The Dark Secret

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Konan POV:

After obtaining all the members of the Akatsuki, we find ourselves thrown into a strange portal. The portal lead us to an overview of a rather strange looking town. "Where the hell are we?" "Is this a village?" "Not like one I've seen." "Perhaps whoever created that portal knows about it." "I didn't make it, must've been somebody else." "And who else can open a portal and transport people in time Zetsu!?" "Everyone calm down. We are in an unfamiliar place and need information. Try not to gain any unwanted attention and spread out to find anything about this place." As ordered by Pain, we set out to find out where we were.

'Such a strange place. I wonder where we are exactly?' I start walking down a path to see strange carriages carrying people and giving off foul odors. "*cough* *cough* Whatever those are, they aren't the most fragrant." "Help!" I hear someone cry for help and go over to the sight. "Help! Somebody please!" I see a man with what looked like a face of a snake attacking a woman. I was about to get involved when I hear a loud booming voice. "FEAR NOT CITIZEN, FOR I AM HERE!" "It's All Might!" I look over to see a strange bulky man in red, white, and blue with blond hair and a rather strange facial feature. I watch intently as the man punches the snake person in the face and knocks him out in a single blow.

"That was amazing!" "Just what you'd expect from our symbol of peace and number 1 hero." 'Symbol of peace? Number 1 hero?' As I kept listening, all I was getting was more questions than answers. I get pulled out of my thoughts when I see the blond man that they called All Might leap out of the area. I decided to follow him to see if he could get me some answers. Once he stopped, he relaxed his demeanor and took a smaller version(not known Small Might, but still notably smaller than the buff form). "So you are the one they call the number 1 hero or something around here." He looks up and sees me flying with my kekkei genkai turning my origami into wings. "Are you a friend or foe?" "That varies on what you describe as either." I come down and walk up to him.

"My name is Konan. For reasons I am not aware, I was sent here from where me and my comrades were. Our only issue is, we don't know where 'here' is." "Strange, most people know of Tokyo as Japans capital." "Impossible. Tokyo looks nothing like this." I completely deny the fact we are in Tokyo from my knowledge on how it looked. "*sigh* Then what do you think Tokyo should look like? My opinion by how your dressed, you may not be from another area, but another time." "Another time?" "You may want to take a seat so we can see if that is the case." With that, we keep talking and find out that were not only in Tokyo Japan. But we are in Tokyo about several hundred years in the future. The world had changed greatly with more unique ways of transport, electric ways of interactions, and unique powers called quirks popping up in people.

After I was caught up to speed enough to understand the basics of where I was, I decided to meet back with everyone. "Thank you for all your help Mr. All Might. It truly was helpful knowing this and will benefit me on what to do next." "Don't mention it. Also, just All Might is fine." "Then I will be on my wa-" I suddenly feel the uncontrollable urge to vomit and did so in a nearby bush. "Are you alright Ms. Konan?" "*pant* *pant* I will be fine. Thank you for your concern." I start flying into the sky and return to where I had left the others. Once there, I was met by Kisame, Itachi, and Pain who had returned not long ago. "Did you find anything out Konan?" "Yes, we are in Tokyo Japan right now several hundred years in the future." "Did you just say were in the future? Is that even possible?" "Perhaps, we are still unaware on what we are facing however. Did you find out anything else?" "Yes, it seems there is a large bit of information that has happened."

I start to explain to Pain about my meeting with All Might and about how the world is right now. As I explained it, more and more of our comrades came and listened in. "And that is all I have found out as of now." Everyone just looked as if I had dropped a paper bomb on them. "Woa, woa, woa. So were in a future where our own great, great, great, grand kids could exist?" "That is correct Deidura." ", what the fuck is happening with our undead lives!?" "How do you expect me to know? All we know is what Konan has said." We all start bickering with each other when I have the urge to vomit again. "Konan, are you alright?" "Yes, I think the trip may have just made me a little light stomach is all."

I get my composure and wait for Pain to make a decision. "For now, we will try and make a life here and decide our next course of actions later. For now, try to adjust the best you can and we will further our plans for ultimate peace after." With that said, we all did our best to create a steady revenue stream of profit to keep ourselves afloat. For a month, we seemed to succeed in this rather well.We were able to afford a home and some modern day technology to assist in keeping in the loop of the world. Though we weren't completely stable in the time, we were enough to live in it without much trouble.

 My condition however, had seemed to not change much. Upon my knowledge of such things, I decided to buy what this time saw as a pregnancy test.I had followed the instructions and waited for an answer. The results had horrified me. Not only had it been positive, but the only person that the father could be was my dearly departed friend Yahiko. I felt sick knowing this, but I was also afraid what would happen if it was to be brought into this world. The Akatsuki isn't a family friendly organization, and to bring it up in a cycle of constant death that we give would be unfair for it. In an attempt for advice, I turned to the only member I could at this time.

"Pain, I need to speak to you in private." We walk away from everyone and begin to discuss what I had learned. "I had recently discovered that I am with child." "...Who is the father?" "Yahiko." Pain stood there for a moment until he finally spoke. "We cannot have a child be raised in the Akatsuki. It would only slow us down." "But I can't just get rid of it! This being, this child is the only proof that Yahiko actually lived. Without it I...I don't think I can continue anymore." I start to hold my stomach in pain knowing that if I were to lose it, I would be killing the last of my friend. "The choice to have it is yours, but it is impossible for it to be raised in this organization. It would only sully it's life with the blood we already hold."

As pain walked away, I thought on his words. "I want you to live little one, but I can't keep you. It may be for the better if I did not. Your mother is a horrible woman that has killed and has the stain of blood flood her hands. You do not want me as your mother, so I will find you a more suitable one." In the time that came after, I had spent spare time I had searching for a suitable mother that could take care of my unborn child. Once It started to become apparent that I was pregnant, I took a small leave of absence and asked Pain to say I was on an assignment to stay away from everyone.

At this point, I was sitting in a coffee shop looking at my stomach and worrying on both mine and the child's future. 'What am I to do? Even if I were to not want to have it anymore, it's already too late to do anything now. I want to find you a proper home. One filled with love and stability that I once had. Please, someone come and say they will.' At that moment, I hear a few women talk behind me. "So how far are you Mitsuki?" "About 8 months. The little bastard won't stop kicking during the night thought haha. He really is a born fighter." "That's mean to say about your child." "Sorry Inko, not intentional. I know how you and Hisashi have been trying." 'A woman that is trying to have a child but is not succeeding.' I listen closely to learn that the woman Inko has been trying for some time and has come up unsuccessful. 'I think that I finally found your mother.'

The final months had passed by with none of the Akatsuki knowing of my actions. While waiting for the child to be born, I decided to learn as much as I could about the world and take night classes in the process. As of now, I have a degree in human psychiatric and was able to support myself. One day getting up, I felt a sharp pain and had realized today was the day. In Mustafar General Hospital, I had given birth to a baby boy after several hours of labor. I gazed at him and realized he had dark hair with blue tints at the roots hardly visible with the tips strangely green. Once he opened his eyes, I had seen an emerald green that I had gotten lost in. I gazed for what seemed an eternity realizing one thing. 'This is my baby. Mine and Yahiko's baby.' I thought on it for a moment and remembered that I had no choice in the matter to happen.

In an effort to get rid of the child before I had made second thoughts, I flew to an alley with the child in a blanket. I knew that the woman Inko had taken this path regularly from her night job and made certain to be prepared to have her intercept him here. I looked down at my child for what I thought would be the last time and saw him stare at me. I looked and was afraid of what I was to do. "P-please. I know I'm your mother, but you don't want me to be her. You need stability and happiness that you cannot get from me." He continued to stare at me with me clenching the blanket tightly with desire not to leave him. "Stop it Konan! You know you can't do this now. You've come this far, so just do it!" I let the baby down with tears in my eyes and grabbed a note I had written almost a hundred times over to get it right.

To whoever it concerns,

This child was put here on July, 26. Due to reasons that I cannot control, I am unable to take care of this child and wish for whoever to find him to treat him with love and care. He also does not have a name yet since it would be harder on me if I had. If he ever asks who his mother is, please keep him from knowing I left him in an alley.

Sincerely, his mother

I placed the note and an origami flower in as a token of my love for him and hid in a corner to wait for the woman Inko to come. I see her walking over with the child staying quiet. "common, make yourself known." The child remained silent. 'Please, you don't want me as your mother. All I can give you is pain and misery. So please scream or cry to say your there.' Inko had begun to walk away from the alley without Knowing he was there. I close my eyes in fear that he will not do anything. 'SCREAM DAMMIT!' "WHAAAAA!" I look up and see him finally crying and getting the woman's attention.

"Oh my, what are you doing out here little one?" Inko looks at the note and holds a hurt look. "Seems you need a home. How about I raise you? My husband and I always wanted a child of our own. But you need a name first." She looks at the child with a slight bit of confusion before obtaining a revelation. "I know, how about Izuku?" The child laughs at this as a way to state he likes it. "Then it's settled. You will be Izuku Midoriya." She takes Izuku away with him looking back to the alley. I hold my shirt in pain for what I had done. "*hic* Forgive me Izuku. Best thing I could do for you. *hic* Forgive me Yahiko for giving our only son away." I start to feel rain fall and start to head back to my real home.

Once outside, I was met by Pain staring at me with a gaze of indifference. "Is it done." I nod and answer. "The child....Izuku, is in a better place now." I walk inside and pass everyone who was asleep at the time and head straight into my room. I shut and lock the door before huddling into a ball and silently sobbing into my knees. "I'm sorry Izuku. I'm so sorry for what I have done. If you hate your mother, then you have all the right to." I keep sobbing all night until I couldn't anymore and fell into a saddened sleep.

Hey guys, I hope you liked this prologue. So I'm going to change Konan's ability to a kekkei genkai so Izuku could use it. I will also show the Akatsuki as vigilantes instead of villains in this since they want peace instead of chaos. Lastly, Tobi/Obito will not be in the Akatsuki since this will be before he is known to the other members. Thanks for reading.

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