Chapter 28: Darkness

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"Now... what about you? Your accompaniment was a bit rude there but you were pretty nice~ What to do...", Urata pondered as Shima walked over. "I think our Shima here has a solution.

Let's hear it then~", Urata said smiling waiting for Shima to say something.

"As an apology for what our workers did, would you like a special berry parfait made by our great cooks?", Shima suggested.

"A-ah, you don't need to do that... I apologize for my cousin's behavior. I'll make sure to talk to her about it later.", she said bowing.

"No need to apologize. That wasn't your but was entirely her fault.", Senra assured as he walked out of the kitchen.

"That was intense. Good job at handling it, Urata.", Amatsuki praises Urata who just nodded.

Kashitaro tried his best not to jump at Amatsuki to hug him when he walked out and tried to keep a straight face when Amatsuki smiled.

Soraru and Mafumafu just finished serving the last customers as they walked towards her.

"E-excuse me, I am sorry if I was rude but I just listened in on your conversation and I completely agree that you should get our special parfait...", Mafumafu stuttered biding behind Soraru who smiled. The girl was about to refuse again but Soraru stopped her.

"I completely agree. It would be an honor if you would try it. If you want to be polite then please agree to this request of us.", Soraru said as she just nodded. "Th-then I'll take you up on that offer.", she said smiling as Amatsuki ran back into the kitchen to make her order.

After he finished, Mafumafu took the parfait and walked to the female customer but on the way he stepped on his skirt and tripped losing his grip on the berry parfait.

He prepared for the fall but it never came as he felt an arm around his waist and looked up to see Soraru holding him a blush creeping on his face. He forgot about the parfait he lost the grip of which Urata successfully caught.

"Safe!", Urata shouted as the others clapped. "Are you alright?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu snapped out of his daze.

"Ah, yes I am!", Mafumafu said as he thanked Soraru when he let him go.

The girl just smiled and giggled as she ate the parfait not forgetting to praise the cook for his work. She just enjoyed her parfait as she watched the butlers and maids talking to each other.

When she finished she paid and they guided her to the door. "Thank you for coming.

Please come again.", the whole group said as they bowed. She smiled and thanked them for the good time before exiting.

As soon as the door closed everyone slumped down. "Good work everyone!", Amatsuki said as he and Senra walked out of the kitchen with a tray of different colorful parfaits.

"After you changed your clothes you can eat this treats!", Amatsuki said as the others went to change their clothes.

Kashitaro hugged Amatsuki from behind startling him. "Ama-chan~ I'm done for!", Kashitaro complained as Amatsuki just sighed before patting Kashitaro's head.

"Good job, Kashi.", Amatsuki praised and Kashitaro was surprised before smiling brightly. "Will you feed me as a reward?", Kashitaro asked as Amatsuki just blushed.

"Eh?! Fine...", Amatsuki agreed as Kashitaro cheered happily.

Amatsuki took the spoon and held some chocolate ice cream towards Kashitaro who opened his mouth and hummed in acknowledgement.

"I knew it. Your chocolate parfait is the best! You can bake and cook really well.", Kashitaro praised as Amatsuki blushed.

"T-thanks, Kashi. If you want to eat it some other time I can make it for you.", Amatsuki said as Kashitaro's eyes sparkled with happiness.

"Really? I'll do so then!", Kashitaro flashed a smile towards Amatsuki.

Shima who walked out smiled at them and Senra placed a berry parfait down.

"Good work for today.", Senra said and Shima thanked him. "This looks good.", Shima praised as Senra sheepishly thanked him.

"Where's yours?", Shima asked as he didn't see one for Senra.

"Ah, there weren't enough ingredients for everyone but I didn't really need one anyway so it's fine.", Senra explained as Shima just frowned.

"That's not really good though. Let's just share this one!", Shima decided as Senra looked at him confused before shaking his head furiously making Shima confused.

"You don't have to do that! Like I said I don't really need to eat one anyway.", Senra assured as Shima still shook his head and insisted for Senra and him to share it.

After arguing for a long while Shima won and Senra just sighed as he sat down and wanted to take the spoon but when he reached out to it Shima moved his hand away.

Senra tried it again but Shima always moved his hand away making Senra slightly irritated after they did this for a while.

"Mashi... you know that I need the spoon to eat the parfait, right?", Senra asked as Shima just smirked making Senra feel very bad about this.

Shima took a spoon full of ice cream and as he leaned on one of his arms holding the other one towards Senra signaling him that Shima wanted to feed him. "Are you actually serious right now?", Senra asked and he took it as a yes when he didn't hear and answer.

Senra was hesitant but leaned in anyway and ate it chewing the berries before swallowing it.

"And? Does it taste good?", Shima asked as Senra just blushed feeling really embarrassed right now. "It tastes fine I guess. I could have made it better.", Senra said as Shima just smiled.

"Oh, so you made mine! I feel very honored!", Shima joked grinning as he went back to eating the parfait urging Senra to eat a few bites every now and then as well.

Urata changed back into his clothes and just walked out when he saw that Sakata was still looking a bit down poking his strawberry.

He sighed as he walked towards him and sat down on the chair next to him.

"Oi, idiot. Are you still bothered about before?", Urata asked as Sakata flinched from surprise noticing Urata. Sakata thought about what to say before settling on the truth.

"It's just... maybe I shouldn't have done that because she was only trying to be nice and all. Just because I was jealous of— nevermind.", Sakata stopped and Urata smirked slightly.

"Oh? Was someone scared of me having an indirect kiss with someone else besides you?", Urata asked as Sakata blushed.

"I was, Ura-san! And you even noticed but still decided to do it. You're so mean!", Sakata pouted as Urata chuckled which was unexpected for Sakata as he blushed.

"Sorry, it was fun though.", Urata apologized half-heartedly. There was a comfortable silence between them as each of them just ate their parfaits. Urata looked at Senra talking to Shima and thought back to the words of Senra a while ago.

"That sounds good. Looks like there are finally people you can put your trust into.

It's great that you finally made some new friends besides me... it seems like... It seems like you will be fine now even with me gone..."

What did he mean when he said that? Urata asked himself and was lost in thought as he didn't notice Sakata talking to him.

"Sorry, what did you say?", Urata asked as Sakata pouted again. "You didn't pay any attention again? I asked you why you had to tease me?", Sakata asked as Urata stayed silent for a while taking his time to eat his parfait.

"Well, that's your fault for being an idiot.", Urata added and that is when they started bickering for the rest of the day.

That's because you're kinda cute when I tease you. Is something that Urata wouldn't ever dare to say to Sakata. So he just decided to continue bickering with Sakata sometimes trying his best to suppress a smile creeping on his face.

Mafumafu just put his maid costume away and walked into the dressing room to put it away when he noticed Soraru sitting at the table his arms crossed as he was steadily breathing.

"Soraru-san?", Mafumafu walked closer to see Soraru already asleep. Mafumafu quickly put his dress away in the locker. After that he sat on the chair next to Soraru.

"Good work, Soraru-san. Seems like you didn't need any practice. I wonder where you got your acting skills from though. I'm going to ask you as soon as you wake up.", Mafumafu said as he felt his eyes feeling heavy as well.

"Might as well take a small nap...", Mafumafu said yawning as his eyes slowly closed.

The others just finished their parfaits when they noticed that Soraru and Mafumafu were missing. "Where are Soraru-san and Mafu-kun?", Amatsuki asked. "I saw Mafu walking into the dressing room and Soraru never came out of there.", Shima said as Sakata tilted his head.

"I wonder what they're doing.", Sakata said as Urata shrugged. "Do we really want to know?", Urata asked as Sakata looked at him confused. "What do you mean?", Sakata asked as Urata sighed. "And this is why you are and stay an idiot.", Urata said as Senra just sweat-dropped.

"Well, let's just see where they are.", Senra suggested and they all agreed as they walked into the dressing rooms and everyone smiled at the sight before them.

The two of them sat in a chair as Mafumafu's head was on Soraru's shoulder and Soraru's head on Mafumafu's head both of them looking peaceful. Amatsuki took a picture as the others looked questioning at him and he just shrugged.

"What? I got the camera from here and they look so sweet together right now.", Amatsuki said.

Sakata quickly brought a blanket and draped it over them. "They're probably tired from today. They were the most popular after all so obviously they had to work more than us.", Shima said.

"Should we wake them up?", Sakata asked as Urata shook his head.

"I would really love to wake Soraru up but I think we should let Mafu-kun sleep because he deserved it.", Urata said as they all walked out and closed the door. They could wake them up later. For now they decided to leave the two of them be.

Stage 10 Cleared

"I'd like to introduce you to someone. Please welcome the black lion, Darkness. Or how we got to know him, Kradness-san!", Hashiyan said as he revealed the blonde guy tied to a chair.

"He came here all by himself after you left, Eve-san. I've tried to ask him for some kind of information for the last few days but he just wouldn't answer any of my questions.", Hashiyan explained sighing as he kneeled down to look into the eyes of Kradness.

"You know Kradness-san, I really want to see Amatsuki again and that is not possible if you don't answer me. So I'd like you to spit everything out before this smile here disappears.", Hashiyan said pointing at his smile.

"You can do anything you want but... I'll not tell you anything.", Kradness said as Hashiyan lowered his head. "I see... I guess we will have to resort to other methods then...", Hashiyan said and Kradness froze as he thought of Mafumafu's mother whose safety was trusted to him.

"W-wait! P-please wait!", Kradness pleaded as Hashiyan put a snake around his neck. "Say hello to Elise-chan! Isn't she cute?", Hashiyan asked as Kradness slightly panicked.

"Here's a small advice: Please don't show your fear or she's gonna bite you~ Ah, I should let you meet Arisa-chan as well! Tomohisa, would you be kind enough to bring her here so I can let Kradness-san here meet her?", Hashiyan asked as Tomohisa nodded and already walked outside before Kradness shouted in a shaky voice.

"I get it already! I'll answer your questions! But please take her away from me!", Kradness pleaded as Hashiyan smiled satsified taking the snake away from him. "Tomohisa!

He gave up! You can bring Elise back to Arisa now!", Hashiyan said as he gave Tomohisa the snake. "So...Ama-chan and the others are fine, right?", Hashiyan asked as Kradness reluctantly nodded. Eve sighed in relief as Hashiyan's smile was nowhere to be seen.

"What is your goal? Where did you take them?", Hashiyan asked eager to finally get the information he wanted. "I honestly don't know. I am only one of the people responsible for transferring the targeted items to that island.

I don't even know their faces... to begin with... that island is abnormal! There are dead people walking around there. I don't even know anymore... Is that place strange? Or am I going insane?

If you're going to hand me over to the police then please do it quickly.

My family gave up on me and only Mafu's mother gives me a place where I can act normal. But I understand that I can't keep on living like this!", Kradness said sobbing as he covered his face breaking down.

It was their day off and everyone was resting. Or was supposed to be resting but that wasn't an option for Urata.

I finally know how the island is structured. After being kidnapped here, being a defector, escaping and coming to this hellhole here again...

Urata kept wandering around following a path he found what he was looking for. "So here it is... mother mimickry.", Urata said walking closer to it to inspect it but he stopped when he heard someone calling his name. "Ura-san?"

Mafumafu's mother was making some pasta as Kradness sat on the couch. "Aiko-san?", Kradness spoke up breaking the silence.

"What is it, Kradness?", she asked smiling. "I'm not going to come to visit for a while. Could you tell Mafu sorry for me?", Kradness asked as she nodded in understanding.

"Ah, I see. Your part time job must be taking a lot of your time then.", she said as she came with two plates of pasta giving one plate to Kradness. "I'm sorry.", she said after a while.

"Eh? For what?", Kradness asked confused. "For always worrying you. I know you see me as a mother figure because I took care of the two of you when you were young.

And now you're taking such good care of me... you're just like a son to me, Kradness. You're taking such good care of me... I'm sure I'm fine now... so do what you have to do."

Kradness thought back to that as he stepped out of the house. "Are you ready?", Hashiyan asked as Kradness nodded.

"Why are you crying?", Eve asked worried. "It's nothing... I've made my decision. I'm going to take you guys to the island."

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