Chapter 9: Karakara Ruins

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So I watched the new episode of Naka no Hito Genome and I decided now is a good time to publish the next chapter because both are in the ruins. Hope you'll enjoy the chapter!

"Let's start with our regular meeting. Retrodot, please tell us about your members. They are obedient unlike your previous group.", a man in a suit with an alpaca mask said.

They were having a meeting in a dark room. All the people were wearing suits and each of them had an animal mask on.

"Yes, I took advice from Paca and chose people who had little to no desire to go back home.", Retrodot explained.

"For example we have Mafumafu. He came to this island on his own free will hoping to find his lost friend who was brought to this island as well.

Until he has found that friend he is not willing to give up and go home.

There is also Soraru who is living alone. Because he was alone having lost his family and refusing to make new friends he lived a lonely life and games were his only entertainment.

The information you have about him of the accident isn't important as it's not related to this.

Being here with other gamers makes him a bit happier. Sakata is here because of his difficult situation in school.

He wanted to escape school and now that he is here happily playing games with his friends I don't think he will want to go home.

Shima came from a family working in the business industry. His family wanted him to be the next head of that industry but because Shima didn't want to his family tried to persuade him even threatening him. Going back there would only cause troubles for him. Amatsuki lost his family in an accident. They were driving home but a drunk driver crushed into them killing all of them except him.

He now lives with his uncle and aunt who are nice but he still feels guilty that he was the only one who survived. Playing games was a way of coping for him and now that he is here he thinks that it is better this way. He met Kashitaro as well who helped him stay cheerful.

Kashitaro is living under the pressure of his parents who want him to become a doctor like them. He wanted to escape them and started to play games to help him relax.

Amatsuki and him met online and now that the two of them met each other in real life I think they'd rather stay together.

Urata and Senra were a bit difficult in the beginning as you know. Urata has tried to escape several times already but we made sure to restrict him.

We have both of their information from their previous actions.", Retrodot told them as they nodded in confirmation.

"Yes. Indeed we have. Now let us continue with the other participants from Paca.", someone said as they switched places.

The meeting ended as Retrodot walked out and even though he wore a mask you could feel him smiling behind it.

"I can't wait to see what happens next."

"It's so hot!", Sakata complained as they walked through the desert. "Stop complaining. It'll make everything worse.", Urata said as he kept walking. "Who even thought of doing the next level in the desert?", Kashitaro asked.

"Soraru-san! Do you want to go under the umbrella with me?", Mafumafu asked lifting his Mafuteru umbrella. "No, thanks.", he declined causing Mafumafu to pout.

"Why not? Come here, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu said as he jumped towards Soraru who tried to push him away. "Get away from me! It's hot already! I don't need someone hugging me right now.", Soraru said as he still tried to pry Mafumafu off him who was still clinging to him.

"Are you alright, Senra?", Shima asked as he noticed how Senra's breathing was slightly off. "I am fine... it's just that I am not used to walking so much in the heat.", Senra assured them as he smiled weakly. "Knew that would happen.

Take this.", Urata said as he threw a cool pack at Senra who caught it with ease. "...Thanks, Urata. But don't you need it? It's hot.", Senra reminded him but Urata just shrugged.

"Not really. Thought you would need it the most.", he said. "Then I'll take it. Thanks again, Urata.", Senra thanked him.

"How come Ura-san is so nice to Senra but so mean to the rest of us?", Sakata complained. "Huh? I thought Urata-san was always like that. He was nice to me as well.", Mafumafu noted.

"Eeeeeeeh? I thought he was mean to everyone but was it just me?", Sakata asked. "No, he is like that to me as well. He always threatened to kill me...", Shima said as he shivered.

"Oi, shut up. You guys are so annoying...", Urata sighed. "Stage 6 is quite simple. Please retrieve the 05 Chromosome from the guard which resides in the feels of the ruins.

That is all.", Retrodot explained to them. "That is all? There aren't any enemies or so?", Urata asked skeptically. "Of course.

However... there will be consequences if you lie so I would advice you to tell the truth.

Also there will be only two players this time and they will be chosen by lottery. Then, let's see who are the lucky ones!", Retrodot said as he pulled the pieces of papers out of the box.

A few minutes later

"Aaaaaand the two who will participate in Stage 6 are.... Sakata and Amatsuki!", Retrodot announced as the two of them looked at the paper in shock. "I-I don't want to...", Amatsuki said as he started trembling. "You will be fine.", Kashitaro assured him as he patted his head.

"It will be fine! It is going to be an adventure and a new experience for us!", Sakata cheered him up. "Idiot. How can you be so excited for this?", Urata asked sighing.

"...I just like to go on adventures! After all I am the adventure let's player!", Sakata shouted as everyone else just smiled from the red-haired's action. Soraru looked at him with suspicion before shaking it off. "Anyway, see you later guys!", Sakata waved at them before they both went into the ruin.

"Do you think the two of them will be fine?", Soraru asked when he saw how Amatsuki trembled the whole time and Sakata stumbling the whole way. "I'm sure they'll be fine!", Mafumafu assured him. "Anyway, the rest of you can just relax and do anything you want until they are finished.

There is a resort here where you can have some refreshments and some food.", Retrodot said as he accompanied them to the resort.

"It's getting darker after every step we take...", Amatsuki noted. "I wonder how long we have to keep walking until something exciting comes.", Sakata said. "Exciting?!

I hope that we'll get out of here alive and— Sakata where did that injury come from?", Amatsuki stopped walking when he saw Sakata's wound and a frown formed on his face.

"Ah... I just tripped.", Sakata said giggling nervously and just after he did the floor started shaking and then they heard something running towards them.

They turned towards it and saw a crowd of mummies running I their direction.

"Mummies? I thought Retrodot said there would be no enemies except— Sakata you've been lying to me?!", Amatsuki asked.

"Sorry! The truth is that I don't know where the wound comes from and I didn't want to embarrass myself. I forgot that we can't lie!", Sakata confessed and then the mummies immediately stopped moving and the floor went still again.

"Seriously? You lied about something like that? I thought we would die!", Amatsuki sighed in relief and annoyance at the same time.

They walked to a bridge beneath them nothing but darkness. "I'm sorry! I forgot! But now I will be more careful! Promi—", Sakata promised but after he said that he tripped and lost his footing.

He was about to fall into that darkness until Amatsuki caught him by his arm and tried to pull him up with all his strength.

The problem was that he didn't have enough strength and so the both of them ended up falling.

"This is so delicious!", Mafumafu swooned as he drank his smoothie.

"Is it ok for us to be so relaxed?", Senra asked as he looked at his ice cream bowl in front of him.

"It's going to be fine.", Shima said as he waved it off. "Heeeeey! Soraru-san, don't you want to have a drink as well?", Mafumafu asked Soraru who just lay in the hanging mat an open magazine lying on his face.

"No... let me sleep.", Soraru said as he turned away from Mafumafu who pouted and went to Soraru to pester him anyway.

"I'm worried about Amatsuki and Sakata. Isn't there any way we can help them?", Kashitaro asked. "There is nothing we can do anyway.

If you want to see what happens you'll have to go back to the tower and to go there you'll have to go through the desert again. And I won't do that for sure.", Urata said as he stood up with his bottle of water and walked away.

"Urata seems more distant lately, doesn't he?", Shima noted as Senra flinched just slightly the only one noticing was Soraru.

"I guess he is just tired after waking through the desert.", Senra said. Soraru stared at Urata who walked away and glanced at his wrist.

Being the one that always observes he knew that Urata didn't wear a wristband before.

"Did Urata-san always had that wristband with him?", Mafumafu asked as he noticed the silver wristband around the brunette's wrist as well. "I don't know. I bet he just wanted to wear that. Or we just didn't notice.", Senra shrugged it off.

He glanced one more time at his wrist before turning away and changing the topic.

"You piece of trash! Go to hell!", some middle schoolers said as they kicked on a young red-haired boy. "It hurts! Please stop...", he begged them but they didn't stop.

"Aww... look at him being weak! There is no one to help you so give it up!", they said as they wanted to punch him again but the pain never came.

Confused, the red-haired child opened his eyes to see a short brunette standing there glaring at them. "Stop picking on the weak.

It doesn't show anything except that you guys are too pathetic that you can't do anything else except picking on the weak.", he said as the other three glared at him. "Huh?

Trying to play the hero or something? What can a shorty like you even do?", the leader said as they all laughed at him.

The brunette stayed emotionless as the three charged at him.

He calmly dodged every attack and then started to defend himself kicking every one of them down. The other two were sitting defeated on the ground and the leader was standing against the wall as the brunette walked towards him holding a pencil.

It looked terrifying because he started smiling as if he was innocent as he walked towards them.

"Remember to never do this again except you want to end in the hospital or worse...", the brunette threatened as he rammed the pencil into the wall beside the leader.

"Do you understand?", he asked him smiling and the leader nodded fearfully. The short guy let go and the three delinquents ran away.

"U-umm!", the red-head tried to direction the attention towards him and the brunette looked at him. "Thank you for saving me again!", he thanked the short brunette as he bowed.

He slightly widened his eyes in surprise before changing his expression into a smile. "It's fine, Sakata...", he said as he patched Sakata up before standing up and patting the younger male's head. "Well I have to go now.", he said as he brushed himself of and started to go.

"Ok! Thank you for always saving me!", he thanked the brunette who smiled at him.

"It's fine. I want you to want to live after all. And I'm happy we finally found those people who always bullied you. From now one you're not going to be bullied anymore.", he assured him.

Hearing that made Sakata tear up. "I'm finally save? Thank you... thank you very much!", he thanked him over and over again.

"It's fine. Don't worry anymore ok? I'm here for you now.", he told him as Sakata smiled brightly.

"Yes! Will we see each other again? Tomorrow at the same time?", Sakata asked him hopefully as the other nodded. "See you tomorrow!", he waved as he walked away. The next day Sakata waited at their usual place but his friend never came.

Day after day he waited but his friend never came back. But because Sakata promised him to live he couldn't kill himself.

The only option was to wait for him hoping he would come back someday...

"Sakata!", Sakata jumped after hearing his name. "Huh? Amatsuki?", he looked around in confusion before realizing where he was.

"God! I thought something serious happened to you. Anyway, look what I've found while you were unconscious.", Amatsuki said he showed Sakata the wall which showed a stone picture of Retrodot's head. "Whoa! This looks funny!", Sakata giggled as he started poking it.

"Stop poking me!", a voice shouted and they looked at the picture in shock.

"Eeeeh? It can talk?", Amatsuki exclaimed shocked. "Indeed I can. Now then, welcome to Stage 6. Now is the time for your judgement!".

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