Chapter 27: Character Change

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Senra and Amatsuki were almost finished as they put the cream on the cake doing the last steps. They cheered as they high-fived each other and sat down to rest. "Finished! The ingredients are prepared and the cake and the scones are finished.

I wonder how the others are doing...", Amatsuki wondered as Senra stood up brushing his uniform standing up before giving Amatsuki a hand which he took.

"How about we just see? We have to help them with the costumes anyway.", Senra suggested as they stepped out of the kitchen.

They did hear the others arguing before and at some point they saw Sakata sitting with Shima and Kashitaro on either of his side but Senra decided to ignore it and Amatsuki was too busy baking to see what they were doing.

Now that they were finished they decided to go outside for a while after putting their aprons down. When they arrived they saw a literal chaos.

Sakata has his head on the desk while looking tired. You could see that the tips of his ears red. Kashitaro stood there looking satisfied.

Urata was sitting on a chair crossing his arms and his face was a s red as a tomato. Mafumafu was giggling and laughing while hitting his hand on the desk, probably laughing at Urata.

And finally Shima was arguing with Soraru.

Shima tried to convince Soraru to something in which the older responded by looking out of the window and pretending that the purple-haired male wasn't there.

The others were so focused on what they were doing that they didn't notice Senra and Amatsuki walking in. They stood there watching them before Senra cleared his throat.

"...What is happening here?", Senra asked finally deciding to speak up. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look up at Senra and Amatsuki. "Well, we were just practicing our roles for later. Me and Shima were helping the others by splitting up because that would be more efficient.

I had Urata and Mafu-san and I have to say I'm satisfied with the results.", Kashitaro said as he looked at Urata who just huffed while Mafumafu started giggling again trying to stiff his laughter. His face being as red as a tomato.

The others just looked at the three of them confused. Kashitaro shook his head amused when he saw Urata glaring at him saying that they would see that later.

"Well, we looked through the menu and luckily we can manage to make everything. Also our special dish will be a parfait.", Amatsuki said explaining all the variants of parfaits they had.

"Good for you! I had to take the two people who had more problems. Sakata at least tried and did what I told him which took a while but he improved and can play his role well enough now.

But Soraru-san! Soraru-san just say there refusing to listen to my advice or even try to smile! He just sat there in this exact chair the whole time!", Shima said pointing at Soraru who thought the wall looked more interesting than the others.

"Soraru-san... is that true?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru looked up at him. "Yeah, what about it?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu now stood in front of him. "You do understand that in order to clear this stage we have to act according to our role right?", Mafumafu asked and when Soraru didn't answer he just continued talking.

"I don't want you to get into the White Room again, Soraru-san. You're always so reckless a-and this time you were lucky but next time will be different! What if we don't get an opportunity to save you next t-time?", Mafumafu asked as tears were at the corners of his eyes.

Soraru noticed Mafumafu's voice slightly breaking and looked up. "I get it already! I'm sorry for worrying you.

You don't have to worry about me and I'll do my best to do my part to clear this stage, alright? So don't start crying now.", Soraru said as he reassured Mafumafu who sniffed but nodded.

Soraru made sure Mafumafu wouldn't start crying before standing up to see everyone watching them. "Don't you even dare to say anything.", Soraru warned the others who just looked at him grinning. "I would love to tease Soraru-san and all but let's talk about everything later!

We have to help you guys with the costumes!", Amatsuki said as he pushed everyone into the dressing room.

There were ten lockers while there were four butler uniforms and two maid uniforms.

There was a table in the middle probably for them if they wanted to take a break in private which Urata and Soraru were very thankful for in case their character would break.

Their names were next to their uniforms which, for some reason, were their exact size. Soraru and Urata threw the paper away crushing it when they saw some "encouraging" words addressed to them and just quickly change into their uniforms.

Mafumafu and Sakata had some problems changing into their uniforms so they got the help of Senra and Amatsuki. After a while all of them were almost finished and just waited for Mafumafu and Sakata to finish changing.

When the two of them got out of the dressing room the others were all surprised that the dresses fit them perfectly.

"You guys don't really look bad in it! In fact it suits you guys really well.", Shima complimented as Mafumafu just gripped his skirt blushing from humiliation and looked on the floor while Sakata thanked Shima sheepishly.

Mafumafu looked up to see Soraru staring at him and looked back down in shame.

"I look really ridiculous right now, don't I?", Mafumafu asked embarrassed. "Don't worry. You do look good in it. So do your best.", Soraru said before walking to the front ready to greet the customers. Mafumafu blushed but smiled as he walked there as well.

Sakata looked expectantly at Urata who just looked away. "Ura-san! You gotta tell me some encouraging words too or else I'll feel like an idiot!", Sakata complained as Urata sneered. "Feel like an idiot? You are one.", Urata said and Sakata gasped following Urata outside and telling him how mean he was.

Kashitaro just chuckled before turning towards Shima. "I think we should stand ready as well. Senra and Ama-chan could watch for a while or stand behind the counter already.", Kashitaro said as he walked to the front as well.

"Well, good luck to you guys! I'll do my best too!", Shima said as he followed Kashitaro. As soon as Shima did the door opened and two female customers walked in together both having a blue bracelet on their wrist.

"Welcome back, ojou-sama.", they all said as they bowed. The girls giggled at each other before Kashitaro stood straight again.

"Please choose one of our butlers. He will serve the two of you for the day.", Kashitaro explained as he gave them a menu of their profiles.

"Then... we would like to have the short one then.", one of the girls said and Urata felt his patience snap. Even so he nodded as he walked towards them slightly bouncing with every step.

"Thank you for choosing me, ojou-sama~ I'm very happy to be your butler for today!

You can call me Urata!", Urata introduced himself smiling brightly. Everyone except Kashitaro just gaped at Urata in surprise while Soraru tried his best to stifle his laughter.

Urata lead them to a table and after they sat down he gave them the menu. "What would you recommend then Urata-san?", one of the girls asked. "Yeah, what do you like to eat the most?", the second girl asked.

What do I care about the food here?! Can you please just let me leave this place already? Urata really wanted to get out of this stupid costume and stop acting like this but he knew they couldn't clear this stage then so instead he put a finger on his cheek making a thinking pose.

"Hmm... there are so many delicious things here though. Ah! How about a strawberry parfait? Some sweet ice cream with cream and fresh strawberries...", Urata said closing his eyes as he put a smile on.

The two girls giggled as they nodded. "We'll take that then.", they said as they gave the menu back to Urata who hugged it while smiling brightly at them. "As you wish!

I'll bring you those parfaits over right away!", Urata bowed quickly before bouncing away as the girls just giggled and started whispering as soon as he turned their back towards them.

When he walked back he slammed his hand on the counter ready to break his character before he noticed Senra signaling him that the two females were still watching him.

So Urata forced his smile back on as he kept his character.

"Two strawberry parfaits please~", Urata said as Senra and Amatsuki chuckled or tried to held in his laughter as they started making the order. "Urata, the customers are calling you again.", Soraru said as he pointed at them.

Urata sighed before putting on a smile again and walking to the customers.

The others just watched as Urata talked to the customers before putting their attention to the door where two other female customers stepped in one wearing a red wristband while the other wore a blue one. Everyone went back to the front and greeted them. "Then... we would like to choose these two.", they said as they pointed at Soraru and Mafumafu. Mafumafu didn't even need to pretend to be shy as he was really nervous right now even more as he was wearing a dress.

"G-good day... I'm M-mafumafu but you can call me Mafu. I'm not very experienced but I hope you'll be fine with me.", Mafumafu said as the girls smiled at him.

"Of course we will!", the girl with the red wristband assured him. Mafumafu smiled in relief as Shima and Soraru were arguing behind him. "Do it!", Shima said and Soraru shook his head. Soraru argued before he was pushed to the front.

The three looked confused at him and Soraru flinched before straightening his back and giving them a gentle smile.

"Ah, pardon me, I didn't even introduce myself yet. My name is Soraru and I feel very honored to be allowed to serve you today.", Soraru said as he stepped to the other girl and took her hand up before kissing her fingertips.

The girl blushed and was surprised as well as almost everyone who saw them.

Mafumafu felt weird when he saw this but shook it off as the two of them lead the girls to a table. Soon more customers came in requesting the others. Sakata just finished serving his customers when he saw that Urata still served two other girls who sat there for over an hour already.

All of his customers just payed so he decided to go and rest a bit until he heard their conversation. "Urata, you said you liked strawberry parfaits right? Do you want to have a bite?", the first girl asked as she took a spoon full of ice cream and held it towards him. "Eh? I can't!

It's your ice cream and I am just serving you!", Urata said waving with both of his arms.

"One bite won't hurt, right?", she insisted and Urata gave in as he nodded. "I guess...", Urata said as he leaned in and Sakata didn't know what ran through his mind as he pulled Urata away by his arm startling the shorter male.

Urata was about to ask what the hell Sakata was doing before he remembered he had to stay in his character. "What's wrong, Sakata-chan?", Urata asked tilting his head startling Sakata.

"Hmph! I just think that you should do your work instead of eating food of our customers! That's all!", Sakata said as he let go and crossed his arms. "Ah...right. Sorry~

I'll make sure not to slack off!", Urata said as he put his hand behind his neck.

"Wait! I want him to eat it! You're being too hard on him.", the girl argued.

Kashitaro heard them arguing as he excused himself from the customers and walked over to the four. "Excuse me, but is something wrong?", he asked as they turned their attention to him.

"Yes, this maid here was acting all on her own and even scolding Urata!", the girl complained as she explained the situation.

"I see... well, Urata-san did break the rules so Sakata-san was right to stop him. So Sakata-san did nothing wrong.", Kashitaro explained.

"But— Urata! You wanted to eat it, right?! Is that maid pressuring you? Then just tell her she should leave you alone and stop bothering you because she's a—".

"Oh~? What were you about to say~? I really hope you're not bad-mouthing my precious partner~", Urata smiled his face darkening as he narrowed his eyes at them.

"U-urata? What happened? Did that maid do—". "Oh~? I think your time is up now~ Please leave now so other customers can finally come in~", he said as he pulled the girl up her friend sitting there not knowing what to do.

He pulled her out and opened the door as he lightly pushed her out waving at her smiling. "Bye bye~ I hope to not see you again~", he said before closing the door. Urata walked back to the others as Sakata gripped his skirt looking down.

"S-sorry...", he apologized as Urata gave him a smile trying to show him that the customers were watching them.

He took the parfait and the spoon as he ate a bite and Sakata widened his eyes but didn't stop him. Urata just finished chewing before swooning over it. "It's really delicious, Saka-chan~

We shouldn't let it go to waste after our customer didn't even get a taste. You should have a bite~", Urata said as he held the spoon at Sakata smiling and at that point Sakata and the others understood two things.

One: Urata tried to change their attention to a fan service scene. Two: The customer didn't even start to eat the parfait yet so Urata wouldn't have an indirect kiss with.

Sakata opened his mouth and waited but Urata pulled the spoon away eating the ice cream by himself. Sakata stood there confused as Urata grinned. "You were too slow, Saka-chan~

It was going to melt~", Urata teased and Sakata opened his mouth to complain being shut up by Urata who pushed a spoon of ice scream and strawberry in his mouth.

Sakata closed his mouth to chew as he blushed. "Is it delicious?", Urata asked as Sakata nodded. "That's good then! Now... what about you? Your accompaniment was a bit rude there but you were pretty nice~ What to do...", Urata pondered as Shima walked over. "I think our Shima here has a solution. Let's hear it then~"

So... Soraru's birthday is today and because he's my favorite Utaite I decided to do my best to draw him some fanart! So here you go~

Happy Birthday, Soraru~!!! I love your soothing voice and how you sing! (≧∀≦)

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