Chapter 6: Hot springs

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"Ne, Soraru-san, I heard that Shima and Senra went to the open air bath. I want to go as well.", Mafumafu said as he looked at Soraru who was playing games. "Is that so?", Soraru said as he continued to play his game.

"I wanna go too!", Mafumafu shouted. "Oi! Don't shout in my ear!", Soraru said covering his ears. "After everything we've gone through, don't you think we should go and relax a bit?

I'm feeling stiff from all the running! Don't you want to relax as well? You probably know that it's so relaxing to bath in an open air bath, right?", Mafumafu asked. Soraru didn't answer because he in fact felt the same way.

"I'll take that as a yes. Let's go!", Mafumafu said as trying to pull him out of his bed but Soraru didn't budge. "I don't know how relaxing it is in an open air bath and I don't need to know.", Soraru argued as he tried to put his focus back into the game which was difficult because for some weird reason the albino now wanted to go even more.

"Wait, you never went to an open air bath?!", Mafumafu asked surprised and Soraru covered his ears in annoyance nodding.

"Not that I remember at least...", Soraru muttered as he continued playing. "That's it! You need to know the happiness bathing in an open air bath!", Mafumafu decided and Soraru sighed knowing that it would be useless to argue.

On their way to the open-air bath they walked into Sakata and Urata.

"What are you doing here, tanuki?", Soraru asked as Urata shot him a glare.

"We are living in the same building, bastard.", Urata reminded him like Soraru was an idiot which made Soraru glare at him as well.

"You want to fight, bastard?", Urata challenged as Soraru just looked down at him raising his eyebrow. "I doubt you could do anything to me given how short you are.", Soraru mocked.

"Ah?! What did you say? Mind repeating that?", Urata asked threatening but Soraru seemed unfazed. "Gladly. You're too short to be a danger to me in any way.", Soraru scoffed.

You could see sparkles flying in between them and Mafumafu and Sakata had to interfere before anything serious happened.

"S-so where are the two of you going?", Sakata asked changing the subject.

"To the open-air bath. Do you want to come with us?", Mafumafu invited them as Soraru and Urata perked up at that.

"I don't want to bath in the same place as him.", they both said. "I'm going. You can go alone.", Urata said as he began walking away but Sakata stopped him. "Don't you want to go with us? I bet you're also exhausted from all that action we had!", Sakata tried to convince him but Urata looked at him with an unamused expression.

"There is no way I will be exhausted after running for only a bit.", Urata said. "Ok. He doesn't want to. Let him go.", Soraru said as he walked away but Mafumafu stopped him.

"The more the merrier, isn't it Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked. "You're seriously asking me that?", Soraru looked at him raising his eyebrow. "Please, come with us!", Sakata said looking at him with pleading eyes and Urata almost gave in but then he remembered that he really didn't want to go so he shook his head.

"I won't go. That's my final answer. Sorry, Sakata.", he added as he saw how Sakata looked really disappointed. The three of them looked at Urata walking away before Mafumafu shrugged.

"I guess only us three will go then.", Mafumafu said as they walked in. What they didn't know was that Kashitaro and Amatsuki decided to go there as well. "Oh? You're here as well Kashitaro and Amatsuki?", Sakata asked. "We wanted to relax after that difficult level.", Kashitaro explained.

"I declined many times but Kashitaro-san didn't give up so in the end I had to accept.", Amatsuki sighed. "But you like spending time with me, don't you?", Kashitaro asked.

"I-i guess I do.", Amatsuki nodded. They all sighed in relaxation when they sat down in the water. "This is so relaxing...", Mafumafu sighed as Sakata nodded in agreement.

"Oh, you guys are here as well?", someone asked as they walked in. They turned around to see that it was Shima. "Is Senra not with you, Shima?", Amatsuki asked. "I did invite him but he declined so I decided to go alone.", Shima told them. "You should have been more persistent. It worked with Soraru-san.", Mafumafu adviced him.

"I did but then we passed by you guys talking about going to the open-air bath as well and saw Urata declining and walking away.

Urata noticed us because we came from our rooms and then Senra clung to him saying that he was going to hang out with Urata.

Before I could say anything further they walked away already.", Shima sighed.

"Now that I have the chance I wanted to ask: What the heck did the two of you do that we had to play that punishment game?", Shima asked and Soraru suddenly seemed interested in the water.

"Well, I guess we broke a rule. We went to the off-limits 51st floor.", Mafumafu explained as he sheepishly scratches his cheek.

"That was a bit reckless, don't you think?", Amatsuki asked. "S-sorry.", Mafumafu apologized looking guilty. "...It's his fault for making me curious.", Soraru looked up as he blamed Retrodot. "Seriously?

Can't you feel at least a bit guilty?", Amatsuki asked. "No. He is always like that.

I once watched one of his videos and as soon as one of the NPCs said to him that he shouldn't do that as it was dangerous he decided to do that first because he was curious.". Kashitaro explained as he recalled one of Soraru's videos.

"We should just relax now because Retrodot will make us play the next stage soon.", Soraru said. "But I think that those stages are kind of fun, don't you think?", Sakata asked in the round but they all looked at him like he was an idiot.

"Pff-hahahaha. Are you an idiot?", Shima asked as he laughed at Sakata who began pouting.

"No, I'm no—". "Why are you even asking? It's obvious that he is an idiot.", Soraru stated making Shima laugh even more.

"Didn't we all accept that in the beginning already?", Mafumafu asked confused.

"I'm not an idiot!", Sakata denied. "It's fine. We will accept you even if you are an idiot.", Kashitaro assured him making Sakata smile.

"Thanks. Wait, no! I am not an idiot!", Sakata shouted. "Oi. You guys are too loud. Shut up.", Soraru demanded. After they settled down they stayed silent for a minute before Mafumafu decided to speak up again.

"I wonder what Urata and Senra are doing right now.", Mafumafu wondered.

"I don't know and I am not interested in what that tanuki is doing.", Soraru answered wanting to end that topic but unfortunately for him everyone else was interested. "Yeah, I want to see what Senra's doing.", Shima said.

"I mean I am getting dizzy from sitting this long in here and all but if we are going to them anyway I will make us some lunch while we are at it.", Amatsuki said. "Thank you, mom.", Mafumafu thanked making Amatsuki blush.

"Don't call me mom!", Amatsuki said as Mafumafu nodded. "Ok, mother.", he said instead. "That is not what I—". "Good. Now let's make some lunch and go to Ura-san and Senra!", Sakata said as the others agreed. Soraru just sighed as he stood up.

"Have fun.", he said attempting to escape but Mafumafu stopped him by clinging to his arm. "Where do you think you are going, Soraru-san?", he asked smiling.

"To my room.", Soraru answered curtly. "But we wanted to go to Urata and Senra.", Mafumafu told him. "No thanks. Go without me. I'll pass on seeing the tanuki.", Soraru refused.

"Soraru-san, you don't have a choice. And if you still decide to decline then I will drag you there.", Mafumafu smiled up at him and Soraru gulped knowing that he was serious.

"Fine. It's going to be a pain to try to get rid of you anyway.", Soraru sighed as he gave in. "Woah, what was that? Mafumafu is scary~", Shima said pretending to be scared.

"What do you mean? Are you scared of this beautiful angel?", Mafumafu asked putting his hands on his hips. "Anyway, let's go!", Sakata said impatiently as they all just laughed at the little patience Sakata had and walked out.

"Are you sure you didn't want to go with them?", Senra asked Urata. "That bastard is there so no.", Urata answered as he threw a controller at Senra who caught it easily leaning against Urata's bed. "We both know that that's a lie, Urata. Sorry.", Senra apologized but Urata didn't answer.

"Urata—". "It's fine. You didn't mean to hurt me. I wasn't myself and you had to stop me. I just don't want them to see. I bet that idiot would be overly worried.", Urata reassured him.

"But—", Urata sighed in annoyance as he took out a bandage and threw it at Senra. "Then let's just say I will forgive you after you helped me change my bandage.", Urata said as he took of his shirt.

"Yeah... thanks, Urata.", Senra thanked him. "It's fine.", Urata muttered as Senra stepped behind him to took the bandage off. Senra bit his lip in guilt when he saw the scar that he caused.

It looked like he even cut open an old scar from the past but he decided not to talk about it and disinfected it instead binding the bandage around Urata's body again. "Sorry...", Senra apologized once again as Urata sighed.

"You know, I'm rather getting angry by you constantly apologizing to me rather than accidentally cutting me. It will heal again.", Urata assured him as Senra put his shirt back on. "What are you? My butler?", Urata mocked as Senra helped him and he just chuckled.

"What would you like for your afternoon tea, young master?", Senra joked as Urata hit him with a pillow. "Don't push your luck. If I'm too annoyed at you I can just throw you out of my room.", Urata threatened. "Can such a small body have enough strength to even lift me?", Senra mocked as Urata smiled threateningly at him.

"You're on thin ice, Senra.", Urata warned him. "Sorry, Sorry. I get it.", Senra surrendered. They played some Mario Kart together when they heard someone knocking on the door.

"Ura-san! Senra! Open up!", Sakata shouted. Urata stood up and opened the door seeing that everyone was there. "Can't I get one peaceful day? First Senra and now you guys.", Urata complained.

"We brought you guys food and we wondered what you were doing.", Amatsuki told him. "We were playing video games. Now can you go?", Urata asked but before he could close the door Mafumafu pushed the door open walking in.

"I wanna play too!", Mafumafu said as he switched on one of the other controllers. Everyone just walked in as they sat down as if they lived there. "You're here as well?", Urata asked looking at Soraru. "Believe me. I didn't want to come here.", Soraru rolled his eyes.

They both looked at their teammates before looking at each other again.

"For once I feel bad for you.", Urata sighed. "I agree.", Soraru nodded. "Don't be like that! We made some onigiri for you guys.", Mafumafu said. "Don't you mean I made them? You guys were almost destroying the whole kitchen.", Amatsuki sighed as he remembered the event.

He shivered as he imagined the scene play out in front of him. "Come on, we weren't that bad!", Shima denied. "Is that so? Mafumafu was trying to put chili into the onigiri and literally everything we made. Kashi and I had to stop him every three minutes.", Amatsuki told them.

"I just like things spicy.", Mafumafu defended himself. "Which person wants to eat pudding with chili?", Amatsuki asked as Mafumafu pointed at himself. "Hahaha... yeah, that was funny.", Shima laughed. "You weren't better!

You knocked literally everything over. Those ingredients you knocked over were made with love from animals and you just went ahead and destroyed it.", Amatsuki said in a sour mood. "And Sakata burned our food several times.", Amatsuki added. "Burning food sometimes isn't that bad. I'm just not that good at cooking.", Sakata said.

"I know but how the hell do you burn your egg while boiling it?", Amatsuki asked. "Soraru just sat there not caring for anything.

Normally, I would think that he should have helped out but after the whole mess I didn't want to even risk the possibility of him being as bad as them.", Amatsuki sighed after he vented.

"I'm not that bad at cooking.", Soraru said. "I'll see that when I actually see you cook.", Amatsuki said not believing him. Shima, Sakata and Mafumafu day there looking at Amatsuki in slight fear. "Let's just calm down and eat our food, Ama-chan.", Kashitaro said and Amatsuki nodded.

"You're right. Here is our food we made. Please eat everything.", Amatsuki said as he opened the box. "It's delicious...", Urata commented slightly surprised. "Did you think it would taste that bad?", Sakata asked unbelievably.

"After everything that Amatsuki said anyone would be worried.", Urata said. After they finished lunch they played video games until night. "I think we should call it a day.", Mafumafu yawned as he looked at the clock. It was 1 am.

"Then see you guys tomorrow.", they bid farewell as they all went to their rooms. Sakata was the last one to go. He waited for everyone to go and then he turned to Urata who cleaned his room up. "Ura-san, can I ask you something?", Sakata asked.

"You just did, idiot. What is it?", Urata questioned. "Why didn't you want to go to the open-air bath with us?", Sakata asked as Urata's eyes widened slightly before he hit Sakata lightly on the head. "I told you already.

I didn't want to go with that bastard and also... I was tired of everything so I just wanted to rest. I just didn't want to say it in front of him so that he could make fun of me.", Urata lied but it seemed it was enough to make Sakata believe him.

"Is that so? Next time you can just tell us! Good night, Ura-san.", Sakata said as he walked out. Urata waved and stayed like that until the door closed. "Crap, I have to be careful if even Sakata notices something like that so quickly.", Urata sighed as he cleaned up.

I don't want them to find out about my secret after all, do I?

So that was the new chapter! I'll probably finish the next chapter on Sunday or Monday so I'll just publish it then!

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