Chapter 32: Attracted Feeling

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"It's Ura-san, Mafudon. Didn't you see how he acts towards me?", Sakata asked as Mafumafu shook his head furiously.

"It is definitely, Soraru-san! How can you not agree with me after you spend some time with him?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru and Urata tried their best to ignore them.

Urata was gripping his fork tightly as he stabbed his food several times feeling irritated. Soraru was blending them out as he tried to focus on his book. He finished eating already as he was only having some tea while reading.

The only reason why they didn't join the conversation was because they knew that if they did, these two would somehow turn their words to prove their statement.

Urata tried to argue before but Soraru stopped him and now Urata was stabbing his food.

"Well, it's just Soraru-san's personality!", Sakata argued as the rest of the guys walked into the cafeteria for dinner.

"What are you talking about?", Amatsuki asked curious, what the discussion was about.

"Ama-chan! Good timing! Sakata and me were discussing something just now but we just can't agree with each other! So I was thinking we should ask you guys!", Mafumafu said as Shima raised an eyebrow interested.

"Oh~ what is it?", Shima asked as the two of them looked at each other before they both asked everyone at the same time.

"Between Soraru-san and Urata-san/Ura-san, who is the tsundere?", they asked as everyone looked at them before answering.

"What is a tsundere?", Kashitaro asked confused as Amatsuki quickly explained what it was and Kashitaro nodded finally understanding.

"Ah... that's it! I don't really know... What do you think, Ama-chan?", Kashitaro asked Amatsuki who thought about it for a bit before answering. "Well, both of them kinda are, right?", Amatsuki asked as the others nodded.

"But if I had to choose who is more like a tsundere then it would be Urata.", Senra said as Urata looked at Senra looking betrayed who just gave him apologetic look.

"Soraru-san at least shows his concern more openly while you mostly only call Sakata an idiot.", Senra said giving his reason.

"Sorry, Senra, you are a smart guy and everything but I have to disagree with you for once.

Soraru-san is clearly more of a tsundere.", Shima said as Mafumafu nodded and walked to Shima's side. "Shima-san gets it!", Mafumafu smiled as Sakata shook his head and walked to Senra's side. "Senra is clearly the one who thinks the most logical so we should believe his statements, right?", Sakata asked.

You could see a thunderbolt striking between the four of them.

"Did you not see how he would always refuse Mafu-kun's hugs and push him away? Urata would at least let Sakata hug him.", Shima said as Senra smiled and shook his head.

"Sore wa chigau yo! Ura-san pushes me away as well sometimes! He always tells me to get off him!", Sakata said.

"Well, when I was sick Soraru-san would always tell me that it was a pain to take care of me but he still would because he's just a tsundere!", Mafumafu countered as the others just watched them arguing with each other and after a few more minutes Urata and Soraru finally snapped.

Soraru closed his book and glared at them. "Oi, stop assuming I'm a tsundere and shut your mouth for a minute so I can read my book.", Soraru said glaring at them and Urata stabbed his food so hardly that the red sauce came on his face.

"One more word and you will end up like my food.", Urata warned smiling at them.

They stayed silent for a minute before they all broke into a discussion again. "Only tsunderes deny the fact that they are one!", Mafumafu said as everyone else nodded.

Now the two of them had enough and they all started arguing until they were interrupted by Retrodot's announcement. They all walked to the lobby. Well, almost everyone.

"Everyone, I hope you enjoyed your dinner. I'd like to announce that the electricity will be shut down from 12 pm to 6 am. Therefore... I have prepared a stage appropriate for the blackout.", Retrodot said and as soon as he did the lights went off and the windows were being covered.

"Stage 11: Overemotional Doll. Tonight... we will test your courage.", Retrodot announced and held up four small dolls with no faces but only one word written across their faces.

Joy, Anger, Sadness and Peace.

Mafumafu and Amatsuki already rushed towards the exit when they noticed that this was not going to end well. "Please come back or you won't be able to clear the stage.

Now then... I don't know if I already told you but the Genome tower was originally a theme park. In the past there were thousands of people coming in and out. There was an urban legend that at night, when it was completely dark, the dead will rise... these are overemotional dolls.

Please take one each as you pair up. The pairs will be chosen through lottery, of course.", Retrodot instructed as he held up a box.

"Oh, where is Senra-sama?", Retrodot asked. "Senra decided to take a rest because he pushed himself to attend the last stage and he hasn't completely rested yet.", Shima explained as Retrodot merely hummed.

"Well, it's fine because not everyone really has to participate. It's just that the number is a bit unfortunate right now. Let's see... perhaps this will do.", Retrodot let a doll go who threw itself on Kashitaro and soon her arms grew longer and tied themselves around Kashitaro.

"Kashi! W-what did you do to him?!", Amatsuki asked as Retrodot didn't flinch under Amatsuki's glare. He ignored Amatsuki as he continued explaining the rules.

"Please release these dolls from their emotions. Overflowing emotions are a pain so you just have to release them.", Retrodot explained as Urata glared at him and crossed his arms.

"And what the hell do you mean with that?", he asked. "Fulfill the wishes of these dolls.

If you don't manage to do that... then Kashitaro-sama will remain in that pose forever.", he declared as they all looked at Kashitaro who stood there in a ridiculous pose.

"What?", Soraru asked not knowing wether it was a joke or not.

Two minutes later

"I hope everyone has their flashback lights. Five more minutes until the blackout.", Retrodot announced as everyone stood with their respective partner.

Overemotional Doll (Anger)
Sakata and Mafumafu

"Let's work together to clear this stage!", Mafumafu said as he tried to not shake from fear. "We can do this, Mafudon! With the power of friendship we will overcome any obstacle!", Sakata said enthusiastically as he linked his arm with Mafumafu making the other male feeling a bit better than he did before.

Overemotional Doll (Sadness)
Amatsuki and Soraru

"Oi, are you alright?", Soraru asked as he saw Amatsuki shivering really hard as he held onto Soraru's arm earning a slight glare from Mafumafu and a warning smile from Kashitaro.

Mafumafu forgave Amatsuki because he knew he was just scared but he was still slightly jealous as he pouted. "I-I-I-I'm f-fine!", Amatsuki assured Soraru as he gave Soraru the doll in case it was dangerous or cursed in any way.

"Don't you dare to do anything to Ama-chan, Soraru-san!", Kashitaro warned as Soraru simply rolled his eyes nodding.

Overemotional Doll (Peace)
Shima and Urata

"Well, looks like it's the two of us Uratan! Let's do this!", Shima said as he pumped their hands into the air. Urata was feeling so unmotivated and annoyed already but he just took a candy and put it into his mouth as he tried his best to not punch Retrodot. "Yeah, whatever. Let's get this over with.", Urata said as he sighed and crushed his candy with his teeth which made Shima flinch because it made some uncomfortable cracking sounds.

"Jesus, Uratan, stop doing that.", Shima said as Urata ignored him and continued chewing on it. "The time limit will be until 6 am.

Please take care of the overemotional dolls and return here before 6 am. Completing this game is the way of returning.", Retrodot said as Urata felt pissed off already.

"And how the hell do you expect us to release those dolls?", Urata asked finally finished chewing on his candy. "Please ask the dolls yourself for that.

3 — 2 — 1.... Game Start.", Retrodot announced as he exited the room.

Stage 11 Start

Three males arrived at a large building that was being closed by a gate.

Kradness quickly stepped out of the car as he swiped a card and took a telephone.

"This is Darkness. I'm sorry that I arrived late but I have collected two items.", Kradness said after apologizing. "Darkness?

You were so late that I thought you were already captured.", a voice said whose gender you couldn't quite identify.

"I am really sorry. Could you open the door?", he asked as the person opened the gates for him and he stepped back into the car.

"Oh~ was that your girlfriend?", Hashiyan asked teasing Kradness who shook his head.

"She's not my girlfriend but more like a friend.", Kradness explained. "Sorry but please pretend that you're unconscious. From now on you will be items. Do you understand?", Kradness asked as he looked behind to see the two males tied up with an animal mask hiding their eyes.

"Please pretend that you've been drugged with sleeping pills... that means no talking.", Kradness said looking at Hashiyan who noticed his gaze on him. "Of course~ Trust me, I'll be as quiet as a mouse.", Hashiyan assured.

"Please be... that friend of mine... she has quite good senses.", Kradness said as he stepped out of the car. A woman with a big cat mask was standing there waving at Kradness.

"Yo~ Thank you for your hard work~", she said as Kradness nodded politely.

"Your mask is cool as always.", she said as Kradness asked if she wanted to switch. "It's fine. I like cats more anyway.

But thanks.", she thanked him as she walked to the car peeking into it. "I thought that only one person would be coming.", she wondered as Kradness slightly panicked on the inside.

He was glad that he had a mask on so that she wouldn't see it.

"Some changes had to be made and now we have two. There were some witnesses so... Sorry.", Kradness apologized as Neko just shrugged. "Dark-chan is careless as always, huh? I guess it'll be fine. Just make sure not to make that mistake again.", Neko said as Kradness nodded.

"Neko-san, could you open the gate, please? I am a bit in a hurry.", Kradness said as Neko shook her head. "Sorry, but Coccalap-chan arrived just now and until his items have been checked you can't you in yet.", Neko said as Kradness nodded.

"If you want yo say hello to him then you should show your face.

I can help you with the items if you want me to.", Neko said as Kradness shook his head. "I don't really think I can deal with him right now. Also you don't need to help me. I'll be fine.", Kradness assured Neko as she pouted.

"Let's just drink some bubble tea then! Then you can tell me how work has been going for you lately.", Neko said as Kradness politely declined but she insisted as she pulled him into the building leaving Hashiyan and Eve in the car.

"That was strange...", Hashiyan said after a while as Eve nodded in agreement.

It was completely dark right now with only candles lighting up the room. Kashitaro sat down on a chair with the doll still around him. Kashirata sat on his shoulder as Kashitaro talked to it.

Urata and Shima sat there as well on a table as Urata gripped the doll tightly glaring at it.

"Just say something you stupid doll!", Urata demanded as he gripped it so tightly that it would almost rip. "Wow, Uratan.

Calm down and speak a bit nicer.", Shima said as he sipped on his soda he got himself.

"Start talking or I'll rip your head off!", Urata shouted as Shima laughed. "That's way better now, Uratan!", Shima laughed hitting his hand on the table when he noticed how ridiculous it was that Urata was speaking to a doll.

Sakata and Mafumafu sat a bit farther away having their own doll as well.

"They sound like they have fun.", Sakata said as Mafumafu nodded before they became quietly thinking of how to find a clue.

"Ah! Maybe there is a clue under her clothes.", Mafumafu suggested as Sakata nodded and Mafumafu lifted the skirt to see a note falling out. "Ah, something fell out Mafudon.", Sakata said as Mafumafu looked at the note and Sakata took it opening it.

At the place that fills your stomach, anger will boil over your stomach.

They both looked at it confused as Sakata decided to ask. "What does that mean, Mafudon?", Sakata asked as Mafumafu could only shrug. They looked at the note trying to think of what it could mean for the next few minutes.

"S-soraru-san! Where are we going?", Amatsuki asked. "Underground. Just follow me.", Soraru said as he walked ahead Amatsuki following him. Soraru opened the door of the second floor food cellar and walked down the floor.

"A camera blind spot?", Amatsuki asked more to himself as he looked around.

"Oi, I came. Are you here or are you going to make me look like I'm talking to myself?", Soraru asked as Amatsuki was confused.

"You talk to yourself, Soraru-san?", Amatsuki asked as he didn't notice a shadow over him. The next thing he knew someone jumped next to them making Amatsuki squeak in surprise.

Amatsuki looked at the blonde guy who just appeared out of nowhere and he didn't really know what to say.

"Long time no see, Soraru~ We didn't see each other for a while and you got yourself a boyfriend. What is Mafu going to think about this?", Luz asked as Soraru rolled his eyes.

"I see you haven't changed at all. Amatsuki, this is Luz, he's a defector like I was and lived underground for 3 years.", Soraru said as Amatsuki bowed and introduced himself.

"I'm Amatsuki...", he introduced himself again. "I'm Luz. If you ever need relationship advice then you can just ask me~ it's my best genre after all~", Luz said smiling. "A-ah... I'll make sure to do that then.", Amatsuki said.

"Even though it's only once a month, the recorder's job sure isn't easy... that's what you think, right?", Retrodot asked as he turned around to see a blonde male glaring at him.

"...What are you planning to do?", Senra asked as Retrodot turned back to the monitors not answering. "You're not going to sabotage this stream, are you?", Senra asked as Retrodot shook his head while working.

"Of course not. Leading them towards the bug... when you work alone you end up wanting help of others. You can participate too, Senra—".

"I refuse. I am going to see my sister wether you want it or not."

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