Chapter 17: To stay or not to stay?

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Soraru sneezed as he ate the canned food he was given. "What a cute sneeze you have.", Nqrse chuckled at this as he took a towel and started drying Soraru's hair.

"Could you please stop telling me that. Save those words for your boyfriend.", Soraru teased back as Nqrse merely giggled at that.

"I'm sorry. I think Luz-kun will be finished soon and then you can go ahead and take a shower.", Sou said and at that moment Luz came out and Soraru could finally go in.

As Soraru showered he tried to clear his mind letting the water flow on in his head. He didn't know what to do yet but he thought he could just figure it out later. He took the white sweater and black pants and wore them as his school uniform was hanging and drying right now.

As Soraru came back and sat down he took a towel to dry his hair. Sou was making some coffee right now as he set the mugs for each of them down. "Shouldn't I go back to the White Room for a while?", Soraru asked as he didn't want to make Retrodot suspicious. "The White Room?

I'm pretty sure it's fine. Those guys don't care about defectors.", Luz assured him as he took one of the mugs. Soraru just put the towel down still unconvinced. "Well, when me and Luz escaped nothing happened.", Nqrse said as he put some milk into his coffee cup. "Maybe he doesn't check the surveillance cameras.", Sou said and Soraru stayed silent before speaking up again.

"...What if he purposely let me go.", Soraru asked as the other two just stared at him silently urging him to go on explaining.

"I mean... what if he found out about the secret path a while ago and is planning to get all the defectors of the past back using me as a bait?", Soraru questioned as a heavy silence followed after that. Luz was the first one to speak again.

"...What you say is one of the possibilities that might happen. When he does come then we intend to fight him but...", Luz stopped talking for a while as he took a cup of coffee and held it towards Soraru smiling slightly.

"With just the three of us it could be a bit difficult so we thought it would be nice to have more fighting power on our side.", Luz said as he stood there still smiling at Soraru who looked at him understanding. "Soraru... will you join us?"

Urata smiled sadly as he put the revolver against his head. "We'll talk about this after we get out of here.", Urata said and Sakata rushes towards him trying to rip the revolver out of his hands.

He desperately tried to reach him and stop Urata. But he was too late as Urata already pulled on the trigger and he could only stare at him.


A brown brunette cursed when he noticed that he was in a forest. Normal people would have been confused and scared but he was just annoyed and had enough of this.

"Why am I in this hellhole again?!", he asked himself as he stood up kicking a tree when he suddenly noticed a voice next to him.

"Um? Are you alright?", a red-head asked worriedly. The brunette could only stare at him as he looked at him wide-eyed. "Thank goodness, that you're awake! I didn't know what to do if you didn't!", the red-haired boy exclaimed as he clasped both of his hands together.

"S-sakata?", the brunette asked shocked. "Hmm? Yes, that's me! How do you know my name? Have we met before?", the said boy asked and that's when it hit the brunette. The younger boy forgot about him and their past together.

"Maybe that is for the best... after all I left you... even though I was forced to that is unforgivable...", he muttered bitterly as the other just looked at him confused. "What did you say?", he asked the brunette who just shook his head.

"Nothing you need to know, idiot.", the brunette said as the younger just stared before pouting. "What?! I'm not an idiot!

Anyway, my name is Sakata. What's yours?", he asked as the brunette just stared at him. "I know your name already, idiot.", he insulted the red-head who just puffed his cheeks out in return.

"Stop calling me an idiot!", he demanded as the other just sighed before answering. "Urata.". "Eh?", the red-haired boy stopped complaining as he looked at the brunette in confusion.

"My name's Urata. So make sure to remember my name this time, idiot.", he said. "Stop calling me idiot... but it's nice to meet you, Ura-san!", Sakata said. "Don't give me that stupid nickname.", Urata said as the other kept smiling. "But it sounds cute, doesn't it? Ura-san? Ura-san!"


Urata snapped out of his trance as he noticed Sakata hugging him. He looked at his hand which still had the revolver in it and then the realization hit him. He won this game of life and death and now they were finished. "Ura-san!

How could you be so reckless and just pull the trigger as if it was nothing? You could have died so easily! So why?!", Sakata asked not believing what the brunette did just now.

He didn't understand the determination of the brunette and why he would risk his life just like that. "...We wanted to save him right?

For that reason I decided to do this because... we're all friends here.", Urata said and Mafumafu widened his eyes at that.

He understood why Urata did that. He wanted to show Mafumafu that they were all friends and no one would be left behind.

"Urata-san!", Mafumafu sobbed as he ran towards Urata and gave him a hug as well.

"You're so stupid, Ura-san...", Sakata said and Urata glared at him lightly. "Oi... also I knew that I was going to survive this.

After all... luck has always been by my side when it comes to my life....", Urata declared as the other's just looked at him not saying anything. "So basically, you just depended on luck to clear this game?", Amatsuki asked.

"Why not? If he believes in it and it worked every single time... Also Senra also didn't make any attempt to stop him so he also believed in Urata!", Shima told them as the blonde nodded.

"B-but still!", Amatsuki exclaimed but Kashitaro put a hand on his shoulder shaking his head. "Everything went well in the end so I can't really complain but please talk to us next time before doing something so reckless.", Kashitaro said as he gave Urata a smile.

"Will do. Sorry for worrying you guys.", Urata apologized as he patted the back of Sakata. "And sorry for doing that reckless move in front of your eyes, Sakata.", Urata apologized to Sakata before slowly pulling away from the hug.

Sakata let go reluctantly as well as a voice suddenly talked. "Congratulations! You have cleared the game! As a reward you'll get the code of this safe! The code is 031088!", the recorder said as Mafumafu quickly ran towards the safe and typed the code in. "Passcode analyzed.

Access granted. Safe has been unlocked.", a robotic voice said as soon as he typed the code in. The door slowly opened as they stood there knowing they will get Soraru back into the game.

Stage 8 Clear

Soraru laid there waiting for Sou to speak as he took the thermometer. "...You have a slight fever, Soraru-san.", Sou said as Soraru sighed.

"Why is it that I am the one getting sick and not Luz?", Soraru sighed as he just pulled the blanket up. "It's probably just because you're not used to this environment yet.", Sou tried to cheer him up but Soraru just grumbled some words.

Three hours ago
"Here a present.", Luz said as he gave Soraru some papers. Soraru took them and looked at them questioning. "These are the tower's floor plans. The security cameras and hidden routes are also listed here.", Luz explained everything as Soraru just silently looked at it sipping his coffee.

"Are you sure you want to give me these?", Soraru asked holding the papers up. "Yeah, I was planning to give you these either way.

Though... I didn't think you would reject our offer this quickly. And so bluntly...", Luz said remembering the moment when Soraru rejected their offer bluntly with a polite: "No thanks."

"Oh, yeah... sorry but beating around the bush isn't really my style.", Soraru apologized as he looked through the papers.

"That being said: Let's exchange information every once in a while!", Luz said as he pointed towards a certain point in the map. "At the far corner of the second floor there is a camera blind spot!", Luz told him as he pointed there repeatedly.

"Stop that... I understand already...", Soraru sighed as Luz just laughed.

"Still, it's impressive how much you found in the time you were here.", Soraru praised as he looked at all the maps scattered around him.

"I think Nqrse still hasn't given up on him. Kradness, I mean. He said that Kradness will definitely come back to save us. It's what he still believes in until now.", Luz said explaining as he watched Nqrse putting the cups away.

"...Then what about you?", Soraru asked Luz who gave him a confused look. "If you come with me you'll see Mafumafu again.

I guess the two of you were friends.", Soraru said as Luz just stared at him shocked before smiling bitterly and shaking his head.

"Nqrse and Sou will stay here even when I'm going. When Nqrse was disqualified I felt sad being apart from him and I knew I couldn't leave him alone. Because truth is Nqrse was disqualified before me and I was disqualified a bit after because I didn't want to leave him alone.

When I arrived the tunnel has been finished already because apparently it was almost finished anyway but Kradness wasn't there when I came so Nqrse was alone. Sou came a bit after us and he is like a little brother to me. There was someone who came afterwards but that's another story.", Luz said as he smiled apologetic at Soraru.

"Mafumafu is like a little brother to me but... Nqrse and Sou are as important as him and I think they really need me more right now.

I don't want to leave him and I guess Mafu will be fine having you right now.", Luz told Soraru who looked confused.

"Alright, then could you tell me one last thing?", Soraru asked as Luz raised an eyebrow nodding. "Sure? What do you want to know?", Luz asked as Soraru opened his mouth to ask.

"When you told me that there was somebody else with you guys before beside Kradness and you guys... was the name of the guy perhaps Urata?", Soraru asked as Luz widened his eyes.

"How did you know that? Don't tell me—", they were interrupted by Sou bursting the door open and coming in. "Th-this is bad! We have an emergency! The White Room...", Sou stopped for a while to catch his breath as the other two stood up and walked to Sou.

"Calm down first. What is with the White Room?", Soraru asked as Sou took a few breaths before looking up again.

"A-a lot of people are in front of the White Room a-and.... they're all shouting your name, Soraru-san", Sou said. "Soraru-san, are you alright?", Amatsuki asked. "Soraru-san! Open the door!", Mafumafu shouted as he slammed on the door several times hardly before shouting again.

Nqrse just tried his best to hold the door closed as he smiled nervously. "I knew that Mafumafu-san was energetic from Luz and before but looks like he is still as energetic as always.", Nqrse said.

"This is such a pain! If he doesn't open this door in the next ten seconds I'm going to break this freaking door down!", Urata shouted and Sakata tried to stop him as Nqrse sweat-dropped before realizing who that was. "Urata...?", Nqrse finally recognized the voice and his name accidentally slipped out. Fortunately, no one heard him.

He thought of a way to buy some time as he quickly wrote something down on a paper and quickly pushed it through the door. Meanwhile, the players looked at the door to see a piece of paper slipping through it.

This is Soraru ( ' ' ).

They all looked at the paper in confusion. "Is this really, Soraru? His handwriting looks different than I imagined.", Mafumafu said as he lifted the paper. Mafumafu looked down to see another paper slipping through. Wait a minute pls~ .

"Ok, something's definitely suspicious about that!", Urata shouted as they all knocked on the door even more. Nqrse grew slightly nervous and sighed in relief as he saw everyone coming.

"Naruse-san, hurry please.", Sou whispered as Nqrse pushed himself away and went to the others and Soraru stood against the door instead.

"Soraru-san! We participated in a game where we could bring one defector back so now you can come back to play with us!", Sakata shouted.

"Soraru-san, are you alright? Senra is resting in the infirmary right now. Both him and Urata did their best to help you get out as well so please come back! Everyone is waiting for you!", Mafumafu shouted and Luz teared up when he heard Mafumafu's voice.

It was like he talked to him right now. "Luz-kun?", Sou was about to walk to Luz but was stopped by Nqrse. "This is Luz's choice. We have no right to interfere.", Nqrse said putting a hand on Sou's shoulder. Luz wipes his tears away as he walked to Soraru and gave him a hug.

"Please don't tell Mafu this. He'll worry too much about me.", Luz said letting go of Soraru and smiling. "See you again.", Luz said before the three of them disappeared and walked away.

The door opened and Soraru walked out making everyone smile in relief. "Hey, sorry for making you guys worry.", Soraru greeted them.

"Soraru-san! What took you so long?!", Mafumafu asked as Soraru just shrugged. Urata kicked Soraru once making Soraru glare at him.

"Oi! What was that for?", Soraru asked as Urata shrugged. "Just felt like it.", Urata said as he walked away. They all turned to walk back chatting happily. Mafumafu stood beside Soraru as he looked up at him worriedly.

"I hope you won't do anything reckless the next time, Soraru-san!

Please be more careful next time!", Mafumafu requested and when Soraru looked at him he remembered what Luz told him.

"Mafu, come here for a bit.", Soraru waved the albino towards him who came and was confused. "What is it, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru pulled him into a hug.

"I'm glad you're alright.", he told Mafumafu who blushed and was just confused. "Eh? Eeeeeeh?!", Mafumafu just shouted as Soraru walked away sighing. Sorry, Luz. I don't think he got it.

Somewhere in Tokyo
"I'll be waiting here then.", Tomohisa said as Eve and Hashiyan both stepped out of the car. "Ok, thanks!", Hashiyan thanked Tomohisa as he stepped out. "Do you have your business card?", Tomohisa asked to which Hashiyan nodded.

"What about your handkerchief and tissue?", Tomohisa asked again to which Hashiyan just sweat-dropped. Eve looked at the building in front of him as Hashiyan stepped beside him. "Now... let's hope someone is in here today."

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