Chapter 24: Promise

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Sorry, I had to look over it again in case I made mistakes after noticing that I didn't read it through www because I was too tired

"There are two conditions.", a man in an alpaca suit said. I'm coming back now. "One, you must never speak of this island.", alpaca said.

I promised Mafu to take care of you and you were like a mother to me as well when I lost my own parents. "Two, you must join our ranks and become Darkness.", he said to a blonde male who was kneeling down looking down as well.

That's why I'm sorry for leaving you, Nqrse.

"Ugh, nothing is happening!", Hashiyan sighed in frustration as he ruffled his hair.

"And I really thought something was going to happen too! Maybe my deduction skills are getting rusty...", Hashiyan said as he slumped on the desk tiredly. A notification popped on Eve's phone as Eve stood up. "I'm sorry but I just received a message and I have to leave now.

I'll be back next week.", Eve said as Tomohisa stopped him. "Wait, I'll drive you home. It's late already so I bet you're tired.

Hashiyan, I have to go home now as well so see you tomorrow.", Tomohisa said as Hashiyan nodded waving to the two of them.

"Thank you for your hard work! I'm going to stay here for a little longer before going home!", Hashiyan said and Tomohisa frowned before sighing and nodding knowing that he couldn't convince Hashiyan to stop now as he was stubborn when it came to things like this.

"Fine, just don't overwork yourself.", Tomohisa said. "Yes~ I'll do my best not to! See you then!", Hashiyan said and Tomohisa nodded before he and Eve exited the office.

Hashiyan saw them driving away as he sipped his coffee before turning to his computer and seeing a picture of him, Tomohisa and Amatsuki next to it. They were at a karaoke bar as each of them held microphones in their hands.

From their expressions you could see that they had a fun time and Hashiyan sighed as he remembered those times.

He knew how they were teasing Amatsuki about Kashitaro on that day but now Amatsuki was not here as he went missing and shortly after Kashitaro suffered the same fate.

"Just wait a bit longer, Amatsuki. I'll bring you and Kashitaro back.", he said determined as he sat back down and started working on his computer.

He worked for a while longer before he felt that his eyes were getting heavier and closing them crossing his arms while sitting on the chair.

Quiet footsteps could be heard as a man in a black suit with a black lion mask appeared before them. He took a syringe out and put it close against the others neck but before he could put the sleeping poison into Hashiyan he was being pulled away and thrown to the ground.

He looked up confused to see the man he remembered as Tomohisa hovering over him as he had a terrifying expression on his face.

"Oya? A black lion came to visit us! Don't worry, we will help to patch you up again!

That is... if you tell us the truth.", Hashiyan said as he lifted the mask to reveal a familiar blonde male panting from pain.

"...You are... Mafumafu-kun's friend, Kradness, right? Why are you...?"

Soraru perked up from the maps when he heard someone knocking on his door and assuming it was Mafumafu he decided to not open the door.

"Soraru has closed for today. He'll open the door tomorrow at 10 am.", Soraru shouted.

"Eh? Soraru?", he asked as Soraru perked up again noticing that it's not Mafumafu.

"Shima?", Soraru asked confused as he opened the door. Shima rubbed his neck sheepishly as he apologized. "Sorry for coming so late at night... it's just that I wanted to ask something about Senra...", Shima said his expression turning gloomy.

Soraru noticed that this was going to be a serious conversation so he decided to invite Shima in. "...Do you want to come in?

I don't think we should discuss it here.", Soraru said as he stepped aside and Shima widened his eyes in surprise before nodding and stepping inside.

"The wound opened when you jumped from that tree. Sometimes I really wonder how careless you can be...

But anyways, it should be healed in about one week.", Senra said as he patched up the scratch of Urata again and put a bandage around it.

"Good, because I have a feeling that Sakata will invite me to go to the open air bath again and he will get suspicious when I decline exactly only that offer every single time.

He was suspicious before already which surprised me. Didn't know he would be that observant.", Urata complained to Senra sighing exhausted as Senra just chuckled quietly.

"Sounds like you get along well with Sakata. How are you doing with getting along with the others?", Senra asked as he continued bandaging him.

"Yeah, I guess Mafu is nice to talk to. Shima is a good friend as well.

I get why you like him. Kashitaro and Amatsuki are fine I guess. Soraru...

I still don't understand that guy but I guess we can live with each other in peace.", Urata told Senra who just nodded as he finished.

"That sounds good. Looks like there are finally people you can put your trust into.

It's great that you finally made some new friends besides me... it seems like...

It seems like you will be fine now even with me gone...", Senra said smiling sadly as Urata widened his eyes. "...What?"

"There are people living underground? For such a long time too...", Shima said as he took the maps Soraru got from the defectors.

His hands slightly trembled as he couldn't believe what he just saw. "Soraru... you don't think that Senra and Urata are our enemies, right?", Shima asked feeling unsure.

Soraru just stared at Shima blankly not saying anything as he sipped his coffee.

"There has to be a reason why Senra is following Retrodot's orders.", Shima said determined as Soraru just shrugged.

"Maybe... I don't really know. According to Senra, Urata is innocent and was forced to be in here again. But for someone who is supposedly innocent he knows too much.", Soraru said.

"What do you mean by that?", Shima asked. "Like you probably already know I broke into the rooms of both Senra and Urata.

In Senra's room were files about our information. And before you ask, the only information I could read through were mine before Retrodot caught me. In Urata's room was a diary.

And let's just say there were many information about this place and not only here above but underground as well.", Soraru said hinting something and Shima widened his eyes when he finally understood.

"Are you saying that Urata was a defector as well?", Shima asked and Soraru nodded. "I'm almost 100% sure that that's the case.

In there were names mentioned of defectors I met underground.", Soraru said and Shima crosses his arms nodding.

"That clarifies why Urata was so distraught when he saw the White Room where we did the stage to save you.", Shima muttered and when he saw Soraru raising his eyebrow confused he started explaining what happened on that day because he knew Soraru expected answers.

"So that happened while I wasn't there... well, thanks for saving me I guess.", Soraru thanked Shima who just shook his head.

"I didn't really do much. Senra and Urata did almost all of the work, really.", Shima said and Soraru just nodded as they stopped that topic there.

There was a comfortable silence before Shima decided to speak again.

"...Soraru, what do you think will happen when we reached 100 million views?", Shima asked.

"I think you should know what will happen already. We can leave. Rather we have to leave when that happens.", Soraru answered.

"...What will happen to Senra then?", Shima asked feeling worried for the blonde.

"That's something I can't answer you... but you probably already figured out that the one in danger is Senra. So what you can do is stay by his side and protect him.", Soraru said as Shima straightened his back at this and only nodded.

"Soraru...", Shima called out and Soraru hummed looking at Shima questioning.

"Please let me borrow those files for the night.", Shima asked as he bowed down making Soraru jump slightly.

"Geez... stop bowing. Whatever, you can borrow them. Just give them back tomorrow to me.", Soraru said as Shima looked up smiling brightly.

"Thank you!", Shima thanked as he took the files Soraru held out to him.

"See you tomorrow then!", Shima said as he walked out and Soraru just hummed in response.

But when Shima opened the door an albino stood in front of the door slightly startling the purple-haired male. "Woah, what are you doing here, Mafu-kun?", Shima asked as Mafumafu smiled but pouted at the same which Soraru found cute.

"I wanted to spend some time with Sora-chan! What about you though?", Mafumafu asked slightly narrowing his eyes.

"W-well, I wanted to...", Shima stumbled over his own words not knowing what to say but fortunately for him Soraru decided to answer.

"He wanted to ask me about Senra because he was worried about him.

About his health and such because he thought that I could maybe help him.", Soraru told Mafumafu which wasn't a complete lie.

Luckily, Mafumafu believed them as he nodded smiling. "I see, I see!

You must have been very worried about Senra-san then!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Shima blushed a bit from embarrassment before chuckling and ruffling Mafumafu's hair.

"Yep, so no need to be worried that someone will steal your Soraru~!", Shima teased as the other two just blushed. "I-it's not like that at all!", Mafumafu denied as Soraru just nodded grumbling.

"Stop making assumptions Shima and just leave now.", he demanded as Shima just laughed holding his stomach and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll leave the two of you alone now. Enjoy your time together~", Shima said laughing before walking out leaving Soraru and Mafumafu flustered in Soraru's room.

Soraru was the first one who decided to talk. "So what are you doing here?", he asked as Mafumafu slowly collected himself as well.

"Like I said I wanted to spend some time with you, Sora-chan!", he said but Soraru shook his head. "It's late already. I'm tired so I'm going to sleep now.", Soraru said as he threw himself on his bed leaving a pouting Mafumafu standing there.

Mafumafu was about to protest again but before he could Soraru spoke up again.

"We can spend some time together tomorrow but not now. You can stay here if you really want to. Just let me sleep... you know where the games are.", Soraru said covering him with the blankets and Mafumafu's face brightened up.

He jumped on the bed of Soraru as well as the older male just glared at him slightly.

"Oi, what did I just tell you? You—".

"Sora-chan is really nice! He's just like in the past!", Mafumafu giggled as the older just widened his eyes before humming.

"Is that so? I guess I didn't really change that much then...", he said as Mafumafu started playing with his hair. "Oi... what are you doing?

Stop that...", Soraru protested weakly but Mafumafu just giggled knowing that the raven-haired male didn't make any attempt to stop him besides protesting so he just kept playing with Soraru's hair.

"Your hair is really fluffy, you know?", Mafumafu complimented to which Soraru just hummed in response signaling that he was indeed still listening to Mafumafu.

Mafumafu knew that Soraru was tired so he decided he would just play with Soraru's hair while talking about his cats at home.

Soraru listened to the voice of the albino. It was relaxing listening to him talking.

Not that he would admit that. For now he just stayed silent and enjoyed the calm moment between the two of them.

He slowly felt himself growing more tired until he fell into a pleasant dream listening to the younger male talking.

Mafumafu noticed that the older male has fallen asleep and smiled yawning quietly as he felt slightly tired as well.

"Good Night, Sora-chan.", Mafumafu said before peacefully falling asleep next to Soraru.

So after last week I decided which story I'll write now~ It'll be the Utaite x Servamp FanFiction, the one with the most votes www.

I started with it a bit already and because I have one week of vacation now I can, maybe, publish a little bit more than once a week www
Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter as well~

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