Chapter 37: Missing

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I wanted to publish a new chapter today and when I went back to this book I saw that we've reached 10k already! Honestly, I never thought so many people would read my story and just wrote it for fun so I'm really happy and thankful for all the people who are still reading till now~! So thank you! There will previews of my new books right after I've published this~ I hope you will enjoy this chapter as well~! This will be the last chapter for this year for me so happy new year to everyone~ Now that I've said that, I'll go to sleep now so good night ww (*≧∀≦*)

The purple-haired walked out to see if the blonde was resting. Before he exited the cafeteria though he looked at Urata worried as Urata noticed this and just rolled his eyes.

"Go and look if Senra's alright. No need to worry about me.", Urata assured as the others looked at them confused. Shima just nodded before finally leaving the room.

As soon as he did Sakata walked towards Urata asking for an explanation. Amatsuki tried to continue the topic walking towards Soraru again as Mafumafu tried to stop him and Kashitaro just smiled while watching them.

Shima walked to Senra's room as he knocked lightly at first.

When there was no answer he knocked again, this time a bit louder but it was dead silent. Shima was now worried as he pushed the handle down and surprisingly the door was unlocked.

He opened the door and walked into the room of the blonde and it wasn't anything like he really expected.

The room was filled with many papers scattered all over the floor and the bed was the only place where there was nothing.

Shima excused himself as he stepped inside the room but the blonde was nowhere to be seen. He looked at the papers and saw that some papers were highlighted with a marker and because he was curious about Senra he decided to pick it up and look at it for just a bit. When he started reading through it his eyes widened and a paper fell out of the pile he had in his hands.

He picked it up and it was handwritten unlike the other papers. And according to the letter it was addressed to Urata. Shima knew he shouldn't read it as it was not for him but he had mixed feelings when he saw the letter and apologized quietly as he started to read it.

Hey Urata,
this is a letter you'll probably find after I'm gone so I'll tell you some things you need to know. Do you remember when we first met?

I remember exactly how you hated me every since the first second you saw me. I was offended, you know? I just met you and you already called me suspicious saying to release you immediately. Yeah, you were right in the end but still.

After that I noticed that I was not the only one who you suspected I relaxed a bit though but as I had to monitor everyone I noticed that you are someone who causes a lot of trouble.

You gave me a lot of work, you know? The others started to avoid you but so did you. I thought that you were just annoyed by everything but when I read through your information file I was surprised to see that you actually have a person you care for. Never judge a book by its cover, right?

And when I started approaching you, you started to slowly open up to me.

I was also not very close to the others and I never really had friends because I didn't think it was necessary but it was nice to have one. So when you found out the truth about me, I thought you despised me even more than in the beginning. It's no surprise.

I betrayed your trust after all. When you got into the White Room I couldn't do anything about it. I tried my best to convince him to let you go but he said that rules were rules.

And none of the other players cared so I tried my best to find another way. I was in charge of checking your room but I looked away for a minute and you were gone!

I was so confused. I knew you were good at Escape Games but this was way different. But I thought that you probably found a way out of here and I was happy for you.

I decided that if I really held you close to me as a friend then I had to let you go. You deserved freedom after all.

So I was shocked to see you stepping inside my room and coming back. You said we'd get out of here together and our group managed to do so. But I should stop talking about our past, right? All I want to say is that Retrodot and the others are about to find out about the defectors.

They don't know where exactly they are but they have an idea already. Please act fast and find them and make a plan to get out of here.

Because even if you reach the views there is no guarantee if you'll get out. And even if you do get out there is a chance they'll do something to you before that. Because if they just let you go like that it would be too suspicious right?

So please find another way how to get out. On the map, there will be a path on how to get out of this island. It'll be difficult to get out of here but it's possible. And don't worry, I'll join you afterwards. I will after I saved my sister so please go first and don't worry about me.

I'm sorry that you had to stay here with me for so long. I'm sorry that Sakata was dragged into this as well because of me. I'm sorry for hurting you and being a burden on you.

Please get out of here with everyone else. Please take care of yourself even if I'm not there for you. So that we will someday meet again.


When Shima read that, he figured that Senra wasn't anywhere in the building as he rushed back to the others in the cafeteria.

They looked at him confused as Shima stood there for a minute trying to catch his breath first.

"Shima-san, are you alright? You look like you just ran away from a ghost.", Mafumafu said as Shima shook his head and held the letter up as the others just looked at it confused waiting for Shima to explain his behavior.

"This letter is for you... Urata.", Shima said in between his breaths as Urata raised his eyebrows and took the letter.

"And you got this letter because?", Urata asked waiting for Shima to explain himself.

"In my defense...! Um... This is important, ok? Just read it.", Shima said as Urata sighed and nodded reading it. His expression turned dark while he read that. And after he finished he clicked his tongue and crumbled the letter before throwing it away as he was ready to storm out.

"Eh? Ura-san, where do you want to go?", Sakata asked confused.

"To Senra. He is being freaking stupid right now!", Urata said as he was ready to run out but he was held back by Soraru grabbing his hood.

"What?! I am not going to deal with you right now!", Urata shouted at Soraru angrily who stayed calm. "Calm down, tanuki. We don't need you causing a ruckus right now.", Soraru said.

"I am not going to stay here hearing you being a smart jerk when I have to go to Senra!", Urata yelled at Soraru as the others looked at them helplessly, not knowing what to do.

"Urata-san! Soraru-san! Please don't fight!", Mafumafu said as Urata ignored them while Soraru took a glance at Mafumafu before shaking his head mouthing something at him.

"Look, I'm not trying to pick a fight here unlike you. I just think it would be smarter to do what Senra said instead of storming out like an idiot trying to find someone you won't find anyway.", Soraru explained as Urata felt ticked off.

"You are always pissing me off so much! Like do you even have any emotions sometimes?! Even now you look like you don't care at all!", Urata accused as Soraru crossed his arms.

"So what if you would be right? Why should you care?", Soraru asked as he looked down on Urata and that's when he snapped. He rushed towards Soraru, ready to punch him.

As soon as Mafumafu saw that he rushed in between them as he spread his arms out ready to shield Soraru. Everyone gasped as they called Mafumafu's name out.

Urata and Soraru widened their eyes and Urata wanted to stop which was too late though as everything happened too fast.

Mafumafu closed his eyes ready to receive the punch for Soraru but he felt no pain. He only felt an arm around his waist and a presence behind him. Confused, he opened his eyes again to see Soraru standing behind him, hugging him protectively as he held Urata's fist in his hand.

Urata seemed to have noticed what he almost did as his eyes widened once again.

He slowly let his hand sink as Soraru looked at Urata, his face cold. "Looks like you've finally cooled down. Can we have a calm conversation now without you trying to punch me?", Soraru asked as Urata let his hand sink.

He couldn't believe that he almost injured one of his teammates. Even though Soraru did annoy him many times he couldn't believe that he would actually punch him.

But in the end, he lost control and would have actually punched Soraru if not for Mafumafu stepping in.

When he saw Soraru's expression, he knew that Soraru wouldn't have dodged that punch but would have stayed still to let Urata punch him.

But because Mafumafu stepped in, Soraru decided to use his, surprisingly, quick reflexes to protect him. And seeing how Soraru did care and even looked almost angry for the first time, Urata knew that he was wrong and judged a book by its cover just like Senra did with him in the past.

Realizing that, Urata looked on the floor feeling ashamed for doing that. When Soraru saw that Urata needed some time to calm down and saw how Sakata and Shima rushed towards him he turned towards Mafumafu to see if he's alright.

"Oi, Mafu, you alright?", Soraru asked as the albino just nodded. "A-ah, yes! Thanks to Soraru-san, I am fine!", Mafumafu assured and Soraru just sighed as he flicked Mafumafu's forehead.

"You are really stupid sometimes... why would you use yourself to shield me?", Soraru asked frowning as held Mafumafu's face in his hands checking if he was really not injured at all.

Mafumafu blushed and was about to say something when Kashitaro and Amatsuki rushed towards the two of them.

"Mafu-kun! Are you alright?!", Amatsuki asked as he started to check if Mafumafu's alright. "I'm alright, Ama-chan.", Mafumafu reassured as Amatsuki still needed to check again before being pulled away by Kashitaro.

Soraru sighed as he rubbed his neck and walked towards Urata who looked anything but Soraru. He sighed once again as he crossed his arms before calling out to Urata.

"Oi, tanuki.", Soraru said as everyone looked at Soraru confused waiting for him to talk. Urata flinched before reluctantly looking at Soraru and waited for him to talk.

"You asked if I had any emotions and it's true that I look emotionless sometimes. But I'm sure you have the answer by now.", Soraru said as Urata just nodded while the others were still confused where this was going.

"You also asked me if I care and honestly, I don't really care what you think of me.

But I'm sure you are one of those people who can't leave it at that and we really have some things to do right now so let's just say you owe me a favor.", Soraru said as Mafumafu just smiled at the typical Soraru answer and followed Soraru when he walked towards the door.

"And where are we going now, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as he held his hands behind his back. "Let yourself be surprised. Amatsuki should know where we're going.", Soraru said as Amatsuki perked up when he heard his name before widening his eyes in realization when he understood what Soraru was talking about.

"Ah! We're going there again? Do you think he'll still be there though?", Amatsuki asked as Soraru looked at him nodded.

"He should be still there. He wouldn't pass the opportunity to investigate a bit more but stay hidden.", Soraru said as he walked out of the cafeteria, the others following him.

"Who are you talking about? So-ra-ru-san!", Mafumafu was curious as he clung onto Soraru's arm. Soraru just gave him a small smile as he walked a bit faster.

"You'll see him soon. I bet you'll both be happy to see each other.", Soraru said as Mafumafu blushed a bit at the sight of the older male smiling and his curiosity grew.

He decided to be patient and follow the ravenette. Soon they arrived on the second floor and Soraru walked to the far corner as the others followed him still unsure of what he would do.

When they arrived, Soraru stopped and started calling someone out.

"Oi, I know you're still here. Come and show yourself.", Soraru said as you could hear a person chuckling lightly.

"Did you miss me so much that you had to come back?", a light-haired make asked as he jumped down right in front of Soraru and Mafumafu. "Well, now I'm here for you!

What do you need from me.... Mafu?", Luz asked surprised as Mafumafu looked very shocked and tears were slowly building in the corner of his eyes. "Luz-kun....", Mafumafu cried as he walked towards Luz to give him a hug.

Luz hugged back as patted Mafumafu's head. After their small moment of reunion, Luz turned towards Soraru and the others as he gave Soraru a questioning look.

"So? You decided to bring some friends over for fun?", Luz asked as Soraru smiled tiredly in return. "Yeah, sure. Let's have some small talk with Nqrse and Sou.", Soraru said as his face turned serious and Luz knew the reason why Soraru was here. He looked at Soraru again waiting for a confirmation and Soraru nodded.

"We are going to escape this island. So please lend us your help."

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