Chapter 29: Follow your heart

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Sometimes... I think... that I shouldn't have left him go home alone on that day.

"Please take care of the agency while we're gone!", Hashiyan said as he gave Tomohisa the keys who nodded. "Make sure to bring Amatsuki-kun back and be safe.", Tomohisa said as Hashiyan nodded cheerfully.

"U-um, excuse me, but about Aiko-san...", Kradness started as Tomohisa gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I'm going to visit her frequently.", Tomohisa assured as Kradness Just turned the other way muttering a small thanks.

Eve noticed his phone buzzing as he pulled it out to see a notification from his mother. "Also Eve-kun...", Hashiyan said and Eve perked up. "You should probably get off here as well.", Hashiyan adviced as Eve's eyes widened.

"W-why?", was the only thing Eve could ask. "We know almost nothing about that island. And there is no guarantee when we'll be back.

You're still going to high school and have a bright future ahead of you.

I heard you are studying hard to get into the university of your choice and that your teachers have high expectations from you.

What did you want to study again? Medicine, Science and technology, wasn't it? That is harder than you might think. Not only did you choose one hard subject but you're choosing three of them. How would you explain that to your parents?", Hashiyan asked as Eve just gripped his phone tightly not saying anything.

"You are my client and I accepted your request but your future is something I'm not responsible for.", Hashiyan said.

"Sou-chan! Are you alright?!", a mushroom-haired boy ran up towards a small blonde child. "I-I'm fine, Eve-kun... My throat just hurts a bit.", the younger boy tried to assure him but immediately stared coughing afterwards. "Sou-chan!", Eve stood up and called some adults.

Sou was lying on his bed breathing unsteadily as Eve held his hand trying to calm him down. He heard some voices talking outside.

"I'm afraid to tell you that your son suffers from something we can't determine.

We thought something was wrong with his lungs but when we examined him we didn't find anything wrong with his lungs.

For now we can just watch how it goes on but we don't know if he can keep on living for that much longer. He should be fine until his thirties now but he'll still get some cough attacks like that or even worse.", the doctor told Sou's parents as his mother cried and his father tried to console her as he looked sad as well.

When Eve heard this he started tearing up as well and Sou looked at him confused. "Eve-kun, what did mama and papa talk about? Am I going to die?", Sou asked looking terrified as Eve tried his best to smile and shook his head.

"Don't worry, Sou-chan! I'm going to find a way to cure you so please wait for me until then!"

"...No. I won't go back.", Eve refused as he sat there still. "Eve-kun—".

"If you won't let me go with you then I'll just find a way to go on my own. Even if it's not the right thing to do and could ruin my future.

I started studying this hard just for the sake of Sou anyway. If I can't find Sou again then what is the point of studying so hard? What is the point of coming so far?", Eve asked gripping his phone tightly now looking him into the eyes.

"A-alright, I get it. Ah... honestly that was just a warning but if you really want to go then I can't stop you.", Hashiyan said as he held his hand out to Eve and Eve took it.

"Now, let's go! Darkness, take us to Ama-chan and the others!", Hashiyan said jumping on his seat. "Please put your seatbelt on.", Kradness said as he stared the car.

"Can we stop by the convenience store later?", Hashiyan asked as Eve reminded him to put the seatbelt on again. Tomohisa just smiled as he watched them drive off. "Have a safe trip.", he said before walking back into the office.

"So here it is... mother mimickry.", Urata said walking closer to it to inspect it but he stopped when he heard someone calling his name. "Ura-san?", Urata turned around to see Sakata standing there confused.

"W-what the hell are you doing here, idiot?!", Urata asked as Sakata flinched.

"Well, I wanted to ask you to hang out with me but you didn't answer me when I asked you so I thought you were ignoring me.

But then I noticed how you looked like you were on guard and decided to follow you here. Where are we, Ura-san?", Sakata asked after he explaining looking around.

He walked towards Urata almost stepping on a root but Urata moved quickly holding Sakata in place startling Sakata.

"Ok, I am really tempted to tell you to go away but that would be too dangerous so I'm just going to explain you some things instead.

One: Don't step on any of those roots. Two: Stay close to me and don't go any other way even if you're curious. And finally three:

Don't you dare to do something stupid.", Urata warned Sakata who nodded.

"But could you please explain everything? What are we doing? Why can I not step on the roots? Are we even allowed to be here?

Why do you know this place?", Sakata asked as Urata held his hand up to tell him to stop. "Too many questions. Can you please slow down a bit? I can explain you almost everything.

We're underground in a sort of way and this is kinda the heart of the island.", Urata said as he pointed at the large tree which was protected by the other plants. "We're investigating this place. You can't step on the roots in case something triggers them and you better be safe than sorry.

Retrodot never said anything about not being allowed to go here so we're basically not breaking any rules.

And I know this place because I was here... for a long time already.", Urata confessed as he kept walking straight not looking Sakata into the eyes. "Eh? What do you mean with that? You woke up with me on the same day, right?

That was you right, Ura-san?", Sakata asked very confused. "Yeah, that was me.

Ugh... I'd rather keep quiet about this but I think you deserve to know and I promised you after all.", Urata said and Sakata remembered that Urata indeed promised him this before.

"Fine, I'll tell you everything about me, my past and my connection to Senra. We'll talk about this after we get out of here."

"Well, it's a long story but f you're willing to listen to me until then, then be my guest.", Urata said and Sakata nodded.

"I want to know more about you. In exchange, I'm going to tell you about me as well!", Sakata said as Urata shook his head.

"There's no need for you to do that— Don't look at me like that.

It's not like I don't want to know more about you and all but there is just no need for me to.

I'll explain that too so just let me tell you what I promised to tell you... the story of my life.", Urata said. Sakata didn't dare to say anything as he just nodded and Urata started telling him about his life. "Before I was brought here I had a friend I kinda took care of.

He was younger than me and he was very cheerful when he was around me. I... kinda promised him to stay with him forever but I broke the promise because I was kidnapped here.

I think he will be probably really mad at me when I come back.", Urata explained as Sakata stopped him before he could say anything further. "Then that wasn't your fault Ura-san!

Your friend must be really sad but rather than being angry he would be probably worried for you! You know, I had an older friend as well who helped me out in the past and when he was gone I was really sad but I never blamed him or anything.

Unfortunately, I forgot his name and face but I'll never forget his kindness. I want to believe that I'll meet him someday again so please do that as well.", Sakata said as Urata widened his eyes before smiling slightly.

"...I guess if you say so I will. Anyway, I was kidnapped and woke up in this island. The very first person I met here was Senra and even though we didn't really like each other at first we somehow became friends because both of us were somehow outcasts. And—".

"Wait a minute. Ura-san, did you forget? The first person you met here when you woke up was me. And what you told about yourself and Senra-san doesn't really sound right.

Didn't you two get along in the very beginning when the two of us met him and Shima-san?", Sakata asked feeling very confused right now. "Do you want to ruin my story, Sakata? Whatever. To tell you the truth this isn't the first time I was kidnapped here.

I was kidnapped here before, escaped and then I was kidnapped again. The second time I woke up in this place was when you met me here.", Urata explained as Sakata just looked at him wide-eyed trying to progress everything.

"Eh?! So you were kidnapped before and met Senra-san here meaning Senra-san was kidnapped as well?! And after you finally escaped you were kidnapped again?", Sakata asked and Urata nodded confirming it.

"I'm surprised you could follow me until now.", Urata teased as Sakata just puffed his cheeks. "Anyways, we're going to meet some of my friends I met here underground.

This path should lead to their secret hideout.", Urata said as they kept walking.

"Your friends are here underground? But didn't you just say that you and Senra-san were outcasts?", Sakata asked as Urata smiled bitterly. "We were. You know, those guys I was with... I didn't really get along with them.

So I went off on my own to investigate all the time breaking some rules every once and then just like Soraru. That didn't really end well for me and soon I got my very own White Room.", Urata told Sakata as his eyes grew even wider if possible.

"You became a defector?! I don't get it! Ura-san, every time I think I finally understand you, you reveal something else about yourself.", Sakata said as Urata shrugged.

"Well, be prepared to learn even more things about me. When we played that game of luck and death, Russian roulette, the skeleton specifically told me to put in as many bullets as I broke the rules. I broke them three times in fact.

Do you remember the room we used to clear the stage to safe Soraru? That was originally my room where I was locked in.

At some point I was so fed up with being in there that I decided to break out and escape like I always tried to. And that's how I eventually met them.", Urata explained as Sakata widened his eyes finally understanding.

"So... you that's why you broke down when you went into that room... and that's why you had to put three bullets into the revolver.", Sakata said and Urata nodded.

"They were pretty nice and I would have stayed with them. The other streamers gave up on me so there wasn't really anything holding me back except... Senra.

I knew I couldn't leave him behind knowing that I left someone behind before.

So I decided to go back. But before I went back they gave me some maps to here underground so I could find a way back to them.

The map was incomplete so I had to complete it myself which wasn't possible anymore because the game ended and so we were allowed to go.

I wanted to go back and save them because I thought they deserved freedom but before I could make any plan I was kidnapped here again and you know the rest of the story.", Urata finished explaining as Sakata just stood there trying to process everything.

"You look overwhelmed and that's understandable. If you have any questions I can answer them later because we can't really talk underwater.", Urata said as they arrived at some kind of place where the roots stopped growing and there was some kind of underwater place instead.

"W-wait, Ura-san!", Sakata said and Urata just looked at him confused.

"What is it? Is it because you can't swim? You don't have to worry cause I'll just help you out like last time. Unlike last time you're not going to go ahead and drown yourself though.

Also, no use to refuse because you decided to follow me here so it's your fault you have to do this.", Urata said as he started to stretch himself to warm himself up.

"That's really mean and nice at the same time but that's not what I meant. I wanted to ask you something and before you say anything else: Yes, it has to be now.", Sakata said and Urata looked at Sakata to see he was serious and sighed.

"Fine. Just make it quick. We have to be back tomorrow morning or it'll be suspicious.", Urata said as he finished stretching himself and waited for Sakata to ask him the question.

"When we first met I asked you if you were fine and all and... I was always confused until now. Ura-san, did you ever watch my livestreams?", Sakata asked and Urata shook his head confused on why Sakata would ask this.

"I see... Ura-san, if you never even watched my livestreams, then how did you know my name when we were supposed to have met the first time when we woke up here?", Sakata asked and Urata didn't answer so Sakata decided to ask another question. "And when you talked about your friend it was kinda similar to my situation.

Did you perhaps know my friend?", Sakata asked and Urata sighed as he just gave him a wry smile. He decided to play along and make the red-head guess from himself.

"Yeah, I know him.", Urata confirmed and Sakata widened his eyes taking both of Urata's hands in his. "Really?! Where is he? Is he alright?!", Sakata asked worry in his eyes.

Urata slightly backed away and sighed again as he took one of his hands to hit Sakata lightly on the head. "Yeah, he's doing perfectly fine. Stop worrying so much.", Urata sighed but Sakata only stepped closer to Urata.

"Is he here underground as a defector?! Can I finally meet him again.", Sakata asked again his eyes hopeful. Urata sighed for the nth time this day as he shook his head making Sakata losing hope but Urata's next words shocked him.

"You really are an idiot... you can't really meet him again if you already met him.", Urata said as Sakata was totally lost now.

"What do you mean? Where is he now?", Sakata asked and Urata stayed quiet before speaking up after a while again.

"Idiot, after all that talking you still don't know? He's standing right in front of you.", Urata said as Sakata widened his eyes realizing what Urata meant tears at the corner of his eyes.

"U-ura-san?", Sakata asked as if asking for some kind of permission and Urata nodded.

"Yeah, it's great to finally meet again, Sakata.", Urata said smiling and that's when Sakata finally fell on his knees and broke into tears as Urata kneeled down as well whispering consoling words to his dear childhood friend.

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