Chapter 30: Sinking Memories

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After Sakata stopped crying Urata stood up again. "As much as I'd like to be happy that you finally remember me again we have to get going or this trip will be in vain.", Urata said as he held his hand out to Sakata who was confused.

"Idiot. I have to guide you because you can't swim. So give me your hand already.", Urata said as he took Sakata's hand and Sakata smiled and signaled Urata that he was ready before both of them jumped into the water and Sakata felt himself being pulled into the depths of the water.

He slowly opened his eyes and was being taken in by the beauty of Urata and his surroundings. There were many different kinds of fish swimming in there and everything looked so beautiful that he almost opened his mouth again but this time he made sure not to breath water in.

Soon he was being pulled out again as Sakata sat down on the floor panting and Urata wrenched his shirt out of water.

"Are you ok? Sorry but we have to get going.", Urata apologized as he held out his hand to help Sakata up. "It's fine, Ura-san! Let's get going so we can meet your friends!", Sakata said as he nudged Urata so he would start walking.

Luz was walking around to search for some mechanic parts when he suddenly heard two people talking. He quickly hid himself and listened to the two voices talking.

"Ura-san... Are we almost there?", one of the voices asked as the other voice just hummed uninterested. "Ura-san... I'm tired.", the male voice complained as the other male apparently lost his nerve.

"Ugh, shut up already! It's your fault for following me here. We're almost there so be patient for at least a few more minutes!", the latter said annoyed as Luz tried to stifle a chuckle.

Looks like someone lost their patience. I wonder who his voice reminds me of... Ah, they're coming this way. I have to escape quickly or—

Just as Luz moved away his parts fell down making a loud sound as he cursed quietly.

He tried to move away quickly but the other person was faster and the next thing he knew was that his back was being pressed against the wall with one knife at his neck.

He looked down at the person widening his eyes when he recognized him. "U-urata?!"

"So... which route are we taking to go to the island?", Hashiyan asked as he munched on his hamburger.

Kradness thought about it for a bit while sipping from his coke before answering.

"From underground. There is an underwater tunnel where we can drive through.", Kradness said as Hashiyan hummed in slight surprise.

"So we're driving there by car. I thought we would have to go by helicopter or boat something like that.", Hashiyan said as Kradness shook his head. "I don't have a license for neither.

Sorry, Eve-san.", Kradness apologized to Eve who sat there feeling a bit car sick.

"It's fine. I will just have to bear with it for a bit.", Eve assured as Kradness nodded before continuing to explain. "There are a total of 8 committee members including me.

Aside from that there is one contractor on this island. Originally, this island was supposed to be an amusement park but because of some problems the project was forced to be stopped.

So the island's contractor bought the island for some genome research. When the owner died it was inherited by Akito-san.

You don't know him so I don't really know if I should tell you this if you're not interested. He was Aiko-san's friend.", Kradness said and looked at Hashiyan who took some notes.

"I'm interested so please tell me.", Hashiyan said smiling as Kradness nodded before he continued. "Akito-san was killed by an employee's mistake who is still on this island.

Me being on this island in the first place is because of him. I was considering switching professions at that time anyway and since the conditions were good and I didn't think very much of it when I accepted it.", Kradness said as Hashiyan just hummed taking notes.

"What were you doing there?", Hashiyan asked. "Research Maintenance. Besides me there were 4 or 5 more people. There was this one person I got along pretty well. But he probably hates me now... and I don't blame him.", Kradness said as he chuckled bitterly.

"After Aiko-san's husband died and Mafu was being kidnapped she only had her friend to rely on. And when he died as well...

Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I would have chosen another path...", Kradness said thinking back on how terrified he was when Mafumafu's mother showed him the doll which should replace him.

His thoughts were interrupted when Hashiyan held a fry towards him and he ate it munching on it. Eve held the coke towards him trying to help. Kradness noticed this and muttered an apology.

"...I'm sorry. In summary, we have to go to the guard of the underwater tunnel. Her code name is Neko, she is kind of a friend of mine."

He looked down at the person widening his eyes when he recognized him. "U-urata?!", Luz exclaimed surprised as Urata was also shocked slowly pulling his knife back.

"Luz! So you're still here after all!", Urata said as he finally pulled away completely and backed off. He pulled Urata into a hug and Urata pushed him away making Luz chuckle.

"It's really you! You're the same old Urata and for some reason you're wet. How long has it been? Two years?", Luz asked.

"About two years I guess and yeah, some things happened. Anyway, are the others still here? I have completed the map you gave me some time ago. I thought I would give it back to you cause I kinda memorized it. There are some documents as well.", Urata said as he held the said map out.

It was dry because Urata put it into a small plastic bag for it to remain like this and the ink not to smear. "Prepared like always.

Of course, I'll lead you to them right now. I think Nqrse and Sou will be overjoyed to see you again. But before that...

Who is your companion here?", Luz asked as he pointed at Sakata who stood there silently the whole time watching the two talking to each other. Urata looked as if he forgot Sakata for a while and motioned towards Sakata.

"Ah... that is Sakata. He's—". "We're childhood friends! Soulmates!", Sakata interrupted Urata as he wrapped his arms around Urata's arm and hugged it while Urata looked confused.

Luz was a bit surprised that Urata didn't push Sakata but then he understood why and smirked. He knew that the red-head was definitely jealous but he didn't want to reveal the truth just yet and decided to tease him instead.

"Eh? Urata, I always thought we were soulmates! How could you betray me like that?", Luz feigned hurt as he slung his arm around Urata's shoulder. Sakata noticed that Urata didn't try to push Luz away this time and that he shifted his attention to Luz so he tightened his grip around Urata pulling it. Urata was very confused on why those two were behaving like this.

"Guys... could you let go so we can go to the others. We kinda have to go back in a few hours and walking like this so difficult.", Urata said as Sakata didn't let go of Urata's arm.

"I don't want to Ura-san! I have to do this so I won't get lost!", Sakata argued as Urata sighed and nodded. "I guess if you are that incapable of following me...", Urata said and Sakata looked happy before Luz started arguing as well.

"I get why Sakata clings to me but why you, Luz? You usually don't do this.", Urata said and Luz just grinned leaned down and smiling.

"I didn't get to see my dear friend for a long time. How could you blame me to be like this?", Luz asked and Urata sighed and nodded.

"Whatever... I'm really too tired to argue right now. A lot happened today.", Urata said Luz was grinning while Sakata pouted.

Nqrse was sorting some documents when Sou came in a worried look on his face.

"Ah, Sou-kun. Welcome back. Is something the matter?", Nqrse asked.

"W-well, when I went to call him he wasn't here.", Sou said and Nqrse just sighed. "Don't worry, you did nothing wrong, Sou-kun.

We really have to warn Luz. Do you want to help me with cleaning for now?", Nqrse asked and Sou nodded happy to help.

They just finished cleaning when they heard Luz talking to some other people.

"Quick, Sou-kun, hide somewhere.", Nqrse instructed and Sou nodded.

Nqrse hid behind the door with a tazer and immediately charged towards the person with it but stopped when he noticed that it was Luz and was surprised to see two other people behind him. Nqrse stepped a few steps back almost tripping but he was being held by Luz so he wouldn't trip.

"God... this is like the second time I was attacked today.", Luz sighed as Sou peeked out from his hiding place. "U-urata-san?!

What are you doing here?", Sou asked surprised as he walked up to Urata.

"Sou, glad to see you're alright. Well, a lot of things happened and now I'm back in here.", Urata said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm just glad that you're alright. But you're here again so does that mean...", Sou started looking down as Urata shook his head patting Sou's head. "Nah, I'm not a defector.

I just decided to visit you guys after finding a path here. The red-head here is Sakata.

He followed me here.", Urata said and Sou smiled in relief. "Well, that's good then. I'm glad you're alright.", Sou said smiling.

Nqrse, who looked this happen in front of him, walked towards Urata giving him a hug. "I'm happy to see you're doing fine.", Nqrse sighed relieved and Urata patted Nqrse's back.

"Yeah, I'm glad you're doing fine too.", Urata said smiling before Nqrse was being pulled back by Luz who hugged him from behind.

"And that's enough you two. I don't know if I should feel offended by the fact that you greeted them in such a sweet way and greeted me with a knife.", Luz fake-pouted and Urata shrugged. "I heard a suspicious noise.

It's not like I would have killed you anyway.", Urata shrugged as Nqrse and Sou gasped.

"God... are you alright?", Nqrse asked as Luz nodded. "Fortunately, I'm fine—".

"No, I meant Sakata-kun here. It must have been scary for you... I hope Luz didn't frighten you too much.", Nqrse said as he bowed to Sakata who held his hands up surprised.

"Eh? It's fine. Ura-san was there after all.", Sakata assured them as Urata just sneered when he saw Luz's expression.

"Guys, what about—". "I am so sorry if Luz-kun did something to scare you. But he is a good person, I swear.", Sou promised Sakata who looked perplexed. "Sou!

It's nice that you think I'm a good person but isn't there something wrong in this situation?

You guys do understand that I was the one being attacked right?", Luz said as Nqrse and Sou looked at him blankly.

"Well, you're always walking off on your own and you always tell me I worry too much so I thought you would be fine...", Sou explained smiling sheepishly as he didn't look into Luz's eyes while playing with his fingers.

"Honestly, I hope that you would learn a lesson after being assaulted by Urata. You should be more careful if you don't want to actually end up dead.", Nqrse told him smiling.

"Even my own boyfriend...", Luz said as Sakata widened his eyes. "Eh?! What?!", Sakata shouted out some inaudible words.

"Ah, if you haven't noticed until now I'm male.", Nqrse said and Luz just chuckled.

"I think Sakata here noticed it. It's just that he didn't know we're together. Also, I may have or haven't changed my attitude towards Urata to tease him a bit.", Luz confessed and Nqrse giggled.

"Ah, so that's it.", Nqrse said and Sou just looked a bit confused but before he could ask Urata coughed to gain their attention.

"Ah, sorry, Urata. You wanted to tell us something right? Go ahead then.", Nqrse said as Urata nodded. "I just wanted to give you these maps you gave me two years ago. I completed them so now you know the whole path that connects the underground and the above.", Urata said as he gave the map to Luz who took them thanking Urata.

They talked a bit longer Urata explaining them about the situation from above while Nqrse and Luz were telling him about their life underground. Sou and Sakata were sitting somewhere else getting to know each other.

"Also... please be careful. I don't know how much longer you can hide in here.", Urata warned them and Luz and Nqrse understood while Sou and Sakata looked confused.

"Sakata and me should get going now. I only intended to come here to give you these documents. We shouldn't stay here longer than needed.", Urata said as Sakata pouted.

"Eh? I wanted to stay here a bit longer though...", Sakata said but stood up anyway.

"No, as much as I'd like to stay here a bit longer we have to get going.", Urata insisted and Sakata pouted but nodded.

"Urata-san, will you come and visit again?", Sou asked sadly and Urata didn't want to disappoint him. "Yeah, I don't know when it will be yet but I'll do my best that it'll be soon.", Urata said giving Sou a quick pat on the head.

"Make sure to not do anything reckless again, alright?", Nqrse said and Urata nodded while Sakata just raised an eyebrow.

"And you will keep that promise instead of holding a gun against your head again, right?", Sakata asked waiting for confirmation as the other three widened their eyes. "What did you do, Urata?!", Luz asked and Sakata explained them what the brunette did in the White Room.

"Seriously... what is wrong with you?", Luz asked as Urata stared at the wall.

"From now on I'll be more careful. Promise.", Urata promised. The three of them sent Urata and Sakata off before going back to their hideout.

They all cleaned up ready for dinner when Luz spoke up. "Ok... Sou, could you switch dinner duty with me for today?", Luz asked as Sou nodded even though he was confused.

"Where are you going, Luz? I hope you're not doing anything reckless again.", Nqrse frowned and Luz shook his head smiling.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful this time. Promise~ Now please excuse me, I have a date to attend to so see you guys later~".

Extra Bonus
"Eh?! You're going on a date?! Are you cheating on Nqrse-san?", Sou asked shocked. Nqrse just giggled and Luz smirked.

"So you're cheating on me? How dare you~", Nqrse pouted as Luz was happy that Nqrse understood that he would never betray him.

"Am I, Nqrse? I didn't know~ You tell me~", Luz said as Sou was just confused trying to comprehend the situation.

"But really, I've gotta go so please explain our little Sou-kun here everything. See you guys later~", Luz said as he walked out not before giving Nqrse a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Nqrse-san, I still don't understand...", Sou confessed as Nqrse merely smiled patting Sou on the head. "How about I explain it to you while I help you making dinner?

You can tell me more about your friend while we're at it.", Nqrse said as Sou smiled happily.

"Ok! Did I already tell you about the time when Eve overworked himself and fell asleep while we were studying together?", Sou asked as Nqrse shook his head.

So they talked about Eve and Sou's friendship after Nqrse explained the situation while preparing dinner. Nqrse and Sou were talking to each other happily and Sou was so cheerful that Nqrse didn't think too much of it when Sou started coughing randomly at some points.

"Do you have a cold?", Nqrse asked worried as Sou nodded. "Yeah, but it's just a small cold so I'll be fine.", Sou assured smiling and Nqrse nodded believing him.

So they both continued cooking and then ate their food talking to each other not minding the random coughs coming from Sou. And Nqrse turned away for a short minute not noticing the blood dripping from Sou's mouth.

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