Chapter 4: Hide and Seek

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"This is an urgent announcement. Due to the rule-breakers penalty the next level will have a difficulty degree S. The doors to the entrance of the tower are locked for now.

It's a shame everyone has to be dragged into this because of Soraru-sama and Mafumafu-sama. Let the Stage 4 "Hide and Seek" begin." "I don't know what's happening but I think we should run away from that girl!", Sakata said.

"For once I agree with Sakata! Let's go!", Urata said as they all ran away from her. While they ran away Retrodot started to speak again.

"While you are all running I am going to explain the rules to you. Successfully escape Doll until morning at 7 am and take her most beloved thing away. To get the 03 Chromosome you'll have to destroy her most beloved thing after stealing it and at least 4 players have to be untouched by Doll.", Retrodot explained.

"What do you mean 'untouched'?", Urata asked but Retrodot didn't answer. "I hate you!", Urata shouted as they kept running away from the girl following them with a surprisingly fast pace.

They ran into a storage room and slammed the door in the face of the girl breathing out as they slumped onto the floor. "So to clear this game we have to escape that girl until 7 am and steal her most beloved thing. But what would that be?", Amatsuki asked. "We could leave this to Soraru.

He is the one who plays the most mystery games, right?", Shima said.

"Good idea! We'll leave it to you then!", Sakata smiled but Soraru just frowned. "This is too much work...", Soraru complained.

"Please, Soraru-san! We need your help!", Mafumafu clapped his hands together looking at him with puppy eyes making Soraru sigh and finally give in. "Fine. Just shut up for a second so I can concentrate.", he said.

They all shut their mouths looking at Soraru making him slightly uncomfortable but he decided to blend them out of his mind and soon enough he pieces everything together connecting the dots while from the outside they just saw him holding his front bang while crossing his arms.

"To clear the stage—". "Wow, that was fast! How cool!", Mafumafu said in excitement.

"To clear the stage you'll have to steal her most important item and because she was only carrying the doll it means we have to get it from her grip somehow.", Soraru explained.

"That does explain some things... but what does he mean when he said that four of us players have to stay untouched by her?", Kashitaro asked.

"Something is probably going to happen to us if she does catch us while searching for us—", Soraru answered. "So we just to stay here to be safe, right? There are about 10 hours left so just have to keep each other company until then.", Sakata said smiling as he sighed out in relief.

"Idiot. Stage 4 is difficult for a reason. We still have to destroy her doll and to destroy it we have to take it away from her first.", Urata sighed.

"That's right. We have to make a plan to take that doll away from her first. Like I wanted to say, something might happen to us when she catches us making us unable to keep playing. I don't know what she does yet but we should stay in small groups so no one is alone.", Soraru said.

"So we will split up... in how many groups?", Mafumafu asked.

"We will see about that. Splitting into groups is also efficient to find the girl. Simply hiding is not enough so we have to go find her.", Soraru explained. "But how will we find her?", Sakata asked. "That is easy. We just have to get out and walk around. Because she is searching for us it won't be difficult to find her.", Soraru said.

"I'm scared... what will happen if she finds us?", Mafumafu asked. "Like I said we will know it when it happens. For now I would recommend going in groups of three people.

Two groups with three people and one group with two persons. Let's see... people who have a high chance to be good in this level... I think I will be kinda fine with this and who else?

Oi, tanuki. How do you think can you handle this?", Soraru asked Urata. "Huh? I will be fine I guess...", he said ruffling his head.

"Good... who else thinks they could handle this?", Soraru asked into the round. "I think if it's about attacking her I could do this. I can handle destroying it.", Shima raised his hand.

"What about the others? How do you think you can handle this situation?", Soraru asked.

"...I am scared of her. I think the only thing I am capable of doing in that situation is running away from her.", Mafumafu said sheepishly as he scratched his cheek.

"I don't think I will be of much help this time but I could patch someone up in case they get injured.", Amatsuki told them.

"I'm sorry but I don't know what I could do in this kind of situation. The one thing I could do is think of a strategy to take her puppet.

It depends if the person can do what I say though.", Senra shrugged. "I will motivate you guys!", Sakata said punching the air. "Same! With my motivation you can keep going.", Kashitaro shouted linking his arm with Sakata. "Those two... are just idiots, aren't they?", Urata asked as he looked at them.

"I think I can roughly see how everyone is... Good, we will split up in these groups. It will be better to have one experienced person in a group and then split up depending on their strengths.

Because I will have some risky plans that will have to do something with fast pace Mafumafu and me will be one team.

Senra will go with Shima so he can make some strategies that Shima will pull through. Amatsuki will go with them in case one of them gets hurt because of a mistake.

Finally, Sakata and Kashitaro will go with Urata.", Soraru split them up. Urata looked dissatisfied with that. "Oi! Why am I the only one who gets the two idiots? Shima even has two people who are useful! So why am I the one stuck with these two idiots here?", Urata asked irritated.

"How mean! We will be of many use as well!", Sakata defended themselves. "Is that so?", Urata asked not believing one word.

"Anyway, you and Shima will get this speaker. Tell us if anything important happens. I also have one so be sure to inform us everything.", Soraru informed them as he threw a speaker at each Shima and Urata who caught it effortlessly. They opened the door and walked in different ways.

Team Soramafu
"Do you think we will manage, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked. "It will be fine somehow. And could you stop clinging to my arm?", Soraru asked as he looked at Mafumafu who clung to his arm. "Nooooo! What will happen if I let go and lose you? I am scared of that girl.

Who knows what will happen if she gets me?", Mafumafu said as he imagined what would happen. "It would be worse if someone useful will be caught.", Soraru muttered.

"Meanie! I know! Let's tell us some funny stories! That way we can distract ourselves!", Mafumafu suggested. Soraru knew he couldn't stop him so he just sighed and nodded.

"Do what you want.", Soraru muttered. "You know I have a cat named Iroha! She is the cutest cat on earth and—", Soraru interrupted him by shushing. "Hmph! Don't you want to listen to my story, Soraru-san? That is—".

"Shut up for a second...", Soraru demanded as Mafumafu looked at him questioning.

Mafumafu was about to open his mouth to say something again but before he could Soraru clasped a hand over his mouth to shut him up and pulled him into a corner.

He looked behind and surely enough there was the small girl singing. Mafumafu widened his eyes in fear and if it wasn't for Soraru holding him still right now he would have fallen down.

The girl slowly walked away from them. Soraru sighed in relief as he let go of Mafumafu but that was his mistake because as he let go Mafumafu sneezed quietly.

It was quiet but she heard them. She cracked her head to their direction and grinned at them from her hollow eyes. They started to run away as Soraru half glared at Mafumafu.

"Oi. If you have any allergies I suggest you deal with them soon. This is the second time we landed in this situation because of that.", Soraru said. "I'm sorry!", Mafumafu apologized as he sneezed again. Soraru looked behind to see the girl close behind them. Suddenly, Mafumafu took his hand and pulled him with him as he fastened his pace.

Soraru saw one room and opened it as there was no other way and saw a locker.

Without thinking much he pushed Mafumafu in there as he went inside as well. He closed the locker and placed his hand on Mafumafu's mouth to prevent him from sneezing signaling him to be quiet. From the slots he could see Doll entering. She looked around in confusion before and walked to the locker and was about to open it but before she could a loud crashing sound could be heard and she turned away and walked out.

They both sighed in relief and Mafumafu attempted to open the door but Soraru stopped him.

"Wait a minute. She could come back to check.", Soraru whispered.

They looked for a few seconds and sure enough she came back peeking in before going, probably to where the sound was coming from.

Team Urata
"Make sure to not get in my way. This is all I ask you guys to do. Please. Just don't do anything stupid.", Urata told them.

"We get it already! Do you have that little faith in us, Ura-san?", Sakata pouted.

"It will be fine! We are going to help you a lot!", Kashitaro assured. "Then help me set up this trap.", Urata said taking out a net.

"We are going to put it up there and if that girl comes to chase after us and trip over this thread it will come falling down. It will hold her down and we can take her doll and destroy it.", Urata explained as the other two looked at him in awe. "Ura-san, where did you get that net from?", Sakata asked curiously. "Are you a magician?", Kashitaro asked as Urata snapped at them.

"Shut up. Just help me set this up.", he instructed them what to do and when they were finished he looked at it satisfied. They did that several times putting up other traps as well. "I guess this will do for now.", he said. "How will we notice that she has been caught?", Kashitaro asked.

"Finally a decent question. You see when someone triggers this the net will fall down and also release these bombs which will alarm us with their sound.", Urata explained.

"Wow! You know so much about this, Ura-san!", Sakata complimented Urata who blushed slightly at that. "Not really.", he denied as he looked at the trap to check everything.

"Wwwww. Does someone have a crush on Urata?", Kashitaro teased Sakata as he poked him. "I don't have a crush on him!", Sakata denied as Kashitaro kept poking him. They walked around and he messed with Sakata that they didn't notice that they walked dangerously close to the trap.

"Oi! Watch out!", Urata warned them but it was too late. Sakata tripped along with Kashitaro causing the net to fall down and a loud sound could be heard from the whole building.

"Idiots!", Urata said as he quickly took out his pocket knife to cut off the net. While he did so he heard footsteps. With some swift moves he cut the net open and Sakata and Kashitaro attempted to stand up. But it was too late.

The crash was noticed by Doll who now stood in front of them smiling down at them. Urata reacted fast moving to stand in front of them.

He took out a gas bomb activating it. "Quick. The two of you run away!", Urata instructed them. "But what about you Ura-san?", Sakata asked. "We won't leave you behind!", Kashitaro said.

"Listen to me for once! If we all run she will chase after us in no time! The hallway is too long without a good hiding place. I will stop her and buy you some time to run away and hide! Here take this!", Urata threw the speaker he received from Soraru to Kashitaro who barely caught it.

"Now go!", he shouted as the gas slowly disappeared again. The girl was standing very close to them. Kashitaro understood first taking Sakata by the wrist and pulling him with him.

Urata gripped his pocket knife tightly trying to attack the little girl. He aimed at the doll in her hand but failed. When he almost hit the doll she even put her arm to protect it so he hit her arm instead and as he looked at what he had done the girl took her chance and grabbed his face.

He wanted to push her away but he couldn't move. All Urata could do now was stare into her eyes as she smiled at him. "Game over~", and that's when his mind went blank.

Finally I have summer vacation! If you guys want me to I could try to update more in that time but that's up to you. Just tell me in the comments if you want me to or not

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