Chapter 10: Secrets

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Sorry for the late update! Wattpad was somehow not working correctly so I couldn't publish any chapters! I hope you'll enjoy the chapter though and maybe I'll publish another chapter later!

"Now then, welcome to Stage 6. Now is the time for your judgement!", the voice greeted them. "Time for our judgement? What do you mean?", Sakata asked confused.

"I shall punish you for your lies. I shall reward you for the truth. You people who are lost in my territory show me your truth.", he said.

"Ok... What should we do?", Amatsuki asked and the voice was stunned for a while.

"Never have I thought someone would just accept what I said instead of kicking me and try to get out with violence.", he sobbed making the other two look at him sweat dropping.

"I-is that so? It must have been hard for you then...", Amatsuki said awkwardly trying to console him. "Thanks, answer three questions of mine and you shall receive your price.", he said.

"First question: Memories. Tell me about your first love.", the voice said and as he said that the other two froze. "Eh? Why should we answer that?", Amatsuki asked confused.

"Just answer!", he said as Sakata laughed sheepishly. "It's not very interesting but I love someone who I forgot. They saved me when I was being... bullied and that is why I am standing here cheerfully in front of you.

I am very thankful for them even though I never saw them again after that. I wonder if I will ever find that person again...", Sakata said trailing off. "That was a beautiful story.

Now it's your turn.", the voice said to Amatsuki.

"E-eeeh? I don't really feel comfortable saying it in front of Sakata. Is it fine if I just whisper it to you?", Amatsuki asked.

"Very well. Just whisper it then.", the voice granted permission. Amatsuki went to it and whispered it. "It seems you were telling the truth. Good, then we can move on to the next question.

Question 2: Personal.", he said as some kind of slime started to come out of his mouth. "What is that?!", Amatsuki squeaked as he jumped back. "Pardon for the mess.

This will show the person you rely on.", he explained as something started to form out of the slime. It formed into the head of a two brunettes which were fusioned into one. After they saw what happened they started to scream.

Retrodot was in a bar drying the glasses right now and didn't stop when he noticed another presence. "Is something the matter, Urata-sama?", Retrodot asked without looking behind him.

"If it's about escaping I will not be able to aid you with that.", Retrodot answered as the short brunette shook his head. "No matter how much I tried I can't and now you even restricted me.", Urata smiled bitterly as he lifted his hand.

"What you are doing to Senra is unforgivable already. Stop taking other people into this!", Urata shouted as he slammed his fist into the wall.

Retrodot Just ignored him and kept drying the glasses. Urata lost his cool and was about to lunge him but Retrodot started speaking first.

"Oh, the cleaning of the white room has been finished cleaning so I would say one of you will get acquainted with it soon...", Retrodot said as Urata pulled out his knife slowly.

"Are you threatening me to put me there again?", Urata asked ready to lunge at him.

"Oh, no. It is a warning. The white room is not only for drop-outs but for players who disturb the harmony of the game as well.

But you can relax... there was someone who didn't only once break the rules but decided to keep doing it alone after the punishment level as well.

The currently strongest contender is Soraru-sama.", Retrodot declared as Urata tightened his grip around his knife and was ready to jump at him. "You—". "Urata-san?

Why are you with Retrodot?", Mafumafu asked as he stepped in confused. "...It's nothing. Let's go.", Urata said as he pulled Mafumafu outside.

"What happened? Nee, what haaaaappened?", Mafumafu asked confused as he was being pulled by Urata. He suddenly came to a halt causing Mafumafu to crash into him.

"From now on you should stay by Soraru's and don't let him go somewhere alone.", Urata instructed Mafumafu who just looked at him in confusion. "Ok? Why are you suddenly like this Urata-san?", Mafumafu asked.

"No reason. Just do it... please.", Urata asked him with sincerity making Mafumafu widen his eyes. "If it's that serious then I'll do it. You can count on me, Urata-san!", Mafumafu said.

"Urata. Just call me Urata.", he said smiling slightly as he walked away. "We are going to stay here for a long time anyway.", he muttered quietly but Mafumafu still heard him.

He wanted to ask Urata more about it but then he spotted Soraru and remembered his task.

"Soraru-san, let's play together!", Mafumafu said as he ran towards him.

He tried to push the strange feeling away and jumped into a hug as Soraru protested.

It's going to be ok. There is nothing going to happen. Everything will be fine.

"This... is Ura-san, right?", Sakata asked as he looked at the creature before him. "It does look like Kashi as well....", Amatsuki noticed as he watched the creature moving.

"This will show you the person you rely the most on. Second question: Personal. What appeared here is the person you rely the most on.

Name five of this person's good points.", he said as Amatsuki lifted the creature and sat down.

"E-eeeeh? W-well. He is nice, cheerful, considerate, sincere and is a wonderful person to talk to.", Amatsuki said bashfully. "That was fast. Good, then let's come to you.", the voice said to Sakata.

"Uhm.... He is a tsundere so everything he says isn't that bad. He seems nice even though he doesn't show it. He is good at escape games. He is skilled with knives and stealth.

And... he was willing to become my first friend here.", Sakata whispered the last part embarrassed as he put the creature down.

"You seem to like him very much. Thank you for participating. Let's come to the last part. Question three: Confession. State your sin.", he said.

Sakata looked confused as he tilted his head. "I don't think I did one?", he said questionable.

"Seems to be the truth and what about you?", he asked Amatsuki who looked down shamefully. He bit his lip and gripped his shirt tightly knowing there was only one sin he could tell him.

He couldn't tell another one because this one was the first and only one he ever did. He didn't want to remember but there was no other choice if they wanted to clear the game.

He felt guilt eating him but he took a deep shaky breath before speaking up.

"I-I... killed my parents."

Mafumafu sat there and waited for them as Soraru sat beside him. "I wonder if they're fine. They were in there for so long...", Mafumafu said.

"Maybe they just got lost.", Shima suggested as the others came as well.

"Sakata, that idiot, probably dragged them down and that is why they're so late.", Urata said and just when he said that they heard a familiar voice shouting back.

"I am not an idiot!", Sakata denied as they saw them walking towards them.

"A-ama-chan! Sakata!", Mafumafu called them out as he stood up and ran toward them.

Soraru sighed smiling slightly as he stood up as well. "Oi, be careful or you'll trip.", Soraru warned him. "I missed you, Ama-chan!", Kashi said as he hugged Amatsuki who tried his best not to lose his footing after being jumped on.

"We were only for about an hour away guys.", Amatsuki laughed as the others laughed with him. Sakata looked at Amatsuki in worry before turning his attention back to the others.

"I-I... killed my parents.". The two of them were walking back. No one dared to say anything after that happened.

"U-um... Amatsuki, what did you mean when you said that you killed your family? Did you...?", Sakata didn't want to ask any further. Did he murder his family?

"I guess you deserve an explanation after all that. Yes, in a way I did kill them. We were celebrating the birthday of my father. We were driving home or rather my mother was driving home because my father was drunk and she sat in the front with my father and I sat in the back seat.

Unfortunately, on that very same day someone got drunk as well and thought it was alright to drive in that state. We were driving and then that car drove towards us with high speed.

You know, I was small and a child so I kept talking to her even though she had to concentrate.

She quickly tried to drive in another direction and because she did I am alive here and now.

She... directed the car in a way that the other person crashed into my parents.

The driver and both my parents died. I was heavily injured but I was still able to keep on living.

When I woke up in the hospital and heard that my parents died because a drunk driver crashed into them I was devastated.

Everyone gave me their condolences but... I didn't want them. Because I was the one at fault, after all. It was supposed to crash into me...

but because my mother didn't want me to die she purposely turned the car so it would crash into them instead of me.

None of the adults wanted to tell me but I found our eventually after thinking everything through.", Amatsuki told Sakata and was shocked to see that he had troubles holding his tears in.

"E-ehhh?? Are you alright, Sakata?", Amatsuki asked as he took a tissue out. "It's just that this is so sad! It wasn't even your fault but you still take the blame.", Sakata said trying not to cry.

Hearing that from Sakata made Amatsuki smile slightly. "Is that so? Thank you for thinking this way.", Amatsuki thanked him.

"Thank you for telling me this. It must have been personal.", Sakata said as Amatsuki feigned shock. "Wow! Who are you and what did you do to Sakata? There is no way he is this smart.

Where is the idiot we know and love?", Amatsuki asked as Sakata pouted. "I am not an idiot... aren't we talking seriously right now?", Sakata asked as Amatsuki gave him a hug.

"Yeah... thanks. It feels good to have a friend who listens to you once in a while. And don't worry, I live with my loving aunt and uncle now. There is no need for you to be sad for me.

But... thank you for feeling this way.", he thanked Sakata who nodded in response.

"Of course! Because I am your friend you can depend on me!", Sakata said smiling.

Sakata smiled when he remembered their conversation. It's going to be fine. We talked about this already. Amatsuki is going to be ok.

"Idiot. What are you smiling about? It's creepy.", Urata remarked as Sakata pouted.

"I was just thinking about something! And stop calling me an idiot!", Sakata demanded as Urata grinned in response.

"Nope, cause it's the truth.", he said. Senra smiled slightly when he saw that scene playing before him. "Is something the matter, Senra?", Shima asked when he saw how Senra started frowning.

"Ah, no. I was just thinking about something. There is no need to feel so worried, Mashi.", Senra assured Shima but those words were mostly to calm himself as well.

Yes, there is no need to feel so uneasy. But why I am feeling so worried? Where is this coming from? This uneasiness...

Stage 6 Clear

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