Chapter 40: Secrets of Stealth

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"Ura-san, you're going to break my back if you stretch me more. Ow!", Sakata shouted as Urata shouted at Sakata, telling him to stop whining. "Wow, Mafumafu, you don't have any stamina at all!", Shima exclaimed laughing as you could hear Mafumafu whining.

"I... think I'll die...", Mafumafu said as Amatsuki hummed in agreement.

Luz laughed when he heard how loud it was outside and he could only imagine what kind of chaos was going on right now.

"Man, I'm just happy to not be in their place right now. Thank god, you need me to discuss things.", Luz said as he continued laughing.

"Soraru, what are they even doing?", Nqrse asked as Soraru explained them. "Well, to get out of here is already difficult.

Of course everyone will try their best to make a strategy to not be noticed and if we are discovered we still have people who can defend themselves like Shima, Urata, and you two.

I had some karate lessons in the past but I doubt I can do much to protect all of us. But even if we have these people we can't protect everyone and it'll be difficult to defend and protect someone if a lot of guards try to take you down.

That's why they have to train so they can at least defend themselves if that's needed.", Soraru explained as Luz and Nqrse looked at Soraru impressed.

"Wow, you did karate in the past? And here I thought I know you! Do I even know you?", Luz asked as Soraru rolled his eyes.

"Sorry to not meet your expectations.", Soraru apologized sarcastically. "You thought a lot of ahead, didn't you? I'm impressed.", Nqrse nodded approvingly. "Well, I had to. Since we arrived on this island, I prepared for this day. It would have happened sooner or later anyway.", Soraru said as Luz and Nqrse nodded.

"Now then, I bet the others are working hard so we should do the same. Let's just think of the best strategy to get out of here while the others are training.", Nqrse suggested as the other two nodded and they started making a plan.

Mafumafu and Sakata all laid on the floor panting as they tried to catch their breath and the others looked at them in pity while Urata stared down at them mercilessly.

"Is that all you guys can do? We've only been training for an hour.", Urata reminded them as Mafumafu tried to form a sentence.

"An hour without a break! I never did any sports in my life! How do you expect me to hold on for so long?", Mafumafu whined as Sakata agreed. "Are you serious?

If Amatsuki or Kashitaro would have complained then I would have understood.

I let them do push-ups and let them run around the whole time. Heck even if Shima would have started to complain then I couldn't have argued because I gave him an extra hard training.

And he is perfectly fine!", Urata said as he pointed at Shima who was still training right now. "But those guys are people who did sports in their life or something!", Sakata said as he hit his hands on the floor repeatedly.

Urata looked at the two younger males whining on the floor as he felt his patience snap. "You guys have been stretching this entire time and haven't even started doing anything else yet! And you didn't even stretch properly!", Urata pointed out annoyed as Sakata and Mafumafu flinched knowing that Urata was right. "B-but—".

"Don't you even come with b-but! You will start doing some exercises now! I will make sure that you do.", Urata said as he looked down at them coldly making the two gulp before you could here the two screaming for help.

Luz let his pencil fall down as he jumped when he heard the screams and turned around to Soraru with a worried look.

"Are you sure they're alright? They actually sound like they're being killed at the moment.", Luz said as Soraru just nodded and scribbled something down. "They'll be fine.

That short tanuki is annoying and all but I believe that he'll train them good enough and I know he wants to get out of here as well so he's just doing what's necessary.", Soraru said as Nqrse smiled seeing how much trust Soraru put into Urata despite having many disputes with him.

"Soraru's right. Let's believe in them.", Nqrse told Luz who nodded and took his pencil back before scribbling something down as well and they continued working.

Sou slumped on the floor as he panted slightly from doing some light exercises and coughed a bit as Urata looked at him for a while before nodding and walking towards Sou.

"Sou, you can can stop for today.", Urata said as Sou shook his head. "I can still keep going.", Sou said but he was interrupted by some coughs. Urata frowned as he put a hand on Sou's shoulder.

"Seriously, you did enough for today. Go to your room and get some rest.", Urata insisted as Sou shook his head and looked Urata into the eyes determined. "Everyone is working hard and you are taking your time to train everyone of us.

It's for the escape, isn't it. I noticed how Soraru-san gave you that look. This is to prepare us for the day we escape, right? I don't want to be a burden by not being able to do anything.", Sou said as he looked down frowning.

Urata was surprised Sou managed to notice so much as he then nodded.

"Fine, I'll keep training you. But promise me to not push yourself too much.", Urata said as Sou nodded smiling happily. "Ok, thank you, Urata-san!", Sou thanked as Urata smiled back when he saw how the younger smiled at him.

"Eh?! How come you're so nice to Sou-kun but so mean to us?!", Sakata asked shocked as Urata's smile turned back to a scowl.

"Because he doesn't complain about the training that I am willing to give you and is actually thankful for it.", Urata said as Sakata kept complaining and Urata walked over to him ready to give him his own lesson before noticing that a certain albino was missing.

Urata looked at Sakata waiting for an explanation who just whistled and Urata sighed when he gave in and nodded. "Fine. Guess you'll just have to train harder in his place.", Urata said as Sakata looked at him confused.

"What? Do you really think I'll let him go without consequences knowing that you probably helped him? Don't worry~

After this, you will be almost good enough to fight against me when I just woke up.", Urata assured as Sakata prayed to god.

Mafudon, you better have a nice time with your Soraru-san because I am going to suffer here. You better make that up to me!

Mafumafu sighed as he opened the door and quickly closed it as he apologized to Sakata in his mind. He looked over to the other three and saw the ravenette sitting with his back faced to him.

"Soraru-san.", Mafumafu called out to him but none of them even notice him getting in as they just discussed something deep in their own world. "It would be smarter to go this way wouldn't it? That way has too many guards!", Luz said as Soraru shook his head.

"Even if that way has more guards we can just knock them out and all. We are strong enough to do so. And we can just threaten them to show us the way if we're lost.", Soraru said as Nqrse just giggled while Luz smiled awkwardly.

"Wow, Soraru... you sure are... weird.", Luz said as Soraru rolled his eyes. "Thanks for the compliment.", he said as Luz laughed holding his stomach. He even had to close his eyes and noticed some white hair from the corner from his eyes widening his eyes in slight surprise.

"Mafu-kun? What are you doing here?", Luz asked as Mafumafu flinched when he was suddenly called out and Soraru turned to see the albino and Nqrse and smiled already noticing the albino some time ago. "Since when were you here, Mafu?", Soraru asked confused as Mafumafu fiddled with his fingers. "Well, I wanted to escape from Uratan torturing us.", Mafumafu answered as Luz raised an eyebrow smiling mischievously.

"You sure there wasn't another reason why you came here?", Luz asked as Mafumafu's face turned into the same color as his eyes.

"W-well... maybe... I wanted to see, Soraru-san...", Mafumafu whispered the last part so quietly that Soraru almost didn't hear it but he did and he had a slight blush as well as he looked away.

"Well, just sit anywhere if you want to take a break. I guess it'll be fine if you don't disrupt us.", Soraru said as Mafumafu smiled happily and walked to the seat next to Soraru which was free and sat down looking at everything curiously.

Soraru just glanced over at Mafumafu before trying to going back to where he was and concentrate which proved to be difficult because Mafumafu kept asking questions and leaned closer to Soraru every time he did.

Worst thing is that Mafumafu did everything unconsciously so if Soraru would ask then he would just embarrass both of them and it seemed as if Nqrse and Luz noticed it and just grinned at Soraru who glared at them before ignoring them and going back on planning.

Later in the afternoon

Soraru and the others sighed in relief when they looked down at their finished plan as Luz shouted out in joy. "We finally finished!

I think it's time to make a last dinner here before getting away tomorrow. Let's use everything we have for the last meal!", Luz said as the others sweat-dropped.

"Would we even be able to eat everything?", Nqrse asked as Mafumafu tilted his head.

"Shouldn't everyone take some food with them in case we need it on the way?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru nodded.

"We should. Nqrse made it sound like you guys have enough food so it should be fine. Make as much food as you think everyone needs but don't waste food.", Soraru instructed as Luz salutated jokingly. "Yes, sir~

I'll go tell the others then, sir! I bet they'll be happy to finally being able to rest.", Luz laughed as he opened the door to see Sakata lying on the door as he jumped a bit upon seeing that.

"Sakata, you okay there?", Luz asked as he kneeled down while Sakata mumbled something the others couldn't understand.

"What is it? Sakatan, we can't here you.", Mafumafu said as Sakata lifted his head now speaking clearly.

"I said Ura-san is satan and I did nothing wrong to deserve this!", Sakata whined and complained as Urata glared at Sakata for saying that. "Oi, I was helping you right now so you better be happy that you're at least in a somewhat good shape to go.", Urata said as he crossed his arms and Shima walked up putting an arm over Urata's shoulder.

"But oh man, this training was really efficient! I think I got even a bit better than last time! I will be able to take all those guards down!", Shima declared grinning as Kashitaro and Amatsuki looked the most normal to them.

They were just sitting down and drinking some water after training.

"It was tiring but I learned a lot and my body feels lighter when I move around.", Amatsuki said as Kashitaro nodded in agreement. "Urata and Shima really helped us a lot.", Kashitaro confirmed as Urata just nodded looking away.

"Aw, is someone embarrassed?", Shima asked teasingly as Urata slapped Shima's arm before crossing his arms. "Ouch~ violent as always I see~", Shima laughed as Urata glared at him which didn't have any effect at all.

"Anyways, where is Sou-kun?", Nqrse asked as Urata turned away from Shima to point into the kitchen. "He is making everyone some food right now.", Urata said as Nqrse nodded before walking into the kitchen as well.

"I'll help him then. We have to make a lot today~", Nqrse said as Amatsuki perked up and offered his help. "I'll help then! Everyone worked so hard so I'll make the best dinner!", Amatsuki declared to which Kashitaro nodded approvingly.

Nqrse smiled and beckoned Amatsuki to follow him which he did. They all talked about their day until Nqrse peeked out of the kitchen to call them. They all sat down looking at the dinner in front of them gaping at the amount.

"Guys, I know we're a lot of people but isn't that a bit too much? Don't we have to store some food?", Shima asked as Nqrse shook his head.

"Don't worry. We still have enough for the times where we need food. I'll prepare some food for tomorrow. We'll have a light breakfast and then go.", Nqrse said as half of the gamers looked at him confused. "What Nqrse wanted to say is that we're all going to escape from here. We already have a strategy and we will tell you that after dinner.", Luz said when he noticed their confusion.

They decided to listen to him as everyone had a pleasant conversation with Urata and Sakata arguing a lot and Shima laughing at them. "Mafu, are you not going to eat more?", Soraru noticed when he looked at the amount Mafumafu was eating as the albino shook his head.

"The others worked so hard that I think it wouldn't be nice for me to eat the food.", Mafumafu said as Amatsuki and Luz heard that and shook their heads disapprovingly. "Mafu-kun, you have to eat a lot so you can grow into a healthy young man!", Amatsuki said as Luz nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, listen to your mother.", Luz said as Amatsuki blushed. "Luz-san!", Amatsuki shouted embarrassed as Luz shrugged.

"What? I'm right though! Right?", Luz asked as everyone nodded. Amatsuki widened his eyes when even Soraru nodded. Mafumafu still hesitated though as Soraru just sighed before picking up his chopsticks and holding something in front of Mafumafu's mouth.

"Don't make me feed you like I did in the past. You're not a small child anymore.", Soraru said and Mafumafu was about to protest but Soraru already shoved the food into Mafumafu's mouth forcing him to eat it as Mafumafu finished chewing before speaking up again.

"Soraru-san...! I'm fine really—", Mafumafu was interrupted again as Soraru shoved some more food into Mafumafu's mouth.

"Eat. If it's about not deserving to eat then throw that thought out of your mind.

If you don't eat enough and then collapse tomorrow that is going to be bad so eat.", Soraru said as Mafumafu was about to protest again but Soraru patted his head frowning.

"Will you eat for me? Please?", Soraru asked as an arrow shot through Mafumafu's heart and everyone watched in awe as that happened in front of them. "I-if you ask me like that then I can't say no...", Mafumafu said as he picked up the chopsticks and started eating while looking into his bowl still blushing as Soraru made sure to watch him before going back to his meal.

"That scene was so wholesome...", Amatsuki silently squealed as Sou blushed slightly watching them. "Please eat as much as you want~

We will be leaving tomorrow morning.", Luz informed as the others who were eating shouted out in surprise.

"Wait, we are leaving tomorrow already?!", Sakata asked surprised as Soraru sighed. "Great way to tell them, Luz. Yeah, we're leaving tomorrow morning so make sure to sleep enough after we ate.", Soraru told them as he finished eating.

"If you guys are finished eating anyway then we'll explain to you how we'll go tomorrow.", Soraru said standing up as Nqrse and Luz joined in explaining their strategy.

After they finished, they saw how everyone started to feel tired as Luz nodded.

"I think that's enough. I'll go and finish packing. You guys go and rest.", Luz said as the others nodded and went to bed.

Tomorrow would be the day where they would finally escape and leave this place which is why they needed as much sleep as they could. Shima knew that. But he still couldn't sleep in peace knowing that Senra wasn't with them.

The blonde didn't know where they were and they don't even know where he was so Shima could only hope that the blonde was alright. Please just be alright.... Senra....

Did any of you guys watch the new anime called Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun? Cause I did and it's a great anime! I love Hanako already and can't wait to see the next episode! Does anyone else also think that the voice actor of Hanako sounds like the voice actor of Nagito from Danganronpa? I also kinda can't get the opening out of my head but yeah ww Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter~ I'll start to publish two chapters a week for this book now because this book will end this month ww I am working on the ending right now but there still some more chapters for you guys to go so I hope you'll stick until the end~ ( ' ' )

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