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So, this is it - the end of this story. Thank you everyone for reading, voting and commenting, your support means everything to me 😊!

On the one hand, I'm really happy to have completed another book, but on the other, I'm also a bit sad that it's over now – although, if people are interested, I already have a few ideas for follow-ups (just little one shots) set after this story.

Short final chapter with a long author's note. Feel free to skip over it, but I'd really like to give a few explanations:

I wrote the first chapter as a one shot right after SoG had ended (so almost nothing was known about season 9, except for the fact that it would continue the storyline and some leaked images of the new Lego sets).

Because of all the nice feedback I got on that chapter, I then decided to make it into a full story.

At that time, I had already planned out most of what was going to happen. And I've avoided watching too much of Hunted (I've seen episode 85 and a few other bits and pieces – and I know the key events) or other post-S8 fics, just because I din't want my story to get influenced by other people's ideas. Will start to catch up on them now ;).

Probably the biggest point that I was undecided about for a very long time was how to deal with Harumi. And the main reason why it turned out this way simply was the stuff that happened to her in Season 9, and that I didn't like it. And I am kinda proud of the idea to have her bond with Edna (yeah, that's one of the spin-off ideas...).

And finally, to give credit to one big 'source of inspiration' which was Harry Potter, especially for these two key scenes:

-I got the idea for the meeting between Lloyd and the FSM from the meeting between Harry and Dumbledore in Deathly Hallows. Also, the Sorting Hat initially wanted to put Harry into Slytherin - and it didn't because Harry asked him not to. And Dumbledore told Harry in Chamber of Secrets (it's one of my favourite lines of the series): "It is our choices, Harry that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."

- In this story, the Oni Titan is sort of Garmadon's Hoarcrux (just that it contains his powers instead of a part of his soul) – ironically, it failed to kill the Ninja.



"Bye." Jay waved to the sky. "Take care." He sniffed.

"Jay, the portal's been closed for ages, I really don't think they can hear you anymore." Cole said to his best friend.

After arresting the escaped gang members and handing them over to the police (who by now had arrived back at the city, together with the Ninja's parents and the Elemental Masters), the team had said goodbye to their new friends and allies from the First Realm.

"I know." The blue Ninja sighed. "I just... miss them already."

"And so do I." The Master of Earth admitted. "But now that the dragons in the First Realm have been freed, we should be able to summon our Elemental Dragons again."

"And I hope that you are still happy to be back home." Nya remarked as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's waist from behind.

He turned around in her embrace. "I sure am." He smiled at her. "No matter how much I miss our new friends, it's nothing compared to how much I've missed you."

"I know." She smiled back. "I just like to hear you say it."

"We all know that." Kai complained. "Because you've kept telling us over and over again. So I really don't like hearing you say it again."

"And I am not planning to, because I am not going to leave you ever again." Jay promised.

"Unlike Wu." Lloyd muttered. "And my dad."

"I am so sorry, Lloyd." Kai hugged his little brother. "We are celebrating here, while your family has just been torn apart... again."

"I should have gotten used to it by now, huh?"

"Lloyd, losing someone close is something one should never get used to." Cole told the young Master of Energy. "And, speaking from my own experience, it's something you may never get over, either. But this time, we have Wu's word that they both will return when the time comes."

Kai raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you mean you knew what he was up to?"

Cole nodded. "Yes, Master Wu has told me." He answered. "While the four of us were able to help end the war between the Oni and the Dragon, only the two sons of the First Spinjitzu Master, each of them representing one of the sides, will be able to restore peace in the First Realm. And by working together, he and Garmadon will also have the chance to finally sort out all their personal issues with each other."

"I hope they will." Lloyd spoke. "When my father was banished, they really weren't at good terms..."

"Have trust in them." Zane reassured him. "Just like your uncle has trust in us."

"And speaking of us, what are we going to do next?" Nya wondered.

"I guess we're gonna do the same as after pretty much every one of our adventures." Lloyd answered. "We're gonna help cleaning up all the mess we've helped to create."

"That is going to be a lot of work." Zane remarked. "Once again, this city is in ruins."

"Well, good thing I wasn't here when that happened." Jay piped up. "Because honestly, I can't wait to get home and out of these horrible purple clothes, then take a nice long shower and sleep in my own comfy bed."

"I thought that a Ninja never leaves another Ninja behind." PIXAL stated.

"Ugh." Jay groaned. "Do we really need to have two super smart Nindroids on our team?"

"Yes, we do." Zane took her hand. "We need PIXAL on our team, and I need her in my life."

"What about you?" Kai asked Skylor. "Are you staying with us?"

"Do you want me to?" She asked back.

"As I've said before, we could use a Ninja like you on our team..." Kai smirked. But it turned into a loving smile as he added. "And I want nothing more than to have a woman like you by my side."

"Then I believe the people of Ninjago City will have to find someone else to make noodles for them." Skylor replied. "Even if that means helping with all that the tidying up."

"Well, my uncle isn't here..." Lloyd said. "So maybe we can put that off until tomorrow and just go home now."

"Those were truly wise words, Master Lloyd." Kai placed a hand on his little brother's shoulders. "But there is something that we should take care off right now. Because PIXAL is right, and we should not leave anyone of us behind."

Lloyd smiled, seeing the rest of the team nod in agreement. "Thank you, guys. And... girls. I am glad you think so."

He led the group to one of the police vans.

"Rumi." Lloyd greeted the girl who was talking to the Commissioner. "We-we all want to thank you for your help. And I would like to ask if y -..."

"Lloyd." Harumi turned around to smile at him. "I thank you for giving me a second. But-" She held up her arms, showing the handcuffs around her small wrists. "if I truly want to make things right, I have to take responsibility for what I've done."


"At the museum, you've said that you used to be just like me. But that's not true. You had no clue what you were getting yourself into when you released the Serpentine. And-" She gave him a soft smile. "that is why I am not holding you responsible for what happened to my parents. But I knew exactly what I was doing when I brought back your father."

"Would it be okay if I visited you?" He asked.

"No." She shook her head. "It would be a lot more than just okay."

"I am very sorry, but we have to go now." The Commissioner apologised. "But I will do my best to help her. Miss Harumi is still a minor, and she has helped taking care of the mess she's made. And if you Ninja agree to testify for her, we might be able to cut a deal."

"Of course, I will." Lloyd stated.

"We all will." Skylor added.

"And don't worry; because of her young age, we will move her to a different prison, to keep her safe."

Lloyd noticed that some Sons of Garmadon were angrily glaring at their former leader, muttering threats at her.

He gulped. "O-okay." He said.

"Oh, just one more thing." The Commissioner remembered. "I'm very sorry but I am obliged to ask you this question. Do you have any parent of legal guardian that you want us to call?"

"No." She said in a quiet voice. "Not anymore..."

"We will try to find you a legal guardian, although, given your history, that might be a bit of a problem."

"I understand."

"C'mon, let's go now." He led her to the van when suddenly a loud voice halted them.

"Stop." Edna shouted as she pushed her way through the crowd. "Commissioner." The woman stood on her toes to lock eyes with the much taller man. "I hope you are not planning on letting this poor girl go completely on her own."

"Mum?" Jay asked. "What are you doing?"

"Oh sweetie." Edna turned to her son. "Look at her, Harumi is still a child and she doesn't have anyone, we need to take care of her."

"But... I thought you were gonna come with us. I haven't seen you and dad for such a long time. I-I've missed you."

"Oh, honey." Edna smiled at her. "We've missed you to. And you won't even notice that we will be a bit late. By the time that you've made it home, freshened up – which I would highly recommend to all of you kids – put on some new clothes and clean underwear, we will be there as well."

"Your mother is right, son." Ed patted his shoulder. "We couldn't be any happier or prouder to have you back. But before we can celebrate with you, there is this lovely young lady here who needs us now."

"Well, I guess that's one problem solved already." The Commissioner remarked as the Walkers climbed into the van.

"I can't believe it." Jay sighed. "I wasn't even gone for two weeks, and my parents have replaced me. And with her?"

"Babe, they would never replace you." Nya told him. "They love you so much. Just like I do." She placed a kiss on his freckled cheek. "You are irreplaceable."

"And we should not forget that, hadn't it been for Edna, Harumi might have never agreed to help us." Skylor reminded them.

"Really?" Jay's eyes widened.

"Yes." PIXAL nodded. "Your mother was the only one to simply put aside all that evil that Harumi had done and to see her as nothing but the lonely and scared girl that she was."

"Yeah, my mum is awesome." The blue Ninja grinned. "But still..."

"Cheer up, man." The Master of Fire nudged him. "Having a little sister isn't the end of the world."

"Cheers, Kai." Nya rolled her eyes.

"You're welcome." Kai retorted. "And let me know if you ever need some amazing big brother advice, for example on how to protect her from all those stupid boys that just aren't good enough for her..."

He winked at Lloyd who was blushing profoundly.

"I'd say Harumi is well able to take care herself." Skylor remarked. "And to make her own decisions in that matter."

"And it's not like your strategy has worked too well anyway." Nya smiled at her brother, resting her head on her boyfriend's shoulder. "And I'm glad it hasn't."

"Oh, but it has." Kai smiled at the couple. "It has worked absolutely perfectly."

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