Three Man Squads

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What's up guys. As always when I find some interesting song parodies of anime's I'm fond of, I find a way to incorporate them in my stories. Up above is a song made by 20 different people on youtube that deserve respect for this. Now, onto the story.

Izuku POV:

After the few days off of school that we had, UA began to return to their normal routines. As always, me and Ocha are heading to class together along with the quartet of tailed beasts. We were having a normal conversation about nothing significant but to pass the time before an arm stops us."*slam*" I look over to see Kaachan blocking our way. "Hey Kaachan, any chance you could let us through please." He glared at me with anger before answering. "And what if I don't feel like it?" 'Ok, he's a bit more of a dick today than normal.' "Bakugo, please just let us-" "Stay the fuck out of this bitch!" I began to get angrier now with him calling Ocha a bitch. "Kaachan, you have two options right now. Get out of the way willingly, or I make you get out of the way." "And how are you gonna do that Deku? With that weak ass trick that the punk rock imitator and your bitch mom taught you." "Can't you just admit when you were beat and move on?" "I'LL MOVE ON WHEN I PROVE I'M BETTER THAN YOU AND YOUR FUCKING CU-" "If you finish that sentence, I will personally show you hell Bakugo."

We look behind us to see Ms. Konan with some other students behind her. "Back away Bakugo and let everyone pass. Your making a line form." He starts to clench his fists before walking away. "This isn't over Deku. I'm gonna beat you and prove I'm better than your lame ass. Once I'm done, not even your slut of a girlfriend will want a weak bitch like you!" He walks out of the way with all of us rather irritated. "He isn't letting the sports festival go, is he?" "Not even close." Both me and Ocha answer in unison being a little tired of Bakugo's attitude so early in the morning. "Pity, he could be a good hero if he gets that ego of his under control." We nod before heading to class to avoid being late.

In class

Once we all began to sit down, Mr. Aizawa came through the door with almost no bandages on. "Good morning class." "Good morning Mr. Aizawa." "Nicely done to you all in the sports festival. Now, today for hero informatics period, we will be doing something a little different." Everyone stayed quiet not knowing what will happen. "We will be coming up with hero names for you all." Everyone immediately went into cheers as we heard this. "Shut up!" We immediately stopped when Mr. Aizawa shouted at us. "Anyway, this is because you all will be going on work place experience next week. On the board will be the draft picks at the moment."

Midoriya 4,381
Uraraka 4,327
Yaoyorozu 3,600
Todoroki 3,301
Tokoyami 360
Ida 301
Bakugo 281
Kaminari 272
Kirishima 68
Sero 14

Me and Ocha smiles at the look of what we were able to achieve before a certain someone blew up in a fit. "I JUST GOT MORE THAN DIPSHIT!?" Before Kaachan could blow up his desk, Mr. Aizawa erased his quirk and glared at him. "Think where you all went wrong in the sports festival, these picks aren't permanent. An agency can give or take an offer away within your time here, so do not assume these are set in stone if you didn't show much potential this year." Kaachan sat down with himself still enraged. "Also, there will be a small test run for a few of you." We stopped to listen to Mr. Aizawa. "The underground hero group known as the Akatsuki wish to do a internship with some first years under them. To make this simple, each members will work with two of you at once and that will be your work place study. Those part of this will start theirs this afternoon instead of hero course training today onward until everyone else does theirs. Once that happens, you will be spending your full day working with them like everyone else would." 'So were basically having a work study starting in the afternoon for a week before spending the next week doing our actual. Sounds interesting.' "These are the 20 the Akatsuki have chosen."

God: Izuku Midoriya and Tenya Ida
Angel: Ochako Uraraka and Katsuki Bakugo
C-4(Deidara):Kyoka Jiro and Mina Ashido
Puppet Master: Momo Yaoyorozu and Itsuka Kendo
Illusion: Shoto Todoroki and Denki Kaminari
Shark: Tsuyu Asui and Pony Tsunotori
Undead: Ibara Shiozaki and Fumikage Tokoyami
Stitches: Ejiro Kirishima and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Snake: Setsuna Tokage and Kinoko Komori
Kuro Shiro: Hitoshi Shinso and Shihai Kuroiro

"If you see your name up here, report to the teachers lounge after lunch." "FUCK THAT, CHANGE ME AND THE NERD! I'M NOT TRAINING WITH SOME BITCH AND THE LOSERS MOTHER!" "These decisions aren't up for debate Bakugo." Mrs. Konan walks into the room with Midnight while declining Kaachan's request. "Even if it was possible, I was the only person that was willing to give you an offer among the Akatsuki. Believe me when I say, the absolute only reason why I put the suggestion in for you is because your mother asked me to help you train." "FUCK THIS! WHO NEEDS TO BE TRAINED BY AN OLD HAG LIKE YOU ANYWAY!?" "And this 'old hag' as you call me is not a fan of it either. In all honesty, I would rather anyone in this room besides you. To me, you have failed to see the fact you lost to your classmates who beat you by putting forth more effort to their training than you. Jutsu's aren't something you can just 'pick up' like your quirks. They take time, commitment, and discipline before you can even think of using them. The combination of those in Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, Shiozaki, and Midoriya's training is proof of how far they've gone in the festival. Now your given the opportunity to learn how to do this as well. So either keep quiet and learn, or accept your second best to them."

Kaachan didn't say anything after that. "Now that were all settled down, Midnight and myself are here to help with your hero names. These names are your code names for when your on the field, so make sure it's one you will easily know and can relate to you. Though these are not set in stone, you could be forced to have this name for the rest of your carer. Please do not take this lightly." They began to pass out dry erase boards and markers with us taking a few minutes before someone went up. "What have you come up with for us Aoyama?" He holds his board up with his name. "I cannot stop twinkling!" "That's a full sentence!" Midnight walks over to help with giving helpful criticism. "If you take the 'I' out and turn 'cannot' into 'can't', then it works." He was content with everyone amazed it passed. "My turn! My code name will be, The Alien Queen." Mina shows us with Ms. Konan walking up to her. "I think it would be best for you to reconsider. If you use that name, I don't think people will see you as a hero." "Dang it."

After a few more people, it came down to me, Ocha, Kaachan, and Ida. "King Explosion Murder." "That's a little too violent." "FINE! LORD EXPLOSION MURDER!" "Please think of a name that doesn't have murder in the title." He heads back with Ocha going next. "The gravity hero, Uravity." "Adorable." "Agreed." Ocha walked back with a huge smile on her face. Ida had gone next with using his real name with many of us confused why. 'Well, I guess I'm up next.' As I got to the podium, I held my name up for everyone to see. "So why'd you pick that name man?" "A while back, Ms. Konan and Mr. Pain told me a story of a man who wanted to change the world he lived in for the better and almost did. He may be gone, but his legacy lives on. Hearing his story made me want to honor him in some way since he is probably erased in time. So that's why my hero name has to be this. The origami hero, Yahiko." I could feel Ms. Konan's eyes look at me with a heart felt satisfaction knowing I'm honoring my biological father. To me, it felt like the right choice.

After lunch

Once lunch ended, me and Ocha went to the faculty lounge to meet the Akatsuki. When we arrived, everyone else was already there waiting until they finally showed up. "On behalf of our group, I would like to thank you all for coming here. Today starts the first possible step to your new life, please work hard." After Mr. Pain said this, we dispersed with the member who gave us the offer. "It is nice to formally meet you Ida. My name is Pain, or God for my hero name." "It is very nice to meet you God sir." He turns to the door while motioning for us to follow. We do so for us to walk up to the top of the roof.

"Ida, I know you wish revenge on the hero killer for what he had done to your older brother Ingenium. I will say this right now, I put my offer out to keep you from making a dangerous mistake. Under my eyes, you will not face the hero killer alone." Ida clenched his fists in anger. "That being said, we will visit Hosu to find the hero killer next week when the work studies officially start." "Wait, doesn't that contradict what you said sir?" "If you listened carefully, I said you won't face him 'alone'. I never said you would not face him." Mr. Pain turned to us to speak of his past a little. "When I was a little older than you, my friend died in my arms. We grew up in a hellish war we had no part in. But we managed and wished to change the world. Sadly, he never saw his dreams come to fruition and died because of me. In a fit of rage, I killed the ones responsible and purged our village of bloodshed. But in the end, I had became the one thing I loathed most in the world. A tool to procreate destruction and agony. Only after looking back after so many years passed by can I see what I've done as an atrocity I wish had never happened. I do not wish anyone to go down this path, so here we are."

Ida couldn't believe this. "I..I'm sorry sir. I wouldn't believe you'd know that type of pain." "It's alright. Now, we will be training over the week to prepare yourself for what will be ahead of us. When we engage the hero killer, he will not see a child in you. Be prepared for him to face you like any other pro." We nod with Mr. Pain bringing out a small tea set for us to drink. "Now, I believe we should know each other a little better Ida." "Yes sir." We sat down to begin talking about ourselves to each other.

With Deidara, Deidara POV:

"Ok ladies, today I'm gonna explain how this is gonna work. I'm gonna teach you all how to use chakra like your classmates, and hopefully one of you can learn my skill with explosives." "Yes sir." "This'll be so much fun!" I started to grab a small booklet out of my pocket before answering them. "Also, just Deidara is fine. I'm not into the whole fancy smancy title crap." "Hey Deidara sir?" "Just Deidara." "Sorry. Deidara, how can you make explosions?" "Excellent question Jiro. I have a 'certain talent' for explosions where I infuse chakra into my clay art pieces. This allows me to make an explosion similar to that of a C4 explosion. I can teach you a method similar to it, but my skill is one you'd have to be born with. Nothing personal, but I don't see either of you making an explosion superior to mine." "Kinda arrogant if you ask me." "Maybe, but that's how things are. In the meantime." I start to pass a few sweet buns to them. "How's about we learn of each other a little today before we begin anything."

With Sasori, Sasori POV:

After heading out of the teachers lounge, we found ourselves heading to a small room I use for maintenance since the USJ. "I apologize if it's a little messy. I've been a little busy to not clean up so well." I began to clear a table a little before putting on some tea while we chat. "Basically, this training will be more you both overcoming your own weaknesses and enhancing your strengths. Kendo, your quirk allows you to be a born natural in close to slight mid range combat with your martial arts playing a key role in fighting. Yaoyorozu, your quirk allows you to make anything for a good defense as a way to avoid your lack of combat training. Along with Crow, your are a long range genius in a term. Both of you are the others worst opponent if given the opportunity. So we are going to use that."

I begin to look over to Yaoyorozu. "During the semi final match in the sports festival, you lost because of your lack of close quarters maneuvering. This allowed Uraraka to come close and make your weightless to win. The first week will be used to train you to overcome someone when they get too close in while fighting. This will help you train to strengthen your weak points. It will also simultaneously aid in teaching Kendo how to handle an opponent that can keep her at a distance. The second week will be comprised of training you both in chakra use for Kendo and the possibility of using a second puppet for Yaoyorozu. Any questions?" Both of them shake their heads no. "Good, now lets learn a little of each other and ask questions to learn."

With Kakuzu, Kakuzu POV:

"Kirishima!" "Tetsutetsu!" "No way bro!" 'Why do I have to deal with overexcited teenagers?' "Listen up you two, we will be checking first off if either of you can use chakra. Once I know if either of you can, I can make a regimen for you both to follow tomorrow onwards." "Excuse me Stitches sir. I was wondering, what exactly is chakra and how can we use and not use it?" I look at Kirishima before answering his question. "It isn't a surprise you don't know. Chakra is a type of energy that exists in everything. Some humans have gained the ability to use this chakra in special forms such as the jutsu's your friends know. Though every living thing has chakra, not everyone can use and manipulate it. This has become far less over the centuries before the Akatsuki have come to your time. Though it is dying, it is not extinct yet. We are trying to revive it the best we can as a way for even the quirkless to be heroes if they desire."

The two of them started crying for some reason. "*sniffle* That's so manly Mr. Stitches sir!" "Yeah, beyond the call of duty sir!" 'Why do I have to put up with these two?' "Anyway, I chose the two of you because our fighting styles are not much different. However, I cannot make a proper training schedule until I can find out what your both capable of. So lets find out if you can use chakra and go from there." "Yes sir!" They both started to salute me with a fire in their eyes. 'That's what I like to see. A will to stand and fight.'

With Hidan, Hidan POV:

"Ok. I'm gonna train the two of you as best I can. I don't teach, so please be mindful if I'm not saying something right." "Understood Undead sir. Yeah man!" "You have my entire faith in you Mr. Hidan." Shiozaki started to bow to me with the feeling completely awkward to me. "Alright, first I guess we should learn of everyone. So how about we take the day to learn of your skills and make a training schedule for you all to help out." They nod at me with us taking a seat in an empty room. 'Teaching. Never thought I'd do something like this. I guess a purpose is still a purpose.'

With Itachi, Itachi POV:

"*sluuurrrp* *gulp*" "You are right Todoroki. Soba does taste much better with some seasonal vegetables accompanying it." "Thank you sir." We decided to take a seat in the cafeteria with Lunch Rush allowing us to use the kitchen to make a small meal since none of us really ate much for lunch. "So why did you choose us Illusion? Not that I don't mind, but seriously." "I chose the two of you because I was hoping one of you would learn and become my disciple as Izuku and Ochako are to Pain and Konan." "But why us man?" I take one more bit of soba before answering. "Kaminari, you could benefit from genjutsu if you could learn from it. Todoroki, your training to control your fire. Not easy since you have denied it for so many years. I can assist you both in either department since I am rather skilled with genjutsu and fire element chakra."

"What's genjutsu?" "Genjutsu is a type of jutsu that traps your opponent in an illusion that alters all five of their senses. How you can force someone into it can be done by a form of sight, smell, sound, touch, or taste. All you must do is infuse genjutsu into how you wish it, and your opponent will be ensnared into your illusion such as a fly trapped in a web." Todoroki began to shiver a bit at my statement. "I can tell you right now Kaminari from experience. Genjutsu is scary if used on you." "It is good to know you understand it's power firsthand, that will help you in the very near future."

With Kisame, Kisame POV:

Since 1-A had gone to their hero courses, I had brought the two that I was training there to chat. "It's nice to meet the two of you. Or again in Asui's case." "*strange noises*" "Samehada seems to be happy as well." Samehada started to walk over to Asui to perch itself near her. "Holy smokes! That sword started moving!" The girl Tsunotori started speaking another language for me to not understand what she said. But since she was looking at Samehada, I can kinda assume what she was saying. "Anyway, lets take today to learn each others strengths and weaknesses to try and learn how to work them in a regimen for the two of you. I will not lie, the path ahead will be viscous. Are you both ok with that?" They look at me with a determined look before nodding. "Always the answer I like to hear."

With Orochimaru, Orochimaru POV:

I had taken the two students to class 1-B since it was free to speak of their work study. "This work study will have you both learn of the world of shinobi. And if one of you excel enough with it, will be taught a bit more by me later on." "Awesome! I get to learn under Snake!" "I know. His medical knowledge and ability to move freely in battle is amazing." "Plus, he uses snakes! I freaking love today!" I began to slightly chuckle at Tokage's antic. "I take it you are a fan of snakes?" "Yeah, reptiles in general actually. I kinda feel like I relate to them because of my quirk." "Ah yes, your quirk allows you to dismember yourself and reform yourself. I can see why you would like them." I begin to look at them a little more serious. "The trial ahead of you will not be easy. If you wish to continue down this path, you will need to put your schools motto to the test every day. Do you still wish to do this?" "Yes sir." "We wouldn't be UA students if we couldn't go plus ultra, now would we?" "An answer I love to hear. Lets begin with learning the basics of chakra, shall we?"

With Zetsu, Zetsu POV:

"So why are we at a garden?" "It is a place I like to stay in to relax and clear my head sometimes. This is also where we'll meet up when you join us for training this week." Both students looked at me amazed before I answered. "Both sides of my face are two different entities entirely. We may be different, but we share a body. That means get used to it." "Ok, but why choose me? I'm a general studies student. I'm sure any hero department kid would be much better for you. No offense." "None taken." "I chose you both because I saw potential in you both. Whether your a hero course, gen ed, support, or business student, we had looked at all of you first years with unbiased minds to find any that stick out for us. If you want an honest answer, you were scouted by both Itachi and us. Count yourself lucky." Shinso began to have his eyes grow wide at this before I continued. "Today we will see if any of you can manipulate chakra and formulate a course of training after. When the two weeks are over, one of you will continue with me. That doesn't mean the one that doesn't got the short end either. Your both training under us to better yourselves, so you'll get what you can out of this depending on how hard you try." They both understood as we began our work.

With Konan, Konan POV:

I decided to take the children to my office since it would be the best spot to do this. "Allow me to explain how this will work. I will test Bakugo for his ability to use chakra. The regimen for the two weeks will depend entirely on that." "Like using some fucking weak ass thing will cause for-mmph!" I shut his mouth immediately with a bit of paper. "To be fair Bakugo, the amount of discipline to use jutsu's is substantial. The final move that your classmates used in the sports festival took immense levels of skill to use. If one was slightly off, they could've killed either one of them with no chance of survival." He does not listen and begins to glare at me. "You can glare all you wish, but that does not change the outcome of the sports festival. You were defeated with only martial arts from Uraraka while using a quirk. The sharingan she used only amplified base technique slightly in it's state." I start to pull the paper off of his face.

"We will begin this training tomorrow after I take a small sample of your blood to run the test." "Tch, whatever! Just do the fucking test so I can learn their lame shit and destroy the loser and his bitch!" I take the blood sample with Bakugo heading to the door after. "Where are you going?" "Training." "You can begin that tomorrow, I'd like to know how your combat training is do-" "I DON'T NEED THE HELP OF A FUCKING CUNT OF A HAG WITH HER SHITTY LOSER OF A SONS CUNT GIRLFRIEND! TOMORROW I'LL BE HERE FOR TRAINING SO I CAN PROVE I'M BETTER THAN FATASS!" He slams the door shut with my eye beginning to twitch a bit from his act. "Ms. Konan, are you ok? Your eyes twitching." "Never in my life has a person pushed my patience so far without me beating them to a bloody pulp. The last one that has is still in a hospital(A year ago, Konan found a molester attacking a child and kinda lost it on him. He spent 5 months in a coma, 3 eating out of a tube, and is still not fully healed. Don't mess with the woman).

"It's ok Ms. Konan, we can talk for the afternoon if you'd like?" I began to smile at this. "I would like that." We began to speak of Ochako's relationship with Izuku and how it's coming along. We even shared some rather humorous stories of our groups to get a few chuckles out of both of us. 'I hope Bakugo learns to calm his superiority complex sooner or later. He could become a great hero without it.'

And that finishes this chapter folks. So real quick for the whole work study with the Akatsuki. The work study will last 2 weeks with the first being only afternoons like hero training. Each person will learn something with one of the two becoming similar to Izuku and Ochako as disciples of that Akatsuki member. They will also have authorization to use quirks in battles so long as the Akatsuki member is there. This was due to Konan and Pain filing paperwork for this. Next chapter will introduce the Stain arc with some differences. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading.

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