Chapter 31: Dating experience

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"I wonder if Urata-san has a girlfriend.", Shima wondered as everyone stopped what they were doing looking at Shima and Sakata spilled his drink. "Ah! Sakata! Your drink! Your drink!", Mafumafu warned taking a tissue to dry everything but Sakata didn't even mind it as he stood up.

"Eh?! Why do you suddenly ask?", Sakata asked as his face went pale.

"Ah, it's nothing much. It's just when I went to his room to wake him up today, because he took so long and Senra asked me to wake him up for him, he kinda... patted my head?", Shima confessed and rubbed the back of his neck as Sakata just stood there not believing it.

"Eh?! What happened exactly?! Tell me!", Sakata demanded as he walked up to Shima who backed away. "Well...".

Shima walked into Urata's room without knocking, knowing that it was open.

"Urata, wake up. I'm here because Senra told me to help you wake up so stand up and get ready.", Shima said as he walked to Urata's bed and crouched down ready to throw Urata out of his bed if he had to.

Urata shuffled a bit before smiling sleepily and patting Shima's head. "Thanks for waking me up like always, Yama-chan. Just give me a few more minutes to completely wake up."

"Is what he said.", Shima told them as Sakata visibly paled.

"Ahahaha.... Ura-san has a girlfriend who wakes him up everyday... I'm happy for him really...", Sakata laughed emptily as he poured himself some tea which didn't pour into his cup but on the table again as Mafumafu tried his best to bring Sakata back to his senses.

"So that tanuki actually has a girlfriend?", Soraru asked not believing it. "Kinda difficult to imagine with his personality and all.", Soraru mocked as Sakata nodded agreeing.

"Y-yeah! Maybe he doesn't have a girlfriend!", Sakata exclaimed hopefully. "By the way, if we're already at that topic.

Was any of you ever in a relationship?", Shima asked as Mafumafu smiled.

"What is a relationship? Is it tasty?", Mafumafu asked as Sakata joined in as well.

"Can I buy it at a convenience store?", Sakata asked as Shima sweat-dropped.

"I guess that's a no.", Shima said as Amatsuki's curiosity grew as well.

"Were you ever in a relationship?", Amatsuki asked his head leaning against the back of the chair he was sitting on.

"I guess I was... we broke up after a few weeks though. It was some sort of arranged marriage or something like that.", Shima confessed as he laughed sheepishly as the others just stared at him in surprise and shock.

"No way! I only ever saw those things happen in movies!", Amatsuki exclaimed as Mafumafu agreed. "Anyways!

Enough about me! What about the others? You guys know about me, Sakata and Mafu already. What about you, Amatsuki?", Shima asked and grinned when he saw Amatsuki blushing.

"E-eh? Me? Well—". "Don't tell me you had a girlfriend already, Ama-chan!!! Traitor!", Mafumafu gasped as Amatsuki waved his hands in front of him.

"What are you talking about? I—". "Wait, Ama-chan, are you cheating on me? Even after I was so happy knowing you were my first and last lover...", Kashitaro asked his voice sounding sad.

"What are you talking about?! We're not even dating!", Amatsuki argued as Kashitaro widened his eyes. "W-we're not?", Kashitaro asked genuinely shocked as Amatsuki widened his eyes. "Wait, we are in a relationship?!

That can't be right! Neither of us ever confessed!", Amatsuki exclaimed as Mafumafu crossed his arms. "Ama-chan, how dare you cheat on Kashitaro-san!", Mafumafu pouted as Amatsuki gasped.

"WAIT! You guys misunderstood! I was never in a relationship before! It's just that I was just a bit embarrassed to answer that! Stop misinterpreting everything!", Amatsuki shouted as Kashitaro just flashed him a smile.

"So that's it! Then do I have a chance?", Kashitaro asked as Amatsuki felt a blush creeping on his face. "Eh? What do you mean with that?", Amatsuki asked confused.

"Well, according to you we're not in a relationship but that can change, right?

Or do I have no chance at all?", Kashitaro asked frowning as Amatsuki just stuttered trying to form complete sentences.

"Th-that's not it... I just—", they were interrupted by Mafumafu sneezing loudly causing Amatsuki to clear his throat and trying to stop his blush. "W-what about you, Soraru-san?

With how cold your personality is I can already imagine how your classmates would be scared of you.", Amatsuki teased as Soraru glared at him before sighing.

"Maybe that would have been better...", Soraru mumbled as he looked outside the window already finishing the topic in his mind but the others were too curious to leave him alone.

"Eh?! Soraru-san, what do you mean with that?", Mafumafu asked leaning closer to Soraru who leaned back in his chair to get some personal space which was in vain because Mafumafu only leaned in closer than before.

"Well, just like Amatsuki I thought people wouldn't approach me because of how I was acting towards everyone.

But for some reason there were people who thought I was mysterious and cool or whatever. That's what my two friends told me...

I thought they were joking but the amount of letters in my locker told me otherwise.", Soraru told them as everyone listened intently which made Soraru slightly uncomfortable.

"What did you do?", Sakata asked curiously and Soraru sighed.

"What I did? I threw them away. And before any of you say that that's mean and unfair, I didn't care because they don't even know me and are only after my looks. Also my conscience told me the right person would be waiting for me.

And as stupid as that sounds, I believed it and threw all of them away. I never regretted it.", Soraru stated and glanced at Mafumafu before looking away again.

Mafumafu didn't notice it but he was very satisfied with Soraru's answer. "Wow... they must have thought you were a jerk for throwing all of their feelings inside the trash can.", Amatsuki stated as Soraru merely shrugged.

"I don't care. And for your information, some girls still didn't give up so I had to flat-out reject them. Did you know how much time and energy that costed me?

I'd rather use that time to play Dragon Quest and other games, you know?", Soraru complained and Mafumafu just giggled at his attitude.

"But Dragon Quest isn't a mystery game, right?", Sakata asked confused.

"Just because I specialize in mystery games and like to play them doesn't mean I don't play other games as well. Just stop asking now.

I don't really want to go ahead and tell you guys about my private life. So leave it.", Soraru said and Mafumafu pouted.

"But I want to hear more about it, Soraru-san! Tell us!", Mafumafu demanded as he jumped on Soraru almost knocking him out of his chair.

"Oi, knock it off or we're going to fall!", Soraru warned and they kept arguing as Urata and Senra both walked in.

"Looks like you guys have fun. What is this conversation about?", Senra asked amused as he joined them Urata following afterward.

"Ura-san! I heard about it from Shima-san today! Tell me! Who is Yama-chan?", Sakata asked as Urata was confused and Senra was confused as well until he understood and started laughing.

"Why is Senra-san laughing? Does he know your girlfriend?", Mafumafu asked confused as Soraru sighed already having figured it out some time ago. Senra just started laughing even louder while Urata didn't even understand what they meant.

"What the hell are you talking about, idiot?", Urata asked as Shima jumped in to explain.

"Well, this morning you kinda patted my head and then addressed me with someone else's name.", Shima said as Senra now laughed loudly holding his stomach as he tried to form sentences to explain them to Urata.

"Www Urata wwwww, I think they're talking about Yamadanuki.", Senra told Urata who finally understood as well.

"Ah... sorry. I'm kinda used to her waking me up so I might have accidentally addressed you as her. What about it though? It's not such a big deal.", Urata said as he shrugged.

"Not a big deal?! What about me? You promised you'd be with me!", Sakata said as Urata grew annoyed but was still confused overall.

"What the heck are you talking about?! And if Yama-chan wanted to stay with me she can! I'm way too tired to deal with this in the morning.", Urata sighed annoyed as heck.

Sakata was about to argue with Urata as Senra held his hand telling them to wait.

"I think you're not thinking about Yamadanuki as the same... being? Sakata, with how you and the others were talking about her it seems like you think she's his girlfriend. Is that correct?", Senra asked as Sakata nodded.

"Huh? Why would I have a girlfriend named like that?", Urata asked as Sakata tilted his head confused.

"Wait, so you don't have a girlfriend?", Sakata asked and Urata nodded. "Then who is Yamadanuki?", Sakata asked confused.

"Yamadanuki is my tanuki pet.", Urata said as everyone stood there silent before most of them shouted out in confusion.

"Eh?! So your tanuki wakes you up everyday?!", Mafumafu asked as Urata nodded. "She is smart so she knows I need some time to completely wake up everyday. Usually I wake up earlier but I kinda fell asleep really late yesterday so...

Shima saw me in that state. Sorry.", Urata apologized as Shima shook his head.

"It's fine. I'm feeling honored to see the tsundere Urata becoming all deredere.", Shima teased as Urata felt a vein pop.

"Oi, if you value your life then watch what you say.", Urata warned as Shima crossed his arms and grinned mischievously.

"You can't even reach me right now. What are you going to do to me with your height?", Shima asked as Urata smiled.

"Say goodbye to your kneecaps~", he said ready to kick Shima but he was stopped by Sakata. "No violence, Ura-san!", Sakata said hugging Urata from behind but Urata still kicked Shima in the shin making him bend down in pain.

"Ow!", Shima merely said holding his shin as Urata smiled. "Say one more word about my height and your kneecaps will be next~", Urata warned smiling as Senra grinned.

"Come on, Urata. As if you'd actually do that. Everyone here is too precious for you to actually hurt them.", Senra said as Urata blushed showing everyone that Senra was exactly right.

They all started to grin and began teasing Urata who stood there looking down doing his best not to punch anyone.

"Ah, so Ura-san has a soft spot for us!", Sakata smiled as Urata poked Sakata in the side making Sakata let go of him because he was ticklish. "You guys wanna test that?", Urata asked as Shima gasped offended.

"How come you're kicking me and only poke Sakata? Favorism.", Shima feigned hurt as Senra just chuckled and patted Shima's head because Shima was still crouching on the floor.

"Don't worry, Mashi. Urata's like that to almost everyone.", Senra assured.

"Yeah, he kicked me last time when I got back from the White Room.", Soraru said.

"Well, if you don't annoy me that much I won't do anything to you. Mafu, Amatsuki and Kashitaro, for example, are pretty fine to me.

Senra is annoying sometimes but we get along. But Shima, Soraru and that idiot.... you guys annoy the hell out of me.", Urata said as the said three all had different reactions. "The feelings mutual.", Soraru simply replied.

"What? Just because I teased you about your height?", Shima asked as Urata felt pissed off again. "That and for forcing that alcohol on me.", Urata said. "Why am I the only one not being called by my name?! I'm not an idiot!", Sakata argued as Urata raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, really? Prove it to me then.", Urata challenged. "Eh? How do I do that?", Sakata asked. "I don't know. Count some moments when you did something smart.", Urata said as Sakata pondered and couldn't think of anything.

"Then, prove that I'm an idiot if you always call me one!", Sakata demanded as Urata shrugged. "Why not? When we were did the Hide and Seek Stage and you tripped over my trap.

In the water labyrinth where you didn't listen to my instructions and thought it was a good idea to tell us in the last minute that you couldn't swim... The café where you got jealous and—".

"I get it already! What does everyone else think? I'm not an idiot, right?", Sakata asked as everyone stayed silent for a moment.

"...Well, if I had to choose one of us being an idiot then...", Amatsuki started and Sakata gasped already knowing what he was going to say.

He turned towards Shima who pointed at himself. "You think I can help you? I'm totally convinced that you're an idiot though.", Shima said smiling and Soraru nodded.

"Sorry, Sakata. I have to agree Shima on this one.", Soraru apologized. "It's fine to be an idiot, Sakata! We still like you! Just like we still accept Urata being a tsundere.", Mafumafu assured but Sakata didn't really feel better.

"Eh...", Sakata noticed everyone thought of him as an idiot and sunk to the ground his hands on the floor. "How could you do this to me...?", Sakata asked as Urata muttered something.

"Well, I still like you nonetheless though...", he muttered quietly but Sakata heard it.

"Eh? What did you say?", Sakata asked but Urata blushed and crossed his arms.

"Nothing! Now leave me alone!", Urata said as he went to take something to eat.

Sakata followed him pestering him about it as Urata tried to pry Sakata off him because he threw himself on Urata.

The others just watched in amusement as they finished their food as well. And so another kinda peaceful day ended for them.

Soraru walked to the far corner of the second floor because he would go there once in a while to see if there was a need to exchange information. There hasn't really been anything significant and he didn't expect anything as he walked there. Surprisingly, there was a note and Soraru took it and opened the note. Meeting tomorrow at 12 pm (>人<;). "That is... very unique...", Soraru sighed as he folded the note and put it into the pockets of his jacket. I guess we will see each other soon.

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