Prodigys collide

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Ignore Iida in the pic above. I couldn't find a better pic with just Todoroki and Tsu or them with Izuku and Ochako in it. Anyway, enjoy.

Ochako POV:

As we kept moving, Izu kept glancing back worried for our friends. "They're going to be fine. I understand you're worried, but we need to have faith our friends can handle this." "I know, but it doesn't make the fact we had to do this any less painful." "Just be calm Midoriya, they'll be alright." "Todoroki's right *ribbit*. We need to hold out hope that they can do what they have to." I understood where Izu was coming from. Leaving our friends behind one after another isn't something I wanted to do, but we had no choice. 'I just hope they're ok.' While worrying, I started to hear something come at us. 'Sharingan!'

I immediately grabbed what was coming at us to notice it looked like some kind of beehive arrow or something. "The heck?" "Seems that it's not gonna be easy to take you all on like this. No matter, I've got plenty to attack you all with." We looked to the source of the voice to see a guy with six arms aiming a second arrow at us.

"DIE!" He sent giant arrow at us for Todoroki to create some cover for us. "That was a close one." "You have no idea." Izuku began to pull out a kunai prepared to fight before Tsu and Todoroki held their hands out. "We got this guy." "...What?" "We can handle him so you two can keep going *ribbit*. Their goal here is to stall us for some reason. I don't know why, but it's to keep us from reaching Bakugou with constantly putting them in our way." "I'm not leaving more of you behind." "Midoriya, you're probably the only person right now that can reach Bakugou. You don't have much of a choice." Izu understood with grabbing my hand to get us to leave. "You better survive this." We started running with Todoroki melting the ice to see before sending a few ice attacks. "I don't plan to die here."

3rd person POV:

Once Izuku and Ochako ran off, the six armed creature aimed at them prepared to attack. "Nobody runs away from Kidomaru." Before he let go, he was hit by a water bullet to change is aim to hit a tree a little to the right of the two he was aiming at. "Don't confuse yourself, we're your opponents." "Heh, you're that willing to die?" Kidomaru aimed another arrow he pulled out of his mouth at Todoroki to only be stopped by shemehada hitting him from behind. The impact forced the spiderlike monstrosity to begin falling before shooting a web from his mouth to get his footing on another tree. "So you've got a fancy sword huh, guess you all are more dangerous than I thought." Tsu jumped down towards Todoroki for the two of them to prepare for their next assault.

"Long and close range, not an easy feat to beat." "If you surrender now, we won't have to kill you." Kidomaru began biting his thumb before making a few handsigns with one of his sets of arms creating web. "Summoning Jutsu!" In an instant, the two found themselves surrounded by spiders of rather large proportions by the hundreds. "This guy can make webs and arrows out of his mouth, has six arms, and can summon spiders. This isn't going to be good." A swarm of spiders went at Todoroki's back to be smashed by Shemehada. "Keep focused *ribbit*, those threads are more like chakra strings with those arrows being made of the same fiber." More spiders came at them for Todoroki to try and freeze them in place. This worked on many, but  some were able to get through with Tsu making quick work of them.

"The girls smart, and the boy has talent with battle tendencies and handling the situation around him. I wonder how they'll handle this." Kidomaru pulled a string to release multiple weapons made of the same compound as the arrows from before. Todoroki was able to block them with Kidomaru appearing behind him. His attack was deflected by Tsu for the most part with only two of his arms being used for this. "That sword isn't easy to go toe to toe with for me, but it's not invincible!" Two of his other arms came at the frog girls head to be blocked by her forearm being brought up. They pierced through and nearly to to her head if Todoroki didn't create an ice spike to force Kidomaru back. "This guy's good." Tsu started pulling the weapons out of her forearm with Shamehada coming over to heal her with it's chakra. "Shamehada can do that?" "Yeah, it's one of it's strange powers." Once she was fully healed, Tsu looked at her friend with telling him an idea she has.

"You both seem to be content gossiping, let's see how you handle this." Kidomaru pulled another thread for kunai to attack them on both sides. "Hang on Tsu!" Todoroki created a pillar of ice for them to get out of the way with more spiders coming at them. "I've got this. Water Style: Super Exploding Water Shockwave!

The tsunami kept the spiders in the water preventing them from going far in. Taking advantage of her mobility in water, Tsu went to find their opponent with trying to discover where he was hiding. 'This isn't good. We need to find him fast before something bad happens.' As if on Que, an enormous arrow came at Tsu to pin her to a tree by her shoulder. "AAAHHH!" Todoroki heard the shout to see his friend pinned with her shoulder pierced clean through by an arrow. "Show yourself!" "Now why would I do that? All you two have is the ability to take me on in the open. While I can stay where I am and not have to worry about being hit." Kidomaru pulled another arrow in his bow aiming at one of the two. "Now should I disable you, or finish the frog girl?" Tsu started to squirm to get off the arrow with the pain making it no good. "Die frog."

An arrow came at the two with Todoroki thinking he was aiming at Tsu. "STOP! IT'S NOT ME HE'S AIMING AT!" The arrow came directly at Todoroki with him barely able to evade. The act however, made the arrow cut clean through the left side of his torso. A massive explosion was heard after this with him realizing that he'd be nothing if it hit head on. "AHAHAHA! YOU'RE MORE PATHETIC THAN I THOUGHT! A FROG THAT CAN'T MOVE, AND SOME EMO KID WHO CAN BARELY FIGHT ME! WHY WAS I SCARED!?" Todoroki began searing his injury shut with his quirk while trying to find his opponent. "I can't lose here. I need to stop this guy."

During the Work Study with Todoroki

"Todoroki, I shall show you genjutsu today." "Yes sir." During the work study, Todoroki had learned several things about the way of the shinobi from his teacher Itachi. One of the more notable he had obtained from him, was the use of genjutsu. "Now it is imperative to learn how this works. Genjutsu interacts with one of the five senses. The one's I specialize in are sight and touch. Once they are under, I can create an illusion for them. One of my most skilled illusions is thanks to my Sharingan. This technique is known as Tsukuyomi." "What makes this one so special?" "I can trap someone in a mindscape where they will be forever tortured for what seems like an eternity, but will only last seconds in the real world. All I must do is have them look into my eyes." Todoroki thought on this before asking. "Why tell me this jutsu if I can't use it?" "Learning of other forms of how to do something can help make something different for you. The way to use it is simple, but it is easy to evade by just not looking at my eyes."

After this, Todoroki began to create illusions the best he can on people in the city making it seem like him and his teacher were not on patrol by thinking they were invisible. He was having some problems until Itachi explained to him that sometimes it's best to make subtle illusions that are nearly impossible to understand someone is under an illusion. The goal here was to understand genjutsu is only as powerful as the strength of the illusion and the naivety of your opponent to not realize you're under it. These words were taken to heart trying to think of the best idea that the bicolored hair boy could think in situations.

Back to present

'Just gotta stick to the plan. Keep his attention on me.' Todoroki began using handsigns before heading into the forest. "Wind Style: Wind Scythe Jutsu!" Todoroki sent a massive slash of wind out to cut most of the trees down while seeing Kidomaru drop down trying to regain his composure. 'He has wind style!?' He avoided falling before sending a few arrows to Todoroki who had picked up Shamehada to charge at the spiderlooking freak. As the blade noticed it was Todoroki instead of Tsu, it pierced his hands attempting to have him release it to which Todoroki refused. "I know I'm not Tsu, but you need to accept me for now. If you don't, she pays the consequences." The sword understood to stop poking Todoroki for him to slam the blade into Kidomaru sucking as much of his chakra away as possible.

"You BRAT!" In retaliation, Kidomaru used the arrow he made to pierce through Todoroki's stomach for him to vomit blood and fall back. "Not so tough now, are you kid?" Kidomaru was panting in exhaustion while feeling his shoulder bleed from the attack. "Filthy brat, I'm going to enjoy killing you." He pulled a kunai made of what was left of his chakra to hold it towards Todoroki's neck. "Water Style: Water Prison Jutsu." Kidomaru immediately found himself in a prison of water to look behind him. "YOU DAMNED BRAT! HOW ARE YOU-" He took notice of a slice through Tsu's shoulder then turned to see the Tsu on the arrow for it to begin to fade. "What the?" "*cough* My teacher was right. The greatest illusion *pant* is the one that is the most subtle and one that plays on your foes naivety." "So that was the trick. Very well, both of you are lacking in power now. It's only a matter of time until your water prison drops and you both are defenseless." Tsu gritted her teeth while remembering her mentors words from her work study.

Flashback to the work study with Tsu

One night after a bit of hard training, Tsu, Kisame, and Tsunatori were sitting outside watching the moon. "Hey Mr. Kisame, why do the Akatsuki kill?" Tsunatori looked at Tsu a bit surprised for this question while she explained. "I know it might be an off question, but I was curious since you all don't seem to have a problem with it." Kisame took a sip of his tea before placing it to his side. "This world, is full of lies. You can never understand how full of lies it truly is until you look at yourself and say that your comrades are your enemies. When I was younger and before joining the Akatsuki, I was part of a special division under a special warrior known as one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. Shemehada's original owner. One mission forced me to kill my comrades in order to keep secrets. This only made me realize the dark truth of the world later when I realized the man I worked under was giving secrets away the entire time." "What did you do"

Kisame looked at the moon while answering. "I killed him, then took Shemehada along with his title. After, I found out that what I was doing after to help show truth to the world was endangering the very village and the secrets it kept. I fully believed I was doing right, but maybe that was just a lie I told myself. Even now though, I believe I was right for all my actions." "So is that why you kill?" "Kinda. *sigh* You cannot gain anything in this world without sacrificing something. Your morals, your will, your safety, all of that can be put on the line when you wish to achieve something. In our case, we sacrifice those who have no redemption whatsoever even if we tried and our self image for this society to stay afloat. We willingly take this foul reputation of ours so that this society can keep going. It isn't a pleasant mantle to have, but somebody has to have it." "So you all decided this *ribbit*?" "Who better than some people who already have blood on their hands." Kisame stood up while walking back inside the hotel they were staying at. "I won't say holding a moral code not to kill isn't a good thing to have, but knowing when that code can't be kept is just as important."

Back to present

"No, you won't get us." Tsu made a few handsigns before placing her hands on the large ball of water. "Summoning Jutsu." In a puff of smoke, two sharks were seen in the orb of water circling Kidomaru. "What are you doing? Get these sharks out of here!" "Now, time for a frenzy." Todoroki spat blood into the ball of water to make the sharks go into a crazed blood fueled feeding frenzy to rip Kidomaru limb from limb hearing him scream as it happened. Midway through it, the water was stained red making it impossible to see what happened until the water prison burst with only the blood stained water left. "It's over." Tsu fell frontwards with Todoroki laying back in pain. He tried to sear his injuries shut the best he could, but eventually lost consciousness. Shemehada came over to Tsu to heal her injuries with her not far off from passing out with Todoroki.

Meanwhile, in the secret laboratory

As the procedure neared it's end, Momoshiki looked at his final two reborn beings that had been modified  before preparing to send them. "There are two more that are left, it's your job to stall them for the final amount of time we need. Kimimaru, you go first." "Yes." A dinosaur looking creature ran out of the facility to meet the two while a man with long black hair waited for approval. "In ten minutes, you meet them as well. As a former member of the Hyuga clan, I expect great things from you."

And that finishes this chapter. With the events of what happened now going on, how will Izuku and Ochako manage against the two last lines of defense. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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