Izuku vs Ochako

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Izuku POV:

I began to wait in the room with my nerves on edge. "*sigh* So it's me and Ocha in the final round. Kinda anticipated us having to fight in this, but that doesn't make this easier." I think on this before the door opens to Ocha walking in. "Oh, sorry Izu. I thought this was my waiting room." "Don't worry about it." I start to smile at her with something bugging both of us. "Do you mind if we talk?" "Your worried about us facing each other, aren't you." She nods with me standing up to walk towards her. I wrap my arms around her before giving her a kiss on the lips. "No matter what happens, I want you to know that I still love you. I don't care who wins first between us. All I care about is the fact your ok with who would win." She starts to laugh a bit at me when I say this. "That's such a cliche thing to say Izu." "But it's true." "That's why it's funny."

She stops laughing after a few minutes before looking at me in the eyes. "I want you to treat me like any other opponent so far today. No matter who wins, I want to know how far we can push each other as heroes in training." I nod at her with a smile. "Just to make it interesting, how about winner does one thing the loser asks without hesitation." "Deal, but don't think I'll go easy on you just because your my boyfriend." "I wouldn't dream of it. Same can be said to you. I'm not gonna hold punches back in this." Ocha puts her head on mine and smiles at me. "No holds bar, let everything loose." "Yeah."

3rd Person POV:

"ALRIGHT FOLKS, TIME FOR THE FINAL ROUND TO START!" "I wish you would not scream everything with me next to you." Pain states this with an irritated look while Mic starts to sweat at remembering what he had done to him earlier in the day. "ON ONE SIDE, WE HAVE THE MASTER OF ORIGAMI. CLASS 1-A'S REP, IZUKU MIDORIYA! AND ON THE OTHER, WE HAVE THE WOMAN OF SOUND AND GRAVITY HERSELF. CLASS 1-A'S VICE REP, OCHAKO URARAKA!" Both Izuku and Ochako walk into the ring and stretch a little before tightening their headbands around their heads. "No holds bar Izu." "Right back at ya Ocha." "BEGIN!"


Right off the bat, both close the distance between them to start an intense brawl. Each threw fists at the other with them being caught and countered immediately. Their speed was immense with people in the audience barely able to keep up. In an effort to gain ground, both jumped back with the crowd speechless. 

"Uh, you mind telling us what's going on God?" Pain only watches and smirks as the two fighters take a stance again. "In the time I've known these two, they have fought more times than any of us can remember in training. But today is a day they can go all out. What you are witnessing is years of hellish training put into fruition here." Both Izuku and Ochako head back in with them both holding kunai to add to this brawl. The sound of knuckles and metal clashing together made the entire audience watch carefully to see neither side losing their edge. Both begin to channel chakra into their blades ends to create wind and lighting infused weapons. As they clashed, wind pressure was sent out by them for the people in the front row to feel it. "THIS IS INTENSE FOLKS! WHAT DID YOU FEED THESE KIDS GOD!?" "As I have said, this is the fruits of their training. But we are merely scraping the surface." Once both blades broke on the two of them, they began to smirk before making hand signs."

"Water Style, Water Dragon Jutsu!" "Fire Style Flaming Dragon Jutsu!" Both released a dragon shaped beast at the other with steam covering the field. "Wind Style, Wind Cyclone Jutsu!" The steam is immediately pulled out by blades of wind coming at Ochako. She immediately uses sharingan to dodge and close the gap between her and Izuku to enter into another heated brawl of fists. This time, Izuku was able to get a punch to her gut with Ochako landing a kick to his face. They both get back to get a little air and cool their breathing. As they do, Izuku spits blood from his mouth with Ochako cracking her knuckles. "Now this is the type of fight I like." "Hmmm, I was thinking the same thing." Both laugh as they go right back to producing hand signs. "Fire Style, Fireball Jutsu!" "Earth Style, Earth Dragon Bullet!" Ochako releases a fireball of monstrous size with Izuku making an earth dragon head to spit bullet like pieces of earth at it. The act makes the fireball implode and send earth pieces everywhere.

Both start to crack a smile at the other before they speak. "You getting tired Ocha?" "In your dreams. But I think we may have to call it with this last technique." Both begin to take strange stances with them thinking back on a time before the tournament.

About 2 weeks ago

"Today you both will work on mastering one of these two techniques." Pain begins to show them what they are with both Izuku and Ochako smiling at them. "Ochako, you will take the first one since your lightning complements it well. Izuku will take the second since it requires much focus and restrain that he seems to discipline himself in. I will say to you both, these moves are very powerful and very dangerous even by our standards. Do not use them unless it is on us, the other who is using theirs, or an opponent with absolutely no chance of winning without." "Yes sir." Both of them bow as they start the lesson.

Back to present

Ochako starts to make a few hand signs with lightning coming out of her hand in immense power. 'Focus as much chakra in your hand, then add your lightning nature element to it.'

Meanwhile, Izuku is putting a rather large amount of chakra into his hands in a rotating pattern. 'Focus Chakra in one hand in a spiraling motion while simultaneously adding more spin and chakra with your other.'

"Get ready Ocha, cause I can't hold it anymore!" "Me neither!" Both go charging at the other with intent to hit the other with their attack. "CHIDORI/RASENGAN!" Both hit the others attack with intense force to make a blinding light. "THIS IS CRAZY!" Everyone in the stands starts to lose sight of what's going on with some scared beyond belief for the two. "WHAT KIND OF JUTSU'S ARE THESE!?" "I CAN'T SEE!" The crowd notices a small bit of light come charging out of the area with some taking cover knowing what it is. Theirs a silence as a loud sonic boom is done to make Cementos, Midnight, and Kakuzu get sent flying into walls. "Kakuzu, report!" Kakuzu makes his way out of the hole that he made in the wall with his head still shaken a bit. He looks at the stadium with unease from the clash that was just done. 'What kind of monsters did you and Konan train boss?'

Once the smoke clears, Ochako and Izuku are standing where they were with both their hands burned and broken. Their hair covers their eyes as both start to lose balance. As the thud is heard, Kakuzu announces the winner. "BOTH ARE UNABLE TO CONTINUE! THE FINAL MATCH IS A DRAW!" The crowd stays silent as they do not know what to believe with what they saw. Once a minute goes by, people start shouting in excitement as they had seen one of the best showdowns in UA's sports festival for a very long time. "AND THERE YOU HAVE IT FOLKS! URARAKA AND MIDORIYA WERE TOO EVENLY MATCHED WITH IT ENDING IN A DRAW!" Medic bots come to the field to bring them both to the infirmary with nobody more speechless on their actions but Bakugo. 'They both were hiding this fucking move the entire time!?' He begins to growl as he heads into the hallway. "They've been holding back this entire time! They think their better than me enough to give me a fucking handicap!"

Izuku POV:

I start to wake up to the feeling of Kurama healing my injuries. "Urgh, what happened?" "You used the last of your chakra in the rasengan. Your's and Ochako's wounds should be healed now." Kurama says this while I get up to see Ocha regain consciousness as well. "Mnn, five more minutes Izu. I wanna sleep more." "I'm afraid that wont work Ochako." Ms. Konan walks in with a bit of a satisfying smirk on her. "Nicely done to you both. Nobody in the stadium could even put a candle to your match to anything this school has ever shown. This will definitely go down in UA history as one of the best matches they've seen to date." Me and Ocha smile at this before thanking her. "Thanks for the complement, but can you answer us a question?" "You wish to know who is the victor I presume." Me and Ocha nod yes for her to smile. "It was a draw. You both passed out and fell to the floor at the same time for nobody to tell who won." "Aww man, and I was looking forward to that bet we had!"

Ms. Konan looks at us confused before I answer. "We made a bet that winner does one thing the loser wants as a way to make it up to them." "A pity. But if you would like, I can treat you both to a nice grill top dinner today." Ms. Konan pulls out a large bit of cash with a smile. "Thanks to your draw, I won a rather large slum of money that I would be more than happy to treat you both on a job well done today on." Ocha and me look at each other and smile. "Sure." We answer in unison with Mr. Pain coming in now. "I was wondering when you'd both wake up. Nicely done you two, now you must head out for the reward ceremony." We start to get out of the beds to make it to the ceremony before they start calling them.

Pain POV:

Once the children leave, Konan looks at me a little worried. "You heard as well, didn't you." "...The hero killer got Ingenium. Ida may do something foolish." I ponder on this before heading back to the announcer booth. 'If there was some way I could keep that boy in my line of sight, perhaps we can stop him from doing something he may live just long enough to regret.' "Mr. Pain, I had heard your disciples had tied for first place. You and Ms. Konan must be very proud of them." I begin to look up a bit to see principal Nezu. "Sir, I have a favor I must ask." "And what might that be?" "I'd like to offer the students a chance to learn under Akatsuki members to try and make a next generation of them." "That is quite a request. I cannot allow you to take all the students however." "Then allow us to take 20 under our wings." Nezu begins to ponder this before answering. "Very well. We shall discuss the finer details over tea later. I recently had obtained a fantastic flavor of Ginger root if you would like to try." "That sounds quite nice sir. I would enjoy a cup after today's events." 'This may work.'

3rd person POV:

"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce your winners of today's events!" As Kakuzu states this, three podiums rise up in different heights to indicate the places. "Considering the final match ended in a draw, we had a small match done beforehand to indicate second place among our two third place contestants. Now to give the medals away are three members of the Akatsuki." On Que, Sasori, Hidan, and Konan come out holding the medals of different places. "In third place, we have Ibara Shiozaki." Walking up to the podium, Hidan puts the medal around Shiozaki's neck. "Nice job kid, your work payed off to get you here. Though still a little rough around the edges, your future looks pretty bright if you keep this up." Shiozaki smiles at her mentors kind words and nods at him. "Thank you sir."

"In second place, we have Momo Yaoyorozu." Sasori comes to the podium with the medal to place it around her neck. "Nicely done Yaoyorozu. Though not a puppet master yet, you've proven that dedicating yourself to your discipline gives you the ability to grow stronger. Though you lost, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Keep at your dedication, and you will be able to surpass what you couldn't today." "Thank you Mr. Sasori." Yaoyorozu bows to her master with Sasori smirking at her. "Now for the final medals. In first, we have a tie between Ochako Uraraka and Izuku Midoriya." Konan flies to the top and looks at the two with a bit of a smile. "Congratulations to you both. Though you have won today, that does not give you reason to skip out on your training. Grow stronger, for those here today will not accept being second to you forever." "Yes mam." They bow as Konan puts the medals around both of them. Before standing straight, Konan whispers in both their ears. "Hard to believe you both are those children I helped over 10 years ago."

She gets down off the podium with Kakuzu saying a few final words. "Those of you that have not won today, this spot could be yours so long as you put the effort for it forth. Now to end this, lets all chant this. Go beyond." Everyone in the stadium shouts this last part with excitement. "PLUS ULTRA!" As the final part of the festival draws to an end, the students are told they have the next two days off to recuperate. While leaving, Bakugo stops Ochako and Izuku in a fit of rage. "What the fuck was that last move about you assholes!?" "Kaachan, please just accept the loss and work harder next ti-" "YOU'VE BEEN GOING SOFT ON ME, HAVEN'T YOU!?" Izuku finally had enough of Bakugo's constant arguments to finally say something. "Yes, we have. Do you know why? Because you can't handle us at full power! If we did fight you full force, we would kill you in a heartbeat! Now if were done, I have something I need to do! Now get out of my way before I knock you out of my way Katsuki!" Izuku was enraged at Bakugo. Bakugo was enraged at Izuku and Ochako. After a stare down of about 5 minutes, Bakugo leaves in a fit of anger with Izuku and Ochako leaving in the other direction.

Izuku POV:

I was enraged at Kaachan. Not only did he want to pick a fight with us, he was angered that we were caring enough to keep him from getting badly hurt. That last attack could've killed me or Ocha if either of us were a second late. But he only saw it as us going easy on him. It enraged me to no end that he wanted us to fight him seriously enough where we could easily kill him. It defied what me and Ocha sought out to do with our talents. "Izu, are you ok?" I felt Ochako's hand on my shoulder to see her worried. I take a breath before answering. "Yeah, Kaachan just ticked me off a little too much there." "Don't let him get to you. He's not worth it." I smile at her before bringing her into my arms to kiss her. "Your right, now lets see if this trick works."

We make our way down to a training field with Ms. Konan waiting for us. "Your both late." "Sorry, Kaachan was keeping us." I walk over to the tailed beasts behind Ms. Konan to kneel down to Kurama. "May I?" He nods before getting on my shoulder to pass his chakra into me. "So what is the plan?" "Well in theory, I'm gonna try to summon a tailed beast with Kurama's chakra. If I can, we can maybe summon two at a time to speed up the process with less struggle for me." "Just remember, I'm only doing this for our goal. I have no care if you die during it." Kurama looks away with me smirking a bit. 'Of course you don't.' I begin the process like normal with producing the hand signs before slamming my hand on the ground "Summoning Jutsu!" A puff of smoke appears with it dissipating to reveal what looked like a giant monkey.

"I am Son Goku. You who have summoned me, state your name and your business." "Son Goku, my name is Izuku Midoriya and I have summoned you to return to the world as requested by your tailed beast brethren." He begins to pull on his beard a bit before answering. "So you are the one Kurama stated to bring us back to this world. Very well, you have my thanks Izuku Midoriya. Now allow me to help you where I can as a form of gratitude." I bow at Son Goku as a way to thank him. "Thank you very much for your offer." 'That's four down, five to go.'

And that finishes this chapter folks. Now the next one shall show some differences with how the internships will happen. I'll get more into them when that time comes. Also, Bakugo's rage will get worse from here at Izuku and Ochako realizing how much their holding back. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading.

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