First Day of the Circle

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I dressed more casually today. I walked outside of my door and noticed that Kisa-san was talking to Yukina. I waited for a moment then said, "Good morning."

Kisa-san turned around and said, "Good morning, Sayuri-san."

"You don't look as tired today." I told him.

"We survived another period. I feel great!" he exclaimed.

I chuckled. As we were walking toward the office, I asked, "I've been wondering this and it's none of my business, but is Yukina-san your lover?"

He gave me a surprised look, "You were able to figure it out that fast?"

I nodded, "The way he looked at me when I was standing next to you yesterday gave it away."

Kisa looked down. I laughed, "Don't worry. I won't bug you about it anymore."

Kisa gave me a small smile, "Just don't tell anyone in the office about it and that'll be enough."

I nodded. We made it inside the building and we were in the elevator. In the elevator with us was another editor with brown eyes and a smile on his face. Kisa said, "Oh, you never got a proper introduction, did you? Sayuri-san, this is Mino. He works with us."

I gave him a bow, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

He bowed in return, "It's a pleasure to meet you, too."

When the elevator stopped on our floor, we walked to our department. I heard murmurs from most of the female staff. I understand that the men of Emerald Press are all handsome, but there's no need to act like fangirls around them. When we made it to the department, I took my seat. Then Takano walked, "New girl, I need you for a moment."

I walked toward him. He said, "Will you make 10 copies of this?"

He gave me some documents. I nodded and walked toward the copy machine. While I was making the copies, Onodera walked toward me. He said, "I have to commend you on checking all those manuscripts yesterday. I would've barely made it through 10 of them."

I smiled, "I was just doing my job. Honestly, I was surprised I was able to make it through."

The copies were done and I walked to Takano-san. He got the copies and said, "Have you ever managed a mangaka?"

I nodded, "I've managed two in the past, but one of them retired due to their health."

"Well, get ready because I plan on giving you one. Her name is Iori Teito. She's up and coming and she needs all the help she can get to have her manga come to life." Takano explained to me.

I nodded, "Is there anywhere I can meet her in person?"

Takano gave me a business card, "That's her number. Go ahead and call her."

"Yes, sir." I said. I walked to my desk and dialed Iori-sensei's number with my company phone.

She answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Hello, Iori-sensei. This is Sayuri Midori of Emerald Press. I'm to be your editor." I explained.

"Oh! I've heard of you! I thought you just did mature manga." she told me.

I chuckled, "No, I do shojo as well. I would like to meet you to discuss your manga."

"Well, I'm free on Saturday." she told me.

I smiled, "That's perfect. I'm free Saturday as well. Maybe we could talk over lunch?"

"I can do that. See you then, Sayuri-san." Iori-sensei answered.

"See you Saturday, Iori-sensei." I said, hanging up the phone.

Hatori-san walked by, "I assume you're familiar with the author?"

"I'm not. We just agreed to meet to discuss her manga." I told her.

"Wow, you're being more capable than most newbies we get around here." Takano said.

I smiled, then Kisa said, "Hey, Sayuri, you got a minute?"

I walked over to him and asked, "What's up?"

"Be careful with Takano! He can be a real hard case when it come to 'capable' workers." he whispered to me.

I just nodded.

-Lunch Time-

I sat in the break area, eating my bento. Mino-san walked in and said, "Hello, Sayuri-san."

I looked up and smiled, "Hello."

He sat in the table with me. He asked, "Enjoying this place so far?"

"Yes, I would say so." I replied.

"Nice looking bento. You make them yourself?" Mino asked.

"Yes. Right now, I can't really afford to eat out, so I make them myself." I answered.

Mino tilted his head to the side, "Nice."

I've noticed that Mino is always smiling. Not that I want to see him frown, I just wonder what in the world could he be thinking the vast majority of the time. I asked, "Do you enjoy working here?"

"For the most part, yes I do. Things do tend to get crazy around here, but it's rewarding." he answered.

I smiled, "Ok, that's good to know."

Lunchtime was over, and I made it by to my seat. Kisa said, "Ricchan, studying up again?"

I looked over to see who he was talking to. So he calls Onodera Ricchan. It's kind of cute actually. Onodera nodded.

-The End of the Day-

Me and Kisa walked home together. I smiled, "Well, that was interesting."

Kisa laughed, "You'll get used to it."

"I don't know. The first time I saw you, you were practically dead on the floor." I said.

"The end of the cycle will do that to you. As you can see, it's been quite some time since I've had a proper night's sleep." Kisa said.

I chuckled. I knew all too well about the sleepless nights. I just can't wait to see Iori-sensei Saturday.

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