Chapter 41: Escaping the Island

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The next day, Mafumafu was the first one to wake up as he looked up seeing Soraru still asleep as he was leaning his head against Soraru's chest. He smiled slightly when he pushed the bangs out of Soraru's face to take a closer look at his facial expression.

In his sleep, Soraru looked more peaceful and not on guard the whole time. The albino found it cute how Soraru's hair got somewhat messier than before and giggled at that.

Mafumafu remembered how it was exactly like this when they were young as well and he smiled sadly when he saw some dark circles under his eyes, caressing Soraru's face lightly and leaned his forehead against Soraru's.

"Jeez, Soraru-san. You look so lazy and tired all the time... but you still manage to accomplish so much.... unlike me.

How you're acting towards me is just like in the past even though you lost your memories. You even remembered our promise about not leaving but did you forget about the other part of our promise or did your feelings change?

Even if you forgot my confession I still love you... Sora-chan. I love you...", Mafumafu confessed and leaned in pressing his lips lightly on Soraru's who still stayed motionless as Mafumafu blushed and regretted his actions.

"Ah, what did I do?! This is so embarrassing!", Mafumafu said as he covered his face. After he somewhat calmed down, he decided he should wake Soraru up.

"Soraru-san, wake up.", Mafumafu said as Soraru grumbled and tightened the hug but didn't let go or wake up. "Soraru-san!", Mafumafu repeated once again as Soraru opened his eyes blinking a few times before his sleepy and off-guard expression changed back to his usual expression.

"Good Morning, Mafu.", Soraru greeted and waited for Mafumafu to get off him which he did before standing up as well.

"We should probably wake the others up as well. Retrodot did say that he would leave for a few days but the time is almost over.

And it'll be only a matter of time until Retrodot gets back and notices that none of us are there.", Soraru reminded as Mafumafu nodded before walking over to Luz who was hugging Nqrse while Soraru went ahead to wake the others up.

"Luz-kun. Wake up.", Mafumafu said as he shook Luz who wasn't responding at all. Mafumafu tried to call him again but Luz didn't even react at all. Nqrse giggled as he woke up already after Mafumafu called out to Luz before.

"Mafu-kun, you can go ahead and wake up the others. I'll take care of waking up Luz.", Nqrse assured as Mafumafu nodded thankfully and walked away leaving the two of them alone.

He walked towards Urata and Sakata and saw that Urata was trying to wake the younger male up as he knew that he wouldn't have to do anything here and walked outside to see the others slowly waking up as well. "Amatsuki, wake up already or else we'll leave you here.", Soraru said annoyed as he shook the brunette several times.

The said brunette grumbled a bit but didn't make any attempt to wake up as Soraru felt a vein pop. "Kashitaro, I'll go wash my face so wake him up for me.", Soraru said as he saw the other brunette coming from the bathroom.

"Sure, leave it to me.", Kashitaro nodded as Soraru sighed in relief, coughing a bit before going into the bathroom to wash his face with cold water to wake him up.

Mafumafu watched him walking away before turning his attention back to Kashitaro leaning down to Amatsuki whispering something into his ear that made him jolt awake.

Mafumafu was confused and curious as he tilted his head, grinning when he saw Amatsuki blushing and covering one of his ears.

"K-kashi, don't you dare! You hear me? Stop saying such embarrassing things!", Amatsuki demanded as Mafumafu's curiosity grew even more.

"What did you tell him, Kashitaro-san?", Mafumafu asked curiously as Kashitaro simply smiled putting his index finger against his lips and winking. "That's a secret~", he said as Amatsuki looked away and scrambled away.

"I-I'm going to make breakfast and food before we leave!", Amatsuki said as he practically ran away and Kashitaro just chuckled amused at that. The others were amused as well as Sou smiled and stood up as well.

"I'm going to help Amatsuki-kun prepare the food. If it's fine with you then please put the futons away.", Sou said as Soraru walked out of the bathroom. Sou and Amatsuki finished breakfast and everyone sat down, talking with each other as if this was just their normal life.

After breakfast and packing things up they all stood in front of the door and Luz looked around as he adjusted his backpack.

"Ok, we'll be leaving now. If any of you want to leave now, then now is your last chance.", Luz said as he looked at everyone to see none of them making any move on leaving as he smiled.

"Good. Then let's finally get out of here.", Luz said as the others nodded and Luz walked out while the others followed him.

While they were following him, they noticed that the path they were going was another one and Mafumafu decided to ask him. "Luz-kun, isn't the way out another path?", Mafumafu asked as Luz shook his head smiling.

"Nah, that'll lead us back to the Genome tower and our goal is to escape right? This is the way out.", Luz said as he kept walking. "If you know the way out already, then why didn't you escape earlier?", Shima asked as Soraru sighed.

"If he could leave just like that then he probably would have escaped already. You do know there are a tons of guards right?", Soraru asked as Shima laughed. "Yeah, yeah. I get it already. But seriously, you two are awesome!

You finally found a way to escape from this weird game.", Shima praised as Luz thanked him while Soraru just shrugged.

"But if anyone should get the credits then it should be Urata. I mean, he did spend a lot of time to find a way to escape with everyone. He's such a good guy~!", Luz teased as Urata glared at Luz. "Oi, stop that.", Urata demanded as Luz grinned at the short brunette challenging.

"Make me.", Luz said as Urata was about to pull his knife out but before he could Sakata hugged his arm. "Ura-san, don't!", Sakata pleaded as Urata looked at the redhead before clicking his tongue and pulling his hand away from the knives in his jacket. "Aw, so Urata listens to Sakata~", Shima teased as Urata felt his patience gradually fading.

He knew that using his knives would be disapproved of Sakata so he settled on just kicking Luz who winced in pain before jumping away from Urata. "What was that for?!", Luz whined as he held his leg.

"It's your fault for annoying me.", Urata said before picking up his pace as Sakata walked faster too to catch up with Urata.

"Well, we're going to arrive to Mother Mimikry soon. No matter what, please don't step on the roots. Please be careful because Mother Mimikry is kinda like the heart of this island. If she gets destroyed then the whole island will sink into the water as well. So just be careful.", Luz told them as the others nodded and followed him.

They soon arrived to the place where Sakata and Urata had to swim through to get to the defectors. "I hope you guys can swim because we have to get through there.", Luz said as he started stretching. The rest of them just looked at Luz to see if he actually meant it.

"Wait, do we have to swim through... that?", Amatsuki asked as he pointed towards the slightly dirty water and visibly cringed at the thought of swimming in there.

"It's the only way I know. Don't worry, you guys can just wear spare clothes that you packed in or something afterwards.

The backpack is waterproof after all so your belongings should be fine.", Luz said as he jumped in before his head popped up again.

"It just looks that dirty but it's actually really pretty if you go down there!", Sakata assured Amatsuki when he noticed how the brunette still didn't look happy at all. "Well, I guess if you say so, Sakata... let's just get this over with!", Amatsuki said as he closed his eyes ready to jump in.

But before he was held back by Nqrse who shook his head. "Actually, there is another way I've found a while ago which doesn't require us to swim. It's pretty dark in there and you can't really see the lab but it's a way too.", Nqrse confessed as everyone was surprised by this.

"Eh?! Really? Why didn't you tell me?", Luz asked as Soraru rolled his eyes. "He did. You were probably spacing out or something.", Soraru said as Urata nodded.

"He's right. I don't know where your mind was when he explained that.", Urata said as Luz pouted. "Well, if I'm going to be wet anyway, I'll just swim that way anyway.

See you later then!", Luz said as he was about to dive in but Mafumafu called out to him.

"Wait, Luz! Where will we meet each other again?", Mafumafu asked. "We should meet by Mother Mimikry again.", Luz said as Mafumafu stopped him again. "Luz-kun, please let me go with you!", Mafumafu pleaded as Luz widened his eyes before shaking his head.

"No, we're not doing that.", Luz said not liking the idea at all. "Eh? Why not?

Going alone will be dangerous so I thought I should go with you!", Mafumafu said as Luz looked helplessly at Soraru who stared at the two for a minute before shrugging.

"I don't see the problem of him going with you.", Soraru said as everyone looked at the ravenette baffled not expecting that answer. "R-really? You think it's fine?", Luz asked knowing full and well that Soraru was jealous for quite a while. Everyone except Mafumafu knew that.

Soraru merely nodded as he looked at Luz. "He does have a point. It's bad for you to go alone and he seems desperate to go with you so who am I to stop him?", Soraru asked as he played with a strand of his hair as Luz could only nod.

"...Fine. Mafu-kun, I hope you can hold your breath for a while.", Luz said as Mafumafu nodded, giving Amatsuki his bag before jumping in.

"I'm ready to go! See you guys later!", Mafumafu said waving at everyone and they all did so as well except Soraru who merely hummed before turning away, walking ahead as Nqrse smiled sheepishly before following Soraru.

Mafumafu frowned when he saw how cold the ravenette was acting just now. "You know, Soraru-san! He's probably just cranky because he didn't get enough sleep like the old man he is!", Amatsuki tried to assure Mafumafu who forced himself to smile and nodded.

"Y-yeah! That's probably it. Well, see you guys in a while.", Mafumafu said before Luz and him dived down while Amatsuki and the rest followed Nqrse. The water underground wasn't as dirty as he thought it would be. In fact, it was so clear and many fish swam underwater.

Mafumafu looked around while following Luz being surprised when he saw an old lab under water. It kinda looks like what we saw when we did the Underwater labyrinth... didn't father also work in a lab as well which was drowned in water? Mafumafu asked himself before shaking off the thought and kept swimming.

Mafumafu was in his own world looking at everything that he didn't notice a large fish behind him. When he did he widened his eyes as he made a shocking sound causing Luz to look behind him widened his eyes as well.

He quickly grabbed Mafumafu by his wrist and pulled him towards him before throwing something at the fish which exploded as soon as it got in contact with it causing Mafumafu to flinch.

They quickly swam away as they soon reached the land again as Luz jumped out, helping Mafumafu out of the water.

"Mafu-kun, you alright?", Luz asked as the albino merely nodded before giving him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine! But what was that?! That fish was so big we could have made so much sushi out of it!", Mafumafu said as Luz laughed.

"Well, it was some kind of fish mutation which played a role in a stage I played in the past. Anyway, just quickly dry yourself with this tower and then quickly change.

We'll keep going after a five minute break.", Luz said as he threw a towel at Mafumafu who nodded before changing his clothes quickly from the uniform into a hoodie which was a bit too large for him and some black pants.

He then quickly dried his hair before giving everything to Luz who nodded before he started walking and Mafumafu followed him.

"We should be almost there. Only a few more minutes.", Luz assured Mafumafu who nodded. "Luz-kun, do you know why Soraru-san was acting like that?", Mafumafu asked as Luz turned to Mafumafu questioning.

"Why would you think so? Was there something wrong with how Soraru was acting?", Luz asked pretending not to know.

"Well, I know he is always like that but his aura? His aura seemed kind of different than usual. B-but maybe that's just because I did something wrong! Sorry for bothering you.", Mafumafu apologized as Luz chuckled ruffling the albino's hair.

"I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong. That's just Soraru being himself!

He was probably just jealous on not being able to go with us.", Luz said chuckling as Mafumafu tilted his head. "Jealous? Of what? And if he wanted to go with us then he could, right?", Mafumafu asked as Luz shook his head.

"Even if he wanted to, I wouldn't have let him. Not if he catches a cold so quickly after going a bit into the water.", Luz chuckled remembering the fever Soraru got after being in the water with Luz.

Mafumafu was about to say something else but he was distracted by the large plant a bit further away which was covered by many roots.

"Be careful not to step on the roots.", Luz instructed as Mafumafu nodded following him as he was still distracted by the glowing plant in front of him. So this is the heart of the island, huh? I wonder what would happen if this heart gets destroyed? Mafumafu asked himself.

But before he could think more about it his thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice. "Ah, so you guys already arrived before us.", Nqrse said as he walked closer to the two and Luz nodded. "Guess we were faster than you~", Luz teased as Nqrse smiled rolling his eyes.

"Good for you. Well, let's get going.", Nqrse said as everyone nodded before following him. Luz saw some wines and moved them slightly showing another path as everyone went through it, Luz following after everyone walked through.

He heard some rustling though as he turned around to see if someone was there.

"Luz-kun, are you coming?", Mafumafu asked as he walked back. The light-haired male nodded smiling before walking away.

As soon as he left there was some more rustling as a familiar blonde appeared in front of Mother Mimikry again.

"Looks like you guys actually want to escape... I wish you guys luck. I'm sorry for not going with you even though I promised.

I'm really sorry... It was nice to have such good friends like you guys. Goodbye everyone... Goodbye Urata... Goodbye Mashi...."

And here goes another chapter~  I did say I'd do my best to upload two chapters a week so here you go www I hope you liked it~! Also, I wanted to write a Utaite Dancer AU in my one shot book but I don't know which ship I should take. So if you guys could suggest a ship I'd be really thankful~!!! So if you know which ship you'd think would suit this then please say so in the comments. Please ww I really don't know which ship to take www

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