Chapter 26: Butler Café

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Before this chapter begins I wanted to tell you guys that I'm doing a collab with Gaming_Crystal3099 !
The title is Alerynth and it's also an Utaite fanfiction and we'd be very happy if you'd read it www we both did our best writing it and I think it turned out pretty good!
Thanks for asking me to do a collab with you and giving me the opportunity to try this for the first time, Crys-chan~ (><)

"Stage 10: Butler Café. The rules are simple. Please serve your customers as butlers for a day along with a menu of different foods and drinks.

The menu has a few meals that can be prepared if you go according to the instruction book prepared for you guys. Please make a special recipe that is not on the menu before the café opens.

Two of you will be cooks while the rest of you will be serving the food. Before I explain the rules any further I want you to choose the cooks now. The two will get this white blouse with black pants and black apron as a uniform.

So who wants to wear this bartender uniform?", Retrodot asked as everyone looked at each other. "If anyone is going to be one of the cooks it should be definitely Ama-chan, right?", Mafumafu suggested and everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Then we have one cook already. Now we have to choose someone else. The problem is... who of us can actually cook?", Amatsuki asked as he looked around and Soraru shrugged.

"I don't know but Mafumafu's definitely not an option. He thinks it's a good idea to put medicine into food when people are sick.", he warned as Mafumafu just pouted.

"If you put that aside I think I am pretty good myself!", Mafumafu insisted as Amatsuki made some doubting noises.

"You did try to put chili in the food we made for Urata and Senra once...", Amatsuki reasoned as Mafumafu gasped.

"Ama-chan! How could you betray me like that! After everything I did for you!", Mafumafu said as Amatsuki raised an eyebrow.

"Which is...?", Amatsuki waited for Mafumafu's response who puffed his chest out in pride. "I gave you the honor of being in this presence of an angel!", Mafumafu said posing as Amatsuki just sweat-dropped.

"I could go be the second cook.", Soraru suggested. "Oh? You know how to cook?", Amatsuki asked surprised and Soraru opened his mouth to answer but before he could he was interrupted by the albino. "He can't cook!

He puts too much salt into food!", Mafumafu intervened as Soraru glared at him. "Oi, for your information I got better.", he defended himself as Amatsuki shook his head.

"Sorry Soraru-san but I can't take the risk. We have to clear the stage after all. Also, I think we all know that you just want to be the cook to not interact with the customers.", Amatsuki said to which Soraru clicked in tongue in annoyance.

"Dammit...", he muttered showing everyone that this was exactly his intention.

"So Soraru and Mafumafu are not an option. From the previous times I cooked with you guys Sakata and Shima are out as well.

I don't know if Kashi actually improved but the last time we cooked together it was... a disaster. The only ones who might be able to cook are Senra and Urata. Please tell me that one of you guys can cook or, even better, bake.", Amatsuki pleaded as he opened the menu seeing there were mostly sweets in there. "Well, in case you forgot, I helped you making the muffins of Murasaki.

But the food I ate of Urata was pretty good as well. I would like to eat it sometime again.", Senra said as Urata shrugged.

"I don't mind cooking for you sometimes again. After all, you're taking care of me a lot of times. You even act like a butler sometimes.", Urata teased Senra who just chuckled.

"I guess I do. But I think Urata should be the one serving the customers this time.", Senra said as Urata widened his eyes.

"Aren't you better at this though?", Urata asked Senra who nodded.

"I may be better at this but I think it would be a nice change for you. You're hiding so often so it's fine to show yourself sometimes.", Senra argued and Urata sighed nodding.

"If you say so... I'm going to trust you...", Urata said and Senra smiled knowing he convinced Urata as the others looked at him in amazement.

"Well, it's decided then. Amatsuki and me will be in charge of the food.", Senra said as Retrodot noticed they were finished and nodded.

"Now that you chose these two I will continue explaining the rules. As you decided Senra-sama and Amatsuki-sama are in charge of the food. The remaining streamers will be butlers but that's not all there is to it.

As you know there will be mostly just female customers as it is a butler café. But young people these days have some weird taste so we decided to spice things up for the viewers.

Out of the six of you two of you will be maids and to avoid you guys arguing too much we will decide this by lots.", Retrodot announced as he held up a box. "Wha—!

You didn't mention anything about this before!", Sakata exclaimed shocked.

"If I did then you guys would have all tried to be the cook instead. I want the cooks to be people who can actually cook and maybe try some food later.", Retrodot explained as the others just stared at him in disbelief. "Then let's decide the roles now and then I will finish explaining the rules.", Retrodot said and shook the box.

Several minutes later

Everyone looked at Mafumafu and Sakata who laid on the floor looking as if they just died innerly. "It's decided then. Mafumafu-sama and Sakata-sama are the ones who will be in a maid outfit. Good luck to the two of you.

Now it's time to finish explaining the rules. As butlers and maids you have to act according to it. I really want to be here for you guys but I have some business to attend to.

The rules are on the blackboard over there so just read them to understand everything.

And remember you have to follow the rules and do everything until the end of the day. The café opens in two hours so good luck.", Retrodot told them before quickly exiting the café.

After getting Mafumafu and Sakata up from the ground they walked up to the blackboard to see some rules written on them.

Rules of the Butler café
1. The cooks have to make a special recipe along with the menu. It can be sweet or salty

2. The remaining streamers will be butlers while two of them will be maids

3. The butlers and maids will act according to their role (For more instructions looks down)

4. The customers will wear a blue or red bracelet to show if they'd rather have a maid or butler serve them (Blue=Butler and Red=Maid)

Have fun~

"That's pretty much what he explained us before... why would he want to let us read the rules again?", Shima asked and everyone except Soraru nodded in agreement but they all turned their attention back to the blackboard when they heard Urata shouting as Senra was laughing.

No one heard Senra really laughing before so they were all confused.

"Ura-san? What is Senra-san laughing about and why were you shouting?", Sakata asked confused as the said blonde just held his stomach and tried his best to form words.

"Wow... if I was in your position right now then... but I'm not and this is just too hilarious.", Senra said and the brunette looked betrayed.

When Senra saw how everyone was confused he pointed at the blackboard again and when they read it everyone widened their eyes finally realizing why the blonde laughed.

Please act according to your roles:

Soraru: A charming, nice and prince-like butler

Shima: A gentle and nice butler

Urata: A cheerful and cute butler

Kashitaro: A cold but polite butler

Sakata: A tsundere-like maid

Mafumafu: A shy and clumsy maid

"Why do I have to act like that?! If that stupid bastard would be here I would have killed him already!", Urata stated as he glared at the blackboard. "That's why he walked out before we could end his life.", Soraru agreed his eyes darkening. "It could be fun!

Let's just do our best to clear this stage.", Shima tried to cheer them up but they just glared at him. "You can say that because your role isn't that far away from your actual character.

Urata and I have to literally change our whole character to act according to that given character.", Soraru argued.

"For once I agree with him. That freaking deer did that on purpose to piss me off!", Urata shouted ready to storm out and give Retrodot a piece of his mind before he was stopped by Sakata hugging him. "You can't, Ura-san!

I know you don't want to do this, neither do I, but we have to so we can clear this stage!", Sakata argued as Senra nodded.

"Yeah, you should listen to him for once.", Senra agreed as Urata reluctantly agreed. He huffed and crossed his arms but didn't make any attempt to leave this café anymore.

"But there's nothing we can do about it now. We have about two hours before we have to open this café. Senra and me will think of a special recipe that's not on the menu and you guys will have to practice your roles.

Twenty minutes before opening time I will help you with the costumes.", Amatsuki said as the others nodded. "Let's do this then!", Shima shouted the others shouting either enthusiastically or unenthusiastically with him. They all scrambled away to prepare for the day.

Back in Tokyo
Eve walked into the office confused why Hashiyan called him. He knocked on the door as Hashiyan opened it smiling at him.

"Hey there! Welcome back.", Hashiyan greeted as Eve tilted his head. "What happened?", Eve asked as he followed Hashiyan in.

"I'd like to introduce you to someone. Please welcome the black lion, Darkness. Or how we know him, Kradness!", Hashiyan said as he revealed the blonde guy tied to a chair.

Stage 10 Start
Amatsuki and Senra
"So? Do you have any ideas on what we should make?", Senra asked as Amatsuki thought about it while looking at the menu. "Well, we should firstly look what the menu has so we won't think of something that's already there.", Amatsuki said as he showed Senra the menu.

Menu of the café
- Omelette Rice
-Strawberry Shortcake
-Coffee and Tea

"We can make the omelette rice, katsudon, crêpes and pancakes when we open as long as we have the ingredients. The drinks don't have to be prepared but before we open we have to have the cakes ready. That's probably why he gave us two hours of time before head.

Because baking takes it time. We have a recipe so that should be fine but before that we have to think of a special recipe that is not in here.", Senra told Amatsuki who listened to him intently nodding to each of Senra's words.

"Well, I think we should think of something that can be done fast when the customers arrive because the Strawberry Shortcake and Scones take a lot of time already. We probably have to make them separately... which one do you want to bake?", Amatsuki asked as Senra shrugged.

"I'm fine with it either way but I think the Scones are more difficult so I guess it might be better for you to do it because you're better in this than me.", Senra said and Amatsuki nodded.

"Ok, that's decided then. Now we just have to think of what to make extra... it can't be a cake because that would take too much time and we have to make two or three of the cake so that it'll be enough. For the tiramisu one batch should be enough.

Fortunately, there are enough ovens and ingredients to make them. Because it's a café I'd rather make something sweet but the question is what.", Amatsuki said as he pondered over it.

Senra thought about it as well before an idea popped into his mind.

"How about a parfait. That is a classic that isn't in here. I saw a few boxes of different ice cream we could use so we could make a variety of parfaits.", Senra suggested as Amatsuki's eyes lit up at that. "That's a good idea!

Chocolate Parfait... Berry Parfait or just Strawberry Parfait. That's great, Senra-san! We don't have to worry about making that now but we can make it later when they order one.

Now that that's cleared we shouldn't waste any more time and start.", Amatsuki said as Senra nodded and stood up from his chair to follow Amatsuki into the kitchen.

"Hmm... I think the best way to go at it is to look at each person individually. Because we have two hours it'll be fine.", Shima suggested as Soraru and Urata just looked at him not satisfied.

"We're actually going to practice our roles? Why do I have to act all nice to people I don't know?", Soraru asked leaning his head on his hand bored. "Just do it, Soraru-san, if you don't want to go to the White Room again.", Mafumafu warned smiling but Soraru felt a shiver running down his spine.

"I get it already... I'll try my best or something...", Soraru said frowning. "Soraru might accept this but I refuse to act all cute and cheerful like an idiot.", Urata crossed his arms.

"I do want to clear this stage but I don't really know how to act according to my role...", Sakata said as Mafumafu nodded.

"It's not like I'm against acting but I might need some help to act like how they want me to.", Mafumafu said as Kashitaro smiled in reassurance. "That's why we're here to help each other.

It's going to be fine. Me and Shima could help you guys.", Kashitaro assured and Shima nodded as Urata intervened.

"Oi, how come you to are going to help us when we don't even know if you can actually act according to your role?", Urata asked raising his eyebrow as Kashitaro just smiled.

"Then it's best to demonstrate it to prove it, right? Sakata, could you act as a customer?", Kashitaro's smiled and Sakata nodded.

A few seconds later his smile disappeared as his face was emotionless. "Welcome back. Please take a seat.", Kashitaro said as he pulled out the chair for Sakata who sat down baffled.

"What would you like to drink? We have some earl grey or if you want something sweeter we would have some fruits tea with some scones.", Kashitaro recommended.

"Eh? I don't really know...", Sakata answered not really knowing what to say. Shima chuckled slightly as he stepped on the other side of Sakata.

"You do know that you have to choose, right? You could have some sandwiches as well if you don't want anything too sweet right now.", Shima said his voice suddenly gentler than usual as the others just looked at the two in surprise.

Urata just glared at them with crossed arms. "I-I'll take that then.", Sakata said as both of them bowed. "As you wish.", they both said, Shima smiling while Kashitaro didn't.

After a few seconds their expressions changed to their usual ones as everyone was still baffled. "I see that you're believing our skills now.

Then I'll take Mafu-san and Urata while Shima will help Soraru-san and Sakata. Is that alright with everyone?", Kashitaro asked smiling as they nodded. "Then let's start the lesson!".

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