Chapter 11: Underwater Labyrinth

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So here's another chapter to apologize that I didn't update last time. I hope you like it!

"Can we keep him?", Sakata pleaded as Soraru and Urata looked at it in disapproval.

They were in the cafeteria discussing wether to keep or not to keep the creature Amatsuki and Sakata found in the ruins.

"No! It looks suspiciously like a fusion of me and Kashitaro! That's too weird!", Urata said as he looked at the creature.

"I am going to take care of it! Promise!", Sakata promised as Senra slightly frowned when seeing it. "Are you sure? We don't know what it consumes to survive and how it has to live to survive.", Senra stated as he analyzed it.

"You're too worried about this, Senra!", Shima said but Senra still frowned. "I'll be sure to find a way to save Kashirata!", Sakata reassured them but they still looked at it in dissaproval.

"Now you even gave it a name!", Urata sighed disappointed. "I don't want to wake up to see it in front of me.", Soraru said as he looked at it.

"Then let's just decide this with democracy!", Mafumafu suggested and the others all agreed. "Who thinks we should keep Kashirata?", Mafumafu asked and lifted his hand.

"And who thinks we shouldn't keep it?", Mafumafu asked counting who thought like that.

In the end Mafumafu, Sakata, Kashitaro, Amatsuki and Shima wanted to keep it while Soraru, Urata and Senra were against it.

"Yay! We won so we can keep him!", Sakata cheered. "Ugh. Whatever.

Just don't expect me to help.", Urata said as he sat down with his tray of food.

After they ate Retrodot came into the cafeteria making Soraru click his tongue in annoyance.

"Good Morning. I hope you had a good breakfast. I would like to announce the new level and explain the rules now.", Retrodot said.

"Stage 7: Underwater Labyrinth. Find the treasure with the Chromosome in the labyrinth and get out as soon as possible.", Retrodot explained.

"The amount of players will be at least four players this time. You can choose that in between yourself and I would recommend you only taking four players because it's necessary to escape which is more difficult with more people.", Retrodot adviced. "Adventure?! I wanna go!

Can I? Can I?!", Sakata asked as the others looked at him amused. "Sure. It's your specialty so why not?", Soraru nodded.

"If there should be any other people it should be Mafu, Senra and Urata.", Soraru listed them.

"Eh? Why us?", Mafumafu asked confused as Soraru sighed. "If you listened to Retrodot you will know the rules of this stage.

Senra is good with labyrinths as well as puzzles so he should come. Urata's specialties are stealth and escape games. You have to escape in a specific amount of time, right?

And finally you, Mafu, are good at Jump n Run Games meaning you're almost as good as Urata at escaping. So the most logical is to put you four into that stage.", Soraru explained.

"Wow, we have our own strategist in our group!", Shima praised Soraru putting an arm around him. Soraru just sighed and pushed his arm away causing Shima to stumble from the impact.

"B-but...", Mafu tried to find a reason to stay with Soraru but didn't find one.

He looked at Urata for help who shook his head frowning. "It does sound logical but why shouldn't you come with us?

Aren't you the one solving problems?", Sakata asked confused but Soraru just shook his head. "I won't be of much help there because I am neither sportive nor am I good at escape games.

Also I'm tired so you can go.", Soraru said as he walked off. "...Let's just get this over with.", Urata said as he turned towards Retrodot.

"Very well. I will lead you towards your next location for the game. If you would follow me...", Retrodot said as he brought them to an underground. "Eh? There is no water in here!", Sakata complained as Urata sighed.

"You will soon see why the stage got its name, Sakata-sama.", Retrodot assured him as he motioned then towards an elevator.

It was round and made of glass but they only saw a dull wall when they stepped in. Retrodot came in last and then pressed a button causing the elevator to close and slowly descend.

It was silent but as they slowly descended they finally understood why it was called specifically called the Underwater Labyrinth.

The dull walls slowly disappeared and were instead being replaced by the wide ocean.

They saw fish swimming in the water and as they looked down they saw a labyrinth under them. Sakata and Mafumafu pressed their hands against the glass panel as they looked at everything.

"Wow! I didn't know there was a place like this!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Sakata nodded in agreement. "It's the same...", Urata muttered but Sakata still heard him.

He wanted to ask what he mean but before he could the elevator then came to a halt and then slowly opened the door.

They stepped out and now they noticed that the labyrinth was made of glass as well allowing them to see the whole ocean while walking but protecting them from drowning.

"I want to stay here forever!", Sakata said as he spun around happily looking at everything. "Me too, me too!", Mafumafu said as Sakata took his hands and they spun around together.

"Oi, stop that now. We have to complete this level. We're not here for fun.", Urata said as they stopped. "You're no fun, Ura-san!", Sakata pouted.

"To explain this stage: You'll have to find the treasure in this transparent labyrinth and then come back here to the elevator.

The time is unlimited but I suggest you to be careful. Well then, good luck and have fun.", Retrodot wished them luck before stepping back into the elevator and ascending.

"...He just told us the time was not limited but didn't he say before that we should escape as fast as possible or something?", Mafumafu asked as Senra nodded ruffling the albino's head.

"I'm surprised you noticed, Mafu-kun. Yes, he said that. I think the time really is unlimited but labyrinths can have traps as well so I think as long as we don't fall into one we'll be fine.

For now I think we should just walk around and find a way to the treasure. Let's just be careful and it'll be fine.", Senra said as he walked ahead.

The others just followed him some more motivated than the other. After a while Sakata started to get bored and then finally began to complain.

"Ura-san, I'm bored~", Sakata complained as Urata just kept walking.

"There's nothing we can do about that.", he said as he marked an X mark with a pen. "Why are you drawing on the glass, Urata-san?", Mafumafu asked curiously as Urata started explaining.

"We are in a maze and everything looks the same. To have a way to get back to the elevator it will be easier to know the way.", Urata explained.

"Ah, so that's it. Ura-san is so smart!", Sakata complimented him as Urata blushed in embarrassment. "But in this labyrinth there are many dead ends right?

What if we go the wrong way one time? Then your marks would lead us back to them right? Wouldn't that be a disadvantage to us?", Mafumafu asked and Urata chuckled slightly.

"It's not. Because Senra is the one who's going to lead us to the treasure and I have no doubt that he is going to bring us there without leading us to a dead end once. I would bet my life on that.", Urata declared as Senra slightly chuckled as well.

"You're putting too much faith into me, Urata. It's true that labyrinths are my specialty but still it's not like I am a master at this.", Senra said.

"Wow, way to make the others worried here, Senra. And you are in fact a master at this because I saw what kind of games you play. If you can succeed playing them then this is nothing.", Urata waved it off and Senra laughed at this making the other two look at them in surprise.

"Since when did you guys get to know each other so much to be on that good relationship? It's like you spend way longer together already.", Mafumafu said as Sakata nodded in agreement.

"Were you already friends before all of this?", Sakata asked. "You could say that. We met before already and in the beginning Urata was pretty skeptical of me but that soon changed.", Senra explained as Urata playfully hit his arm.

"It's not like you were any better in the beginning. He hated my confidence and my actions but after seeing why I always did that... I guess he accepted it.", Urata told them.

"I want to be friends with Ura-san, too! For how long have you two known each other?", Sakata asked as Urata pondered about it.

"I wonder... Senra do you know?", Urata asked as Senra nodded. "2 years.", Senra answered immediately with out uncertainty.

"Already two years? Time sure goes fast...", Urata said looking at the ocean above him. Senra kept looking forward concentrating on finding the way but a small smile remained on his face.

"Yeah, since meeting you, Mashi and everyone else time sure goes fast by.", Senra said smiling but no one understood what he said because it was too quiet. "What did you say?", Urata asked as Senra just shook his head in response.

"I only congratulated myself for finding the path to the treasure.", Senra told them as he walked a bit faster. "Eh? Already?!", Mafumafu and Sakata shouted in surprise as they quickly fastened their own pace to follow him.

"You were slower than usually. Why was that~?", Urata asked grinning as Senra blushed.

"Because you guys distracted me and... Nevermind.", Senra said as he fastened his steps even more and almost started running.

Urata just laughed as he followed close behind. Sakata and Mafumafu were just confused and surprised to see the interaction between those two playing that they didn't say much.

Mafumafu was curious to see how they would be now. They were more different than they were above. Sakata was slightly jealous of their relationship but he shook it off knowing that they were only friends.

"Wow! It's a real treasure!", Sakata explained as he and Mafumafu ran towards it. "I need a picture of this! Sakata, take one of me!", he said as he suddenly posed in front of it.

"We're not here for fun! And how did you even get the camera out of nowhere?!", Urata asked as he stomped towards Sakata to take the camera away from him. He snatched the camera away but not before Sakata taking a picture.

Sakata stumbles slightly and falls down along with Urata. The camera flew up and Mafumafu quickly caught it sighing in relief.

Urata now hovered over Sakata quickly standing up again and giving a helping hand over Sakata which he took timidly. Senra sighed smiling from the scene in front of him.

Urata was scolding Sakata and Mafumafu while the two of them were apologizing but Senra noticed the slight smile that crept onto Urata's face.

"They truly changed you, Urata. I hope we all can be happy in the end.", he thought as he walked up to the treasure.

"So the trick is to find something that will—", before Senra could explain Mafumafu took the treasure from its pult and Sakata opened it revealing the Chromosome 06 and took it.

Urata widened his eyes seeing Senra slightly panicking. "You idiots—", but before he could even start to complain a very loud alarm rang through the whole labyrinth they were in.

"You fell into one of our traps. This place will be filled with water from outside. There are about 20 minutes for you to get out before this place is flooded.", Retrodot announced as Sakata slightly panicked. Urata grabbed his wrist after seeing his frozen state. "There is no time. We have to get out. Now!", Urata said as they all started to run.

Time until the place is Underwater:

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