Chapter 43: Misunderstandings

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"Hey Uratan.", Shima called out to the shorter male who didn't hear him as he continued walking as Shima grew annoyed.

"Urata!", he shouted as Urata didn't turn towards Shima but answered while Luz shushed the purple-haired male. "What?", he simply asked as Shima felt himself getting angry.

"Don't ask me as if you didn't just hurt your best friend! How could you say that he was a burden to you?! Sakata only tried to help!", Shima told the brunette who still looked ahead instead of looking at the other male.

"Even if he wanted to help, he wouldn't be able to. It's better this way anyway...", Urata said as he smiled bitterly.

"That's right. Please just hate me. In case we won't be able to escape. In case we will be separated. It's better this way... so the pain will be not as big for you. So that you won't miss me at all. So you'll despise me.", Urata thought as he continued walking but before he could continue with his thoughts he suddenly felt a pain in his left cheek and next thing he knew he sat on the ground.

He held his cheek as he looked up to see the purple-haired male looking down at him, his face having a sour look on it.

He still held his fist with that he hit Urata as Sou and Mafumafu could only stare in shock when they saw what just happened as they were speechless. "You're not even really here!

You're saying Sakata is a burden but who is the real burden here when they can't even concentrate and answer me!", Shima asked as he waited for Urata to answer which he didn't.

He just looked down not answering before looking away with an expressionless face making Shima even more pissed off.

"What is wrong with you?! Where is the annoyed Urata who showed his anger and everything all the time?! Where is the person who actually was my friend?! Are you even here with your mind?!", Shima asked as he was about to punch Urata again but was held back by Luz from behind.

"Shima, that's enough! You're going too far!", Luz said as he struggled a bit holding the other male back who was struggling with all of his might. "Let me go! I won't stop until he will finally answer me!", Shima said as Urata slowly stood up wobbling a bit because he was hit very hardly by the other male.

"Hey! Say something! And look me in the eyes you coward!", Shima shouted as Luz told him to be quieter. Urata took a few more seconds to stand straight before he looked up at Shima with a bitter smile. "Do you think it was easy for me to do that?", Urata asked as Shima's anger faded as soon as he heard that sad tone in Urata's voice.

But before Shima could answer Urata continued to speak. "Sakata is an idiot. If something would happen to me while we were here he would do reckless things.

He acts out of an impulse and I know that he thinks of me as an important person. If he saw me in trouble he would immediately come rushing over to me even if I told him to run away. To avoid that I'd rather send him to another group.", Urata explained as Shima was slightly puzzled.

"Couldn't you have said it nicer to him then? You could have explained it to him.", Shima said as Mafumafu widened his eyes understanding what Urata meant.

"Is that because Sakata would have insisted even more if he noticed that there would be danger? Urata-san, the way you're talking is as if you...", Mafumafu started as Urata smiled bitterly.

"I... specialize in stealth and escape games. And if it comes to those then I don't limit myself to just games so escaping has always been my strength. I've been in here for a long time already and that's how I found out so much already with the help of Luz and the others.

I've worked so long and hard to find a way. And in games, I always found a way to escape. If something would happen to Sakata if he was with me then... I couldn't forgive myself.

If anyone deserves to get out of here the most, then it's Sakata.", Urata said thinking of the red-head who smiled at him.

"He'll never smile like that at me anymore...", Urata thought sadly. "So? We'll all get out of here together thanks to you guys making a plan to get out of here. What is the point of getting all depressive now? That is not like you at all!", Shima said as Mafumafu shook his head.

"Exactly. He is not like that at all. So for him to talk like that so suddenly must mean something.", Mafumafu noted as Urata nodded, his mouth pressed into a thin line.

"Since the beginning when we started to make the plan I noticed that there were too many obstacles. And because Retrodot knows that I cause a lot of trouble he probably is even more on guard.

I'll be honest and tell you my opinion on this plan now. I didn't want to say this because all of you seemed so optimistic and it would be unfair of me to destroy your hope but....

Honestly, I don't think that our plan will work smoothly.", Urata confessed as everyone looked at him shocked.

"...Why would you say that? You were as optimistic as us! So why would you suddenly say that to us now?!", Shima asked as he broke out of Luz's grasp while the light-haired male was distracted and ran up to Urata grabbing his collar, lifting him up.

Urata just coldly stared at Shima as he pulled Shima's wrist away with surprisingly much strength which surprised the purple-haired male.

"You wanted me to talk so I did. So you will be responsible and listen to me.", Urata said grabbing Shima's tie as he pulled him down to meet his gaze.

"Since the beginning of the plan, I knew that our plan would not go smoothly. It's not like it's impossible to escape.

That's not it. But I'll say this so you better listen up: I doubt that we can escape with everyone and have a happy ending.

This isn't a shoujo manga. This is the real world. There is no such thing as a happy ending for everyone. Get that into your thick skull."


Sakata walked behind with Soraru while the others walked slightly ahead. Amatsuki looked behind worriedly, wanting to talk to the red-head but because Kashitaro told him to leave it to Soraru he couldn't do anything else but hope that the ravenette would successfully cheer him up.

"Ah... he probably hates me now... I was just a burden to him after all...", Sakata thought as tears welled up in his eyes.

He blinked them away when he felt someone tap his shoulder lightly, looking up to see the ravenette looking at him with a slight smile.

"Many people call you an idiot, Sakata. But you're right with one thing.", Soraru said as Sakata tilted his head in confusion waiting for Soraru to answer. "That tanuki... is really a tsundere, isn't he?", Soraru simply said as Sakata was very confused on why Soraru said that.

"Eh?", he asked as Soraru knew that he had Sakata's attention. "Well, he said that you're a burden. But the fact that he's a tsundere means that he doesn't mean it, correct?", Soraru asked as Sakata nodded reluctantly. "Well, yes... but I think he means it this time. I know when he's serious and when he's not after all...", Sakata said as you could basically see dog ears drooping.

"Well, I don't really like that tanuki all that much but I do know that he cares about you. Anyone could see that if they looked at you guys. I mean, he acts all annoyed but we all know he enjoys your company.", Soraru said as Sakata looked at him hopeful. "Really? Do you actually think so?", Sakata asked as Soraru nodded.

"Do you believe my deduction skills?", Soraru asked as Sakata nodded before Soraru started talking again.

"Well, then you will probably believe me when I say that Urata cares about you and did that for your sake.", Soraru said as Sakata was slightly confused. "Do what for my sake? He looked so mad at me and he said I was a burden...", Sakata reminded Soraru as he looked down once again and Soraru smiled sympathetically.

"It did look like that, huh? Well, if you get that told like that then of course you'd think so. But it's Urata who did it. I think there was a reason why he said that to you.", Soraru said as Sakata tilted his head waiting for Soraru to continue talking.

"He probably intended to make you hate him on purpose so you wouldn't want to follow him anymore.", Soraru said as Sakata widened his eyes in disbelief. "Why would be do that?", Sakata asked as the ravenette shrugged.

"I wouldn't know for sure and even if I don't want to admit it, he is kinda like me in a way. Tell me, is it easier to say goodbye to someone you like or to someone you hate?", Soraru asked.

"Well... it would be easier to say goodbye to someone you hate, right?", Sakata asked as Soraru nodded. "Yeah, and that's what Urata wanted to do.", Soraru answered as Sakata grew more and more confused by every second.

"Why would he want me to hate him?", Sakata asked as many more questions popped inside his head. "I think... and this is just a possibility, that Urata wants you to hate him because he doesn't think you'll meet again.", Soraru stated as Sakata's mouth fell open.

"The attitude of him when he worked with me and how he split into such groups... I don't believe that he thinks we'll get out of here.

He probably thought that that thing before between you guys would be the last time he'd see you.", Soraru explained as he looked ahead while Sakata stared at Soraru in disbelief.

"Why would he think that our plan will fail?! It won't fail, right? I'll meet him again, right?!", Sakata asked as he clung onto Soraru's arm making the latter flinch.

"O-oi, calm down for a minute.", Soraru said as the red-head ignored that statement and looked at Soraru. "I will meet him again, right?!", Sakata asked as Soraru looked ahead to see the others turning towards them in curiosity and a bit worried. He signaled them that they were alright before turning back to the younger male.

"Calm down. I just said what Urata thinks. It's not like the plan won't work. But of course there is a possibility of our plan failing.", Soraru said deciding to be truthful as the younger male looked down despairing.

"So... I will never see him again after all? Even though my only wish was to be with him?", There was a short silence before Sakata's thoughts were interrupted by a light hit on top of his head.

He looked up confused to see Soraru with a slightly troubled look as he scratched the back of his head closing one of his eyes.

"Stop looking so gloomy. Those guys are counting on me consoling you here.", Soraru said and Sakata noticed that he was probably troubling the other male as he forced a smile on his face.

"And I'm fine already! Thanks for helping me!", Sakata thanked and flinched when he heard the ravenette sigh again.

"Don't lie to me...", Soraru said as the other male looked down apologizing.

"Seriously.... If you want to see Urata then you just have to do your best here to get back to him. Just because he is way too depressing with his thoughts and thinks you'll never meet again doesn't mean that you have to follow with that thought.

If you really think your friendship is strong enough like you always show us then it's time to show exactly that to us.

If you want to see Urata again then show how strong your feelings are, even if it's difficult. You have to cling onto the possibility that you want to happen and make it come true.

It's just as easy as that.", Soraru explained as Sakata looked up and his eyes widened in hope when he heard that. "So... I can see Ura-san again?", Sakata asked as Soraru nodded.

"Yes. That's what you should have understood since the beginning. Don't just believe what that tanuki tells you or thinks. Because it doesn't have to be true all the time.", Soraru said as Sakata nodded a bright smile on his face.

"Yes! Thank you for cheering me up, Soraru-san! That really helped a lot!", Sakata said as he ran ahead towards Amatsuki who was happy at the usual cheerful attitude of the redhead.

Soraru just smiled and Nqrse who slowed his pace to Soraru and smiled at him. "And what did you do to make him smile like that?", Nqrse asked as Soraru shrugged.

"Just told him the truth is all.", Soraru said and Nqrse giggled at that.

"Well, I guess you don't have to tell me everything as long as he's ok again. Well, this is our first stop.", Nqrse said as he looked forward to see a large building with no guards but instead there was a large door with many different locks on it.

"Woah, I thought we were lucky because I didn't see any guards because this is a hidden entrance but the security is so high even here.", Amatsuki exclaimed when he took a look at the door covered in key locks, numeral locks, word locks and directional locks as well as a voice recognizer. Soraru clicked his tongue as he stepped closer to inspect the different locks not expecting the door for personals to be so secured.

"Tch. If I knew this would come then we should have taken the tanuki with us. These locks are used in escape rooms so he would have been useful.", Soraru sighed as he thought of what to do.

"Soraru, no need to think too much. I have this so leave it to me.", Nqrse said as he kneeled down and started to used two of his hair pins to pick the lock. "Wow, I always saw this in movies but to see that in real is impressive!", Sakata said as Amatsuki nodded in agreement while Soraru frowned in slight doubt.

"It's impressive that you can do this but you don't know the passwords of the numeral and word locks. We also need the voice of a personal that worked there and none of us did—".

"Finished.", Nqrse said as all the chains and locks dropped onto the ground before he dug in his bag and fished out a recorder.

"You worry way too much Soraru. Like I said, just leave it to me. You are right about needing a personal working there using their voice. But we have that.", Nqrse said smiling and Soraru raised an eyebrow as Nqrse wanted to open the door and a voice asked him for his code name.

"Please state your name.", it said as Nqrse pressed on a button on his recorder as a familiar voice started speaking.

"Researcher 2307. Please let me in.", the voice of a light-haired male said as the others widened their eyes in surprise before the robotic voice started speaking again.

"Researcher 2307. Welcome back.", it said as the door slowly opened revealing a long hallway and Nqrse merely smiled at the others who looked at him baffled.

"See? I said it would be fine. Now come.", Nqrse said as he walked ahead and the others followed after a few seconds.

As soon as they walked in the door closed and a few minutes later a woman with a cat mask appeared as she walked around confused.

"Huh... I thought I heard some voices... looks like I just imagined it. But man, Retrodot is such a slave driver giving us so much work~!", Neko said as she walked around before stopping in front of the door where the locks were on the floor.

She took them inspecting them. "Weird... this door was designed for us but usually there is no one using it... Could they be here? Or am I mistaken?", she asked herself as she looked up before pushing a hidden button before a robotic voice asked for her name. "Gamemaster Neko. Open the door.", she said. "Welcome back, Neko-sama.", the voice said before the door opened and Neko stepped inside as the door closed.

She heard some faint voices as an excited smile formed on her face. "I haven't played tag in such a long time... Let's play a game~"

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