Chapter 45: Deal

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Ok, the day was almost over and I almost forgot but here it is! I really want to finish this book by this month so there are some more chapters to go ww and the last chapters may or may not be a bit longer because I put a lot in it ww Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this chapter~

"Where are we driving right now?", Hashiyan asked after he recovered from the pain in his stomach. He looked out of the window curiously as Kradness answered him.

"Usually, I would have to let you guys down here in the forest and let you guys find your own way out. But since we're trying to get your friends out of here, I'll sneak you guys underground.

There should be some defectors, streamers who were disqualified, living there. They'll probably help us. Luckily, I drove in this big car so probably everyone will fit in if they sit close together.", Kradness told them and Eve broke his gaze from the forest to look at the blonde male.

"Who are those defectors? And what do you mean with streamers who are disqualified?", Eve asked. "Ah, basically, those streamers are students who refuse to participate or broke too many rules so they are being forced to stay alone in a White Room until their group manages to escapes.

If you get in there, it's basically hopeless for you. But there are some defectors who still didn't give up. And those people are underground because they escaped the White Room.", Kradness explained and Eve nodded listening intently.

"I see... Is there by any chance—", before Eve could state his question, they were interrupted by a ringing sound and Kradness muttered a quick apology as he stopped the car to take the call. "This is Darkness. Yes? ....Ok...

I understand. I'll come right away.", Kradness said before hanged up. "Who was that? What did they say?", Hashiyan asked and Eve also gave him a questioning look. Kradness just sighed burying his face into his hands before looking up again.

"There's good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?", Kradness asked. "Eh? The good news I guess.", Hashiyan said. "We won't have to find your friends anymore by doing that exhausting plan I made. Everyone from District 12 along with the defectors.", Kradness stated as they both brightened up.

"That's a good thing, right? Then let's go to them.", Hashiyan said enthusiastically but Eve pulled him back as he still had a worried look on his face. "You said that there were bad news as well, right? What were they?", Eve asked as Kradness stayed silent for a few seconds before answering.

"Your friends may or may have not caused some problems. Our plan to get them out of here quietly without anyone noticing won't be working anymore, now that they caught the attention of everyone from our labor and all the gamemasters.", Kradness confessed and Eve and Hashiyan were speechless for a few seconds before they both shouted out in shock. "Eh?!"


"Become a gamemaster and work for this island. I'll promise to give you a stable job here to earn money for your siblings and I will bring you back to them. You just have to abandon your friends right here and now and I will save you.

I will help you to finally get the clear vision you've always searched for. So... Leave them now and join us.", Neko suggested and everyone gasped when they heard that. There was another suffocating silence and they all noticed how Soraru neither accepted nor declined the offer.

Urata felt ticked off when he saw that the ravenette didn't turn down the offer immediately. "Oi! What are you doing?! Don't tell me you are actually considering to accept her offer!", Urata said as he lifted his clenched fist.

Shima was still feeling angry about before as he stepped in front of the brunette. "Urata, you have to calm down! Soraru! You are behaving really suspicious right now but I'll trust you. So you better clear this up!", Shima said as he gave Soraru a bright smile who ignored him which ticked the brunette off even more.

He pushed Shima away and walked towards Soraru ready to give him a piece of his mind but he was stopped when he heard a clicking sound and turned his gaze away from Soraru to the person who caused the sound.

When he did he saw Neko who was currently pointing the gun at him as she smiled warningly. "I'm sorry but this is Soraru's choice.

You have no right to interfere our conversation.", Neko said as Urata clicked his tongue and turned towards Mafumafu who was still standing behind Soraru. "Mafu, get away from that traitor! Next thing we know he is going to shoot you to get out of here.", Urata added as Mafumafu flinched and still clung to Soraru refusing to let go.

Soraru merely glanced behind to see Mafumafu still there. "...Urata's right. Get away from here before you regret it.", Soraru agreed as Mafumafu widened his eyes in shock.

"A-are you going to accept her offer?", Mafumafu asked and Soraru kept silent not even looking at the albino. "...I'm sorry. I can't keep my promise after all.", Soraru merely apologized and everyone widened their eyes in shock while Mafumafu felt his heart shatter in pieces at that exact moment. "O-oh...", Mafumafu said as he couldn't even look Soraru in the eyes.

He merely looked down as big tears formed on the corner of his eyes threatening to fall and he tried his best to hold them in as he bit his lip.

When Amatsuki saw how broken the albino looked he felt his anger boil. Not only did he just break the trust of the albino but he also broke his trust. Yes, Amatsuki did trust him.

And after all they've been through and everything they did for him he would have thought that he could see him as his friend.

"That's enough! If you want to betray us and go, then do it! But never show yourself in front of me again and hand Mafu-kun over right now! Someone who betrays his friends that easily doesn't deserve him!", Amatsuki said as he was about to stomp over to get Mafumafu but the albino shook his head as he clung onto Soraru, now hugging the raven-haired tightly from behind, refusing to let go.

Everyone was startled, especially the raven-haired who knew that he had to get the albino off him. "Mafu, let go.", Soraru said as he tried to pry the younger off which was in vain.

Soraru glanced towards Neko to see her still not making any attempt to shoot at any of them but that wasn't his worry since the very beginning. He knew from the looks of her eyes that she wouldn't shoot any of them. He knew that she would only shoot if absolutely necessary.

Something that worried him was the uncomfortable presence he felt since the beginning.

He looked behind her and realized that the shadow that was on one side in the beginning was now right behind her. Damn it... damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!

This whole time he noticed someone besides Neko with him. And it got worse every minute as he could feel the presence of the person closer. He tried to make a quick plan but it failed as he couldn't concentrate well with some of them talking to him. The best thing he managed to think of was getting Mafumafu away from him and use that chance to quickly use his gun against the person behind him, using Neko to his advantage.

But his whole plan got shot down when he realized that Mafumafu would refuse to leave his side. "Mafu! Let go now!", Soraru shouted at Mafumafu, panicking when he noticed that the person who watched them must have lost their patience.

He threw the thought away of trying to persuade the albino to go away from him and muttered a small apology before pushing the albino away towards Amatsuki who almost fell down from the strong impact but managed to catch the other with the help of Kashitaro who stood behind him. Everything that happened in the next minute happened so fast that any outsider would have had to blink to comprehend it.

Even Neko didn't expect this and could only widen her eyes. But to the streamers it felt worse because it was as if they saw everything that just happened in slow motion.

They could only stand and see how Soraru pulled out his gun swiftly after pushing Mafumafu away ready to shoot someone who stood behind Neko. They could only stand and do nothing when a bullet suddenly came, hitting the ravenette in the arm, making him lose his grip on the gun.

And they could only stand and do nothing about it, when the raven-haired male suddenly shouted out in agony as he sunk to the ground gripping his bleeding arm. Mafumafu widened his eyes in despair. "Soraru-san!", Mafumafu shouted as he pushed himself away from Amatsuki and ran towards the ravenette crouching down to see if the older male was alright.

Neko herself was too shocked and could only stand there frozen. She quickly snapped back out of her daze though as she looked behind to see someone familiar to her walk closer. A man with a bird mask and cane walked towards them with a small girl trailing behind him.

"I apologize for this but I've been hiding for quite a while just to see that this was getting nowhere. But I have to give you my respect, Soraru-sama, was it?", Coccalap asked as he walked towards Soraru and Mafumafu and looked down at them. Soraru looked up as he glared at the elderly with slight pain in his face being visible.

"I'll just assume that you're a gamemaster then. You're wearing that ridiculous mask Retrodot is wearing as well.", Soraru mocked.

"For being shot with a slow-working poisonous bullet, only shouting once and still being able to stay calm like right now... Amazing. You can even form whole sentences!

All the people until now could only writhe in agony and pain in front of me.", Coccalap stated amazed as Soraru only glared at him before trying to stand up again while Coccalap only watched interested to see if he would succeed which he did.

Mafumafu helped him as he tried his best to support the older male until he could stand again. Only then did Coccalap shift his attention towards the albino. "You... are an albino? My... what a rare sight! Those bloody red eyes and Snow white hair remind me just of her! Shirayuki! You must be Mafumafu then.", Coccalap said as he stepped closer, reaching his hand out to Mafumafu.

But his hand was immediately slapped away by the ravenette who gave him a deathly glare. "H-how do you know me and my mother?", Mafumafu asked scared. "So she never even told you about me? That hurts to know...

You see, I loved Shirayuki very much. Even though she was only a test subject, I developed strong feelings towards her. But in the end, she didn't return my feelings and instead loved that second-rated scientist who got her out of here but still managed to keep his job. I... hated him with all of my might.", he confessed and Mafumafu couldn't help but continue to listen to him.

"So I decided that if I couldn't have her no one could.", he said as the albino widened his eyes in shock. "M-my parents died when I was young and I was told it was an accident!", Mafumafu said and Coccalap started laughing.

"Accident! Well, if you want to call it an accident then be my guest. But I always thought that the truth is always better.

So let me tell you this: I am the one who killed your parents~", Coccalap said as Mafumafu felt something in his mind click. "H-how could you?! Just because my mother didn't love you! That is not love!", Mafumafu shouted while crying as Coccalap stayed calm and unfazed.

"I did love her. Unfortunately, she didn't choose me.", Coccalap said and Mafumafu bend down to pick up the gun that Soraru dropped before. He trembled so much that he had to use both of us hands but he pointed it towards Coccalap as he bit his lip while everyone in the room looked at the albino in terror when he did that.

"Mafu-kun?! What are you doing?!", Amatsuki asked as he was ready to storm towards the two of them but he was held back by Kashitaro. "Let me go, Kashi!", Amatsuki demanded but the brunette didn't make any move to let go.

Urata also tried his best to run towards them but he had to be held back by both Shima and Sakata. "You have to let me go! I have to stop Mafu-kun...", Amatsuki said as he sobbed and Kashitaro hugged him consolingly still not letting go.

"Pointing your gun at me? You have some guts to do that. But I know for sure that you won't shoot.", Coccalap stayed as Mafumafu glared at him with hatred. "How would you know that? You killed my parents and shot Soraru-san. If I don't stop you now then you will kill all the people I love!", Mafumafu shouted at him.

"I killed your parents and I killed a lot of other people before. Even now I just injured and poisoned your beloved person. But you can't kill me. Because if you will, then Soraru-sama will die.", Coccalap stated as Mafumafu flinched.

"Eh? What do you mean?", Mafumafu asked. "Like I already said, the bullet contains slow-working poison and it hurts a lot. It will probably be another hour until he'll die.

And I have the antidote. If you kill me now, you won't be able to save him and he will die.", Coccalap explained and Mafumafu.

"No... you can't kill him Mafumafu-san!", Sou exclaimed and Luz agreed. "Oh? So the traitor decided to show himself again?", Coccalap asked mockingly as Luz could only stay silent. "What is with all the people calling you a traitor?", Sakata asked confused.

"You see, Luz-chan here worked for us before becoming a participant in the districts. You could say that he is like your Senra. Only that he ended up breaking the rules and became a defector instead.", Neko explained after she regained her composure and Nqrse looked at Luz sadly as he took his hand giving him a comforting smile.

"I'm not mad or anything. In the end you gave up your job to stay with us after all.", he said as Luz widened his eyes before he smiled relieved at the pink-haired male. Sou nodded in agreement as he took one of Luz's hand.

"Nqrse-san is right! You helped us out a lot and without your help, I wouldn't be standing here!", Sou said as he spilled his feelings out. "Nqrse... Sou...", Luz felt his heart warming up when he heard that. "So please don't blame yourself! If we should blame anyone, then it's me...

I dragged you guys behind for such a long time... but you still decided to take me with you nethertheless and I am really grateful for that! I really am...", Sou said and coughed lightly as he felt as if his surrounding being strangely sharp instead of blurry this time. He felt a burning in his throat as he tried to keep speaking.

"That's why, I'll try my best to support you like you helped me as well...", Sou said coughing more. "So if I can do anything to help then please tell me! I want... you to... rely on me too...", Sou coughed and Luz's smile turned into worry when he saw this. "Sou? Are you alright?", Luz asked but Sou was unable to answer him.

He coughed and the next second there was a splash of blood on the floor. They all stared at Sou in horror as Sou continued coughing. Sou did his best to stop coughing too much as he held his hand in front of his mouth but it didn't help much to prevent him from coughing.

"Ah, as I thought. You have always been fragile so it was only a matter of time until you would break down. You have a disease that was unknown, right? Fortunately, I have been researching some medicine and after a long time I finally found the cure for your disease. I can give it to you.

With the only conditions that Soraru-sama will work here like Neko said and Mafumafu-sama becoming my new research subject. I will even let your other friends go then. How about it?", Coccalap suggested and Soraru immediately shut that idea down.

"No. I only didn't answer before because I wanted to have more time but I will not work with you. Even if it kills me.", Soraru declared. "You might not agree but look at your friend over there. He looks like he'll accept at any second.", he said and Soraru was confused as he looked at Mafumafu to see him thinking about it.

"Mafu, don't you dare. I won't accept this. You are not going to become the test subject of this freak!", Soraru said as Mafumafu flinched.

"I'm sorry, Soraru-san... but what other choice do we have?! If I can save you and Sou-kun this way, then I will do it!

You helped me so much in the past already. You brought light to my world! You are my reason to keep on living in this cruel world!

And if you are going to die now, then what am I going to do?!", Mafumafu asked as tears streamt down his face. "I am not going to die! So don't accept! There is a chance that he is lying to us! You can't just believe him like that!", Soraru said feeling his conscience slowly slipping away.

Mafumafu frowned knowing that Soraru could be wrong not noticing that the ravenette would almost faint. "He is right! I won't let you leave us go so you will become a test subject!", Amatsuki shouted. "You're our friend! We won't abandon you here!", Sakata agreed.

"See? Let us find another way...", Soraru tried to convince Mafumafu who was almost convinced. "Al— Soraru-san?!", Mafumafu shouted when he saw that Soraru fainted panting heavily.

"What is happening to him?", Mafumafu asked scared as he took Soraru's hand. "We discussed things for a long time. He has a strong conscience but not strong enough. He will soon reach his limit and then he will join your parents.", Coccalap said and that's when Mafumafu decided.

Coccalap noticed this as he smiled under his mask. "Well, you were about to tell me your decision. What is it?", he asked as Mafumafu looked at him dead in the eyes, giving him the answer everyone feared of. "Alright. I will become your test subject. If you'll give Soraru-san the antidote and Sou-kun the medicine to cure his disease he has and let everyone free then I will accept anything."

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