Chapter 18: Recorder

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I'm usually always updating only on fridays every week when I have school but after watching the new episode I was motivated to update today just because school just started and it's not that stressful yet. I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter!

Senra was already awake when Soraru decided to visit him in his room. Shima was lying his head on Senra's bed sleeping.

"Ah, it's nice to see you again. Welcome home, Soraru-san.", Senra greeted as he noticed Soraru. Soraru smiled slightly in return as he nodded. "...I'm back.", Soraru said as he sat down in the chair next to Senra. "How are you feeling?", Soraru asked as Senra just smiled in return.

"As you can see I am doing perfectly fine thanks to Mashi who took care of me until now.

I'll be fine and be back tomorrow.", Senra assured Soraru who just nodded. "Mafumafu and Sakata told me. You and Urata worked pretty hard I guess.", Soraru said.

"It's fine. I had my personal reasons in there as well this time.", Senra said as no one said anything afterwards. There was a short silence before Senra spoke again. "I have a feeling you have some questions. Go ahead and ask them.

I'll answer everything.", Senra told Soraru who widened his eyes slightly before nodding. "The files I found in your room... were all very detailed and had much information about all of us.", Soraru decided to start with that as Senra nodded.

"Retrodot told the whole group that you went into Urata's room and mine. I would have guessed it without him saying it because I noticed that the files were slightly out of place.", Senra said.

"Within those files... I saw that I almost died falling from a bridge but... why?", Soraru asked still not believing that he actually got into an accident. "... I'm sorry for not telling you the truth all this time. I am the Recorder of this District, someone who works on Retrodot's side.

I am like a monitor to this place. The reasons why the participants were chosen, each person's reasons,  thoughts, experience, results, everything.

I... can't really tell you why I accepted doing this as I was pretty much forced to...

But one thing I know is that I've always hated being part of this game.", Senra confessed as he put a hand on Shima's head. Soraru was too distracted from all the information that he forgot that Senra actually avoided his question.

"I'm pretty sure you have already guessed but this isn't the first District I was monitoring. There was in fact one more and that is District 11, the District Urata was once in.

But I guess you figured this out already as well when you snuck into his room. You must have already had suspicions if you decided to investigate Urata's room as well.

But after everything that happened here I can tell you that Urata is just an innocent streamer who wants to escape this hellhole.

It's understandable that he wants to escape even more after being betrayed by his teammates and put into the White Room that time.

He pretty much has a trauma. Soraru-san, your suspicions were correct on me the entire time. You can do whatever you want with the files and me.", Senra allowed as he just looked at Shima.

Soraru, who had been listening this whole time not saying anything, just sighed as he scratched the back of his head. Senra looked confused at Soraru who started to speak again.

"I'm not really good at this but all I really want to know now is wether you're our friend or not. If it's the former we can keep chatting like this.

If it's the latter we'll punish you a little and keep chatting afterwards.", Soraru said as Senra just looked at him wide-eyed.

"...You all are really weird.", Senra started laughing at Soraru who just smiled holding his hand out. "Let's call it a truce now and tell me when you have an answer.", Soraru said and Senra took his hand nodding. At that moment the door burst open revealing a panting Mafumafu.

"Soraru-san! Don't make me that worried! I thought you would do something reckless again!", he said as he stormed towards Soraru who held him a bit away. "I'm fine. You're just too worried.", Soraru said as he turned Mafumafu around and started walking outside. "You're saying that but then you'll just do something reckless again!", Mafumafu said as Soraru shoved him outside.

"Well, see you tomorrow, Senra.", Soraru said as they walked out. "Thanks. See you tomorrow, Soraru-san and Mafu-kun.", Senra said chuckling as he waved at them.

What they didn't know was that Shima was awake and listened to their whole conversation.

Eve just looked at Hashiyan who pressed on the bell repeatedly the whole time.

He decided to finally speak up as he figured it wouldn't be of any use to keep doing this. "We're going to disturb the neighbors.", Eve reminded Hashiyan who nodded and stopped.

"You're right.", Hashiyan said as he looked into his notebook. "Damn it. There is no one there again... Kashitaro Ito. He is going to the second year of high school. According to his neighbors he is a cheerful and nice young man.

He is around the age of Amatsuki... I wonder if they all share something in common.", Hashiyan wondered as he clicked his pen several times. "Is it the game from before? Sou played it too. It was Naka no Hito Genome right?", Eve asked for confirmation as Hashiyan nodded.

"Even if it is just a minor detail every common thing between them will be worth looking into.", Hashiyan said as he noted that down.

"In that case we'll ring the bell one more ti—", a male voice interrupted them as they looked up to see a guy standing there.

"There is no one next door. Seriously, if you ring the bell one more time, I'll kill you.", he threatened as he glared at them.

"Detective Agency?", Rib read questioning as they received the card of Hashiyan. "Yes, it's nice to meet you. I am Hashiyan, this is my assistant Tomohisa and this is our current client Eve. So you're the neighbor of Kashitaro-san?

Do you know when his parents come home?", Hashiyan asked and Rib's expression turned angry. "Can you believe it?! His parents abandoned him because he refused to become a doctor and wanted to become a musician instead!

Seriously! Even though he did his best to satisfy them!", Rib shouted angry.

Rib then sighed and saw that they didn't mean any harm so he opened the door to let them in. "Come in.", he said inviting them in and walked to a room with a grand piano.

There was some random music playing in the background and Rib stopped it as he put a CD into the player and played the start button. A light acoustic guitar started playing before a strong and clear voice starting singing.

After a while a cheerful and free voice joined. They both sounded so happy together like they were in their own world right now.

"...This is the song Kashitaro and his friend composed.", Rib said.

"Everyone. Thank you for gathering here today... if it's alright with you I would like to begin with the 9th stage. If it's not good for you right now we can postpone this.", Retrodot said fiddling with his fingers annoying Urata and Soraru.

"What the hell is wrong with you today?!", Urata asked. "Retrodot, you can come closer if you want. If there is something wrong you can tell us.", Mafumafu said as Soraru muttered something about him being too nice to Retrodot.

"It's just that it seemed like my last decision caused a lot of trouble and now I don't know how to act in front of you. Soraru-sama and Urata-sama look at me as if I am trash.

Urata-sama even has his hands on two knives already while Soraru-sama gives him that encouraging look.", Retrodot said and as they looked at said people they saw that he was right. "Who cares?! Just shut up now!

You're so annoying!", Urata said glaring at Retrodot. "You don't need to worry about that. I've always despised you already.", Soraru mocked as he crossed his arms. "W-well, I don't mind you being here anymore, Retrodot.", Mafumafu said as Retrodot brightened up at that.

"Mafumafu-sama...! In that case let us start! Firstly, congratulations on reaching 50 million views!", Retrodot congratulated them as a sign popped out of nowhere. "If you continue from here on out like this then reaching the 100 million views will no longer be a dream! Please raise your spirits and do your best in this stage as well!

Let the 9th stage begin!", Retrodot encouraged them as Urata, Soraru and Amatsuki just looked at him with empty eyes clearly not satisfied at all with what they were told.

Retrodot ignored them though as he lead them into a laboratory which had many capsules big enough for one person to lie down in there. They were placed in a circle around a table which was connected to each capsule.

"To celebrate reaching 50 million views I've prepared a game where you can all enjoy yourselves in a virtual reality.

To simultaneously create an avatar for each of you each of you will have to enter the capsules I've prepared for each of you.

"They're like hibernation pods...", Senra said his eyes sparkling so slightly as Shima smiled seeing Senra like this. "Eh? What is that, Senra-san?", Mafumafu asked curiously.

"It's technology that preserves the body at a low temperature to try and extend human life. Diseases that are deemed incurable in our lifetime may end up being curable at some point in the future. It would be really nice if it would work.", Senra explained smiling at Mafumafu.

"Incurable diseases being cureable...... that sounds nice......", Mafumafu said a bit sad. Soraru, who was next to him, raised an eyebrow.

"Mafu, is it possible that—". "Synchronized data analysis will now begin. Please close the capsule covers and rest in a sleeping position.", a robotic voice interrupted Soraru as he lied down.

"What did you want to ask me, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru pondered if he should ask now or later but knew it wouldn't be wise to ask now. He decided it would be best to ask Mafumafu later. "Nothing that important to ask now. I'll just ask later.", Soraru said as he took the cover of the capsule carefully closing it.

Mafumafu mimicked the Action closing the cover as well. "See you later, Ura-san!", Sakata said as he closed his cover while Urata just nodded muttering something before closing his as well.

As soon as they all closed their covers a puls sound could be heard. This tight space and the constant pulse. Is that supposed to be to be imitating a womb? Soraru asked himself as he listened to it. I hate this sound! Can't it just shut up?! Urata asked himself as he tried to ignore it.

This pulsing is calming. It's a bit like the heart beating. If only it was the heartbeat of him... both Mafumafu and Sakata wished as they both fell asleep. A womb of a mother huh?

I wonder what my mother was like. It would have been nice to meet her... Soraru thought as he listened to the calming sound.

He slowly felt his eyes closing from themselves, his mind drifting off until the only thing he saw was the never ending darkness.

Mafumafu was sleeping peacefully until he felt someone poking him, who he assumed was Soraru, as he only shifted mumbling to him to let him sleep for a few more minutes.

He wasn't listening to him though as he started pulling on his hair.

"Ow! Please stop pulling on it! I am a delicate person, you know, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu said as he slowly opened his eyes to see a small child looking just like Soraru in front of him.

His first thoughts were that a cute child was in front of him as he quietly swooned before suddenly realizing that this was real.

"Eh? Ehhhhhhhhhh?!", Mafumafu cried out as Soraru just covered his ears making Mafumafu apologize quickly.

He looked at his surroundings to see that they were in some kind of kindergarten.

"What the heck is this?!", Urata shouted out as Sakata squealed when he saw a child version of Shima and Senra holding each other.

"K-kashi?", Amatsuki just asked in shock and confusion as he saw a child version of him just sitting there quietly.

He then looked between all the other children and Soraru as he was lost for a moment before Retrodot started explaining as he saw their confusion. "Stage 9: The Ones Within the Kindergarten!

Caretakers, please get along with the children.", Retrodot said as they all just looked at the small children in front of them.

"Here's the setting for the children avatars. The adorable sprouts on their heads will grow according to their closeness with you.", Retrodot explained as he pointed at the small plant which was, for some reason, on Soraru's head.

"Careful, Soraru-san might bite your hand...", Amatsuki said but stopped when he saw that Soraru made no attempt to bite his hand or even move away from Retrodot.

He just sat still and even smiled slightly as Retrodot patted his head before pulling away to keep explaining. Everyone's heart squeezed when they saw the cold-hearted, lazy Soraru smiling so cutely. Especially, Mafumafu was affected by this.

"The game is cleared if three or above members have their plant blossom. The flower types depend on the person.", Retrodot finished explained as Amatsuki frowned slightly.

"Wait a minute. There is a lot I still don't understand. Are those kids real?", Amatsuki asked as he pulled Kashitaro closer who neither denied nor accepted the hug.

Amatsuki found it a bit bizarre as Kashitaro always hugged back usually being the one that was always hugging Amatsuki.

"No, of course not. They're artificial intelligences who'll imitate their owners behavior.

However since the originals are simultaneously being analyzed, they won't be able to leave before the game ends.", Retrodot answered as Urata pieces two and two together.

"Then that means... if we can't clear the game then...", Urata started as Retrodot nodded. "Naturally, they'll be stuck in the hibernation for eternity.", Retrodot finished as they all stared at him in shock. Mafumafu couldn't believe this.

He didn't want to lose his friends... especially Soraru who had been helping him since they've met. But before anyone could even say anything to this Retrodot kept speaking.

"You all were a strong team when you saved Soraru-sama from the White Room, right? So this time you'll be saving four of your friends. Good luck.", Retrodot said as he exited the kindergarten leaving only them and the kids.

They looked at the children who didn't have a clue what was happening right now and they would stay like this if they aren't able to clear the stage.

Mafumafu was about to tear up when he suddenly felt a small hand on his own and looked down to see it was Soraru.

"Even now you're trying to support me right, Sora-chan?", Mafumafu whispered so quietly that only him and Soraru could hear it.

He knew Soraru would forget this anyway so he didn't have to worry for what he did.

He pulled Soraru in a hug who was confused but hugged back nevertheless.

"Don't worry, Sora-chan... This time I am going to be the one that saves you."

Stage 9 Start

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