The Ninja Titan

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It's getting pretty close now to the end of the story... as I've said in an earlier note, I am really not good at writing action scenes so please don't expect too much of these final few chapters...


The Ninja Titan

"C'mon, we gotta go." Lloyd called to Nya who was still talking to Gayle, thanking the reporter for her help. While they had now switched off the microphone in the studio, the pictures of the riot at Kryptarium Prison were still broadcasted to all screens all over Ninjago. "According to PIXAL, a big group of Garmadon's men are on their way here."

"Coming." Nya replied, giving Gayle another encouraging smile before she turned to follow Lloyd out the studio.

"You can take the emergency exit, just go out there and follow the green arrows." The news anchor pointed at the other door. "We'll try to keep them busy for a little while." She said in a determined voice.

"Okay, thanks." Lloyd nodded, and he and Nya did as suggested.

"PIX." Lloyd spoke into his bracelet. "We're on our way out now."

"Alright." PIXAL's voice came through the communicator. "Skylor and I have just left the museum, we will meet you at the mall. I can't give you any more updates from the CCTV, but I am still receiving updates from the falcon. Harumi has just revealed herself, then used that momentum of surprise to get away from Garmadon. His generals and the Oni Titan are looking for her."

"Great job, PIX." Lloyd replied. "We'll see you all soon." He switched off the communicator and sighed. "I hope we will."

"Of course, we will." Nya reassured him. "I know you're worried about Harumi. But she is tough, and she knows exactly how the others think, and how they fight."

"I know..." Lloyd

But we still better hurry up."

"You are right." Nya agreed, accelerating her steps. "And you were right about Harumi. When she agreed to help us, I didn't trust her. I've expected her to turn on us as soon as she would get the chance. But she didn't."

"Thanks." Lloyd smiled. Hearing the Water Ninja admit that she had been wrong was a rare occasion. And it can't have been an easy thing for her to do. "But you had every reason not to trust her. And... I haven't really shown the best judgement recently."

"I am really glad that you didn't get disappointed again." The Grey Ninja told him.

"Yeah, me too." Lloyd blushed.

He opened the metal door leading outside the building, and the two Ninja quietly climbed up the fire stairs onto the roof.

Lloyd looked around. Below them, large crowds of people were gathered in the main street, some simply holding up signs to silently protest against the evil bikers, while others were setting up roadblocks and handing out up makeshift weapons.

"This reminds me of the first 'Take Back Ninjago' Rally against the Serpentine..." Nya remarked. "No matter how much this place has been through, the people here never give up."

Lloyd nodded. "Ninjago never quits."

He checked his communication device. "The shopping centre must be in that direction, at least that's where Harumi's signal is coming from."

"Then, let's go." Nya agreed.

Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, the Masters of Water and Energy got on their way to the commercial district. Luckily, the Sons of Garmadon were rather occupied by the crowds below them, they made it undetected to their destination.

"I can feel my father." Lloyd whispered to Nya. They were hiding on the roof of the NinjaPlex cinema, right opposite the shopping mall. "He is very angry."

"That must mean Harumi is still holding up." The Grey Ninja placatingly placed a hand on his shoulder. "We'll better find her."

"PIX, Sky. We're here now." Lloyd called his friend. "Where are you? And do you have any update on..."

"We are just behind the shopping mall, near the delivery entrance." Skylor replied. "We've lost contact to the falcon, it must have been shot down. But Harumi's signal is still moving."

"I can see her." Nya yelled. She is down there, just below us. But it's a cul-de-sac and Ultra Violet is right on her heels."

"Then I'll..."

"No." Nya said firmly. "I'll go down. You are the only one who can defeat your father, we can't risk losing you. Use your powers from up here to give us cover, but no matter what happens, stay here." She locked her eyes with his. "Promise me that and I promise I'll do anything to protect her. Trust me."

Lloyd gulped. "Alright. I promise."

He watched as Nya elegantly slid down the water pipe, landing right next to Harumi. Using both her hands, the Water Ninja drew the two katana from her back, tossing one to the princess.

"The others are here as well." She informed the white haired girl.

"Thank you." Harumi sighed in relief. "I don't think I could have held out much longer, I was almost starting to get worried you wouldn't turn up."

"A Ninja never leaves another Ninja behind." From under her hood, Nya gave her a little smile. "You did really well, so thank you."

"Oh, looks like it is indeed two for the price of one." Ultra Violet grinned evilly at the pair, as she slowly revealed the Mask of Hatred.

Harumi shivered as she witnessed her former subordinate's body transforming into invincible magma; she had never seen this form before yet she knew its powers all too well.

"Stay by my side." Nya instructed her younger teammate, as the two were getting into a fighting stance.

"Why?" Harumi smirked. "Are you worried that I might try stabbing you in the back?"

"I am starting to regret coming down here to help you." Nya retorted. "Ninja-Gooo."

Together, the girls charged at the purple demon, only to be sent flying through the air as soon as they hit the invulnerable matter.

"Ouch." Nya winced, having hit the hard wall of the shopping. "Rumi?" She asked worriedly.

The former princess was lying in the middle of the street, flat on her back and her eyes wide open in fear, as the demon slowly walked towards her, her swords raised.

"The spider's in the house." Ultra Violet sang. "And now the spider's gonna bite the scared little mouse."

But just as she was about to strike, a blast of silver light hit the general from above, knocking her out.

"Wow." Harumi gasped. "What was that?"

"A secret admirer." Nya smirked. She held out her hand to help the ex-princess get up. "Lloyd is covering from the roof." She explained.

"But... why was it silver?" Harumi wondered.

"While we were away from the city, he has unlocked his own True Potential."

"So, that's why he said he has grown out of his green gi..." Harumi looked down on herself. "And that means..." She looked searched the ground. "The mask is broken." She picked up some of the purple fragments. "Only a power from the First Realm can destroy the masks. I hope he knows what he is doing..."

"Don't worry, he may have accepted where he comes from, but unlike his father, Lloyd will not let his Oni side corrupt him." Nya reassured her new ally. "He has has found the balance between both the Oni and the Dragon inside himself. But we can tell you the rest later, now let's get out of here and go home. We've achieved enough for tonight."

"You're not going anywhere." A voice called to them. Nya and Harumi turned their heads to look up. Garmadon was grinning at them from above, his eyes glowing in a bright purple.

"Oh no." Nya noticed the slight trembling of the ground. "It's the Colossus. Ultra Violet was just there to distract us and to lure us away from the safe roof."

"Well, she wanted her chance to beat you, and I gave it to her." Garmadon replied. "But she failed so I will have to take care of you myself, with a little help from my friend here." He claimed. "And the other Ninja may have somehow managed to escape from his grasp, but you will not be so lucky."

From his position on the roof, Lloyd watched in horror as the Titan came marching closer to his friends. He could feel his father's element – and his wrath – inside him.

The Colossus stopped in front of the two trapped girls. Clenching a fist, he raised his right, ready to strike.

"Nooo." Lloyd cried, shooting a blast of energy at the stone giant.

The Colossus froze as the purple aura surrounding him briefly turned silver.

"Wha-what was that?" Lloyd gasped in surprise.

It is your father's Oni powers that control the Titan. The same powers you have unlocked inside yourself. A voice inside his head replied.

Uncle? Lloyd asked in his mind. Is that you?

Use your powers, Lloyd. Wu replied. Take control.

"I will." The blonde Ninja straightened up.

He held out his arms, aiming all his powers on the Giant below him. I am the Oni, and the Dragon. He thought. My powers don't control me, but I control them. And I control you.

As his body started blowing, a bright silver beam of light shot from his hands, and he could feel his mind connecting with the soulless rock formation.

Stop. He commanded. Open your hand and slowly lower your arm.

But then he could feel his father's mind fighting against his own.

Give up, Lloyd. Garmadon told his son. You will not defeat me. You couldn't do it the last time, and you cannot do it now.

I am stronger than you. He retorted. But this was not true. In fact, they were evenly matched

Be in control. Wu reminded him.

"I am trying." He muttered through gritted teeth, feeling his strength fading. "But... I can't hold out much longer."

Take control.

"But how?" Lloyd screamed. "I can't do this on my own."

"You don't have to do this on your own." A gentle voice next to him said.

From the corner of his eyes, Lloyd saw Skylor and PIXAL standing next to him.

And as the Master of Amber placed her hand on his shoulder, he could feel his powers growing stronger again.

I am in control. He said. No. We are in control. And you are not.

Their powers united, Lloyd and Skylor further and further pushed Garmadon's consciousness out of the Colossus, until it had vanished and the former Oni Titan again became engulfed in a silver aura.

Lloyd smirked as he instructed the now gentle giant to open his stone fist and give a friendly wave to his cheering friends in the street below him.

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