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Looks like this story is almost done. There will be one final chapter after this, and I will also give a few explanations in the next – last – author's note.



Seeing that the Colossus was now glowing in a bright silver light, Skylor took her hand off Lloyd's shoulder and let out a relieved sigh.

"I think that's it." She said. "You should have full control over him now."

"I do. Thank you, Skylor." Lloyd replied. "I wouldn't have been able to do this without you."

"No problem." She laughed when she saw the former Oni Titan giving her two thumbs-up. "That's what friends and teammates are for."

Lloyd smiled. "I hope we are going to stay both when all this is over."

"I hope so, too." Skylor nodded.

On the other roof, Garmadon had stumbled to his feet, his eyes glaring furiously at his son.

Taking a closer look at his father, Lloyd gasped in surprise. The Emperor's eyes... they were flashing between a bright glowing purple and their original brown colour.

"How dare you take him away from me?" Garmadon shouted, raising his four arms and summoning his element. But his voice was not only laced with anger, Lloyd could detect a hint of... fear in it.

What's going on here? He wondered. But his thoughts were abruptly interrupted when the Dark Lord fired a crippling blast of destructive energy at his son.

"Careful, Lloyd." PIXAl yelled, grabbing his arm and pulling his down just in time to evade a hit by the

"I. Will. Destroy. You." Garmadon panted, signs of exhaustion showing on his dark face.

"Are you alright?" He heard PIXAL's concerned voice.

"I-I am." He replied. "But what is happening to my father?"

"My scans suggest that his Elemental Powers of Destruction have started to fade." The Nindroid answered. "Possibly due to you having taken control of the Colossus."

"That's it." Skylor exclaimed. "Lloyd, didn't the villagers say that your father has used his powers to summon the stone giant? He must have put his element into it."

"And now that you are the one commanding it, he is also losing control of his powers." PIXAL concluded. "And this also means..."

The Master of Energy understood. "By destroying the Colossus, I might also be able to destroy his dark element."

"You have to try. It is our best chance to defeat the Emperor." PIXAL urged him. "Skylor and I will give you cover."

"I can use your element to deflect Garmadon's attacks." Skylor told him.

Lloyd closed his eyes, his consciousness once again entering the rock giant's shell. But this time, he didn't try to control it as a whole, but he had to focus on its individual parts.

"Nya." PIXAL spoke into her bracelet. "Get the people out of there, the Colossus is going to collapse soon."

I hope it will. Lloyd thought.

Scanning through the stone giant, he realised that the rocks forming its rump and limbs were held together by bands of – now silver glowing – energy.

Lloyd concentrated on one of the Titan's knees, his mind pulling at the beam, until, inside his head, he could hear a little *snap* and the rock monster stumbled as one of his legs broke apart.

"It is working." He heard his teammates cry out. "Keep going."

And Lloyd did – first the other leg, followed both arms, and then, after a final pull at the band holding together the giant's torso, the Titan exploded, collapsing into nothing but a giant heap of rocks.


On the ground, having witnessed the defeat of their master and his creature, the Sons of Garmadon dropped their weapons in panic and began to flee the scene.

"They're getting away." Nya yelled to Harumi as a group of gang members sped away on their motorbikes. "We won't be able to catch up with them on foot."

But just as they were about to disappear from the girls' view behind a corner, the bikers suddenly were trapped in a block of clear ice. At the same time, someone shouted: "Not so fast."

"Seriously, Kai." Another, rather annoyed and very familiar, voice complained. "I thought we'd agreed never to use this stupid phrase again..."

Nya's eyes widened. "Jay? Kai?" She screamed. "We're here."

"Nya!" The Lightning Ninja cried, just as a group of dragons came flying around the corner.

Jay jumped off his dragon mid-air and sprinted towards his girlfriend who also started running to meet him half-way. He scooped her up into his arms, spinning them around a few times, before he gently placed her down again and pulled her against him.

"I've missed you." Nya leaned against him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Ugh, you smell." She laughed, while burying her face deeper in his chest.

Jay placed a hand under her chin and gently lifted her face up.

"So do you." He smiled, drawing her in for a deep kiss.

"Okay, that's enough now." Kai stated firmly. He, Zane and Cole had safely landed their dragons before jumping down and joining their friends. "My turn."

"No, my turn."

As Kai turned his head, his face broke into an even wider smile. From the other side, Skylor, PIXAL and Lloyd came walking towards the group, the two girls supporting the exhausted Master of Energy.

"Just go ahead." Lloyd told them. "I'm fine."

"Thank you." Skylor shouted and set off to jump into the Fire Master's arm, sending them both onto the ground.

"Sky..." Kai ran his hand through her tousled hair. "I'm so glad to see you. I-"

"Oh, stop talking already." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips onto his.

While watching the other couples' happy reunion, PIXAL slowly walked over to the other Nindroid.

"Thank you for your message." She said shyly.

"You have received it?" Zane asked.

"Yes." The Samurai nodded. "It was the most wonderful thing that anyone has ever said to me."

"I am happy to hear that you liked my message. Yet, it is still insufficient to express all my feelings for you." He stated, locking his eyes with hers as he cupped her face with his hands and ran his thumb along the purple lines on her shimmering cheeks. "Because you, PIXAL, are the most wonderful being that I have ever met. I wish never to be separated from you again and I hope that one day, I will be able to find just the right words to tell you how much truly you mean to me."

The female Nindroid took his hand into hers and smiled. "You just did." She said.

"Great job, Lloyd." Cole hugged his younger brother who had recovered and now also arrived with the others. "Looks like you and your girls don't need us at all. The four of you have taken care of everything already."

"Almost everything." Lloyd retorted. "Zane has actually already started the job, because we could really use you and the dragons to help arresting the rest of the gang members. My father had more or less every single member of the city's police force locked up at Krypterium Prison, but our parents have busted them out earlier tonight. They should be on their way here now."

"So, let's have a little welcome present waiting for them when they get here." Cole suggested excitedly. "Let's go get those scumbags."

"Well. I already see one of them." Kai glared at Harumi who was standing a bit away from the group, not wanting to disturb the others' happy reunion. "And it will be my pleasure to take care of her."

"Don't." Nya placed a hand on her brother's arm. "Harumi is on our side."

"Since when?" Kai raised an eyebrow.

"Well, you've missed quite a bit..." Skylor tried to calm him.

"Yeah, I can see that." Jay piped up. "This place is a mess..."

"Says the guy who grew up in a junkyard." Kai smirked.

"Guys, stop that." Nya interrupted her brother and boyfriend's banter. "We'll explain everything later, but for now you'll just have to accept that Harumi is one of us."

"Alright." Kai nodded. "If you have managed to accept her, then so will I."

"Good." Nya smiled at him. "So, I suggest we split up to cover the whole city."

"I will not go anywhere without you." Zane firmly gripped PIXAL's hand.

"Going in pairs is actually a good idea." Lloyd agreed. "Can the two of you take the harbour?"

"Affirmative." The Master of Ice nodded.

Kai bowed to Skylor. "Would you like to join me, milady?"

The orange Ninja laughed. "It will be my pleasure."

"The you two search the area around the park and the museum." He turned to the third couple. "Jay, Nya. I take it you want to stay together, too. Out of us, you are the most familiar with the industrial estates."

"Yes, Sir." Jay saluted to the young Master.

"Your most important job is to find Killow and Mr E." Harumi told them. "Only the dragons will be able destroy the Oni masks."

"It's our most important job, Rumi." Lloyd turned to her. "You are the one who knows all their secret hideouts, so I want you and Cole to go downtown."

"And what about you?" She asked.

"I will take care of someone else."

Nya and Jay watched the other pairs climb onto their respective dragons.

"So, what are we still waiting for?" Jay asked his girlfriend.

"I am waiting for you to offer me a ride." Nya winked at him, looking at the blue Lightning Dragon that was waiting impatiently for their Master.

"Oh, but I am not going to." Jay told her. "But-" He smirked. "I know someone else who is. Look."

As the Dragons of Fire, Ice, and Earth rose into the air, a fifth one behind them was revealed.

"I-Is that..." Nya gasped upon seeing the beautiful aqua-coloured reptile.

"Yes, this is the Water Dragon from the First Realm." Jay confirmed, leading her towards the dragon. "She has heard so much about you that she was very eager to come with us to meet you."

"Hey, gorgeous." Nya gently patted the dragon's snout. "I'm excited to meet you too. Will you let me fly with you?"

The dragon snorted and gave a little nod of her scaly head, while stretching out her shimmering turquoise wings.

"I believe this means yes." Nya giggled. She turned to her boyfriend who was already sitting on the other dragon. "How come she knows about me?" She enquired.

Jay sheepishly rubbed his neck. "Well, when we were in the First Realm, someone might have mentioned you." He blushed. "Just... once or twice..."

Nya raised an eyebrow. "Just once or twice?" To Jay's surprise, she sounded a tad disappointed. "That's all?"

"Only because Kai and Cole threatened to put a dirty, smelly gag on me if I didn't stop talking." He smiled at her. "But I was thinking about you all the time."


Using his Airjitzu, Lloyd landed on the roof where his father was still silently sitting on the ground, staring straight ahead with a blank expression on his face.

"It's over." Lloyd spat. "You lost."

Garmadon raised his head, his dull brown eyes locking with his son's bright green ones.

"You have defeated me." He replied. "And you haven taken away my powers." He broke into a smile. "Thank you, son."

Lloyd gulped. "Dad." He pulled Garmadon up off the ground and wrapped him into a hug. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too." Garmadon carefully put his four arms around his son.

"How?" The former Emperor wondered. "How did you free me?"

"Because I had a great time by my side."

"You sure do have a great team." Garmadon agreed. "And even better friends."

"And your son has achieved what neither of us was able to." Lloyd and Garmadon turned their heads to see a majestic white and golden dragon land on the roof, a young man with blond hair sitting on top of it.

"Wu?" – "Uncle?"

"Is that really you, brother?" Garmadon asked as they slowly walked across the roof, towards the dragon.

"I guess I finally look like the younger brother that I am." Wu smirked. But his expression turned serious again as he then addressed his nephew. "While in us – your father and I – one side has always been the dominant one, you have found the balance between the Oni and the Dragon inside you." Wu told his young family member. "I am very proud of you, Lloyd."

He then looked at his brother. "Now it is on us to follow his example. We finally need to bury our differences and find the balance between the two of us." He held out his hand. "Come with me, brother."

"Brother." Garmadon repeated. He gave Wu a quizzical look "But... where are you taking me?" He asked, taking the hand. And Wu effortlessly pulled his older brother onto the dragon behind him.

"Home." The second son of the First Spinjitzu Master replied, as the dragon took off and flew up into the sky. "We're going home."

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