Chapter 23: Cherry Blossoms

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"Flower viewing?", Soraru asked looking up from his book as Mafumafu nodded. "It's spring already and the cherry blossom trees are going to be in full bloom today. I think we should use that opportunity to enjoy the view!", Mafumafu said as Soraru just hummed continuing reading his book.

Mafumafu pouted at this as he walked to Soraru poking him several times. "Soraru-san? So-ra-ru-san! Let's go flower viewing with everyone!", Mafumafu said still poking Soraru's cheek.

Soraru tried his best to ignore him but then grew annoyed of the constant poking and just sighed before looking up from his book.

"Fine, if you manage to persuade everyone then we can go flower viewing together.", Soraru said as his eyes went back to his book. Mafumafu smiled and nodded as he skipped outside.

"Ok, then I'll convince everyone. You better come with us when I do.", Mafumafu said as Soraru just nodded waving. "Sure...", Soraru said not paying attention to the albino anymore.

"Yay! You promised~", Mafumafu said before exiting Soraru's room.

"How did you even manage to convince everyone?", Soraru asked as he looked at Mafumafu lying on the blanket laid down on the ground. Mafumafu simply ignored what Soraru said as he enjoyed the light wind breeze blowing and the cherry blossom petals falling.

"It's so nice and beautiful... You know what they say, the first bloom of sakura indicate a new beginning!", Mafumafu said as he had his eyes closed. "Yeah, we get it already.

You could totally become a poet.", Soraru said sarcastically as Mafumafu opened his eyes and immediately sat up. "Really?

Wow, am I that talented?", Mafumafu asked himself as Soraru just stared at him with blank eyes while the others laughed at that.

"Anyways, let's put the food out. I'm hungry!", Sakata said as Urata sighed. "Of course it's the food you first think about...", Urata said but still helped to unpack.

"You say that as if food is the only thing I ever talk about.", Sakata pouted as Amatsuki and Kashitaro helped putting out the food.

They all sat down and took their plates before grabbing the food they wanted from the lunch boxes Amatsuki prepared.

"Hmm! Ama-chan's food is the best!", Mafumafu said swooning as he picked himself some more food. Soraru nodded in agreement as he bit into the onigiri. "You really are good at cooking.", Soraru agreed as he took another bite.

"T-thanks, Mafu-kun and Soraru-san.", Amatsuki thanked bashfully as Kashitaro put an arm around him smiling proudly.

"My Amatsuki has always been a good cook! He'll be a good parent someday!", he said as Amatsuki blushed pushing him away.

"Since when was I yours?!", Amatsuki asked as Kashitaro tilted his head questioning. "I thought since we were doing our first collab.", Kashitaro said as the others just laughed at their interaction. Urata looked up at the sakura trees as he frowned slightly. It reminds me of that day...

I don't know what I should feel seeing those petals fall. Urata thought as he felt someone leaning against him turning around to see Shima.

"Stop looking so depressed! Here, have some sweet sake!", Shima said as he held some out to Urata who tried to push Shima away.

Because both of them were strong no one really budged as Sakata and Senra just watched them smiling and laughing.

"Amatsuki-onii-chan!", a female voice called out to them and Amatsuki turned towards the voice to see a small girl with pigtails holding a teru teru bozu doll standing there waving at them.

"Ah, Mary-chan! What brings you here? Did you want to view the flowers too?", Amatsuki asked as he waved her to come over which she did. "That too! But I came to play with onii-chan!", she said as she smiled at them. "Is that so?

Then have a seat first! Do you want to eat something?", Amatsuki asked as he held a lunch box up. Mary looked at the food before taking an onigiri and biting into it before her eyes started to lit up. "This is so delicious!", she said as she took another bite.

They talked with her while she was eating and when she finished she stood up declaring the game they would play. "We're going to play Hide and Seek!", she declared as Soraru and Urata looked at her with a deadpanned expression.

Of course we would play Hide and Seek... they both sighed as Sakata and Mafumafu just nodded enthusiastically. "Then I'll be it!", she said but Kashitaro intervened before that.

"Don't you want to hide for once too? I can imagine how boring it can be to always search for us. It could be a nice change.", Kashitaro said and Mary pondered for a bit before nodding.

"If Kashitaro-nii-chan says so then he must be right! Who will be it then?", she asked as they all looked at each other not wanting to be it. Soraru then sighed as he volunteered.

"I can do it if no one wants to. I don't really care either way.", he said as he turned his back to them. "I'll just count to 100 then. 1... 2... 3...", he started counting as everyone scattered through the whole field trying to find a good hiding place.

"99... 100. Let's get this over with.", Soraru said as he walked around. He first walked to the trees to look behind them.

He knew no one would probably hide there because it was an obvious hiding place but he had a feeling a certain albino would be there and he was right as he saw Mafumafu sitting there giggling quietly as Soraru just kneeled down quietly before leaning forth a bit and whispering.

"Found you.", as Mafumafu squealed and visibly jumped up. "Soraru-san! Don't scare me like that!", he said as Soraru just crossed his arms a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Why did you even hide in such an obvious place? You're always choosing such obvious places.", he said as Mafumafu stared at him in confusion.

"I-I do... but how would you know that?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru widened his eyes when he realized what he just said.

"I don't know... it just seemed natural to me... anyway, I'll keep searching for the others.", Soraru said as he stood up went around to find everyone else. After ten minutes Soraru found almost everyone and sighed when he counted.

"Ok, the only ones missing are Urata and that girl, Mary.", Soraru said as he sighed tiredly. "I've had enough already. Can I give up?", he asked as Mafumafu and Sakata shook their heads.

"We can't just give up! Take this seriously, Sora-chan!", Mafumafu said as they all looked at them confused. "Sora-chan?

Didn't you call him Soraru-san until now?", Sakata asked grinning. "A-ah! It kinda slipped out! I used to call him that...", Mafumafu tried to explain everything but failed so Soraru, being the responsible one out of the two of them, decided to explain them everything roughly.

"Long story short. Turns out that Mafu is my childhood friend who I lost contact with for a while.", Soraru told them as they all nodded now understanding. "So that's it!

Seems like you were destined to meet each other again.", Amatsuki teased as they suddenly heard a feminine giggling from somewhere.

They heard someone shushing her but he was chuckling as well. "...Wasn't that Ura-san and Mary-chan?", Sakata asked as he spun around to see where they were but didn't see one of them.

Sakata turned confused as he looked everywhere but didn't find any trace of any of them. The others did the same except Soraru who just laid down on the blanket to sleep and Mafumafu who was trying to convince him to help them searching.

"Soraru-san! Just help us already!", Mafumafu said as he kept poking Soraru constantly but Soraru ignored him pretending to be asleep.

Urata just watched as everyone tried to find them and looked at Mary to see that she held both of her hands to cover her mouth trying to stifle her laughter. He smiled at her but saw that they still didn't have a clue where their hiding place was so he decided it was time to show themselves.

"Nee, Mary-chan, I don't think they're going to find us anytime soon. So how about showing ourselves?", Urata asked a mischievous glint in his eyes which didn't mean any good.

Mary looked up at him and when she saw the look in his eyes her own started to sparkle brightly. "Yep! Let's surprise them!", Mary whisper-shouted as she held onto Mafuteru tightly as Urata just chuckled very quietly before nodding.

"Ok, make sure you hold on to Mafuteru. I'll hold you so just trust me.", he said and Mary nodded as she knew she could trust him. Just then they heard someone shouting their names.

"Ura-san! Mary-chan! We give up so just come out already!", Sakata shouted as the others agreed with him. "Looks like it's our victory. Guess, it's perfect timing then so let's go.", Urata said as he stood up and held a hand out to her which she took happily. He noticed that all of them spotted them already as they widened their eyes.

The only one who didn't notice was a certain red head who turned their backs towards them. "Ready? 3, 2, 1.... Go!".

"Ura-san! Mary-chan! We give up so just come out already!", Sakata shouted as the others agreed with him. They searched everywhere for them but they just couldn't find them and they grew tired as they began to worry if they were still here.

"I've had enough! Ura-san just come out already!", he shouted and he noticed everyone staring at him weirdly. Mafumafu just had his eyes widening and Soraru looked bored. "Is something the matter?", Sakata asked confused.

"We found Urata.", Mafumafu said as Sakata smiled at that. "Really? Where is he?", Sakata asked cheerfully as Soraru opened one of his eyes lifting one of his hands lazily pointing up.

"He's there...", Soraru answered as he closed his eyes again. Sakata was still confused as he turned around widening his eyes in surprise when he saw where Urata and Mary were.

Just when he turned around the two of them jumped from a sakura tree the wind blowing the petals around and Sakata lost his breath from the beautiful sight in front of him.

He stayed still and it was like everything went in slow motion.

How Urata and Mary smiled at each other and how Urata's smile turned into a panicked expression when he saw Sakata walking closer.

"Oi! Don't come closer!", Urata shouted but Sakata was still in his own world and the next thing he knew was that he felt the breath being knocked out of his lungs.

He automatically closed his eyes and when he opened his eyes again he saw a short brunette and a small girl on him. Everyone else was surrounding them looking down at them worried.

"Idiot! Why did you come closer when I told you to stay away? Are you alright?!", Urata asked as he looked down at Sakata in a worried manner but Sakata didn't answer as he was still lost in his own world before snapping out of it.

"A-ah, I'm alright.", Sakata assured him but pouted slightly when Urata went off him with Mary. He pouted when Urata checked to see if Mary was alright and turned his whole attention to her. Mary noticed this as she assured Urata was fine.

"Now you have to see if Sakata-onii-chan is alright! I'm thirsty from playing Hide and Seek so I'm going to get a drink with Soraru-nii-chan and Mafu-onii-chan!", Mary said as she walked away.

Kashitaro and Amatsuki decided to go with her as they thought it would be fine to go as Sakata wasn't injured. Urata looked at the pouting Sakata and crouched down. "Oi, are you injured in any way?", he asked as Sakata just shook his head.

"I-I'm fine! Seriously!", he assured waving his hands. "Be more careful of your surroundings next time, idiot.", Urata lightly scolded as he flicked the forehead of Sakata.

Urata still looked unconvinced as he decided to check if Sakata was alright and frowned. Shima saw that Senra was worried as well and just sighed as he walked up to Urata and pulled him away as the three of them looked at Shima confused.

"Ok, Sakata is fine so no need to worry anymore, Urata! Seriously, relax a bit.

Here, have more sake!", Shima said as he pulled Urata with him who protested.

He waved for Sakata and Senra to come with him and they all sat on the blanket again as the others enjoyed the scenery, talked to each other or drank some sake. "Sora-chan!

Do something else besides lying here all the time trying to sleep!", Mafumafu said still trying to make Soraru doing something else besides lazing around. "Soraru, it's no fun to just lie around all day!

Have fun for a bit!", Shima said as he looked at Soraru who just turned away from him trying to ignore him but as a result his head was being lifted by Mafumafu and he felt someone playing with his hair. He was too tired to argue and knowing that it was his best friend he decided to let it slide.

Mafumafu smiled when he looked down at the raven-haired male and thought back to their conversation after Soraru woke up.

"So you're telling me that you're my childhood friend who I lost memories of and that picture is evidence? I already guessed that.", Soraru said as Mafumafu gaped at him as he held the picture up. "Ehh? You figured it out?!", Mafumafu shouted as Soraru covered his ears again.

"Stop shouting so suddenly... but yeah, it should be obvious. Not many people have unique white hair and red eyes. Also... I always felt a familiar atmosphere coming from you.", Soraru sheepishly said as he scratched his cheek making Mafumafu speechless before smiling brightly.

"I always knew we would find each other again! After all we were destined to be with each other, Sora-chan!", Mafumafu said as he threw himself onto Soraru hugging the older.

Soraru has so many things he wanted to mention right now but when he saw Mafumafu's happy face he decided to not say anything about it for now. Instead he just smiled back slightly.

"You can keep the picture if you want.", Soraru offered as Mafumafu widened his eyes shaking his head. "I could never! This belongs to Soraru-san!", Mafumafu declined but Soraru shook his head as he pushed the picture to Mafumafu.

"It belongs to you now. Just take it as an apology for leaving you behind that day.", Soraru said. "But that wasn't your fault. You lost your memories and then you were kidnapped!", Mafumafu told him but Soraru still gave it to Mafumafu anyway after they argued for a while.

Mafumafu took the picture mumbling a quiet thanks as he saw some sakura petals falling.

"Ne, Soraru-san! Let's go flower viewing!", Mafumafu suggested as Soraru looked at him in confusion. "Flower viewing?".

Shima wanted to convince Soraru to do something when he felt someone bumping into his back and turned around to see a blushing Senra hugging him and then looking at him with a smile.

"Mashi~ You kinda remind me of a rose! Roses are purple right?", Senra asked and Shima turned confused. "Eh, I don't think they are. Senra, could it be that you're drunk?", he asked and Senra denied it as he felt someone else bump into him.

He looked down to see Urata clinging to him. "Yamadanuki... why did you leave meeeeee? Wait, I was the one who left you! I'm sorry Yamadanukiii! And I'm sorry for leaving you, Sakataaaaaa!!!", Urata apologized as he sobbed loudly.

"Ah, don't use my shirt as a tissue!", Shima said as he tried to get away from Urata.

He then saw Sakata approaching and sighed in relief wanting to call for help when the red-head suddenly started to wail loudly.

"Urataaaaaaaaan! Pay attention to me tooooo!", he cried as he clung to Urata who was clinging to Shima and now Shima just looked helplessly at everyone who just watched. "Soraru!". "Too tired to deal with this...", Soraru muttered. "Mafu!"

"Soraru-san is kinda using me as a pillow right now. Sorry!", Mafumafu apologized. "Kashitaro! Amatsuki!". "Sorry, Amatsuki is kinda drunk too...", Kashitaro apologized as Amatsuki just hugged him mumbling some nonsense.

"Mary...", Shima turned towards her his last hope. "You brought this upon yourself when you told them to drink sake!", Mary said as she sat there watching them.

Shima sighed in defeat as he spent his time with three of his drunk friends.

In the end they all fell asleep on the blanket exhausted from everything and so the day ended without any other activity.

A peaceful day without having to play a stage... that will change soon www.

Anyway, I wanted to ask you guys for your opinion. I wanted to write a new Utaite Fanfiction after this one and wanted to start with it but I don't know what to write.

I have a few ideas but I don't know which one I should choose so I wanted you guys to choose the one that interests you the most.

1. Mafumafu in Wonderland:
Mafumafu is just a normal, cat-loving high school student until one day he found a cat on his way home and followed it. The next thing he knew he found himself in another world. Together with the Cheshire Cat, Soraru, he wants to find his way back home.

2. University AU
Mafumafu gets into the famous Academy of Entertainment with his best friends Amatsuki and Sakata. Together they want to succeed in their career. Mafumafu only wants to focus on his studies to improve himself. That is until he met the mysterious and famous Soraru of the school. (They wouldn't all want to become singers but something else too. Like actors, voice actors, composers, dancers, models or musicians.)

3. Utaite x Servamp
Like the title says it's a Servamp x Utaite fanfiction similar to this fanfiction here. Mafumafu goes to a student of a famous Academy of Entertainment with his two best friends Amatsuki and Sakata. (Like in the second idea) He meets the mysterious student, Soraru, with his friend Kashitaro. But what he doesn't know is that Soraru has a secret. And you can probably already guess what that secret is if you've watched Servamp www. (Also , the servamps will be able to decide wether they transform into an animal or not and are not being forced to being an animal when they're in light ww)

I really don't know what to do so it would be great if you'd choose one in the comments~

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