Chapter 25: Fever

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Soraru looked at the thermometer and sighed when he saw that he had a fever.

Seriously? Why do I have to get sick now that we got two days off? I should have rested properly after I got back from the underground... Now I'm stuck with a headache.

Soraru was in his own world when he suddenly heard a knock and then a familiar high-pitched voice started shouting.

"Soraru-san! Open the door!", Mafumafu demanded as he knocked. Soraru decided to ignore him as he buried himself more into the blankets and waited for Mafumafu to go away.

Unfortunately for him Mafumafu didn't give up as he kept shouting and knocking. "Soraru-san, I know you're in there so there's no point in pretending to be out!", Mafumafu said as he somehow managed to knock even louder which caused Soraru's headache to get even worse.

So he just grumbled as he reluctantly stood up and opened the door. "Can you just shut up for a minute so I can fall asleep?", Soraru asked his voice even more hoarse than usual.

Mafumafu noticed this as he gasped. "Soraru-san.... You look terrible right now!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Soraru just rolled his eyes.

"Wow, thank you very much for the compliment. If that's all you wanted to say then please leave me alone now.

If you get sick the next day because of interacting with me now for a few seconds then I'm going to laugh at you so don't expect any sympathy from me.", Soraru said as he turned to close the door but was stopped when he felt the door being pulled with a lot of strength.

And because Soraru didn't think Mafumafu would do this his grip on the handle was weak and he let go. Mafumafu took that chance to push Soraru into the room and stepping in himself.

"Soraru-san! If you were sick you should have called me! I am going to take care of you now wether you want to or not!", Mafumafu said as he pulled Soraru to the bed and pushed him down before pulling the blanket over Soraru.

Soraru was too confused to make any protest but as soon the words sunk in he sat back up again. "You are not going to take care of me.

Do you want me to get even worse or what?", Soraru asked as he sat up again.

There's no way I'm going to tell you that I'm worried you'll get sick if you stay with me here. "How mean~ But don't you worry Soraru-san! I have this face mask here so I won't get sick!", Mafumafu assured as he pulled out a black mask with a white moustache and put it on.

"...Are you sure you want to do this?", Soraru asked still not fully convinced. "Of course I am! We took care of each other in the past when we were sick! Well... you mostly took care of me but the same can be done the other way.", Mafumafu told him as he pushed Soraru back down again.

Soraru knew that there was no use in arguing so he just sighed and nodded.

"Whatever... I'm just going to sleep so just don't disturb me...", Soraru said as he shifted and tried to get comfortable again.

Mafumafu hummed in agreement and was about to go out before he realized something and stopped. "Soraru-san, where are your keys?

I wouldn't want to disturb you by knocking all the time.", Mafumafu said. "Oh? Now you care about not disturbing me? What about all the times before where you knocked on my door and shouted at me to let you in?", Soraru asked opening his eyes to look at Mafumafu in amusement.

"That's different! You're sick now, that's why!", Mafumafu defended himself. "Right. If you say so. In case you didn't know the doors are usually unlocked until you lock them.

Keys are in the drawer of the desk. Make sure to lock the door before going out.", Soraru instructed closing his eyes again.

"Yep! I'll make sure to do that! Get a good rest because you have to eat something when you wake up!", he said as Soraru hummed weakly. Soraru was so tired that he immediately fell asleep not noticing Mafumafu going outside.

"I told you it wasn't a good idea to play in the rain...", a raven-haired boy sighed as he put a towel on the forehead of a young albino.

"B-but we said we would play together in the playground together.", the albino said as he sneezed immediately afterwards.

"You should have known that it's not good to play outside in the rain and you should have just stayed inside instead.", the older male said as he stood up to go out but was stopped by someone pulling on his sleeve."Sora-chan, don't go...", the albino pleaded making big eyes.

The older male just sighed and nodded before taking a chair to sit down next to the albino. "I was about to get you a new towel but I guess that can wait for a bit longer.", Soraru said as he patted Mafumafu's head who leaned into it.

Soraru continued to do it for a while in an attempt to help Mafumafu go to sleep.

The younger child almost fell asleep and just as the raven-haired child pulled his hand away the albino took it in both of his hands.

"Is something the matter, Mafu?", he asked as he raised an eyebrow. "Sora-chan... Please don't ever leave me...", the small child pleaded as the older child looked at him in confusion.

"Why would you ask this?", he asked as the albino just held tighter onto his hand. "Well, that's because— Nevermind, it's stupid—".

"Of course we're going to stay together. I'd never leave you for anyone.", the ravenette said making the albino widen his eyes in shock.

"R-really?", he asked as the other nodded. "You'll stay with me forever? Pinky promise?", the younger asked taking one of his hands and holding his pinky out to the older who took his remaining hand to interlock his finger with the albino.

"Pinky promise.", the older one said smiling at the younger one who smiled back. "Then let's stay together forever, Sora-chan!", the young albino said smiling brightly.

The raven-haired male walked home from his meeting with the albino. They just went to a summer festival and he brought his friend home before going home himself.

He just walked home and wanted to cross an old bridge. There was a sign warning people to be careful and to not cross the bridge so he decided to go the other way when suddenly a man ran past him with someone running after him.

The second person ran into him as he pushed Soraru onto the bridge. Soraru fell hardly on the floor as it broke and he fell down.

He tried to grab something but only managed to injure himself while doing so instead of actually grabbing something.

He landed with a loud thump on the ground as he tried his best to keep his eyes open. Blood was under his head as he couldn't move.

The last thing that flashed into his mind was a picture of an albino smiling in front of him as a his face was emotionless.

Mafu... I have to go back to him... he is probably going to sleep now...

Soraru blinked a few times as his mind turned fuzzy. He saw the albino in front of him again but he didn't know who that was.

Huh? Who is that? Ah, right. My friend.... but what was his name again?

Soraru blinked again trying to get a clear picture but instead everything turned black.

Wait, what was that again? Where am I? Who am I? Why is it so dark? No, I don't like this place. Someone... someone save me!

"Soraru-san!", Soraru shot up when he heard someone call his name.

He panted slightly his hand grabbing the next thing close to him which happened to be the hand of a certain albino.

As soon as Soraru realized who it was he widened his eyes slightly before letting go. "Sorry, just a bad dream.", the raven-haired male said as the other just frowned but nodded anyway.

"Anyways! You have to eat some food and medicine so being the great angel I am I decided to make you some rice porridge.", Mafumafu declared and Soraru looked to his table to see a tray with a pot of rice porridge on it.

He nodded as he sat up the towel falling down in the process as he took it in his hands.

Mafumafu took the tray and placed it on Soraru's lab as he took a chair to sit next to him.

He took the spoon with porridge and held it towards Soraru who raised his eyebrow in confusion. "Ah, right. It's probably hot!", Mafumafu widened his eyes in realization as he started to blow at it lightly and then held it towards Soraru again who didn't make any attempt to open his mouth.

"What are you doing, Mafu?", Soraru asked sitting still. "What does it look like? I'm going to feed you the food I made!", Mafumafu declared as Soraru just stared at him.

"I can eat it by myself. What do you think I am? A kid who's not able to feed himself?", Soraru asked trying to take the spoon but Mafumafu moved his hand away careful not to spill anything.

"Maybe, I want to feed you! You fed me every time I was sick and I never got to take care of you before!", Mafumafu explained pouting.

A sudden memory flashed into Soraru's mind as he saw a small version of himself feeding a young version of the albino who happily opened his mouth for the raven-haired and a small smile appeared on Soraru when he remembered that.

Soraru opened his mouth a bit and Mafumafu understood smiling satisfied as he took the spoon again and put it into Soraru's mouth.

Soraru swallowed it as Mafumafu looked at him with expectant eyes.

"And? How does it taste?", the albino asked excited as the ravenette held his hand in front of his mouth looking a bit paler than before.

"Mafu... when you said I had to eat some food and medicine... don't tell me you actually...", Soraru started and Mafumafu smiled nodding.

"I thought that it would be more efficient to just put some medicine into your rice porridge because you're sick right?

Rice porridge is good for sick people. Medicine is good for sick people! So if you add the two good things to help sick people then what do you get? The Ultimate—".

"I get it already! Please don't finish that sentence. Ah... you actually put medicine into food... Mafu, people usually don't do that for a reason, you know?", Soraru explained as Mafumafu just looked at him confused.

"Does it taste that bad? I don't think it would taste so horrible, right?", Mafumafu said as Soraru took the spoon and held it towards him.

"If you really believe your words then try some of it.", Soraru demanded and Mafumafu gulped before pulling his mask down and trying some of it immediately putting his hand over his mouth making some disgusted sounds.

"See? What did I tell you?", Soraru chuckled as he put the spoon back down.

"I can't believe I served this to you even though it's that bad! I-I'll go and make something else!", Mafumafu insisted as he stood up and was about to run out when Soraru grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him back into the chair.

"No need to. I can eat this.", Soraru said as he picked up the spoon again and started eating the rice porridge as Mafumafu just looked at him confused and tried his best to stop Soraru from eating the rice porridge.

"Soraru-san, you shouldn't eat that! It's like poison!", Mafumafu argued as Soraru didn't mind him and ate the rest of the porridge.

"But you did your best to make me this, right? I remember when you were sick and I decided to make you some rice porridge as well.

I didn't put any medicine in it but it was too salty so I didn't want you to eat it but you insisted on eating it in the end.", Soraru recalled as a small smile formed on his lips and Mafumafu just stood there baffled a small blush on his face.

"You remembered?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru nodded. "I may have amnesia but being with you helps me recall some of my memories again.

I just had a dream but it was really realistic to me. That never happened before so I guess that's because I spent so much time with you that I slowly regain my memories again.

Like you are taking care of me now awoke some of my memories of me taking care of you in the past.", Soraru explained still smiling slightly as he put the spoon down the porridge now finished.

Mafumafu had tears in his eyes as he hugged Soraru who flinched slightly in surprise before hugging back after he relaxed a bit.

"I thought I would be happy as long as I got to be with you again but now I can't help but think it's not enough. I want you to get your memories back and remember our whole childhood together...", Mafumafu said burying his face into Soraru chest who patted the head of the albino.

"...Yeah, I do too. So let's work hard so that I can get the rest of my memories back, ok?", Soraru said as Mafumafu pulled away and Soraru put his forehead on Mafumafu's.

He held out his pinky finger as Mafumafu widened his eyes tears coming again. Ah... you remember our promise. "I'm sorry for forgetting last time but I'll make sure to keep my promise.

I promise you that we'll get out of here and that we'll stay together forever.", Soraru promised as Mafumafu smiled interlocking his pinky with Soraru. "You better keep your promise this time.", he said smiling and crying at the same time as Soraru just laughed lightly. "Of course I will. It's our promise after all."

The next day

Soraru just looked down at Mafumafu whose face was red as he gave him a look that showed what he was going to say next.

"I told you, you are going get sick you take of me. But did you listen to me?

Of course not.", Soraru said sighing as Mafumafu just pouted balling his hands into fists and hitting them on the blanket repeatedly.

"It's not my fault that you told me to eat from the rice porridge from the spoon you ate! I even wore a mask!", Mafumafu argued as Soraru still looked down at him.

"Well, that's your fault for not noticing.", he said shrugging as Mafumafu pouted taking a teru teru bozu plushy and hugging it.

"Meanie! And after all the time I took to take care of you... Whatever! Then Mafuteru is just going to take care of me!", he said burying his face into said plushy. Soraru just chuckled a bit as he took a chair and pulled it towards Mafumafu's bed.

"If I was such a mean person then I wouldn't be taking care of you, would I?", Soraru asked as he put on of his hands on Mafumafu's head who looked at Soraru with big hopeful eyes.

"Then you are going to take care of me?", he asked making puppy eyes. "Of course. Just like I did in the past.", Soraru said to which Mafumafu smiled brightly. In the end Soraru took care of Mafumafu on the second day and that's how the two of them spent their two days off.

It's not really a new stage but have some fluff of the two of them. I hope you liked it~

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