Chapter 38: The Secret of the Island

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So at this point, I'll apologize ahead, this story won't be exactly like the manga anymore cause I haven't read the new volume yet so I don't know how it continues. The next volume will come out in February so I want to finish this book by then ww Because I think that I'll regret what I wrote after I read the real one which will probably make way more sense than this ww Anyway, enjoy this chapter~

"We are going to escape this island. So please lend us your help.", Soraru asked as Luz stayed quiet for a while before smiling at Soraru.

"Of course I will help you! If you have some genius brain like I think you have then we will be able to finally escape the island with everyone.", Luz said as Soraru smiled in relief.

"Looks like I got to meet you guys again! Long time no see, Urata, Sakata and Amatsuki.

The only people I don't know yet is you.", Luz said as he pointed at Shima and Kashitaro who smiled at him. "My name is Kashitaro. It seems as if you've met everyone else already but it's still a pleasure to meet you, Luz-san.", Kashitaro introduced himself as he offered Luz a smile who returned it.

"I'm Shima. I hope we can work together to finally get out of here!", Shima said enthusiastically as Luz nodded as well.

"Well, it's nice to meet you guys as well. Is that the whole group, Soraru?", Luz asked as Soraru kinda nodded to it confusing Luz.

"As you can see, Senra is not here with us. He is going to search for his sister and said that he is going to come back later.", Soraru said as Urata widened his eyes.

"Oi, why do you know that?", Urata asked as Soraru sighed before holding up the very letter that Senra wrote to Urata. "Well, you threw your letter in my direction and started losing your nerves so I decided to skip through it a bit.", Soraru said as Mafumafu was still confused and decided to ask his questions now.

"Eh? Why do you know Luz-kun anyway, Soraru-san? Why is it like almost everyone knows him except Kashitaro-san and Shima-san?", Mafumafu asked confused waiting for an explanation.

"Well, I kind of met him along with a few other defectors when I got into the White Room...", Soraru explained as Mafumafu gasped when he heard that. "Eh?!

So you tried to escape while being kept in there?", Mafumafu screeched as Soraru covered his ears, giving Mafumafu a tired glare before nodding. "Yeah, better than staying in there and giving up.", Soraru shrugged as Mafumafu was speechless before turning towards Amatsuki and waiting for him to explain himself.

Amatsuki scratched his cheek as he laughed sheepishly before explaining.

"Well... I kinda met Luz-san about an hour ago when Soraru-san and me were together in a group. I would have told you at some point though!", Amatsuki defended himself but Mafumafu just crossed his arms as he pouted not believing him. He just pouted more as he huffed and looked at Urata and Sakata. "And what about you two?

Why do you know Luz-kun?", Mafumafu asked as Sakata stumbled over his words and Urata decided to explain it after he noticed that the red-head had problems telling the albino.

"I was a defector too and met Luz some time ago. And Sakata kinda followed me when I decided to give them a visit and that's how he got to know him.", Urata explained as Soraru listened to him already knowing that while Mafumafu still tried his best to connect all the dots with what he knew and the new information.

"Eh? Eh?! You were a defector, Uratan?!", Mafumafu asked and it looked like he wasn't the only one confused.

Amatsuki, Shima and Kashitaro were also shocked when they heard that. "That's the first time I've of that! Urata, why did you only tell us just now?!", Shima asked shocked as Urata crossed his arms raising an eyebrow.

"Well, how would you explain someone that you were a defector? Hey, guys! Just wanted to tell you that I was a defector!

Oh, what do you mean, it can't be like that because I never was in the White Room in this game? That's because I was a participant in another District before coming to this one!

Is that how I should have approached this matter?", Urata asked as Shima was speechless and Mafumafu looked at Luz to see him chuckling at Urata's words and then he looked at Soraru to see that he wasn't surprised at all.

"Soraru-san, did you know that Urata was a defector already?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru took a quick glance at Mafumafu before nodding. And that's the moment where Mafumafu questioned himself how much Soraru even knew already. Soraru noticed how everyone was surprised as he sighed leaning against the wall.

"Don't look at me like that. I just thought I should let the tanuki tell you guys himself. After all, I have nothing to do with it.

I found out while investigating your rooms.", Soraru explained and Urata widened his eyes when he heard that.

So he was respecting my privacy and pretended to not know for my sake? Urata asked himself and immediately felt bad for assuming that Soraru was emotionless.

"I'd love to continue this conversation and all but we still have somewhere to be. We can just keep talking while going underground.", Luz said as he walked ahead waiting for the others to follow him. Mafumafu quickly followed Luz as he wanted to catch up to Luz leaving Soraru behind.

Soraru didn't like seeing them like that at all but he knew that Luz had Nqrse so he could bear with it. While they were walking, Sakata and Urata explained themselves as Urata explained his situation and past.

Soraru just walked quietly and started to blend everyone out as he was looking at the scenery around him instead.

"Oi, Luz, this path is a different one we used.", Urata exclaimed waiting for Luz to explain that as Luz just chuckled turning away from Mafumafu for a second. "Yeah, that's because I found another way after you were gone.

How do you think I got here after all?", Luz asked as Urata nodded understanding.

He was about to keep talking to Mafumafu when he noticed how Soraru kinda walked a bit further from them, not even acknowledging their presence anymore. "Soraru~ what are you thinking about?", Luz asked while he kept walking as Soraru didn't answer. Instead he took a strand of his hair and looked like he was deep in thought.

Luz called Soraru out several times as he slowed his pace a bit to stand beside him when he noticed that Soraru wasn't there with his mind.

"So-ra-ru~", Luz called out as he put an arm over Soraru's shoulders snapping him out of his thoughts as he gave Luz a slight glare.

"What?", Soraru asked annoyed as Luz simply smiled. "You weren't answering me. I called you several times, you know?", Luz asked as Soraru's face stayed blank.

"Please keep talking to Mafu and don't disturb me anymore. Also, you're walking too slow so I'm going ahead.", Soraru said as he brushed Luz off and walked ahead stumbling slightly.

"Eh? Soraru~ wait for me~", Luz whined as he walked faster as well to catch up to Soraru who was a bit ahead already. Mafumafu who followed Soraru first looked up at Soraru worried.

"Are you alright, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru simply nodded but Mafumafu was still unconvinced. He walked a bit faster and stood in front of Soraru, his hands on his hips.

Soraru just sighed rubbing his temples before telling Mafumafu to step aside to which the albino shook his head.

"Soraru-san, I'm not going to let you go further before you tell me what's wrong!", Mafumafu said determined as Soraru merely sighed again before turning his head towards Luz.

"Say, is he always this persistent and annoying?", Soraru asked as Luz just laughed. "Yeah, but you'll get used to it.", Luz assured as Mafumafu could only pout offended when he heard what the ravenette just said about him.

"Soraru-san! How dare you say that about a gorgeous, beautiful angel like me?", Mafumafu asked offended as Soraru took that chance to get through the gap there was between Mafumafu and the path and continued walking.

"I stated the truth. And wow, you sure are narcissistic, Angel-san.", Soraru mocked as Mafumafu blushed when he heard that before catching up to Soraru.

Luz caught up as well while the others just laughed at their interaction following them. Soon they arrived underground as Luz opened the door. As soon as he did someone attacked him as he dodged and sweat-dropped.

"Why do you have to attack me every time I come back?", Luz whined as Nqrse shrugged and put his taser away. "Better being safe than sorry. Ah, Soraru! Nice to see you again!", Nqrse greeted Soraru and after he did someone perked up and walked out of his hiding place as well.

"Eh? Soraru-san came to visit us again? I'm glad you are alright.", Sou exclaimed excited and relieved as he walked out to give Soraru a hug who was a bit startled but hugged the younger back as he patted his head.

"Has been a bit since we've seen each other, huh? Good to see you healthy as well.", Soraru said as Sou nodded giving him a gentle smile making Soraru smile back.

When Mafumafu watched the scene he felt his blood boil a bit but he didn't know why as he just stared at them.

After Sou let go of Soraru he noticed that Sakata and Urata were there as well and walked over to give them a hug as well as Urata patted his head. "Wow, for some reason everyone has a soft spot for him.", Shima said amused as Sou noticed that and hid behind Soraru.

"Nice to meet you... My name is Sou.", Sou whispered as Luz noticed how everyone was confused and explained.

"Sou is a bit shy around new people. You should have seen how he was at first when he first met Urata.", Luz said as he laughed and Urata glared at him. "Shut up, Luz.

I bet it was the same with him!", he said pointing at Soraru as Luz shook his head. "Surprisingly, Sou didn't feel as nervous as he was when he met you.", Luz said as Urata widened his eyes mumbling something about how he couldn't believe that Soraru won against him.

Luz laughed when he saw Urata's expression and suddenly noticed that Mafumafu was pouting as he grinned amused at this.

"By the way, Sou here is already taken~", Luz informed Mafumafu as Sou started blushing. "Eh?! Luz-san, please don't say it like that! Eve-kun and me are just friends!", Sou defended himself as Luz raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, really? Then what about the time when—". "Ah! Please don't keep talking!", Sou pleaded as he ran towards Luz putting his hands over Luz's mouth. Nqrse watched the two of them as he smiled slightly before turning towards the others. "So? Who are your new friends, Mafu-kun?", Nqrse asked as Mafumafu tilted his head.

"I'm sorry... but who are you?", Mafumafu asked as he felt guilty for not knowing him as the other just gave him a reassuring smile.

"Ah, you've never really met me before so it's understandable that you don't know me yet. I'm sure Luz talked about me already at some point. I'm Nqrse, his boyfriend.", Nqrse introduced himself as Mafumafu widened his eyes surprised.

"So you were Luz-kun's friend that made me that costume on Halloween?!", Mafumafu asked as Nqrse nodded. "We can go and talk more if you want to. I see familiar faces here but some are still unknown to me so I'd be glad if that would change. Please come in.", Nqrse said as he stepped aside to let everyone inside.

When they were all inside Nqrse was about to go and prepare some tea when Luz stopped him and leaned down to whisper something.

"We have to talk. But without Sou and the others.", Luz said as Nqrse's smile disappeared for a while before turning towards Sou.

"Sou-kun, would you be so nice and make some tea for everyone. Me, Luz, Urata and Soraru have some things to discuss. We have to complete the map and all so we'll have to work a bit.", Nqrse informed as Sou just nodded smiling at them.

"I will. Will you take long? Should I bring you some tea over later?", Sou asked as Nqrse nodded in return. "Yeah, that would be great. We will be in the room over there so just knock if you need anything.", Nqrse said as Sou nodded.

Luz looked over to Urata and Soraru who understood what he meant and pushed himself from the wall he was leaning against as he followed them. Urata was already with them not before telling Sakata to behave as Soraru sighed before going to them.

Before he could leave though, he felt someone tug on his sleeve and turned around to see the younger albino looking at Soraru determined.

"I want to come with you.", Mafumafu said as Soraru shook his head. "Just stay here with Sou and the others. It will be boring and all just sitting there.", Soraru said trying to convince Mafumafu to give up but Mafumafu shook his head as he refused to go away.

"No, I want to go with Soraru-san and see how you always worked to figure out the map and all. I want to see what is going on in your head.", Mafumafu insisted as Soraru was troubled and looked at Luz and Nqrse who just shrugged. Soraru rubbed his eyes as he sighed before nodding.

"Do whatever you want.", Soraru said as Mafumafu smiled and nodded following them into the room. They sat down as they opened the maps and all, to start discussing about the structure of the island first. "So first thing to tell you Nqrse.

It's not safe here and we have to find the fastest way to get out of here.", Soraru started as Nqrse smiled bitterly and nodded.

"I... always wanted to wait for Kradness to come back but I doubt he will come back. I've waited for so long after all... and I can't force Sou-kun and Luz to stay here with me much longer.", Nqrse told him as Luz looked at him sadly and held Nqrse's clenched hand.

"And now that I see how dangerous it will be I can't afford to be selfish anymore. So I agree Soraru. Let's find a way out of here.", Nqrse said as everyone nodded in agreement.

They soon talked everything through once again, adding some things if something was missing. Mafumafu tried to follow their conversation but after two hours his eyes felt heavy and soon after that Soraru felt a weight on his shoulder as he looked over to see Mafumafu asleep.

Luz and Nqrse smiled as Luz gave a teasing grin which Soraru returned with a glare daring him to go on. "Now that we've established the layout of this island we should find a path to get out of here.", Luz said as he pointed at the map.

"In the past... I've worked for this place with the others. But soon we came to a disagreement and in the end I ended up here.", Luz said as Soraru and Urata listened to him while Nqrse already knew the story as he listened as well.

"That's why I know... there is an underground way connecting this place and the outside world. If we can get through there then we can get out.", Luz said as he pointed the path on the map.

"Huh?! That's great isn't it? If we can get through there then we can get out of here. You could have told us sooner.", Urata said as Soraru sighed causing Urata to glare at him.

"What?", Urata asked crossing his arms. "If it would have been that easy then Luz would have chosen that path earlier already. There had to be a catch. Which he is going to tell now.", Soraru said as Luz just laughed before turning back to his serious expression.

"Yeah, Soraru's right. It's true that we can get out of here if we go that way. I was there before already in the past after all.

Problem is there are many people here with us who have to go through the security and all so the risk of getting caught is very high...". Luz trailed off as Urata finally understood the catch.

He just had to know how bad it could end. "What is the worst that could happen if we get caught?", Urata asked as Soraru already guessed how it could end. Luz smiled bitterly before answering.

"Well, you got in their way and they are probably very mad. I'll get to the point and tell you this. Going through that path... you might die."

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