Missed Calls

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The sleep over was awe. I haven't had that fun since time ago.

The girls yesterday they didn't want to leave. They wanted it to be a 2 day long sleepover. But I told them that next time. I think that would actually be cool.

" what do you want to do today?" Harry asked sitting on the couch.

"Umm.... Let's have a lazy day."

"Sure. I mean we have that flight to to England in 2 days. So a lazy day does Sound nice."

"Okay imma go and get snacks from the kitchen. I said getting up and going to the kitchen. I pulled out different big bowls and filled them up with junk.

Once I was finished filling the bowls I grabbed them and went back to the living room. I put the bowls on the table but kept the little bowl that had chocolate covered strawberries.

Harry put on Netflix and we watched the rest of the prison break episodes.

I felt like crying in the end. Because the Michael guy died.  I was like noooooooo.

Right when I WS about to get up to pee, Darcy started to cry.

"Coming Darcy." I called going upstairs to her room. I walked in and she stopped crying and started laugh. I picked her up and smiled at her cuteness.

"Let's go downstairs with daddy." I told her and grabbing her blanket and her favorite teddy bear.

I walked down the stairs and walked into the living room, where Harry was already watching.....mean girls?

" umm... Are you watching mean girls?" I asked harry.

He looked at me and blushed of embarrassment.

I laughed and sat down, putting Darcy between Harry and I.

After the movie was over Harry and I decided to pack out suitcases.

I walked to my closet and started to look through my things. 

Okay I need to take jeans. Where going for be there for 3 weeks. So I need a few jeans I mean I will need to washed them over in England. And I'm going to be wearing dresses for most of the time too. So I guess I'll take only 5 pairs of jeans. I picked out 3 pairs of my favorite jeans and 3 pairs of my favorite leggings. And I'm don't want to take a lot cuz I want to go shopping in England too. I packed a few shirts and my under garments and my hair curler and straightener and accessories. After I was done I went in the pack Darcy's. I pack her cloths and some diapers although I'm going to need more but I'll buy those over there. After I was done I took her suitcase and put it in the living room, next to mine

Maybe I should go check on Harry.

I walked back into our room and saw a pill of cloths on the floor.

"Having trouble babe?" I asked walking towards the pile and picking the cloths up.

"Yea. I don't know what to take." He said sitting down on the bed.

"Well how about I pack for you?" I suggested.

"Thanks baby." He kissed my forhead.

"Yes no prob." I smiled walking into thw closet and picking out his cloths and neatly folding them into the suitcase. After I was finished I put Harry's suitcase along with the others.

I grabbed my phone to check what time it was and its 6:47 already. Holy snikeys. I have to make dinner. Although it's super late. I went of to the kitchen and made my mom's special pasta she used to make me when I was younger.

I called Harry so we can all eat. Then aftetwords. We went back to go watch TV.

It was like around 11:00 when we went upstairs and called it a day. I was tired as quack. ( Lol cx)

I was in dream heaven until my phone rang.

* 'Cause if you want to keep me, you gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, got to love me harder
And if you really need me, you gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, got to love me harder
Baby, love me harder, Love me, love me, love me,Harder, harder, harder' *

"Ughh." I groaned. I'll pick it up in a bit.

Seconds later my phones stopped ringing them it started to ring again. On the last ring I picked up the phone to check who's calling me this early. Wait nvm its 8:00. That's not early.

I unlocked my phone to see all my notifications. I have 15 voicemails 5 text messages and 56 missed calls. Am I actually that big of a heavy sleeper?  I'm asuming yes. All the calls are from my dad and so are the voicemails. I took my phone with my to the bathroom and dialed my dads number. I closed the door behind me and leaned mt back against the sink whiling the phone ranged.

On the 3rd ring my dad answered.

" Hey daddy. Umm.. You called my like 50 times." I said looking at the wall.

" Yes. Sorry if I inturputed you." I can tell he was crying. Crying? Why?

" Daddy are you okay? Are you crying?" I asked getting worried.

"No hun. Its your -your s-sister." He sobbed.

" Dad whats wrong with Carrie. Where is she? Is she okay. Dad." I said getting be more worried.

"S-she was kidnapped." He cried even harder.

I couldn't even say anything. Kidnapped? No...no that's a lie. Its not true.

" I'll on my way." My voice cracked.

I hung up and I could feel all the tears gatherimg up ready to fall.

" Its not true. Carrie!" I yelled at the tip of my lungs as the tear slid down my face.

Its not true. I'm dreaming... No its just a nightmare. I wish it was.


Dun dun duh! Lol I'm really tired right now lolz well hoped you enjoyed (: comment below if you did. If you think I should add something or fix something u can comment to or message me. Well plzzzzz vote. Please take 2 seconds to vote. And follow me I follow back (: well quackkk Lol byeee (; oh and I'll try to update tomorrow.

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