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Angie's P.O.V.

Ughh its 7:00. I have to get up. No I don't want to.

I tossed the covers off me and struggled to get out of bed.

I literally dragged my self to the bathroom and washed my face with cold water so I can completely wake up. I grabbed my purple toothbrush and put toothpaste on it

'Cause if you want to keep me, you gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta got to love me harder
And if you really need me, you gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta got to love me harder Baby, love me harder Love me, love me, love me Harder, harder, harder

I ran towards my phone instantly answering it.

"Hey Carla." I said answering the phone.

" Hey babe. I can wait for the sleepover today!" She sequealed.

" I know. Its gonna be awesome!!"I squealed.

" What's with all the squealing." Harry complained walking into the room.

" Well Carla babe. I have to go Harry the grinch is complaining over here. I'll see ya later. Dont forget to bring junk food. Were gonna need a lot and try to be here around 5."

" okay I'll be there see ya later." She hung up.

" Your having a sleepover today babe?" Harry asked putting on his jeans.

" yes babe. So guess what that means?" I smiled.

"What?" He asked confused.

"That you cant be with us. Since its only for girls."

" awww. Fine. I'll go with the rest of the boys." He said combing his curls.

I smiled and quickly changed into a pair of

Light washed jeans and a hot pink shirt. And my matching hot pink converses. And put my hair into a sock bun. I grabbed my phone and put it into my back pocket. And grabbed my wallet.

" Harry! I need to go to the store. Can you come with me?" I called from upstairs.

I walked downstairs and he was sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone.

" Yea babe. I'm having a guys sleepover today too. But I was thinking that since the house is pretty big, maybe I can have mine in one side of the house and you can have yours on the other side. What do you think? ." He smiled getting up from the couch.

"Sure, why not.  " I raised my eyebrow.

" okay . I'm going to go get Darcy." He said running towards Darcy's room.

I pulled out my phone to check what time it was. It's 9:00.

10 minutes later Harry came down with Darcy.

I grabbed the keys and we walked to the car.

Once we got to the car and i drove to the grocery store.

I parked right in front of the entrance. I got of the car and grabbed a cart.

Harry put Darcy in the cart.

" Let's go to the junk asile." I said pushing the cart towards the asile full of junk food.

Harry and I pilled the cart full of junk and went in line.

The cashier scanned all our things and gave us our total. Again I tried to pay but harry didn't let me. She gave harry his change and we went outside to our car.

I opened the trunk and we put the bags in the back and put Darcy in her seat. And this time Harry was diving.

We finally got home and carried all the bag inside into the kitchen.

" Babe was side is my sleepover gonna happen?" I asked.

"I was thinking you can have it on the right and I have the left."

"Sure." I smiled.

Hours later i had everything ready. I had a pile of movies and the xbox connected to the TV.

I got all the snacks and stuff in different colored bowls. Its 4:50 the girls should get here any minute now

*Ding Dong*

I tanned towards the door and flung it open. And Kayla, Carla amd Jess were standing there with bags.

" Hey girlies." I hugged them.

We walked inside and they tosses there bags on the couch. Were Darcy was at.

" Omg look at Darcy." Jess said sitting next to her.

" she's so cute." Carla said kissing Darcy's head. Darcy laughed showing off her dimple and everyone 'awed'.

* Ding Dong*

I got off the couch and walked towards the door. I opened the door and there was Liam, Zayn, Louis and Niall.

" Hello, Love." Lism hugged me and I hugged him back. I hugged each one of them. I turned around and shut the door.

The boys went upstairs with Harry and i went with the girl who were now setting there blankets on the floor. I grabbed Darcy and put her in her room since shes a sleep now. I went back downstairs and the sleepover started. But first we need to change into our pj's. ( what there wearing in picture on the top. Carla top right. Jess bottom. Angie top left.)

I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It's 11:45. Almost midnight.

" We should watch The fault in our stars." Carla cheered grabbing the film box.

She got up at put it in DVD.

" I'm going to go get some tissues, cuz imma probably going to cry." I said getting up from the floor and walking to the bathroom, since the tissue boxes are in the cabinet.

I walked towards the door and its locked. Okay, someone's inside. I'll just wait. I stood there for about 5 minutes and Zayn walked out if the bathroom. When he saw me standing there and he frowned.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion. And he just walked away still frowning. I walked inside the bathroom still confused.

Why did he act like that? What did i do? Last time I remember Zayn and I were okay. Well I least I thought we were. But Im not going to think about that today. I have a sleepover with my friends and thats it. I really don't want any drama right now.

I grabbed the box of tissues and ran downstairs. When i reached downstairs they had already started the movie.

" Thanks for starting without me." I pouted sitting down I'm my blanket.

Halfway through the movie Niall was with us and we were all crying.

" Why is issac so hot. I want a boyfriend like him." Jess sobbed.

" What its all about Augustus Waters." Niall sassed.

" But issac is hotter." Carla agreed with Jess.

" But Gus is one of the main characters." I pointed out. Jess and carla rolled there eyes and brought there attention to the movie.

" Ha. Gus is hotter." I high-fived Niall.

" Niall!" Someone called from the hallway.

We all looked at niall and he told us to hush. We all giggled and sat around Niall.

"Niall." They called again. We all looked at the direction at where someone was shouting and Harry walked into the living room.

" Niall. What are you doing with the girls? Your suppose to be with us the guys." Harry asked.

" umm... Were watching the Fault in our stars." Niall mumbled.

"Well were playing FIFA upstairs."

"FIFA." Niall ran upstairs leaving us.

Harry smirked and went upstairs too.

Whatever. We continued to watch the movie. It was around 3 a.m. when we fell asleep. Today was great. Hopefully tomorrow will be too.


Hellurrrr (: I updated (⌒▽⌒)yayyy Lol hope you enjoyed. If you did plz votee. Pleaseeee!!! Well I'll try to update tomrrow. I'll start trying the next chap right now. But will update tomorrow. Oh and I dyed my hurrr. I went from ombre to black. (: and I feel weird.... But anyways

Follow me. I follow back. C: well adioss

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