Undead Zombie Duo

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Izuku POV:

We kept moving with some explosions being heard from behind us. 'This can't be good.' "Midoriya, you think our guys can handle their fights back there?" I looked forward and began shaking my head to get my attention out of worrying for them. "If they couldn't, they wouldn't be members in the next gen Akatsuki." "He does have a point there. Our comrades have powers we haven't fully seen yet. I have faith in them." Shiozaki reassured me and Kirishima as we kept heading out. Along the way, we were attacked by two Nomu that looked like exact clones of themselves.

"This is as far as you all go." "Great, Nomu that can talk(Never heard Tayuya talk)." We got in fighting stances with Kirishima going ahead to punch one, and Shiozaki pulling the other down below. "We got this, you all go on ahead!" I nodded with the two taking the twin monsters before the four of us head out. "Courageous to attack us, but foolish." "You won't be thinking that when we kick your asses." "Your deaths shall be done by gods divine punishment."

3rd person POV:

Kirishima used his hardening quirk to send his Nomu down to the ground with Shiozaki following not long after. The two Nomu charged at them with Shiozaki drawing a circle under her. "I can manage getting one, get the other out of here!" "On it!" Kirishima charged at the Nomu he was attacking for them to smile at each other. "Sakon, take the girl." "Yes Ukon." They split up with Kirishima being held by the Nomu called Ukon. "You think we're like those dumb things you faced before? Well news flash, we're not and we actually are real people. Not the corpses you faced before." Kirishima was about to question this, but is thrown into Shiozaki before he could.

"Sorry about that."  He get's up and is nearly sliced to bits by Sakon. "Looks like this will be fun brother." Shiozaki tries to attack with her vines to miss by an inch. "That vine girl is gonna be a problem." Ukon came behind them with pulling his fist back. Before Shiozaki could think, he punches her into a tree and makes her spew blood. "SHOZAKI!" "Pay attention to the battle and not the dead weight!" Sakon slams Kirishima's head into the ground before getting cut by Shiozaki's vines. "Don't think you can underestimate us! We're stronger than you think we are!" Sakon takes a bit of the blood on his cheek to lick it. "Now you're dead girl."

Sakon came at Shiozaki with her trying to get back to her circle. He grabbed her arm however to slam her into a tree. Before she could react, he grabbed her leg to slam her into the ground before back into the tree to break it. The beast pulled Shiozaki up to it's face before smiling at her. "You seem to be pretty durable. Not bad." The thorn girl looked at Sakon in the face before spitting blood at him. "Your manners could use a little work though." The beast turned his fingers into daggers before piercing Shiozaki's stomach with them. "AHHH!" "Aww, looks like you heal too. This is just gonna get more painful for you."

Shiozaki didn't pay much attention to this and used a jutsu to aid her. "Ash Pile Burning!" The act put smoke in Sakon's eyes to have him drop her. She hides in the trees while her injuries heal with him shouting in anger. "YOU LITTLE BITCH! GET BACK HERE!" Shiozaki held her side while panting. 'That thing will be more trouble than I anticipated.' "Nnngh!" She held her side as it slowly closed. "This will be a problem going forward. I wish my power was on par with Mr. Hidan's. Maybe I could beat this person without difficulty then." She let out a deep sigh before pulling out a scroll holding a scythe in it. "Did not anticipate to use this until I finally completed the final step of my transformation. It would appear that is not the case anymore."

Meanwhile, Kirishima had been having his own trouble with the Nomu that went by Ukon. "Take this!" He kept trying to punch the beast with him constantly dodging and sending the hardened boy a distance. "Now this is pathetic, you can't lay a finger on me and I can't hurt you in that hardened state." 'Gotta think of something fast. It's not hurting, but it's gonna hurt soon.' "But in the end, YOU'RE WEAK!" Ukon charged at Kirishima as he prepared a counter measure. "EARTH STYLE: MUD WALL JUTSU!" A giant mound of earth came between them with Ukon smashing through it to grab the redhead by his neck.

"Was that honestly the best you've got? That was pathetic." The Kirishima in his hands turned to smoke with the real behind him. "Earth Style: Dark Swamp!" Ukon's feet began to sink deep into the ground with Kirishima adding a finishing touch. "Earth Style: Earth Rampant!" The ground beside Ukon began to rise with Kirishima hardening his fist. "Red Turret!" He shattered the ground to bury the Nomu in a pile of earth. "I think it's best for all of us if you took a little dirt nap buddy." Kirishima started to walk away thinking it was over before the ground broke apart with Ukon coming out angered.

"You thought a little parlor trick like that was enough to stop me!? You have another thing coming kid!" He charged and got Kirishima before he could harden again. The act sent him through a tree and into the dirt. "Urgh, what is this guy? That trick should've worked." "I'm more than you think." Kirishima heard Ukon's voice, but didn't see him. He glanced over to his side to see him attached to his shoulder.

"What the?" Ukon then grabbed Kirishima's neck with his own right hand. "NNGH! What's going on here?" "I'm sure you already know of Kekkei Genkai's. To put it simply, mine and my brother's are rather unique. It's called Parasite Demon Demolition. I attach myself to your body and reconstructed myself on a cellular level with your own cells tied in. When this happens, I also corrode your own that I couldn't. Eventually, your organs will shut down and you'll die like this." 'Dammit, I let myself fall for this.' "Don't try to resist, it'll be over soon enough." As Kirishima felt his body break down from the inside, he began to spit out blood showing the process is moving unsteadily fast.

'I gotta get this guy out of me. Question is, how?' "Prepare yourself, because you're gonna die to me-" Ukon was cut short by spitting up a little blood. He looks down to notice Kirishima stabbing himself with a kunai. "If your cells are connected to mine, that means you've gotta feel what I feel right?" Kirishima pulled the Kunai out and went to stab himself again for Ukon to pull himself out at the last second with only the redhead getting injured. "YOU LITTLE BRAT!" He began charging with Kirishima using a smoke bomb to blind him while making an escape. When it cleared, Ukon looked around to see a trail of blood from the attack prior to follow.

"You can run, but I'll find you." He kept following the trail while trying to taunt and intimidate Kirishima along the way. "No matter how long you run, it'll amount to nothing with both those stabs and me reaching you. Just come out and make it easier on both of us." The devil began to see the blood amount get larger and larger before it stops in a bush. "I'm afraid, this game of hide and seek is over kid." He pulls his arm back to make it into claws before slamming it into the bush. "DIE!" What Ukon didn't know, was that the bush had paper bombs and thread inside to send a dozen kunai and shurikin at him. The explosion sent the demonic looking beast back with Kirishima sitting in a tree watching without him knowing. "THIS ISN'T OVER KID! I'M GONNA FIND YOU AND KILL YOU!"

Kirishima laid back on the branch seeing he stabbed deep in himself and needed to do something about it now before it became an issue. He ripped some of his hero costume up to act as a makeshift bandage to try and think of something he could do. 'My surefire move did nothing and that trap only slowed him down. I need to do something and fast.' He began to think of something Kakuzu taught him a little before this act. 'No. Mr. Kakuzu said that was for emergencies only. It's forbidden for a reason.' He's brought out of this by a tree falling down near him. "COME OUT AND FACE ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!" '*sigh* Forgive me sir, but I may not have a choice but to use that.'

Kirishima began to prepare his attack with Shiozaki coming beside him. "Kirihsima, how are things on your end?" "Not the greatest. Yourself?" Shiozaki looked at the tears in her costume to know that she isn't doing any better. "We need to think of something fast." "I GOT YOU NOW BRAT!" Both Sakon and Ukon attacked the two with Kirishima bringing them both below the tree as Shiozaki braced their fall. The four stood ready to attack with the twin demons moving first. They went after Kirishima with Shiozaki trying to stop them. She met a snag when they summoned a gate to shatter her scythe.

"Nice try, but that gate will not break so easily." Kirishima attempts to punch Sakon with him stabbing through his arm. He then grabs Kirishima's head to slam the back of it on the gate and cause his his skull to crack. While this was happening, Ukon came over the gate to fight Shiozaki. She attempted to hold out against the monster, but he began to make his fingers spears to stab into the vine girls hands to keep her from moving. "YOU BASTARD!" He immediately kneed her face to disorient her before slamming her constantly on the gate until she stopped moving.

When the gate finally disappeared, Kirishima was bleeding out with Shiozaki struggling to breathe. "Should we finish them off brother?" Sakon asked while grabbing two kunai to pierce Shiozaki's shoulders to the ground. "Not even worth it. They will die on their own." As they were leaving, Kirishima and Shiozaki started to remember some words of advice they obtained from their teachers.

Few weeks ago with Shiozaki

"Ok, so this process is not complete yet. Until the day you take a life with it, you are almost in a state of immortality." Hidan began to explain this to Shiozaki with her looking at her own dark colored body. "This is very helpful either way master. Thank you very much for your words of wisdom." She bowed with the undead man rolling his eyes. "I ain't a teacher, I'm just some guy who's helping out." Hidan began to walk away before handing Shiozaki one last bit of advice. "For now, keep your vitals from being hit. If they are and you're given something for instant death, your healing won't be helpful in that situation." He walked away with Shiozaki understanding this. "Thank you for the advice Mr. Hidan." "WHAT HAPPENED TO MASTER!?"

As the weeks passed with the work study underway, Shiozaki began to learn some ninjutsu to add to her arsenal. One night, she looked up at the sky with her master coming over. "Nice job today. You're definitely turning into a shinobi with pride in herself." The two looked up with Shiozaki asking her mentor a question. "Do you ever miss your time sir?" "...Not really. In my time, I was a wanted killer. Irony that I'm respected as a hero in this time." He let out a sigh before asking his own question. "If an area changes to something different, is that deemed disrespectful to those who dedicated their lives to the way of life they had?"

Shiozaki thought on this and gave an honest answer. "Maybe. If doing so is the complete opposite, it is disrespecting the people who live there and were there before. But if the situation is either dying or change, they would need to hold something of the past as a way of forgiveness to their ancestors." Hidan thought on this while going into the hotel they were using. "You should get some sleep Shiozaki, you don't want to be tired for training." "Yes sir."

During the work study with Kirishima

"You wish to learn how I can turn my body to threads?" Kakuzu asked with Kirishima nodding. "It's so cool and can also help in a situation where it's needed." Kakuzu looked at the sky before answering. "The technique is something that you should never use. It is a forbidden jutsu that I had taken without consent from my village. Having it means nothing but giving you a small bit of immortality. Before joining the Akatsuki, I have lived for about a hundred years." He began to pull his sleeve back to show the tattoo on his wrist. "In my time, these tattoos symbolize someone who has been in prison. I was sent there when I failed a mission to defeat the leader of a village for mine. In retaliation, I stole the forbidden art and used it on myself taking the hearts of the village heads for myself. This life is a curse and I do not wish it on others. Do you understand now?"

Kirishima held his head down as Kakuzu got up. "You didn't deserve to be imprisoned sir. All you did was fail a mission." "That is the way of the shinobi though, success or dishonor of your village." The stitched up pro stopped to turn to Kirishima. "If I teach you it, you must never use it unless it's a matter of life and death for both you and someone else. You must also be willing to accept that you will be forever damned to walk this earth until all of your hearts stop beating." "I won't use it unless it's absolutely necessary sir." Kakuzu nodded before motioning Kirishima to follow.

Back to present

'I have no choice.' 'To win, I need to do this.' Shiozaki began to rip the kunai out of her shoulders with Kirishima getting up. "It looks like they still have some fight left in them brother." "It would appear so." Sakon was stabbed with one of Shozaki's thorns as the two began to get up. "Grrr, let me kill the girl Ukon. I WANT TO KILL THIS BITCH!" "Do it!" Kirishima got to his feet before making a few handsigns. 'I'm sorry Mr. Kakuzu.' "FORBIDDEN JUTSU: EARTH GRUDGE RAGE!" At that moment, Kirishima's body began to change with his veins turning to threads. His eyes started to change to red and green. His arm began to extend to Ukon and stab him through the chest. "What the-" "You brought this upon yourself, NOW DIE!" Kirishima ripped his heart out with Sakon about to go after him in a vengeful rage.

"YOU BASTARD!" "LIKE HELL I WILL LET YOU ESCAPE ME!" Shiozaki made a circle with her vines while tasting Sakon's blood to activate her curse jutsu. "This is the end!" She pulled her dagger out and positioned it near her heart. "AAAAAHHHHH!!!" In a single thrust, Shiozaki pierced her own heart for the act to reciprocate to Sakon. "Gya!" He began to fall to the ground feeling his heart stop and going limp. Shiozaki saw this before falling back first to the ground. She stopped breathing for a moment before her vines went from green to grey as if they withered and died. Kirishima had also fallen to the ground with his body ripping open in areas to show him as nothing but an image of the monster of Frankenstein.

"*gasp* *cough* *cough*" Shiozaki began to breath again while coughing to glance at Kirishima. "Are you *cough* are you alright?" "....y-yeah." Both began to lose consciousness knowing they finally won, but lost their humanity while doing so.

And that finishes this chapter. So Kirishima and Shiozaki are now turned into somewhat immortal beings like their teachers. See how the group handles their next battle next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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