Chapter 5: A marionette

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Team Shima
"How many times did we get into this?", Amatsuki sighed as he recalled what happened before.

"Will we be fine?", Amatsuki asked as he walked slightly trembling. "We will be fine! And if something happens I will protect you guys!", Shima assures them. "Says the guy who has been walking into traps the whole time since we started.", Amatsuki made a sarcastic comment.

"It won't happen anymore. Promise!", Shima promised. "Ah, Mashi, look out!", Senra warned him as he noticed a thread.

Unfortunately, Shima noticed too late and was pinned on the wall by some kind of snare.

And that was how they ended up like this. "So? What do we do?", Shima asked. "I will help you get out of this... Wait a minute.", Senra said as he began working on the snare.

"Do you think Doll was the one who set up these traps?", Amatsuki asked. "It could be. Right now it's better to be more cautious.", Senra said.

After they managed to free Shima from them Shima winced looking down at him and noticing he had some wounds. Amatsuki inspected them before sighing in relief because they weren't deep. "They aren't that deep. I think disinfecting them and patching them will be enough.

If you will just take your shirt off please.", Amatsuki instructed and then worked on patching the wounds up. Just as they finished and Shima put his shirt back on they heard a loud crash.

"Do you think someone else walked into a trap as well?", Shima asked and the other two nodded. "We should go to look what happened.", Shima said starting to run off but Senra grabbed his arm and shook his head. "It probably attracted the attention of her so we should stay away to avoid being caught.", Senra explained.

"Isn't that even more reason to go then?", Shima asked. "No. We don't know what she is able to do. These traps could be set up by her as well. If we go to them without knowing what she is capable of we will only give her more chances to catch us.

We are a group of three so that is an even more reason not to go. We should not underestimate her.", Senra told him. "Soraru told us that Senra would be your voice of reason so we should probably listen to him.", Amatsuki backed him up.

Seeing Shima couldn't win against those two he finally nodded. "...Fine. I will trust you. I think we should tell everyone what we've seen.", Shima said. "Good idea. Tell Soraru and Urata to meet up in the storage room we were at the beginning.", Senra told him. Shima took his speaker out.

"Soraru? Urata? Can you hear me?", Shima asked. After a while a familiar voice answered back. "Yes, I can. Is something the matter?", Soraru questioned. "Do you think we could meet up in the storage room?", Shima asked.

"Sure. I was thinking the same as well.", Soraru agreed. "What about you guys?", Soraru asked Urata but no one answered. "Oi. Tanuki, can you hear me?", Soraru asked.

"Sorry. This is Kashitaro. Yeah, we will come.", Kashitaro answered. "Why isn't the tanuki answering?", Soraru asked.

"We will tell you later when we meet up.", Kashitaro responded. Everyone was confused but decided to go to the storage room first.

Soraru and Mafumafu were the first ones to arrive with Shima, Senra and Amatsuki quickly following after. The last ones to arrive were Kashitaro and Sakata. Urata was missing.

"So it's what I thought...", Soraru frowned slightly after seeing that the short brunette was missing. "What happened?", Amatsuki asked worriedly. "We were setting traps up with Urata but then we accidentally tripped and activated one causing a crash which attracted the attention of the girl. Urata told us to run away and that he would buy us some time.", Kashitaro explained.

"So the traps were from Urata and not from the girl...", Shima said. "What happened to you?", Mafumafu asked as he noticed the ripped uniform of Shima who scratched his cheek.

"Well, I kinda walked into one or two of Urata's trap.", he told them. "This is my fault... if I hadn't tripped and listened to Ura-san instead he wouldn't have been caught.", Sakata blamed himself as he gripped his shirt. Soraru felt kinda bad for the red-haired boy so he decided to console him.

"Well, you should see it from the bright side. If you hadn't activated that trap she would have caught both Mafumafu and me.", Soraru told him causing Sakata to perk up. "What do you mean by that?", Sakata asked confused.

"The truth is she was chasing after us because a certain someone just had to sneeze when she came.", he said as he looked accusingly at Mafumafu. "I already that told you I was sorry!", Mafumafu said as he pouted.

"Anyway, we ran away and hid in a locker. She was about to open the door but just when she did a loud crash distracted her and then she went to you guys. So you saved us in some way.", Soraru told Sakata. "Is that so? So we were kinda lucky I guess.", Sakata said as he giggled.

Soraru looked at his counter which showed how many hours it was until 7 am. "There are 7 hours left until the deadline. Now that we've lost Urata we should split you two up.

Sakata will go with us and Kashitaro will go with Amatsuki and the others.", Soraru said. "Good, let's go and save Ura-san then!", Sakata said cheerfully as he opened the door. When he did he bumped into someone and looked down just to see the short brunette standing there.

"Ura-san?! You escaped?", Sakata asked surprised. "Of course I did. Are you guys alright?", Urata asked. "How did you escape?", Mafumafu asked curiously. "That's a long story.

I know where she is! We should go to her! But not in small groups cause she wants to use that opportunity to catch us all at once. Everyone should come together.", Urata said.

"Eh? But...", Sakata felt uncomfortable. Urata grabbed Sakata's wrist smiling at him. "It will be fine. Do you trust me, Sakata?", Urata asked him. "Eh? I-I do.", he answered surprised that Urata was this nice to him. "Then let's go.", Urata said pulling Sakata with him. Soraru noticed some strings from above and followed them.

They leaded to Urata himself tying themselves around his wrists and feet. He wanted to shout but before he could Senra shouted first. It seems he noticed the strings as well.

"Sakata, get away from him right now!", Senra shouted. Sakata who was confused stopped walking and Senra threw some knives he found in the traps they found and threw them at Urata who backflipped several times to avoid them.

They suddenly heard a giggling and looked up seeing Doll sitting there with her doll in her lap and the strings tied around her fingers.

"You figured out pretty fast.", she giggled enjoying the show playing in front of her. "Well, let's see how you can deal with him. Urata-onii-san, please catch them.", she ordered him and he obeyed taking out some hidden knives and threw them at them. They barely dodged but Sakata wasn't fast enough so the knife slightly cut him in his cheek.

They all looked at Urata in wary as he took out some new knives ready to throw them at them again. "Isn't this great? I wanted to catch Kashitaro-onii-san and Sakata-onii-san but then I noticed that Urata-onii-san was even better.

He has the ability to move silently and fast because of his small structure and not only that he can handle knives and traps as well!

Now I don't have to do all the work and can just sit back giving him orders. So thank you for sacrificing him.", she thanked them.

"It's just a shame that I am the only one who can bring you guys on my side. If not then Sakata-onii-san would have been by my side as well by now.", she pouted. "What do we do now? Ura-san is too fast.", Sakata said.

"Don't underestimate us. We have some weapons as well. If what she tells us is the truth then Urata will have some limits as well. Urata may be fast but we have Shima on our side who is stronger than Urata. We just have to restrain him.

Shima, can you do that?", Soraru asked. "Sure. I just don't know how to avoid his knives. He can throw them pretty well. It was difficult to dodge them just now.", Shima admitted.

"I could give him instructions where he should walk. I can calculate it before he throws them.", Senra said. "Good do that then.", Soraru nodded and Shima ran towards Urata who threw knives at him. Senra was following him close behind whispering instructions.

"Move right and now left. Now he knows you will dodge so keep walking straight and then stop him.", Senra told him as Shima lunges towards Urata who struggled and tried kicking him.

Now that he was on the ground Senra took one of the knives lying on the ground and walked towards Urata to cut the strings off.

"Fast! He struggles more and is stronger than I thought.", Shima said trying to hold him on ground. Senra quickly cut the strings off and Urata stopped moving immediately after they were cut off just lying motionless on the ground.

They sighed in relief not knowing that Doll sneaked up to Soraru to hug him but he moved out of the way and she hugged Amatsuki instead. "Game Over, Amatsuki-onii-san~", she giggled and he fell unconscious. "Ama-chan!", Kashitaro called out to him but Soraru pulled him back.

"Don't go near her.", he told him. "Goodness. Playing with you is so much fun!", she giggled as some strings tied themselves around Amatsuki. "I wish I could have caught Soraru-onii-san but Amatsuki-onii-san is nice as well.", she said as Amatsuki opened his eyes again.

"A-ama-chan? It's me, Kashi.", Kashitaro said in hope of Amatsuki noticing him but he didn't. "You just had to cut off Urata-onii-san's strings though! Now he can't move anymore!

I will help you, Urata-onii-san!", she sang as some strings appeared tying themselves around Urata again. "Now help me catch them!", she ordered Urata and moved her fingers to control Amatsuki. Urata didn't have any knives on him anymore so he picked the two nearest ones and held one on each hand attacking Shima with them.

"Crap! He's fast!", Shima said as he tried to dodge them. Kashitaro stood there frozen and wearily dodged Amatsuki as he tried to attack him.

"Kashitaro, you want to save Amatsuki, right? So help us catching that girl!", Soraru shouted towards him. "Sorry, Ama-chan!", Kashitaro apologized beforehand and lunged himself on Amatsuki.

Kashitaro was slightly stronger than Amatsuki so he managed to hold him down and cut the strings. Before the girl could make the strings attach themselves on Amatsuki, Kashitaro carried him away holding him so they couldn't attach themselves back on him.

Soraru noticed that Shima and Senra both had struggles holding Urata down. "Mafumafu, can you do me a favor?", Soraru asked him. "What is it, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked. Soraru leaned down and whispered something into his ear.

Mafumafu nodded slowly. "I can try.", he said. "Thanks.", Soraru thanked him. Mafumafu ran towards Doll in full speed and took a knife to cut off the strings connecting to Urata.

He then ripped the doll away from the girl and turned away from her. "Oh, no! ...Just kidding~ Now, Edgar!", she ordered as the eyes of the doll lit up. Mafumafu's hand sunk down and strings lightly tied themselves around him.

"Now, give me Edgar back, please.", she said as she extended her arms. "Mafumafu, no!", Senra shouted but because they were careless Doll had put the strings back on Urata and Amatsuki and now they were standing in front of them blocking their paths. Mafumafu walked towards her and just as he stood in front of her he pushed her lightly making her stumble and lose control for a moment.

She couldn't control Urata and Amatsuki correctly anymore and they lost balance.

Mafumafu used that chance to turn around and throw that doll at Soraru. "How? You should have been on my side!", Doll said. "Oh that! Lucky me! Soraru-san explained to me beforehand what to do!", Mafumafu smiled.

"Mafumafu, can you do me a favor?", Soraru asked him. "What is it, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked. "I want you to cut these strings with this knife and rip the doll away from her.

Because you are fast you can do it. And that doll is suspicious so make sure to not look into its eyes.", Soraru whispered. "I can try.", he said. "Thanks.", Soraru thanked him.

"H-how did you find out?", Doll asked. "Instinct. That's all. It was a guess.", Soraru said as he crushed the head of her doll. "Edgar!", she screamed out in agony as she sunk down.

The doll disappeared and Amatsuki and Urata slowly opened their eyes. "Ama-chan!", Kashitaro hugged Amatsuki in relief. "What the hell happened?", Urata muttered.

"Ura-san! Sorry!", Sakata apologized as he jumped towards Urata and hugged him. "What the hell? Get off me, idiot!", Urata pushed him away. "It's just... it's my fault!", Sakata sobbed. "Idiot! It's fine...", Urata said as he stood up.

They heard sobbing and turned towards Doll. Amatsuki walked up to her. "Oi. What are you doing?", Soraru asked. Amatsuki ignored him and kneeled down. "Hey. What's your name?", he asked her softly. "Eh? M-mary.", she told him as she looked at him in confusion.

"That is a beautiful name. Mary, was that doll important to you?", Amatsuki asked and she nodded. "Edgar is the only one who is with me. Usually, I can only play with him.", she said. "If you ever want to play again then you can come to my room. We can play together then.", Amatsuki said as he patted her head.

"R-really? Promise?", she asked and he nodded. "Promise.", he said and he gave her his pinky. "If you need another doll. Here. It's a Mafuteru!", Mafumafu said as he gave her a doll.

"I guess I am sorry for destroying your doll.", Soraru apologized.

"I forgive you and... Thank you!", Mary thanked them as she cried happy tears. "See you!", she waved at them holding the Mafuteru. They waved back and she disappeared and the Chromosome 03 appeared and Soraru picked it up.

"Congratulations! You successfully cleared Stage 4.", Retrodot said.

"We did it! I think I am going to sleep for 24 hours now!", Mafumafu said as he stretched.

This was supposed to be a punishment right? So why did it work out so well? What is this uneasy feeling?, Soraru thought. "Soraru-san, do you want some ramen?", Mafumafu asked pulling him out of his thoughts. "Sure.", Soraru accepted as he walked up to Mafumafu. I'm probably overthinking.

Stage 4 Clear

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