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It's another day and still feeling empty without him. Mahira is also doing good without him, but still she was not active as before.

I was preparing dough to make breakfast and Mahira was sitting in front of me, looking at my actions.

"Mumma", she called me, dipping her hands in the flour box.

"No baby. No touching",I said but she was giggling.

Mallika didi was making juice in kitchen and we heard our doorbell ringing.

Mallika didi opened the door and Vish came inside beeming at us.

"Mahiraaa", Vish squealed in excitement and stood in front of her.

"Vishiiii", Mahira said powdering some flour on her face.

I was stunned. I bursted out laughing looking at her face. Now Vish was looking like a vamp in that black dress and white flour on her.

Mahira and Mallika didi also started laughing looking at her.

"Oh god. No doubt, only Mahir's genes can irritate me like this",Vish said looking at Mahira.

"Vishii",Mahira crawled to her and Vish took her in her arms.

"You will do this to your Vishii"?Vish asked nuzzling her face on Mahira.

Both were giggling and Vish took a selfie of them.

"Go and clean....clean.. yourself",I said still muffling my laugh.

"Bhootni. Your chance will also come",Vish told me putting Mahira down.

I showed my tounge to her. She came back all freshed up.

"What are you making"? Vish asked looking at me.

"Can't you see babes, I'm preparing dough",I said.

"Wife duty mode",Vish said.

"Shut up. It's mumma's duty",I said.

"Ooh, then what is the progress of wife duty Mrs.Mahir", she said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Shut up Vish",I glared at her.

"I mean.. you are sleeping together, kissed once..., no twice...no no can I make it thrice", she said.

"Vish shut up. Mallika didi is still here",I whispered.

"So what? He is your hubby and you are his wifeyyyy", she said.

"No one can change you Vish",I said and went to kitchen.

We had our breakfast and Mahira was watching rhymes in her iPad.

"So"?Vish said.

"So",I said confused.

"Kissi wissi haa", she said.

I was blushing now.

"I made a mistake telling you",I face palmed.

"Arey to whom will you tell then"? she said.

"OK,we kissed. Happy"?I said.

"I'm damn happy", she said.

"Did he tell about his feelings"? she asked.

I sighed in disappointment.

"Um..no, not yet. I don't know what he feels exactly. He wants to tell something,but he never says anything",I said.

"He will tell soon Bela. He is moving on from his past. And it's not easy to forget our first love", she said.

She is right. It's not easy to forget our first love. I'm the living example.

"Hope I will be his first love if there is another life",I said and my eyes were ready to spill.

"Belaa",Vish took me in a hug and patted my back.

"You both are destined to be together. This two years gap was just a game played by fate", she said.

"I lost my sister in that game of fate. And I dint get my love",I said.

"But now you got it. Everyone don't get a second chance Bela. Lucky are the ones who get it", she said.

She was right. I'm lucky. Lucky to get my love, lucky to become a mother.

"Soon everything will be fine Bela. Just we have to go with the flow. Did you ever expected to be in the position now you are"? she asked.

I nodded my head as 'no'.

"No na? We can't predict what will happen in the next moment. So we should always be positive", she said kissing my cheek.

"OK leave about me. Tell me about you",I said.

"What is there to tell about me? You know everything about me", she shrugged.

"Why you and Yuvi dint get married still"?I asked.

"We can't marry when you are away from us Bela. We were waiting for you to come. But you never texted us also", she said.

"Stop joking now and tell the truth",I said swatting her hand.

"OK..OK.. that was partially true", she said chuckling.

"Then tell me, why you people are not married yet. I thought to ask Yuvi also,but I dint",I said.

"We were ready to get married after Mahir's wedding. But Yuvi was building his carrier that time and same goes with me too. We decided to wait and told our families and they agreed too", she said.

"But Sumi aunty's despise was a shock for us Bela. All three,Yuvi,Andy uncle,Mahir, all were broken beyond repair. Yuvi still regrets that Sumi aunty couldn't see his wedding",Vish said.

"What happened to Sumi aunty Vish"?I asked.

"She got a cardiac arrest. We lost her even before taking her to hospital. That day was a nightmare to us Bela", she said.

"I wanted to come here when dad told me..",I said and she cut me off.

"But your ego dint let you", she completed.

"No.. no Vish. It was not my ego. It was my fear which dint let me come",I said.

"All the three men were unconsolable Bela. I was there for Yuvi,Bani di was there for Mahir, your dad was there for Andy uncle. But Mahir was hoping that you would come. But he broke down more", she said wiping her tears.

"I some where knew that Sumi aunty knows about my love for Mahir. I was scared to face her",I said.

"This is your problem Bela, will they kill you if they get to know about your love? No. It's just that, you were scared to accept the situation", she said.

She is right. I was a coward.

"OK fine, leave all this, when are you  giving good news"? she asked.

What?This girl is really nuts.

"Are you out of your mind Vish? What good news"?I asked.

"Oh come on, don't act innocent. When will I get to see miniature of Bela and Mahir"? she asked.

OK. She is going too far.

"In your dreams baby",I snapped my fingers infront of her.

That's impossible! Me and Mahir? No way.

That was my fantasy and it will remain as a fantasy only.

"OK not about us. When are you giving good news"?I asked.

"What?We are not married yet. And Yuvi always uses a protection and I.....", she stopped in middle realizing what she said.

"Ohooo my virgin ears. Oh my Vish and Yuvi are not so innocent. I think I should tell Andy uncle about this",I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"Bela trust me, you will be dead", she was glaring at me now and I was laughing holding my stomach.

Mahira was looking at us and she was clapping her hands. I made her sit on my lap.

"So Bela you are still a virgin"?Vish asked giggling.

This girl!

"Yes I am and stop this discussion my dear",I joined my hands in front of her.

"Lucky Mahir", she said winking at me.

"You and Yuvi are lucky. Enjoying honeymoon period even before marriage",I said and she was glaring at me.

"So Mahira will have another sibling in some time",I said.

"Shut up for god sake Bela. We are planning to get married this year", she said blushing.

"Good good get married soon and give Mahira a sibling to play",I said.

"God I don't know why I blurred it in front of you",she face palmed.

We heard door bell ringing. It was Mahira's birthday dress which Suhani sent.

We opened it and saw two beautiful dresses. One was a yellow color frok and other was baby pink. It was beautiful.

"Bela, this is so fucking beautiful",Vish said touching the fabric.

"Indeed it is",I said looking at it.

"Mahira, did you like it baby"?I asked showing her.

She was examining with full concentration. She was touching both the dresses and looked at me.

"Dis iz Maiiaa"? she asked.

Ohh my innocent baby.

"Yes baby. This is for our princess Mahira",Vish said.

"I lobee you mummaa", she said kissing me.

"I love you too baby. We have to thank Suhani for this",I said.

"Arey ha Bela, did Vyom tell you about his love"?Vish asked.

"Ya he told us. We were so happy. But he dint tell who is that girl. Did he tell you"?I asked.

"No he dint tell us also. But I was really happy. He told that we will meet her soon", she said.

"Hmm ya hope so",I said.

Our day was spent well. It was like girl's day after many days. We enjoyed the whole day.

It's been two days since Mahir called. After Vish left, there was no ping from Mahir or my dad. I asked Yuvi, and he told that they were busy with too much work. I can't disturb them while they are at work.

Mahira's birthday is just after two days. Mahira is going to turn one.

It will be one year of Mahira,after three days of Mahira's birthday, one year of my sister's despise. Then mine and Mahir's marriage anniversary.

Anniversary? God, that day I was tied with him,but it was just a name sake wedding.

All are very near. I'm scared to face them also now. It will be an year of our togetherness. One year of our parenting. It will pain more for Mahir.

This long distance is making it more difficult. He just enterd my mind,my heart and he flew away to NY.

Come soon Mahir. I can't wait more.


It's been two days since I spoke to them. These meetings are frustrating. Only two days are left for Mahira's birthday. I need to wrap up soon here.

"Sir, the client's arrived. We need to go",my manager said.

"Yeah. Let's go",I said and we went to attend the most important meeting of our trip.

"So.. this is our idea sir", they completed their presentation.

"OK. Well done. But I still need some changes in it. I will mail you some, can you send it to me by tonight"?I asked.

"OK sir,we will try to complete", one of them said.

"OK actually not try. I want it by tonight. Will you complete by tonight or else we can accept other companies contract"?I asked.

"No...no...sir. We will submit you by tonight for sure. Please sir,we are in need of this project", they literally begged.

I looked at my uncle. He was giving me proud smile.

"OK, good. We are in the deal. I need the presentation by tonight. And we are glad to work with you",I said.

We came out of meeting room and I was having my coffee.

"They really die by just one stare of your's Mahir",uncle said laughing.

"Nothing like that uncle. Just the work you know",I said chuckling.

"We will return tomorrow night uncle. It's Mahira's birthday day after",I said.

"Ya I know. But you leave tomorrow Mahir. One of us need to stay here till we submit the project. You can't miss you're daughter's first birthday. You go,I will come as soon as we submit the project here", he said.

"Thank you so much uncle. I don't want to miss Mahira's first birthday. I can't miss it. It's been two days since I spoke to them due to this work load",I said.

"Even you dint talk to them"? he asked.

"No. I dint. But I can't wait more. I will see the presentation tonight and will leave tomorrow evening. I need to do some shopping for her",I said.

"Her means"? he asked.

"Her means... both the girls. Bela,Mahira and Vish too",I said.

"Oh good good. You took my words seriously", he said laughing.

Once he told me to take care of his daughter,so that she can take care of my daughter.

"Obviously uncle. I can't live without them now",I said blushing.

"God bless you my child. You are lucky to have them", he patted on my shoulder.

The presentation was completed and I approved it too. Finally my work is completed here. I was never this desperate to go to my home.

One reason is my baby, and another is my baby's mother.

This long distance really worked on me. It showed it's effect. I just can't stay without her anymore. I want to feel her in my arms again. I want to feel her lips, her soft skin,her everything.

God! I need to have a cold shower again. I'm getting hard just by her thoughts.


I still dint message or called her. I will show up tomorrow night directly. I have an evening flight and I'm shopping for them now.

I took few dresses for Mahira. I know Bela told that Suhani is sending her dresses. But still I wanted to buy some for her. I took latest perfume for Vish.

Ohh she is a perfume lover. I don't know what to take for Bela. She loves chocolate's,but she is not a baby to eat.

But I took so many chocolate's. Mahira is a chocolate lover and Bela too.

I was passing by a mall and I saw a dress on maniquine. Bela was the first person to come in my mind after looking at it.

It was a red color maxi dress, the color which I like on her. I brought it immidietly. She will look like an angel in this.

I already ordered a pearl necklace for her over there. It's safe in my locker. I will give her on Mahira's birthday.

Not to forget,I took so many toys for my little devil. She is giving a hard time to her poor toys over there I guess?

My genes after all.

I was packing my bags and Bela's dad came.

"Did you buy the whole mall"? he asked laughing.

"No uncle, just few things for Mahira",I said.

"Oh they are plenty things young man", he said.

He was right. Some toys were not fitting in my bag too. He told that he will get them when he returns.

"OK Mahir, have a safe journey and take care", he said giving me a hug.

"You too uncle. Don't stress yourself so much on that work. Try to come soon",I said.

"Ya sure son. And yeah I dint answer my daughter's call, so that you can surprise her", he said.

"Yes I will surprise your daughter and my daughter too",I said smiling.

"Are you going to convey your feelings for her"? he asked with a hope.

"I...I don't know uncle. But I will tell her soon. I'm sure about my feelings,but something...something like guilt is stopping me to do so",I said.

"I'm sure you will come out of that guilt once you reach there and read Bani's journal.

Wait! What?

"You know about Bani's journal"?I asked.

"That's not important here Mahir. Just follow your heart,not your mind", he said.

I nodded feeling confused. I was a spider stuck in it's own web.

"The last call Mahir. Now go and call me on my princess birthday",he said after the last call of my name.

"OK bye uncle. Take care. I will call you after landing",I said and left.

"Just few hours and I will see you my loves",I said kissing their picture.

These flight journeys are really pain in the ass. And to NY is really exhausting. I was in the cab on my way to home. I have a spare key, so that I cannot disturb them in this mid night.

It's  one in the night. It's my Mahira's birthday.

One year since she came into my life. At times she was the only reason I was alive. She was the only ray of hope in my life. But it took a complete u turn in this one year.

Friendship to hatred,hatred to missing,missing to hatred, and finally hatred to love.

I never knew I would fall in love with my best friend,my wife's sister.

She was only my wife's sister and Mahira's mother that time. But things changed now.

She is my wife. My love!

She and Mahira stepped like  angels in my life.

I would have been dead by now,if it was not Mahira and Bela.

Bela and Bani!

Both changed my life in their own way. I'm lucky to have them.

I slowly opened the door of my house. It was completely dark. I could see only a dim light in Bela's room. Mahira will be scared in the dark.Their room's door was closed.

I enterd my room with my bags and took a cold shower. The journey was really exhausting.

I freshed up and came out. I went to Bela's room and saw Bela was not there now. I leaned down and kissed Mahira mouthing her a very happy birthday

I came out and saw the kitchens light was on. I went little closer and saw Bela drinking water.

My heart skipped a beat looking at her after so long time. She still dint notice me. She was looking sexy in her shorts and tank top.

Her legs were so sexy. This girl really have a magnet inside her, which is pulling me towards her.

I wiped my hairs with the towel and threw on a chair purposely to gain her attention.

She snapped her head towards me. She was looking shocked...I guess.

She was standing like a statue looking at me and here I'm standing like an idiot waiting for her reaction.

She finally realized that I was real.

She came running to me and hugged me tight,I stumbled back due to her force.

Man this girl is strong!

She hugged me  tight and I hugged her back with same longing.

Bela have a good height,but still a bit short than me. She was on her toes hugging me.

She clutched me tightly and her face was in crook of my neck. She was sobbing a bit. We were in the middle of the hall.

I hugged her back and held her tightly. I lifted her off the groud and she wrapped her legs around me. I went to our room still carrying her like a baby. She dint budge. She was hugging me more tight.

I entered her room and closed the door with my leg.I sat on the bed and  Bela was still in my arms.

I slowly lifted Bela's face and she was sobbing,tears were flowing from her eyes.

"Mahirr", she said looking at me.

I wiped her tears and looked at her.

"I...I missed you so much", telling that she hugged me again.

I hugged her too. I missed this. I missed her touch,I missed her.

She came out of the hug and was looking at me. We dint care in what position we were in.

I cupped her face and she clutched me for support.

I sucked her tears from her face. She was shivering at this. She always does. And I like this effect on her.

I sucked her tears and gave a long kiss on her forehead.

We were just staring into each others soul.I looked at her lips and looked back at her.

I could feel her need for me, just like I need her.

I slammed my lips on her and started kissing her hungrily. She was kissing me back with the same passion and love. She clutched my hairs and my hands were all over her body.

I pressed her hips and she gasped at my action. I entered in her mouth and explored each and every corner.

This is the hottest kiss I had with her. We both were kissing each other so deeply and passionately.

We both parted gasping for air. She was resting her forehead against mine.

"I missed you too",I said breathing heavily.

Heyaa guys! Thank you for all the support you gave me when I broke down. I don't want to disappoint my genuine reader's, so I'm back with an update for you guys. Maybe I took decisions when I was in a bad mood. Sorry for that. But trust me guys,I was really hurt. This story is my baby. I couldn't think to copy some other book. I have my own imagination capacity. Anyways it was solved in a healthy manner. Thank you loads for supporting me and my story. I would have tell good bye to wattpad,but I cannot leave my baby incomplete. And after reading your comments and messages, that's it,I have to do it for you people.

There is no me without you all❤❤

I will try to give regular updates from now,but votes too matter to me guys. Please I need to get the motivation to write. I get it by seeing your votes and comments. I'm not at all happy with fluctuating votes. I'm disappointed over there. If it still continues like that, then I may really discontinu.

It's my friend Nisha's birthday today. It's specially for her😉😉

I love u all❤❤❤

Thank you❤❤

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