Training For Finals

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Izuku POV:

About a week passed since we returned from our work study. Mr. Pain has been drilling me on scenarios in which I may face and seeing on how quick my ability to make decisions are along with the intensified training me and Ocha do. Things wouldn't be as bad if I didn't have to worry about summoning tailed beasts. "Izuku, are you alright?" I look down to see Kokuo on my lap.

"I'll be fine, I'm just really tired is all." I smile at it before Saiken butted in. "If you need any help, just let me know and I'll help you out."

"I will, thank you both for worrying. Also, sorry you gotta sit on the floor Saiken, but I don't want to cause a mess with your uh, what is over your body again?" It puts its hands on it's hips to speak with pride. "It's my mucus!" "EWW!" Everyone answered when they heard this. "That is just nasty." "Midoriya did say that every tailed beast is different Jiro." Yaoyorozu and Jiro speak of this while Shukaku sits on Yaoyorozu's lap with Son doing the same on Jiro's. 'I hope the next tailed beast is at least a little cleaner than Saiken so I don't have to carry more paper towels everywhere I go.'

"Good morning class." "Good morning Mr. Aizawa." Mr. Aizawa walks in with his commonly tired expression before getting to the podium to begin what he wanted to say. "End of terms are coming up everyone, make sure you study for them since we'll be working with doing a training camp during summer break." Everyone heard the word 'camp' and began to cheer. "Yeah! Camp!" "Truth or dares!" "BATHS-*BOOM*!" We all look to see Mineta charred with Shukaku in a firing stance to indicate he took a tailed beast bomb to the back of the head. "That'll learn ya, little freak!" Yaoyorozu smiles while pointing at Shukaku. "I like him." "Anyway, those that do not pass the exams will be forced to take remedial lessons during this training camp. With that in mind, make sure to hit the books and do not slack on your training." Mr. Aizawa finishes this before class continues.

During lunch break

"I HAVEN'T STUDIED AT ALL THIS SEMESTER!" Kaminari and Ashido shout this while the later starts laughing. "Between the work study and hero training, I didn't have any time to open my text book!" 'Yet me and Ocha can do that while juggling our ninja training and dates.' "Midoriya, would you want to do a group study session with the other members of our group?" Yaoyorozu and Jiro come up with Kirishima agreeing as well. "That sounds like an awesome idea man! What do you lot think?" "I wouldn't mind doing a group study session." "Me neither *ribbit*" Tsu and Todoroki agree to it with Ocha coming up to hug me. "I think it sounds fun!" "Then let's talk to the others and get everyone on board. We can also do group training after studying as well to keep us on our toes." Everyone agreed as we went to the cafeteria to meet with the future Akatsuki members from the other classes.

At the cafeteria

"Heck yeah we'll do the group study and training session!" Tokage shouted this with Shiozaki agreeing. "How does this help me? General Studies doesn't do any special combat training for final exams." "That doesn't mean training with us would be pointless Shinso. We could always work on our teamwor-" I'm cut off when an elbow tries to hit me and goes through with my head becoming paper. "What the hell was that!?" We look over to see Monoma trying to pick a fight with us. "Oh come on man, get a life!" "As much as I would wish to avoid this conflict, I would rather you not pick a fight with Midoriya Monoma." Shiozaki and Tokage say this with the blond narcissist laughing. "You think your so superior class A swine, but you will fall when class B takes the spotlight from yo-" He finally stops when Kendo comes over to knock him out.

"Thanks for the help." Yaoyorozu says this with a smile. "Don't mention it. By the way, what's up with your blond classmate? The one with the explosion quirk." "Something happened to Kaachan?" "Not really, but I bumped into him the other day to see what looked like cinders on his neck moving. I tried to ask him about it, but his exact words were 'fuck off ginger, before I fucking kill you'. Any of you have an idea about it?" I looked over to Ocha since she spent the work study with him if she has any idea to just shake no. "Sorry, but we don't." 'Should I say this to Mr. Pain or someone?'

Orochimaru POV:

I begin to walk down the halls looking at some of my data on the Curse Mark to refresh my mind on what I knew of it. "Nnnngh!" I stop when I hear something coming from the men's restroom. I start to walk in to notice Bakugou pulling his Curse Mark back from spreading over his body. "Seems your having difficulty." He glares at me with anger before shouting. "WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU SNAKE FREAK!?" 'Snake freak?' I walk over to him to look at the curse mark. I pull the collar part of his shirt down to see it and notice it was very active as if it's been constantly used. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?" "This mark, stop using it right now or you may lose your mind." "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!"

Bakugou pulls himself from my grip to start walking away. "That thing on your neck is called a Curse Mark. It isn't some kind of mighty power to do what you wish, it's dangerous if constantly used. If you continue to use it, you will destroy your mind in the process. Do not use it anymore." He opens the door to get out of the restroom. But before he does, Bakugou glared at me, "GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU PALE LOOKING MICHEL JACKSON IMPERSONATOR!" He slams the door shut after this to leave me in silence. "I can see why those children can't stand you. Lets just hope you don't run into a problem or two with the actions you are taking."

After school in the woods Izuku POV:

"Alright everyone, pair up and we can start training." We all found our way outside to which we began pairing up for our training for finals. "Yo, Shiozaki. Wanna pair up and see how the new zombie combo works?" "That would be fine with me." "Yaomomo, you wanna do the same?" "Sure Jiro." Everyone began to pair up with the person their teacher would pair up with in the Akatsuki. 'I'm not surprised. I mean, we need to get ready to work as a team. It would only be natural to go with a combo were used to at the moment. I wonder how my origami and some of the other abilities of the Akatsuki would work? Maybe if I use it in a way of fighting in a defensive style, me and Yaoyorozu could use amazing offense and defense work. Or I could use it as a long range to make Shiozaki able to jump in and use her curse jutsu to fight. The theories would be endless.'

"IZU!" I'm cut short when Ocha yells in my ear. "Ow, yes?" "Jeez your hard to pull out of that. Everyone's paired up, let's start training." I look around to see everyone put into groups to leave me and Ocha together. "Right, sorry." We take our fighting stances before charging at each other to throw punches and kicks for the other to party it. Shinzo and Tokage did similar training as well as as Kirishima and Shiozaki. Tsu came at Todoroki with Samehada with him using Firball Jutsu along with some genjutsu for Tsu to train with dispelling it and using Water Sharkbomb Jutsu. Jiro has trained with using her clay more efficiently and in tactical training like Mr. Deidara with Yaoyorozu who was using both Crow and Black Ant to fight her. This was how we regularly spent our time to get ready for the practical part and occasionally kicking it up a bit.

The day of the practical

"Pencils down." We finally finish the written test with Ashido and Kaminari looking dead tired. 'I wonder how they did? I know Iida helped them, but they are kinda lacking in books marts(they went to Iida since Yaoyorozu couldn't help them in this one).' "Get dressed in your hero costumes and meet me outside by the buses." We do as Mr. Aizawa asks and meet him near a bunch of buses with him and the other teachers around. "Hello everyone." Principal Nezu pops out of Mr. Aizawa's capture gear to surprise everyone. "Now I am sure you all have heard of what we are most likely doing for our final exams." "Heck yeah, robots are a piece of cake with me!" "Well after some talk, we decided to advance our final exams with teams of two students facing the faculty. Isn't that exciting!?"

There was a silent pause until many of us shouted at this. "WHAT?!" "Allow me to explain. You all will be paired in teams of two and facing a teacher that we have chosen for you. When facing them, you all will have one of two options to do. You will either capture one of us by placing a pair of cuffs on us, or reach past a goal post within 30 minutes. The scenario is that you are the first heroes on a scene and need to handle the situation as getting backup or defeating the threat yourself." "But your all pros, wouldn't escape be our only option?" Todoroki says making all of us think on this. "WE SHALL BE WEARING SPECIAL WEIGHTS TO LIMIT OUR SPEED TO HALF WHAT IT IS YOUNG TODOROKI!" All Might steps up and starts putting them on to show. "Now that that is said, let's say who is facing who(everyone is paired as they are in canon)."

When the teams were said, I found out I was with Kaachan for him to just scoff at me like he despised the idea. "Each match will start after the last one ends. Everyone that is not starting their match, please make your way to the observation room." We do as Principle Nezu says and walk into the observation room. Once inside, we notice the Alatsuki standing and looking towards the monitor. "It would appear that Kirishima is first to go among you." Mr. Pain states this without even looking towards us. "So Kakuzu, what do ya thinks gonna happen with your disciple?" Mr. Hidan asks this while pulling Mr. Kakuzu into a headlock. "Touch me again filthy zombie and I will kill you." The bell rings to show Kirishima and Sato start punching the cement walls Cementos was sending at them.

"Amazing." "Their holding their own against Cementos's attacks." "But for how long can they do this?" We watch this happen for about 20 minutes before the two of them start losing ground. 'I figured. You can't just terminator it you two.' I notice something right where Cementos was before a hand comes out to grab him and bring him neck deep into the ground. "What the!?" Kirishima comes out of the ground smiling. "Sato, Cementos is down." Everyone was amazed as the Kirishima that was next to Sato melt into mud. "An earth clone, why didn't I think about that as possible?' "The team of Kirishima and Sato have passed their final exam." The buzzer shouted this with all of us impressed with Kirishima wearing a sleeveless version of the Alatsuki cloak opened.

Before the start of the exam Kirishima POV:

Me and Sato start talking about what we're gonna do. "If we go at him full throttle, there's no way he can take us on!" I wanted to agree with him, but I start remembering Mr. Kakuzu's words. 'Kirishima, do not always believe going head first into a battle will always work. Sometimes when you need to take someone down, you need to step back and look at the reality of the situation.' His words echo in my head as I think on our situation. "Sato, Cementos has the advantage in the city." "Wait, what do you mean?" "Cementos can use any kind of cement to fight. Frontal may not work as well as we want it to be." "Ok, so how do you think we should do this then?" I think on it before remembering a few tricks I learned. I used my hand signs to make a Jutsu. "Earth style: Earth Clone Jutsu." As I make the clone, Sato looks at me a little confused. "Leave Cementos to me. Make sure to keep his attention on you for this to work though." He nods before the buzzer starts.

As my clone and Sato left for a frontal approach, I went around a little. It took longer to get near the entrance, but I got close enough to where I could work what I thought. 'Ok, time for phase two.' I started to use ninjitsu to dig under the ground. Once I was directly under Cementos, I started my second phase. "What the!?" "Earth style: Headhunter Jutsu!" I pulled him into the ground before getting out with Cementos unable to move. "I can't move." "Not bad right? Headhunter Jutsu was one of the few that Mr. Kakuzu taught me. Thanks to that, I was able to get some ideas on how to revamp some of my ideas." Sato ran over with the buzzer saying we won. "Impressive work Kirishima. Here I thought you two were going to do a straight forward method." "We thought about it and probably would've if Mr. Kakuzu didn't advise against always going in guns blazing." I started to pull Cementos out as we went back to the others. 'Don't worry Mr. Kakuzu sir, you picked the right man to be your disciple. I'll be the best person to succeed you when the time comes sir. Until then, I promise I'll never let you down as long as I can help it.'

And that finishes this chapter folks. Sorry if it's a little short, but this will be the only of the final exams that will have significant change compared to canon. Next chapter will start Izuku and Bakugou's final exam with them both fighting All Might. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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