Chapter 36: Poison

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"So? Care to tell us what happened?", Kradness asked while they were driving. Hashiyan laid down, as Eve looked to see if he was injured, and explained everything that happened.

"So long story short, I pretended to be dead. You should have seen the work I've done!

I even had some tears in the corner of my eyes.", Hashiyan explained as Eve tried to comprehend everything.

"So you drunk the slow-working poison to neutralize the poison from the pill.", Eve said and waited for Hashiyan to confirm it which he did with a nod. "Yep, it's working.

I feel slowly better.", Hashiyan assured them as Kradness only sighed.

"Why are you doing such things? You... you idiot.", Kradness said as Hashiyan could only laugh at the weak insult.

"Coccalap likes to do that with many intruders. He loves to play his games with them. So when he said that a package was added I already had a bad feeling.", Kradness told him as he could only sigh again. "I am just glad that you're alright.

You really had good luck to be able to win that game and come back here.", Kradness said as Hashiyan's smile disappeared and he could only think back to it. "No... that wasn't luck.

That girl put the right poison in two of the cups. The small bottle with the deadly poison was still like before. It looked exactly like when I gave it to her. It's just because that when I saw that she just took the bottle in her hands as if it was nothing... it made me angry.

So angry that I closed the lid of the bottle so strong and tight that she couldn't open it with her own hands the second time.", Hashiyan explained when he thought back to the time when she gave him the bottle hidden in the handkerchief.

He noticed that she could have informed Coccalap to open it for her.

But instead she gave it back to him. As he wondered about that he closed his eyes. I wonder if that was a favor she did for me...


Sakata and Mafumafu looked at the hot soup in front of them as Mafumafu looked at Sakata worried. "I know that I'll be fine... but what about you Sakatan?", Mafumafu asked as Sakata smiled confidently. "I can do this! If Mafudon can eat this then I can to! Also, the people here all seemed so nice so we just have to try their food! Let's dig in!", Sakata said as he took a spoon.

"Yes, it probably has to do something with the clue that was given to us. Maybe something will happen after we eat the food.", Mafumafu nodded determined as he took one as well and tried a bit. It was hot and spicy but that didn't bother Mafumafu. What bothered him a bit was the taste.

He wasn't a great cook but this soup wasn't really enjoyable. Sakata tried some as well but as soon as he did he coughed making Mafumafu look over to him worried.

"Sakatan? Are you sure you can do this? It's really spicy and you are kinda crying...", Mafumafu said as he looked at Sakata who gave a thumbs up and shook his head.

"I'm fine! This soup tastes great!", Sakata said as the cook looked overly happy hearing that.

"Is that so? That makes us very happy. We have many other dishes so please dig in.", he said as Sakata just gulped before eating some again burning his lips.

Mafumafu looked over to Sakata to see how much he was suffering and the food was terrible unlike usually. But because the people were so nice to make them the food Mafumafu couldn't refuse the offered food and he knew Sakata felt the same way as the two of them forced to eat the food.

A few minutes later

Mafumafu and Sakata sat there feeling half dead after eating almost all of the dishes given to them. They had a stomachache and honestly, both of them were suffering from eating.

Sakata just winced when he suddenly felt a slight weight on his shoulder and turned around to see Kashitara sitting there looking down at the food curiously. "Ah, Kashirata, you shouldn't eat that...", Sakata adviced as he tried his best not to let the personal hear him.

"It's really spicy and according to Mafudon it tastes terrible. I wouldn't know though because I can't even taste the food.", Sakata whispered but Kashirata didn't listen to him as he leaned down to try some of the soup.

As soon as he tried some of the soup his face froze as Sakata and Mafumafu looked at him worried. "Eh? Kashirata, are you alright?", Sakata asked as the cook walked over to them.

"Oh, is he going to eat too? Go ahead and help yourself. We still have plenty of food left.", the chef said as Kashirata didn't say anything before suddenly lunging himself at the cook and punched him as Sakata and Mafumafu stood up in reflex when they saw that.

"Kashirata! You shouldn't punch people!", Sakata scolded as the cook just smiled.

"What an energetic thing you are. Now have some more soup.", he said but before he could he was punched again several times by Kashirata.

Sakata stood up as he walked towards them scolding Kashirata and saying that he should stop which was ignored by Kashirata who continued punching the chef.

Mafumafu was about to step in as well to intervene but he stopped himself when he saw that the doll showed a reaction.

He didn't know wether he imagined it or not so he looked at the doll again, this time a bit more as he noticed that the imprint on the doll's face was slightly fading away.

"Eh? It showed a reaction? We tried to eat the food but that was not the thing that made the doll react as this. But it started just now when...", Mafumafu looked at Kashirata and that's when he finally realized what had to be done.

He turned towards Sakata as he pulled him away from the other two as the red-head could only look at Mafumafu confused.

"Sakatan, you should let Kashirata keep punching him! So don't try to intervene!", Mafumafu told Sakata who only looked at Mafumafu as if he was the idiot out of the two of them.

"Why?! At this rate, Chef-san is going to end up in the hospital!", Sakata said as Mafumafu shook his head in slight disappointment.

"This is why you're the idiot here, Sakatan... when Kashirata started punching the cook, the doll started to show a reaction and the word disappeared slightly. At the place that fills your stomach, anger will boil over your stomach.

Dolls and Plants don't have such emotions but humans do feel anger and wrath. Since the beginning we have been doing the things wrong. We thought that if we are considerate it will work out somehow but that was our mistake.

Honestly, I like spicy food but it tasted weird and the personal was polite but... yeah! If we really wanted to be nice then we should have told them nicely what to change.

Kashirata is doing the thing that we should have been doing from the start. He is showing his anger in full form!", Mafumafu shouted as Kashirata punched the chef so high in the air as he flew and crashed on a table.

Everyone cheered as Mafumafu nodded approvingly and Sakata just looked at the scene awkwardly not knowing what emotion to feel right now. Well, at least we cleared the stage...

Sakata thought as he lifted the doll to see that the imprint was gone.


Urata winced as he felt a sharp pain in his back as he sat up confused. Huh? Weren't we just training with that creep?

Urata asked himself as he looked around to see that he was in his dorm again.

Next to him was Shima who smiled in relief when he saw that Urata was awake.

"Urata! Took you long enough to wake up! I knew we shouldn't have done that. Look at you now! Your wound opened and I had to treat you even though I didn't know how! Do you know how much stress you gave me?!", Shima asked loudly as Urata covered his ears annoyed.

"Oi, Shima. Shut up.", Urata demanded as he tried to remember what they did.

Ah, right. We were training with that guy. But that doll didn't react at all and in the end we trained for nothing. Urata concluded sighing.

"Does the doll still look like that?", Urata asked as Shima nodded and showed him the doll. Urata just sighed as he nodded.

"Well, we did our best. We should ask the others what they did and if they got any further.", Urata said as Shima nodded.

"Yeah, but this time you'll have to listen to me. Lay down and stay there to rest for a bit. Get some rest.", Shima said and Urata was about to protest before he saw that Shima meant it and would do many things to stop him from standing up.

So he just sighed as he nodded and laid down. He still felt worried though as Shima noticed this and tried to cheer him up.

"I think the others would rather have you well rested so you should just do that.", Shima said. "If you are bored then let's talk about each other. We didn't really talk about that between the two of us, right?", Shima asked as Urata stared at him blankly before smirking.

"Are you doing that to get some more information about Senra out of me?", Urata asked as Shima had a slight blush after hearing that denying it.

"No! What are you thinking? I just wanted to have some small-talk here.", Shima said as Urata just smiled and they had a fun conversation. While they did the imprint of the doll slowly faded and after about ten more minutes, Shima noticed it.

"Ah, Urata! Look, something changed.", Shima said as he turned the doll towards Urata as he widened his eyes. "We have to go to the others. And yes it has to be now.

I can still walk and all that you know?", Urata reminded Shima as he stood up and ran into the cafeteria where Sakata and Mafumafu were already waiting for them, talking with Kashitaro.

"Oh, so you guys cleared it too. Now we just have to wait for Soraru-san and Ama-chan to come back.", Mafumafu said as he slightly narrowed his eyes when he said that.

"What's taking them so long though?", Kashitaro asked as Mafumafu's face went dark as well. "I swear if Ama-chan did something to Soraru then.... ah there they are!", Mafumafu's face immediately brightened up when they saw the ravenette and brunette walking towards them, their doll also lost the imprint and Mafumafu sprinted towards them as fast as he could which was very fast.

"What took you guys so long?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru slightly backed away. "We had some things to do...", Soraru merely answered as Kashitaro raised an eyebrow questioning.

"And what were those things?", he asked as Amatsuki and Soraru both looked at each other and Soraru slightly shook his head.

Amatsuki simply gave a thumbs up before answering smiling. "It's a secret~", Amatsuki answered and Soraru sighed when he heard how suspicious that sounded and Mafumafu and Kashitaro gasped in shock.

"What did you do?! Soraru, I swear if you're trying to steal Ama-chan from me!", Kashitaro threatened as he was struggling to get out of the chair he was tied in. Mafumafu had a dark smile when he looked up at Amatsuki.

"Ama-chan... be careful in your sleep.", Mafumafu warned as Amatsuki gulped. Soraru looked away as he pretended that he had nothing to do with the situation as Amatsuki looked at Soraru for help and clung onto his arm.

"Soraru-san, I hope you are not going to sacrifice me!", Amatsuki said as Soraru just flinched when he noticed what consequences Amatsuki's actions would have.

"Oi, Amatsuki, let go!", he said as he tried to push Amatsuki away who kept clinging onto him. Kashitaro just looked dead while Mafumafu laughed emotionlessly looking down on the floor. Both of their eyes looked empty as the other three looked at the scene before them.

"So I lost to Soraru even though I knew him longer. This hurts...", Kashitaro said as Mafumafu laughed. "Ahaha.... and here I thought I had a chance as his childhood friend.

Now that I think of it the childhood friends never get the main character in anime shows.", Mafumafu remembered as you could see both of them laughing sadly.

Soraru looked at them slightly worried as he sighed and tried to clear the misunderstanding.

He walked away from Amatsuki who stopped clinging onto him as he walked towards Mafumafu and pulled him up.

"Oi, you guys are misunderstanding something. When Amatsuki said it was a secret, he didn't mean it like that.

We both have no interest in each other. That guy just wanted to tease you two.", Soraru said as Mafumafu and Kashitaro immediately brightened up. "So that's it!", they both exclaimed as Soraru sighed. "Yeah, so stop worrying that someone will steal your beloved Ama-chan.", Soraru said a feeling bit annoyed.

"Eh? What do you mean?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru raised an eyebrow.

"You two love Amatsuki, don't you? Good luck with your love life.", Soraru simply said as he finished the topic there.

Mafumafu looked at him shocked. "Eh?! Why would you think so?", Mafumafu asked while everyone looked at Soraru dumbfounded.

"I always thought you were kinda smart but you proved me wrong.", Urata said as Soraru glared at him. "Soraru-san... I didn't think you would be so dense...", Amatsuki said surprised as Soraru looked at him confused.

"Dense? Me? Explain.", Soraru said as Amatsuki nodded. "Gladly! Well, you thought Mafu-kun loves me when he obviously has a crush on y—". "Ah! We should go to Retrodot and tell him that we finished it so we can clear the stage!", Mafumafu shouted interrupting Amatsuki.

Amatsuki was about to say something else but he was interrupted by Retrodot.

"I would have liked to watch this a bit longer but he is correct. Congratulations! Now Kashitaro-sama will be freed.", he said as the dolls jumped away to the last doll. It looked like they had a conversation before the last doll lost it's imprint as well and let go of Kashitaro.

As soon as it did they all disappeared leaving only the gamers. "Good work for today. There are still some problems with some things so you will have some days off.

It will be probably be about three or four days. I can't see you until then as I will be busy so please have fun.", Retrodot said as he walked away.

"Good work for today! I will look if Senra's alright.", Shima said as the others nodded and decided to have dinner before going to sleep.

Stage 11 Cleared


A blonde-haired guy walked through the many plants, careful to not step on the roots until he finally arrived at the destination he wanted to be. He looked up at the light wrapped up by many plants as he gave it a bitter smile. "I'm back again... onee-san."

So... do you guys remember when I said, I'd finish this book by this year? Ahahahaha.... how do I say this... I'm sorry! m(__)m I continued writing and then noticed how many chapters this book would still take! So this book will go on a bit longer than I thought. I will publish a review on all three books that will start next year, next week. But I'll only start publishing after I finished this book. Once again, I'm sorry. I hope you guys don't mind so please bear with this book a little longer~

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