Dark Power

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The exams were nearly done with the final one being mine and Kaachan's. In my best effort to try and make a strategy with him, I attempted numerous times in the time span of when we began the exams to now. In that time frame though, I was able tell just how strong everyone that trained with the Alatsuki became. Yaoyorozu and Todoroki were able to incapacitate Mr. Aizawa through genjutsu and keep him confined in Black Ant, Tsu was able to master Shahmehada in her time with Mr. Kisame and learn some water style jutsus, and Jiro was able to make clay figurines that detonate at specific frequencies that she can reach to stop Present Mic. Ocha though, she was who I took much pride in watching win. When hers and Ayoyama's main plan failed, she thought up a quick genjutsu technique to assume two kunai she threw with flash bombs were closer then they were before detonating them. The act left 13 unable to see and was taken down by the two when all was said and done. Now it was my turn.

I walked into the area with Kaachan trying one last time to make a plan with him. "Kaachan, we need to think up a plan. What skill have you gained from Ms. Konan. Ocha told me you can use chakra, so what can you-" "WILL YOU SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" He punches me in the face while yelling this. "I don't need your help you shitty nerd! Just stay out of my way!" The bell goes off with All Might sending a blast at us destroying most of what's around us. "Casualties, who gives a shit about that when your a villain?" Kaachan went head first at him with his explosions before All Might tried to take him down. In an effort to help, I used a shurikin I made out of origami strengthened by my wind chakra to force All Might to drop Kaachan. "WHAT THE FUCK DEKU!? GET OUT OF MY WAY!" 'This is going to be hard.'

Meanwhile Konan POV:

While the battle goes on, many of the Akatsuki watch intently at Bakugou seeing how he manages to keep his self restraint. "So why was Midoriya paired with Bakugou?" "Most of you were paired due to how your opponent deals with you Kirishima. Your's and Satou's was because of you both being the type to go head first into a fight. Midoriya's and Bakugou's however, was due to how the two interact together. If they can overcome their issues with the other, they can win." They seemed to understand with the conversation not being a complete lie. 'Their's that, and the fact if something happens Izuku can pull, All Might away while we subdue Bakugou.' We continue to watch the screen with Izuku and Bakugou not working together in the slightest. 'That, and also Izuku is one of the only people in your class that can hold themselves if Bakugou does anything.'

Izuku POV:

Me and Kaachan keep going at All Might with no real plan or coordination. I start to get aggravated and tell Kaachan off for it. "KAACHAN! WE NEED TO WORK AS A TEAM! IF WE DON'T, WE'LL BOTH FAIL!" "YOU THINK I'M GOING TO LISTEN TO YOU!?" Something on Bakugou's neck started glowing red with him smiling. "Finally." "Kaachan, what is that?" The thing started going over his face with it stopping when his left side is covered in whatever it was.

(This, but with Bakugou)


Something didn't sit right with me about how it looked with every fiber of my being worried for All Might over everyone else. "Now it's time to show you why I'm the best." He disappeared with speed with it now scaring me. "ALL MIGHT, LOOK OUT!" Kaachan came at All might to send him into a building. He began making hand signs to attack. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" He sent an attack at All Might with him jumping out of the way in time. Kaachan came back however with a punch to the face and sweeping his feet to make All Might fall on his back. Kaachan stood over him with his foot on his face smiling.

"Now, let's keep you from causing trouble for me." Kaachan picked up a sharp piece of shrapnel that was on the ground and laced it with chakra before slamming it into the part where All Might's right shoulder connects to his body. "AAAHHH!" "Kaachan! That's over the top!" I try to pull him away to get an explosion to the face. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME DEKU! I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED YET!" Kaachan pulls the piece out before slamming it into his other shoulder. "Where should I aim next?" He started maniacally laughing with the piece pointed at All Might's heart. "LETS SEE IF YOU HAVE A FUCKING HEART YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" "I said.." I jumped over to punch Kaachan in the face with a 10% Detroit smash. "ENOUGH!" He goes back a little before glaring at me.

"Now you want some?" The look in Kaachan's eyes that showed he wasn't comprehending what he was doing. I didn't know why, but he seemed drunk on power like he was as a kid. "I don't want to do this Kaachan. Don't make me fight you." He smiled before coming at me. I jumped away with him going too fast for me to see behind me. "Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" He sent a hoard of fire sets made to look like flowers to force me to evade. He found his way below me making the ground sand. "Sand Coffin!" 'When did he!?' I had no time to think. I immediately used the wind to avoid the attack and glare down at him. "I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT YOU KAACHAN!" "TOO FUCKING BAD! YOU GOT IN MY WAY, NOW YOU PAY!"

He came at me again with only one move I knew that could stop him. "I'm sorry." I started holding chakra in my hands shaping it into a sphere before going at him. "Fire Style: Flaming Dragon Jutsu!" "Rasengan!" I hit him in the torso with him hitting me with his attack. I suffered a few burns with Kaachan going into a building. He didn't come out, telling me that he was down. "what was that?" "Nnnngh!" "All Might!" I ran to All Might's side to help keep the injuries shut. As I was doing this, Kaachan found his way behind me and began using Chidori. I saw everything flash before my eyes in fear this was going to be what killed me.

"Enough!" Mr. Pain came in between us use an Almighty Push on Kaachan to send him into another building and bringing the support beams down as well. "All Might, are you alright?" Ms. Konan came over kneeling down keeping the wounds on All Might from opening. "I'll manage. Don't worry." He smiled with Ms. Konan knowing it was a lie. She got him back to his feet and followed him to the infirmary. Meanwhile, Mr. Pain wanted me to take Kaachan down below the school before he woke up again. What ever this was, it was beyond what I understood.

Several hours later, Bakugou POV:

"urgh, what happened?" "You went on a rampage with that power." I glance over to see the fucking piercing guy Deku and round face train with. "Wait, AM I IN A CELL!?" "Yes." He just answers me with that and nothing else. "LET ME THE FUCK OUT!" "I will not. You nearly killed someone today while going over the top with that strange power you obtained and almost killed a student." I scowl at him in anger as he walks close to the cage. "You tampered with things that are beyond your comprehension, and this is the result of that." "SO THE TWO LOSERS CAN GET STRONG, BUT I CAN'T!?" "....Where did you get this power?" I ignore him to state I'm not talking. "Very well. We will discuss how to remove that seal from you and/or means of possible expulsion from you for these actions."

He gets up and starts walking to the exit. "NO WAY! THAT ISN'T FAIR!" He stops immediately and doesn't even look at me. "You wish to know what is not fair? Your mother asked Konan for you to train with her, do you think your actions and your misuse of that knowledge is fair? Konan spent time training you in the way of the shinobi for you to insult everything us and our disciples stand for, do you think that is fair? You even disgraced everything Izuku, Ochako, and the members of UA that will become the next members of the Akatsuki with your actions and disrespectful use of power they use. What about that? Is that fair in your eyes?" Both of us were silent until he kept walking out.

"We shall have an answer by late today or early tomorrow. When the night comes, you will be guarded by us since we are responsible for what had happened leading to your rampage." He leaves and shuts the door with my thoughts going on. 'They refuse to train me, so I found a new way to use their power. I get stronger, they want to seal it away. Why are they doing this!?' At that moment, I came to a realization. "This is Deku's fault, isn't it? Him and that stupid bitch of his. When I get a hold of them, I'm going to kill them."

Izuku POV:

Since the incident with Kaachan, I've been working with Kurama and the second generation of the Akatsuki summoning back the Tailed Beasts. "Summoning Jutsu!" I was able to succeed in summoning back now two others of the tailed beasts. The second was now summoned with it looking like a giant turtle.

The tailed beast looked at us for a second before getting to ground level. "Uh, hello. My name is Izuku Midoriya. I summoned you back to this world upon the request of Kurama the nine tailed best. Can I please know your name and-" Just like that, the Tailed Beast went right into a shell it had. "IT'S HIDING!?" Everyone was a little surprised with this until Matatabi came in front to speak.

"It is alright Isobu, these people are worthy of our trust." The Tailed Beast known as Isobu peeks his head out to look at me. "You do not wish to harm us?" "The opposite actually. As I said before, Kurama had asked me to summon you back into this world. I apologize if you got the wrong idea." With that said, it transformed into a smaller version of itself for travel.

"Thank you for bringing us back into this world." "It was my pleasure." I picked up Isobu with Ocha picking up Matatabi before walking back. Along the way, Kurama jumped on my head to make everyone laugh a little. "So what do you all thinks gonna happen to Bakugou?" Kirishima asks a little concerned for our friend. I held my head down most likely knowing what will happen. "If he doesn't get expelled as well, he'll most likely have that thing he had sealed away." Many didn't know what it was and were kinda on edge with the idea.

"By any chance, do you know what it was he used Midoriya." Shiozaki asked with me shaking my head no. "I'm trying to get an answer from Ms. Konan, but she said it was just something he shouldn't have had." "with good reason." We glance over to see Mr. Orochimaru leaning on a tree waiting for us. "What he has is called a Curse Mark. It manipulates nature and forces that are above what we should alter. Your friend used it to give him the ability to manipulate chakra." I started to think what may happen if he goes overboard with it. "If he keeps using it, his mind will falter with it and become that of an empty puppet that can be controlled."

This statement scared us all, even Ocha. We didn't actually like him. Heck, I'd go as far to say I hated his guts a lot of times. But that didn't mean I wanted him to get hurt trying to keep up with us. "Can we remove it?" "normally, no. There are some ways you can, but they're outstanding circumstances that you can't just use at the drop of a hat. It can go dormant if we can keep him from using it for years though, but we will need to permanently seal it for that to happen. In doing so, he will never be able to use chakra again since the Curse Mark was what allowed him to do so in the first place." I let out a deep sigh knowing that won't go well with Kaachan. "Until things are set in stone, he'll be put in the cells below UA for students that get a little 'ahead of themselves' until further notice. If he gets out without someone around, treat him as an enemy."

Mr. Orochimaru walks away with all of us not being able to stomach this. 'This is wrong.' I clenched my fist in anger at what was going on. 'Kaachan, what did you do?'

During the night, 3rd person POV:

The night was long with Deidara taking the first watch. He had a half hour before his replacement was going to take his spot, but he started to nod off. "Couldn't they have chosen someone else? I had a manga I had to finish last night for an editor and hardly slept since(Chosen by drawing sticks and he got the shortest)." He kept his eyes open as best he could before standing up and going to the restroom a little ways away to splash water on his face. 'He's not going anywhere anytime soon. Shouldn't be as big a problem for like two minutes.' As he went in the restroom, a familiar voice came to Bakugou.

"It would appear that you are in a bind Katsuki Bakugou." Having enough with the games this person was playing, he looked over to the voice. "Whoever you are, show yourself now so I can fucking kill you myself!" The voice began to come out of a portal to smile at him.

"It would appear this is the first time we met face to face so to speak. My name is Momoshiki Otsustsuki." Bakugou looked at him for a second before asking a question. "Why are you here?" "I just wish to help someone I see much of myself in. You aren't afraid to go and get your hands dirty, yet you are insulted by any worms on this planet that think they are better than you. You and I are one in the same." "That doesn't completely answer my question." Momoshiki laughs a little before answering. "I will help you break out of here and rid this world of the people who dared stand in your way. The Akatsuki, their subordinates, and a certain green haired boy with his girlfriend. All you need to do is help me obtain the Tailed Beasts."

The last person peeked Bakugou's interest with him nodding. "You have a deal." Bakugou got up with Momoshiki opening a portal for the two of them. At this time, Deidara exits the restroom to see Bakugou leaving. "Hey, stop right there!" Bakugou and Momoshiki leave in the portal with Deidara only being able to have a kunai miss them both and hit the wall. "Dammit!" He runs up to inform the others with an immediate calling for everyone in UA's staff and the Akatsuki. While this goes on, Izuku wakes up to an unsettling feeling and doesn't know why. In his head, something is telling him things are going downhill with no indication as to why or how except for one thing. 'Kaachan, why am I feeling like your doing something wrong right now?'

And that finishes this chapter. So the mystery man is Momoshiki who gave Bakugou this power. Next chapter will be how the school manages Bakugou's escape and what their countermeasures are. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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