Part Two - live show

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Saturday Morning
Joe's POV
Today was the first live performance of strictly, and Alexa's first time performing. Dianne and Alexa were needed at the studio at 10am so that they could rehearse, and get their hair and makeup done. They also had to do camera block through, as they now do it on a Saturday for the professionals, so it doesn't overlap with the celebrities on a Friday. I was going to watch the show from the audience, however was going to be backstage for the most of the day to look after Alexa. Normally, Dianne would look after her when they were at the studios but because of how hectic it will be today she had asked me to come. Not that I minded, it would be lovely to see all the professionals again, I saw a few of them if I ever dropped Dianne off, but only for a couple of minutes. So it would be really nice to see them all again.

It was currently half eight, so the three of us really needed to get up and get ready. I started with Dianne, planting kisses all over her face before her eyes fluttered open. She eventually, after nearly falling back asleep, got up telling me she was going to have a shower, and then she would be down for breakfast. I then got ready myself throwing on some sweatpants and a hoodie, packing away my clothes for the show (I would get ready there) and my laptop in my backpack before heading to Alexa's room. As I expected she was already awake, dancing around her bedroom. I could tell she was really excited!
"Are you ready to perform princess?!"
"Yeah I'm really excited"
"I can tell. Now let's get you some clothes and then we can go downstairs and have some breakfast"

I picked up Alexa's iPad, so that she could play on it while she was getting her hair done, putting it in my backpack, before helping Alexa to get ready into the outfit my mum bought her for Christmas.

I put her hair into two Dutch braids before helping her tie her shoe laces. Then I picked up my backpack, as the two of us headed downstairs for breakfast. As we walked into the kitchen we saw Dianne putting pancakes onto three plates and topping them with Nutella and  strawberries. I helped Alexa sit down at the table before I sat next to her. I asked Dianne if she needed help, but she declined. As she brought mine and Alexa's plates in, she kissed Alexa on the forehead, then kissed my cheek leaving red lip stick marks. We then ate our breakfast in comfortable silence, before I collected all the plates and glasses, taking them into the kitchen. Dianne and I put our shoes on, then I grabbed my backpack, while Dianne grabbed her dance bag and we where out the door, heading to the car.

At the studio.
Dianne's POV
It was currently 11am, at we could tell we had a busy day before us. The day consisted of;

11 - 12:30: rehearsals
12:30  - 2: lunch
2 - 4: camera block through
4 - 6:30: hair and makeup
6:30 - 7: costumes
7 - 7:30: backstage before the show started.

I was a really busy day, so I glad that Joe was going to be backstage to help look after Alexa. It's not that I didn't want to watch her, it's just backstage on a show day get so hectic, people running all over the place, last minute rehearsals, costume changes etc. But that just adds to the excitement of the show! We were currently in rehearsals with Luke, going over the two dances we would be performing. A whole group performance, danced at the start of the show. Then mine, Kevin and Alexa's dance which was going to be performed at the end. Alexa was currently sat with Joe, while we performed the group number, taking selfies on his phone. Joe was watching us perform, tapping his feet along to the music. After about 50 minutes of rehearsing, changing a few bits here and there, the other pros were dismissed. Leaving me, Kevin and Alexa to practice. We went over a few of the lifts, and the more challenging aspects of the dance, before we performed the dance from beginning to end. It was amazing, if I do say so myself. I looked over at Joe who had tears in his eyes, he looked so proud.

Joe's POV
Watching my little girl perform just brought me tears. That was only the rehearsal, what am I going to be like for the real thing. I watched Dianne whisper something into Alexa's ear, causing her to turn round to look at me, before she ran into my open arms.
"I'm so proud of you baby, you're doing amazing!"
"Thanks daddy!"
"Right now go back over there to practice, Mummy's shouting you over"

Time skip until 8:00pm the interval of the show.
I was sat with my mum in the audience waiting for the second half of acts to perform. We were just talking until I get a phone call from Dianne.
Phone call:
J: hello
D: Joe I need you to get backstage right now
J: what's wrong? is everything okay? What happened?
D: I think Alexa is about to have a panic attack
J: oh god I'll be right there
D: good I've told the security team know they will let you straight in
J: I'm on my way

"Mum I've got to go Alexa's freaking out"
"Oh no do you want me to come with you"
"Yes please I'm really worried"

She grabbed my hand and we ran towards the door to get backstage. I saw Steve (one of the security guards) and as soon as he saw me he let us straight though telling us they were in the pros dressing room. I let go of my mum's hand sprinting down the corridor, as I could her my mum running behind. I reached the dressing room, to find Dianne, Amy and Jeanette trying to calm down Alexa. As soon as she saw me she removed herself from Dianne's knee and fell into my arms.

"What's wrong princess?" I said rubbing her back.
"I-I'm wor-ried"
"What about baby, can you tell me what's wrong"
"What if I-I mess u-u-up, everyone will l-l-laugh"
"No one will laugh love" my mum said crouching down beside us.
"Grandma" Alexa said as my mum pulled her into a hug.
As they sat on the floor hugging, Amy and Jeanette walked out the door, leaving us to be alone, I mouthed thank you at them, before they smiled and walked out. I turned to look where Dianne was, and she looked as if she was about to cry. I walked over, hugging her before asking her what was wrong.
"I'm just worried about her, she was so happy before and now she's upset and crying"
"She'll be okay gorgeous, she's brave and strong just like her mummy"
She smiled up at me before she walked over to a now happy Alexa who was still sat with my mum.
"You okay now princess" I asked her.
"Yeah, grandma said that she has got a surprise for me, because I'm going to be brave and perform."
"There's my big girl now, let's wipe those tears we are going to perform soon"
"Do you want me to stay backstage with you princess"
"No thanks daddy, I'm going to be brave" she said smiling.

Just before the performance.
Dianne's POV
I pulled Alexa and Kevin into a group hug, before bending down to talk to Alexa.
"You're going to do so well princess, I'm so proud of you for being brave. I know that your nervous but just try to enjoy yourself and I promise that you will do amazing"
We walked toward the side of the stage ready to perform. Our costumes perfectly suited the dance, our hair beautifully styled now all we had to do was to put on an amazing performance to match.

Their outfits.
Kevin's Outfit
Kevin's Outfit consisted of a navy blue button up, with white buttons. Paired with a pair of plaid black trousers, and black brogue shoes.
He had his hair styled into a quiff, completing the outfit.

Dianne's Outfit and Hair
Dianne's Outfit consisted of a navy blue dress, lined with navy blue lace, along the bottom and middle of the dress. The dress was paired with Black heels (smaller that the ones shown).
Her haired was pinned up into a low bun, accompanied by a lose braid, going into the bun.

(Styled like this but obviously red)

Alexa's Outfit and Hair
Alexa's Outfit consisted of a white dress, with blue, and navy blue flowers all over the dress. She wore black slip on shoes, fastened in with skin coloured elastic. She wore her hair down, but pulled back off of her face by two braids, completed with a white bow.

After the performance.
Dianne's POV
That went amazing, the three of us danced perfectly and the lifts were performed amazingly. We received a standing ovation, but I was only looking at one person in particular. Joe. He was stood at the front row, sobbing his heart out, accompanied by Tracey who was in an equal amount of tears. The cameras shut off and me and Alexa ran over to them to be engulfed by a huge hug off both Joe and Tracey.

Joe's POV
It was amazing watching my two girls perform together. Dianne was amazing as alway, but Alexa, my baby girl, was amazing. She danced wonderfully and by the end I was in floods of tears. As we steeped outside the venue I handed them both of flowers, from the car, to celebrate their amazing performance.

Alexa's POV
Tonight was so great! I can't wait to do it again! I just hope that daddy will agree to me having dance lessons as I want to be as great as the professionals one day. I especially want to be just like my mummy.

Author's note
Hope you enjoy this chapter.
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

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