First Day

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Well, this is it. My first day working for Emerald Press, the magazine that stays at the top of sales. My name is Sayuri Midori. I've been a shoujo manga editor for three years. I'm 23 years old. The general affairs lady led me to the department. I looked inside. Everyone looked dead and the place smelled like a men's locker room. Well, I sort of expected it, given that this is the world of an editor. I walked inside. I noticed a man with brown hair that didn't look that much older than me who was still awake. I asked him, "Excuse me, I'm the new editor here."

He said, "Oh, you're the new editor? Takano-san! The new editor has arrived!"

"Alright! No need for you to yell, Onodera." replied an exhausted and exasperated voice.

I looked to my left. No doubt about it. He's the famous Masamune Takano. He is quite the legend among manga editors. I walked to him and said politely, "My name is Sayuri Midori. I look forward to working with you."

He put on his glasses and looked at me. Then he asked, "Have you done any editing before?"

"Yes. Three years for Sani Publishing." I answered.

"What did you edit?" he wondered.

Man, it feels like I'm back at the interview with the company director, but I guess he's just making sure. I answered, "Primarily shoujo, but I have been asked to edit seinen for six months."

Editing seinen manga wasn't the best experience. Then he nodded, "You'll be a great asset here."

I had the seat next to the editor with the light brown hair. His hair was covering his face, so I couldn't tell what he looked like. Takano asked, "Hey, Midori, how good are you with proofreading?"

I turned around to face him, "I would say I'm decent."

Then a mountain of manuscripts landed in front of me. He said, "Think you can have those done before you leave today?"

My eyes were wide, but I nodded, "Yes."

"Good." he answered, then returned to his seat.

"Takano-san, be reasonable! This is her first day!" Onodera told him.

"Onodera, if she says she can handle it, she can handle it." Takano told him.

I picked up the first manuscript and started working. It was fairly simple, given that most of the work was already done.

-End of the Day-

I was done, then I slumped over. Takano said, "Good job, New Girl."

I walked out, then I noticed that I was walking the same path as one of the editors. It was the cute one with black hair. I asked, "So, what's your name?"

He gave me a tired smile, then he said, "I'm Shouta Kisa, but you can just call me Kisa."

I smiled, "It's nice to meet you. Is it always like that in Emerald?"

"No, this is the last day of Hell Week. Things will be better in the morning." he answered.

We made it to the apartment building. I said, "Wow, I live next door to you. I never realized."

Then he looked scared. I asked, "Are you alright?"

His door opened, and a hot guy with multiple earrings said, "Welcome back, Kisa-san!"

Then he looked at me. To break the tension, I said, "I'm Sayuri Midori. I'm Kisa's new co-worker as of today. What's your name?"

He gave me a dazzling smile. Wow, he looks like a prince straight out of a shoujo manga. He said, "I'm Kou Yukina."

Kisa still looked freaked out. I said, "Well, it was nice to meet you. See you tomorrow, Kisa."

"See you tomorrow." he told me.

I walked inside my room. I always try to keep it clean, despite my busy schedule. Kisa said that things will be tomorrow. I certainly hope so.

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