"Luke, the choreog- the dance person asked me to dance with mummy and Kevin" she said as Dianne walked through the door.
"Didn't he Mummy?"
"If you're on about Luke, yeah he said that Alexa's an amazing dancer and she's in the dance on Saturday"
"Wow Alexa that's amazing! Well done, I'm so proud of you" I said pulling her into a hug. "I'm so excited to watch you perform."
"I'm so excited to perform!"

Author's Note
Please comment your thoughts.
Suggestions needed - they will have a baby at a later point but I need suggestions leading up to it.
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

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