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"Daddaa",I could hear Mahira crying for me when I got into the lift.

My eyes were ready to spill.I composed myself and got into the car.

"It's OK Mahir. It's just a week. Then your daughter is all yours",Bela's dad said.

"I cannot imagine my life without her",I said wiping my tear.

"I stayed away from my daughter for two years. And one daughter is already gone leaving me", he said blinking his eyes.

"I'm really sorry uncle. With or without knowing the reason I became a villain to you by coming into your daughter's life",I said.

"You are not villain to me Mahir! But at some point I was cursing you. But my one daughter was married to you and another one was far away from me for you", he said.

"I dint knew this was the reason Bela left. I would never let her leave",I said.

"If you love anyone, you can't see them as your friends anymore dear. That's the hard reality of any relationship", he said.

"I'm in love with Bela uncle",I blurred it out.

He was stunned. He was just staring at me.

"What? You are kidding right"? he asked.

"I'm not kidding uncle. I really love her. Maybe there was always something between us but I couldn't sense it. But now I'm sure I cannot live without her",I said.

"Did you tell her"? he asked.

"No I dint. But I will tell her soon",I said smiling.

"I'm happy you realized Mahir. She is really an angel in your life. She came to help you with Mahira,she just thought about you both", he said.

"I know uncle. I realized",I said.

"I never saw this girl being selfish in all my life. She could have spoiled your relationship when she got to know about you and Bani,but she ran away for your happiness. She could have use this marriage as a card to get close to you,but she never did anything like that", he said looking out of the window.

"I don't know how a person will feel when their love is happy with someone else. I would feel terrible by just looking at them being happy",I said.

"That's the relation she share with you and Bani. Bani has done a lot for her since childhood,but Bela never took advantage of her. She loved you so much that she was ready to leave you also", he said patting my shoulder.

A lone tear escaped from my eye. This girl loves me so much. I can feel her pain now. Bani is no more. And now I'm going to be without Bela for a week.

I can feel her pain.

"Sir we reached the airport",our driver said.

We took our lagguage and went to departures. We got into our business class and I was looking at Mahira's videos.

"Sir please switch off all your gadget's", the crew member told me.

I nodded and switched off my mobile after kissing hers and Mahira's photo.

"This is going to be hard for me",I said to myself and closed my eyes.


The lump was still in my throat. Mahira too was dull. Yuvi was here till evening for me and Mahira. Vish will come tomorrow.

I'm feeling empty. It's not even been a day and I'm already missing him. I'm feeling like the initial days I've spent in London. Those initial days were not less than a hell for me.

I was working on my system and I heard Mahira crying. I took her in my arms and came to lobby.

"Mummaa", she was crying holding me tight.

Thank god she dint ask for Mahir.

"Come on baby, you should drink milk",I said cleaning her up.

I took her to balcony with her milk bottle and pista. She daily eats pista at this time. I wonder how she eats with just incisors.

I sat on the swing and made her sit on my stomach. She was drinking milk holding her bottle.

"Mumma finish", she said showing her empty milk bottle.

"Mahira is a good girl",I said kissing her forehead.

I was opening pista shells for her and she was playing with my top button.

I was putting one by one in her mouth and she was chewing them slowly playing with my button.

"Mummaa", she was showing me my mangalsutra.

"No baby. You should not touch it",I said putting it inside my top.

She pecked my lips and was giving a big smile.

"Mummaa dadda weh", she asked while looking at the door.

"Dadda is at work Mahira",I said kissing her.

"Mummaa daddaaa weh", she asked showing her puppy eyes.

Mahir will reach NY tomorrow. I can't even call him until then.

"Arey Mahira,Yuvi brought new puzzle game for you baby",I said taking her inside.

We both sat down on the carpet and I opened the puzzle game for her. It was a numbers game. We need to put those numbers in their correct from.

I made her sit in front of me and kept that game in front of her.

"Mahira we learned numbers right. Now tell me how to put them in their correct places",I asked her.

She was staring at them, she took 2 number and fixed it in it's place.

"Very good Mahira",I said clapping my hands.

Even she was clapping her hands.

"OK next one",I said and she kept 5 number in it's place.

"Well done baby",I said.

We were in our own world playing game together. Soon it was dinner time and I went to mix Mahira's food and she was busy playing that game.

"Mahira food time",I said showing her bowl.

She crawled towards me and I made her sit on my hip. She was still on my hip and I was mixing her food holding her.

"Today Mahira will eat while sitting on mumma's hip",I said.

She was clinging on me and I was feeding her.

The house is looking so empty without him. I'm missing his presence, missing his sent, missing his everything.

I made Mahira sit on the table and showed her empty bowl.

"Mission complete",I said showing her empty bowl.

She was smiling showing her incisors. I wiped her face and changed her clothes. I don't have the appetite to eat. I was waiting for Mahir's message. But there was no ping from him.

I was doing the dishes and I heard my phone ringing.

"Mumma",Mahira was calling me to pick my phone.

"I'm coming baby",I said cleaning my hands.

I went to hall to pick the phone,but it stopped ringing. I was disappointed. I got a message from Mahir telling that he will call tomorrow. I sighed in disappointment and locked all the doors.

"Mahira sleeping time baby",I said.

She held my fingers and we both went to our room to sleep.

"Mumma dadda weh", she asked for the third time today.

I'm feeling sad for Mahira. It's the first time she is staying without Mahir for this long.

"Dadda will come baby. We should sleep now",I said laying her on my chest.

She was not ready to sleep today. She was sitting on my stomach and was blabbering.

"Hmm OK mumma will tell a story to Mahira",I said and she clapped her hands in excitement.

"There was a king, and he had two daughters. Both the princesses love and respect each other a lot. But they both fell in love with a prince.",I said and Mahira was now concentrating on me with a lot of interest.

Slowly I made her sleep on my chest and was narrating the story rocking her back.

She slept listening to the story after some time. I layed her beside me and scooted her close.

My baby she is. She came to save my life.

I have to stay for more six days without him. More six days. One day is looking like a year for me.

Come soon Mahir!

I drifted to sleep.


I called her and hanged up even before she picked up. I messaged her that I will call tomorrow.

My body is here but my mind and heart is with them.

Body present mind absent.

I will call her tomorrow. I don't know how Mahira is doing without me. Bela is alone looking after her.

I will try to complete this work as soon as possible.

I will just finish it off tomorrow in that meeting. I have to go back as soon as possible. It's paining to be away from them,especially from Bela.

I never missed Bani this much as I'm missing Bela. Bani's death broke me,Bela fixed me back.

"I'm sorry Bani. I'm in love with Bela",I said while kissing Bani's picture.

I promised Bani that I will love her forever. I'm feeling guilty that I broke that promise.

It's not like I don't love her any more,I love her. But Bela completely occupied my body and soul. I can't live without her. I love her.

Yes. I love her!

But I will not tell Bela until I forget Bani completely. I can't think about my past for my present and future.

I was getting ready to go to office. I'm hell angry on them. They can't handle these accounts properly.

"Come on show me the details",I asked to the manager.

"Yes sir", he said to get the file.

I checked the file thoroughly,I found some errors in it.

"Where are these 200$",I asked.

"The accounts are clear sir,we checked it already", the manager said.

"Are you the boss or me?"I yelled on him with anger.

I sat in front of the system checking the accounts and saw some fraud was definitely there.

"OK tell me who is handling this account since two months"?I asked him.

"Sir a new girl was appointed for this, she is on leave. She will be back tomorrow", he said.

"No need to come back. Tell her to take leave from here forever",I said.

"OK when is the meeting with the clients"?I asked.

"Sir day after tomorrow", he said.

Man I should stay for more two days. Why can't they come today.

"OK my uncle will come these two days here keeping a check on you all. I will send a list with him",I said.

"Wha.. what list sir"? he asked.

"List of people who are going to get fired",I said coldly.

"Sir..sir", he was stammering.

"What? Give me the account details. I will check them in these two days and will appoint new members here",I said.

"O...OK sir", he said.

"Calm down Mahir. Why are you getting so frustrated"?Bela's dad asked.

"These people can't handle a thing properly with out us. I will make a list and give it to you. Please fire them all and take interviews of new employees tomorrow",I said.

"OK son. I will. Inform your dad also", he said patting my shoulder.

It's already evening here. I need to call her. But she must be sleeping.
I will try once.

I face timed her. She picked it up on the third ring.

"Hey you dint sleep"?I asked.

"No. Even Mahira dint sleep. We were waiting for your call", she said.

"Dadda",Mahira shouted looking at me in excitement.

"Hi Mahira. How are you baby"?I asked.

She was kissing the screen. Aww my baby!

"Maiiaa lobess u dadda", she said.

"I love you too Mahira",I said giving flying kiss to her.

"Did you eat anything Mahir"?Bela asked.

"Ya I did. Is she troubling you a lot?"I asked smiling.

"No.. no. She is not. But she was asking for you so many times", she replied.

"I guess it will take more two days to complete the work over here Bela",I said.

"Oh..it's OK. How is dad"? she asked.

"He is good. I have a meeting with clients the day after and back to back board meetings tomorrow. So I will try to call when I will be free Bela",I said in disappointment.

"It's..it's OK Mahir. You complete your work and come slowly", she said.

I saw Mahira was doing something sitting beside her.

"Bela.. what is Mahira doing there"?I asked her and she looked at Mahira with wide eyes.

"What is this Mahira"?Bela said sternly and now Mahira was looking with puppy eyes at her.

"What did she do Bela"?I asked feeling confused.

"Yuvi got this doll for her the day you left. And now she broke hands and legs of that doll",Bela said looking at Mahira.

Oh my God. Mahira. What have you done  baby.

"You better behave with your toys Mahira. Or else no new toys for you",Bela said and Mahira was looking at me for help.

"Arey it's OK Mahira. Dadda will get new toys for you",I said muffling my laugh.

"You are laughing Mahir"?Bela asked with a blank face.

"No..no.. I'm.. I'm not",I said bursting out with laughter.

Mahira too started laughing looking at me and she was climbing on Bela.

"You are spoiling her to peaks. She is becoming so naughty day by day",Bela said pulling her nose.

"Dadda you get me new dolly",Mahira said.

"Sure baby. I will get so many toys for you. You break them, then I will get more",I said laughing.

"You both are impossible",Bela muttered and Mahira was kissing all over her face.

"Mummaa soyy",Mahira said holding her ears.

So cute. Why is my baby this cute?

"It's OK for now. And you both listen to me, no new toys for Mahira if she will brake her toys",Bela said to us both and Mahira snapped her head at me.

I winked at her and she was calm.

"Yes..yes Mahira. Listen to mumma. Don't trouble her",I told Mahira trying to be stern. But Mahira was still smiling looking at me.

"Oh God. Stop your acting Mahir. I saw you winking at her",Bela said narrowing her eyes at me.

I burst out laughing.

"You know what? I can't change you both",Bela said giving up.

"I lobeeee you dadda",Mahira said.

"I love you too baby",I said kissing her  virtually.

"Bela did Vish come today"?I asked.

"No Mahir. She was stuck at some work. She will come tomorrow", she replied.

"Oh OK.Are you eating on time"?I asked her.

"Ya she is eating on time", she said.

"I'm asking about you Bela",I said.

"Yes..I am", she said.

"Did Mahira's birthday dress come? Or should I take one here"?I asked.

"Ya Suhani called me. They will arrive tomorrow. No need to take one more over there", she said.

"Hmm OK. You both sleep Bela. I will call you again",I said.

"Hmm ya OK. Bye Mahir. Mahira say bye to dadda",Bela said.

"Bye dadda",Mahira said in her sleepy tone.

"Bye baby, take care and no new toys if you will trouble mumma",I said.

We both laughed at it.

"Take care Bela",I said.

"Ya you too Mahir", she said and I hanged up.

I saw her eyes glistening when I called first. She is also missing me.

But I'm stuck here. I will leave once I complete the meeting with clients here. I will ask uncle to handle it after that meeting.

I will surprise Bela and Mahira.

Hey Guys! My mind was not stable all these days. I couldn't write anything. But I wrote it finally with all love and dedication. My pearlie pie birthday today. He is really love of my life😍😍. My world is really incomplete without him😘😘.

This update is for u all as today is our dil ka tukda ka birthday. And Sona ka post was🔥🔥🔥. Best wish ever. Congrats to all the editors 🤗🤗.

But  I'm a bit upset due to decreasing votes. Please vote and comment guys. If u don't want to give feedbacks,I will discontinue the story🙂🙂.

I love you all. And I'm in love with the above picture.Best edit in all pictures😉😉. The editor is so talented😊😊.

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