Chapter 44: Capture

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Soraru uploaded his first cover of the year and I really like it! I think I read on Twitter that his new cover is 1st place in NND and I'm really happy for him!!! I really like it as well and now I'm going to listen to it on loop~ (*≧∀≦*) Anyway, enjoy this chapter~

"I doubt that we can escape with everyone and have a happy ending. This isn't a shoujo manga. This is the real world. There is no such thing as a happy ending for everyone. Get that into your thick skull." Those sentences hung in the heads of the others streamers as they kept walking.

Luz noticed that Urata would probably rather not talk to the other and he wanted to lift the mood but he knew that there was still something they had to do so he decided to take the lead instead.

"We arrived. I'll explain you what you have to do so please listen to my instructions.", Luz said as the others nodded while Urata simply looked the other way. Luz sighed at the tense atmosphere.

"Anyway, as you can see this side of the building is surrounded by a high fence. We are going to climb that up and jump on that tree over there.", Luz said as he pointed at the tree from the bush they were hiding right now.

"There aren't many guards there so it should be fine. Just make sure to not fall down. It will trigger those laser strings and we don't want to catch any attention, do we?", Luz asked as Mafumafu and Sou nodded making Luz happy that there were at least some people listening to him.

"After that I will go ahead and open the window to that building. You guys will follow after me then. Urata, you go last because we need you to see if everyone is fine and help them in case they need help. You also have to get rid of evidence in case there's a need for that.", Luz turned towards the brunette as he said it who merely nodded.

"Ok, then let's go.", Luz said as he walked ahead towards the wall before climbing it up with ease. Shima followed closely after just as fast and after him Mafumafu and Sou climbed up a bit slower before being pulled up by the other two.

Urata climbed up lastly with ease as he landed quietly like a cat. They balanced on the thin wall and walked towards the tree whose twigs lined towards the window inside the building.

Luz spotted a familiar pink-haired male and saw how he was working on something on the door and smiled when he saw that it went smoothly and there were no guards yet as he went back on balancing on the tree. Mafumafu did his best to follow them and even with slight difficulties he kinda managed to do so while Shima didn't have any problems.

Sou was slightly panting not used to so much physical activity and tried his best to keep up. His surroundings started to get a bit blurry and he sweated slightly as he took a wrong step and slipped. Before he could lose his balance and fall though, he felt someone packing him by the arms and looked behind to see the brunette looking at him slightly worried.

"Oi, you have to be more careful.", Urata warned as Sou nodded feeling guilty. "Yes... I'm sorry. Thanks for helping me.", Sou thanked as Urata merely nodded. "Just keep going or we'll fall back.", Urata said as Sou nodded before looking back to the front again and concentrated on the path before him, trying his best not to slip again to not be a burden to anyone. He felt a sharp pain in his lungs as he did his best to breath steadily.

"I-it hurts... I hope it'll get better... I can't be a burden for everyone! We have to get out of here together! So that I can finally see Eve again!", Sou thought as he kept that thought in his mind. And he finally managed to get to the tree without slipping as he breathed out in relief.

With the help of Luz he managed to get inside the building quickly and they waited for a few more seconds before Urata also got in, landing on his feet quietly before closing the window not before checking to see if they left anything behind. He turned to Luz and simply nodded before they continued walking.

"We should be safe for now. We managed to get in here without being noticed. Now we have to get down to the ground floor where the others are waiting.", Luz explained as Mafumafu tilted his head confused.

"If we had to go to the ground floor anyway, then why did we climb up that tree and get to a higher floor?", Mafumafu asked.

"Because there are only two, kinda, save paths and Soraru's group went the other way already so here we are. Anyways, we'll stop wasting time now and get going. The others will be probably waiting so let's go.", Luz said and was about to run ahead before he suddenly stopped.

"Oh! Before I forget it. Be careful of traps because you don't want to end swimming with the fish.", Luz said as he laughed while the others just looked at him in disbelief but Luz ignored them as he simply walked ahead.


"...What are we going to do now?", Amatsuki asked as he looked at all the guards in front of them. They were hiding behind a wall, a dozen of guards were assembled there talking to each other casually. They had to get through there if they wanted to get to the place where they would meet with the others which would be difficult with all of them there.

In addition to that, those guards were all weaponed with guns and they looked like they could kill all of them in a few minutes.

"Is anyone able to knock them out?", Soraru asked as he looked at them before shaking his head. "Never mind. Does anyone have a plan?", Soraru asked as Amatsuki gasped offended.

"How dare you think that we're weak!", Amatsuki exclaimed as Soraru raised an eyebrow. "Well, you did cling onto me the whole time in the last stage and you refused to go alone anywhere.", Soraru stated as Amatsuki was about to answer something but Soraru clamped his hand over Amatsuki's mouth knowing they would attract the guard's attention.

"Please refrain from talking too loudly.", Soraru whispered and after Amatsuki nodded, Soraru let go. "I don't approve this...", Kashitaro said as Amatsuki tilted his head in confusion while Soraru just smirked.

"Jealous?", Soraru simply asked as Kashitaro pulled Amatsuki by his wrist towards him, resting his head on the brunettes shoulder making the other blush. "Of course not. He is already mine anyway.", the other male said as Sakata watched in awe while Nqrse chuckled amused.

"This is amusing to watch but we have to get going. We don't want to keep the others waiting, do we?", Nqrse asked as Soraru nodded stepping away from the two. "Right. But what are we going to do...", Soraru asked more to himself as he took his usual familiar pose which was taking one of his bangs while he was thinking.

"Ah, I have an idea.", the ravenette exclaimed as the others looked at him motioning him to continue. He walked towards Nqrse as he whispered something to the pink-haired male who giggled.

"I'll do what I can. Leave it to me~", Nqrse said as he cleared his throat a bit before walking away from their hiding place making the others gasp. They wanted to pull the pink-haired male back but Soraru motioned for them to sit still.

They were worried but decided to stay there and look at the scene unfolding. The guards noticed a figure walking towards them. Nqrse tripped as a guard walked up worried for him not knowing he was an actual male.

"Are you alright, miss?", he asked as Nqrse nodded. "I'm sorry but I got lost here and needed to go to the headquarters. But I lost my ID Card and now I can't really show you my identity. I wonder if you could let me go through.", Nqrse said as he changed his voice to a bit higher voice. The guard looked at the others troubled who shook their heads.

"I'm sorry miss but we can't let you keep going if you don't identify yourself.", he said as Nqrse looked down before tears welled up in his eyes. "I see... of course. I'm sorry for troubling you. It's just... I'm close to losing my job and if I screw this up as well then I'll be ruined.", he said as he started crying and sobbing.

The rest got startled as they all ran towards Nqrse trying to console him.

"Ah, please don't cry miss. If you want we could try to search for your ID Card. You just have to tell us your name and then we'll search it for you.", one of the man stated as Nqrse smiled.

"That would be a great help. Thank you very much.", he thanked them smiling as the guards blushed and nodded.

"Of course! Helping our colleagues is something natural!", one of the guards said. "Please tell us your name, miss, so we can find your card.", he said as Nqrse froze for a while before he glanced behind to see Soraru mouthing something to him.

"It's... I'm sorry.", Nqrse apologized making the guards confused. Suddenly Nqrse charged towards one of the man tasing him with his taser making him unconscious. The guards all took out their guns pointing them at Nqrse as he smiled.

"Pointing your gun at me. How impolite.", Nqrse said smiling not feeling scared at all because he knew he would be fine. Suddenly something slided to their direction.

But before they could identify it a gas errupted from it making them cough before all the guards fell down except Nqrse who held a piece of cloth in front of his face and as the gas cleared he saw the others walking towards him.

"Thanks. My savior~", Nqrse thanked as Soraru sighed. "And here I thought we could have solved it better. I planned on saving the bombs, you know? Now I wasted one of the gas bombs.

I only have one left. Couldn't you have stuck to my plan?", Soraru asked Nqrse who giggled. "I could have. But I didn't.", Nqrse said as Soraru nodded. "I can see that. Let's just go before someone notices this mess you caused.", Soraru said as he walked ahead the others following him.


"Eh... what happened to them?", Neko asked as she walked inside the room filled with unconscious guards. "Well, at least I know where they are now.", she said as she took her phone and dialed a number. "Hello?", the Voice asked from the other side. "It's me, Neko~. I found the streamers.

They are most likely going to the headquarters right now. I think I saw some of them here. I'll follow them so please send some good guards because these aren't gonna be enough. For well-trained guards they sure are weak.", she mocked as she looked at them.

"I'm going to send some guards and Coccalap to you.", the voice said as Neko hummed. "Oh, can you send Darkness as well?", she requested. "Why? You know that he is highly suspicious right now.", he said as Neko hummed.

"It's exactly because he is suspicious to us that he has to come. So that he won't be able to cause trouble somewhere else and so that I can keep an eye on him.", Neko said as the voice hummed. "You are right. I will contact them so go back to doing your job. I'll call you back later.", he said.

"Yes~ see ya later.", Neko said as she hung up. She stayed still for a few seconds before she picked up two guns from the guards who laid on the floor. "I'm really sorry, Darkness.

I'll make it up to you later.", she said as she loaded the guns before walking to the headquarters where the streamers would be.


"There you are! Why did you take so long? We had a longer path and we were faster!", Luz pointed out to them as Sakata apologized sheepishly. "We had some obstacles, that's why.

Of course you couldn't have just listened to me and had to tase one of them.", Soraru sighed annoyed while Nqrse just giggled clinging onto Soraru's arm. "But in the end you saved me.

My knight in shining armor~", Nqrse mocked as Soraru tried to push Nqrse away who surprisingly had more strength than he thought.

"Oi, let go of me!", Soraru demanded as Nqrse merely smiled. "What if I don't want to?", Nqrse asked challenging and as those two were arguing, the other streamers sweat-dropped when they saw how an albino and a light-haired male glared at the two of them, showing their jealousy visibly. They each pulled their respective crushes away.

Mafumafu hugged Soraru burying his face into the older's chest while Luz pulled Nqrse away by the waist. Nqrse smiled amused when he saw Luz's sour expression as he petted him.

"There. There. I'm not going to steal Soraru away from Mafu-kun.", Nqrse said as Luz nodded. "That's not it and you know it.

I know that you don't love Soraru but stop doing that on purpose. I'm jealous, you know?", Luz admitted pouting as he pulled Nqrse closer to him and Nqrse giggled. "Yes, yes.", Nqrse laughed as he gave Luz a quick peck on the cheek.

Meanwhile, Soraru looked down at Mafumafu confused as to why the albino was pouting. "...Oi, Mafu. Can you let go of me?", Soraru asked and when Mafumafu didn't respond he frowned worriedly. "Mafu? You alright?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu shook his head.

"Soraru-san, you idiot...". Mafumafu told the ravenette. "...Hah? Mind repeating that?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu looked up at him. "I said: Soraru-san is an idiot.", Mafumafu repeated as Soraru felt slightly irritated. "And why am I an idiot?", Soraru asked.

"You claim to be good at mystery games but you still can't read my feelings and thoughts at all!", Mafumafu claimed and Soraru felt very irritated. The two of them started arguing and Mafumafu was about to tell him his feelings that he had been keeping for such a long time until he was interrupted by some clapping sounds.

They all froze and gulped before turning around to see a blonde woman standing there.

Her usual cat mask was now gone as she smiled at them. "Impressive. You've gotten this far and even knocked out those guards who are apparently were trained for this job.

Pfft- they did such a terrible job though. Using your feminine looks for your advantage was a smart idea too!", Neko said as Nqrse widened his eyes. "Y-you noticed us since then already?", Nqrse asked as Neko nodded.

"Yes~ I'm sorry for not introducing myself. You can call me Neko. Good teamwork by the way!", Neko complimented Nqrse and Soraru who just stared at her. She then made eye contact with Soraru who just glared at her.

Mafumafu and the others looked at each other not knowing what to do and the next second he was suddenly pushed behind Soraru and everyone was shocked at the scene in front of them.

"Oh, I'm impressed~ so it's true that great minds think alike!", Neko said as she held the gun pointed towards Soraru. Soraru didn't say anything as he steadied his grip on the gun.

"But wow, I am surprised you managed to take a gun from the guards without anyone of your friends noticing!", Neko said as she danced around with the gun, Soraru following her move with his gun until she stood in front of him again.

"You know, I was supposed to capture you guys again and give you over to Retrodot. I don't know what will happen to the captured streamers who tried to escape. In addition, there are the defectors who went gone for such a long time.

I can't imagine what would happen to you guys and especially... to you, traitor.", Neko said as she turned towards Luz who flinched upon knowing that he was spoken to.

"T-traitor? What does she mean, Luz-kun?", Mafumafu asked as Luz looked away and Nqrse looked at the light-haired male in pity. Neko ignored him and continued to speak to Soraru as if only the two of them were there.

"You know, you are quite a popular topic here. The guy who lost all of his memories due to an accident but has so much knowledge and talent to solving mysteries.", Neko said as Soraru narrowed his eyes. "I don't care.

What do you want from me?", Soraru asked. "Hm? I don't really want anything from you. I just wanted to make a small deal with you.", she said as Soraru stayed silent and she took it as a sign to keep talking. "I have a lot of connections and so I found out some information about you.

Your parents are dead and you have no contact to any of your relatives. Furthermore, your friends left you to go into a foreign country.", Neko said and everyone looked at Soraru worried who still held his gun steadily.

"I don't need you to repeat something that I already know.", Soraru said as Neko smiled in response. "Then let me tell you something you don't know. You have two younger brothers and a little sister who are waiting for you.", Neko stated as Soraru widened his eyes.

"W-what? You're lying. You have no evidence and now you are spouting nonsense to get what?", Soraru asked but Neko merely smiled as she held a photo up with her free hand.

Soraru widened his eyes in shock when he saw himself as a kid with three other kids surrounding him, hugging him.

"They miss their beloved big brother because they always relied on him. And when he suddenly disappeared they all cried for so long and even tried to find him this whole time.", Neko said as Soraru suddenly felt a flash of memories in his head of the times he spend with his siblings.

"Right now, they have financial problems, you know? And if this goes on then this your beloved siblings won't be able to go to school anymore. Or even have a place to stay because the only relatives they have are their grandparents who are nearing the end of their life.", Neko said as she let the picture fall on the ground while Soraru stared at it the whole time.

There was a long silence before the ravenette started to speak again. "And what is the deal you were talking about?", Soraru asked as everyone looked at him in disbelief while Neko smiled satisfied at this.

"Like I said, I have many connections. I can pull some strings and get you a way to earn money to be able to support them. In addition, you will be able to get back with them again.

The researchers here are also smart so I will talk to them to help you gain your memories back.", Neko said as Soraru nodded. "Sounds good. What is the condition for that?", Soraru asked as Neko smiled at how he was quick to catch on.

"Become a gamemaster and work for this island with me and the others.", Neko stated as everyone shouted in shock while Neko and Soraru remained still ignoring the others.

"Become a gamemaster and work for this island. I'll promise to give you a stable job here to earn money for your siblings and I will bring you back to them. You just have to abandon your friends right here and now and I will save you.

I will help you to finally get the clear vision you've always searched for. So...", Neko put her gun down as she held her hand out to Soraru who slowly let his gun down as well and looked at her. "Leave them now and join us."

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