The Choice Encounter

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3rd person POV:

Over the timespan of about 5 years, the Akatsuki had made a name as one of the most skilled vigilante groups known at this day and age. Among them, three of which were feared more than anything. Undead, a man that could take any injury and still walk even with him being beheaded. If any faced him, they would not sleep soundly through the night ever again. Illustion, a man that would be able to break your mind without him even facing you for more than a second. Those that have faced him said that they felt as if they faced an eternity in hell. Finally came God, a man that never had a scratch on him. All who faced him had said he was someone that they couldn't even get in swinging distance to fight.

Though all other members are powerful, one had obtained a record for being notably brutal to any villains that harmed children. Angel was known for using what is known as excessive force on sick men and women that dared hurt or threaten any and all kids. Some believe that something had happened to her as a child that made her into this. Others think it is from regret for something that happened to her own before her work as a vigilante. Whether it was one or the other, the issue still stood that any villain that wanted to harm kids would steer clear of her knowing that they may get put into a coma for 6 months like a molester had over a year into the Akatsuki rising.

The public in general saw this group as a dark vigilante group since many had committed murder to villains that had the death penalty waiting for them, but many did not rebel against them for it. People saw them as a group that wasn't afraid to do what had to be done and had seen most of their accomplishments stood with the villain alive instead of dead. Many would never believe that this group was from another time and fought as they would believe 'quirkless'. Though they held great success, one member still held a shame she never showed anyone other than her close friend.

Age 4 Izuku POV:

"Mom! Is it time yet?" "Almost sweetie. Why don't you get your shoes on and well get going after." "Yay! I get to know what my quirk is today!" I start to run to the door and put my shoes on. Once they were on, mom put hers on and we make our way to the doctor to see what my quirk actually is. I don't know much about it, but I can fold paper and turn myself into a bunch of sheets of paper as well. The second is a lot harder to do and I could only do it for a few seconds, but I was able to, so that means I can make myself paper. I get all excited thinking that it might be like that hero Edgeshot or a new quirk that has yet to be discovered yet. Just the thought of what it is is making me go nuts.

"Oh yeah, we have some new neighbors Izuku moving in today. I invited them over and found out they have a little girl about your age." "Cool, what's she like?" "I never got the chance to see her in person, but her parents said she's very optimistic and happy." I start to get excited for meeting a new neighbor and get happy enough about that to calm down from my excitement for my quirk.

At the doctors

"Yeah, we aren't sure why your son can do what he does." Both me and mom are sitting in the doctors office completely confused as to why. "Wait, but isn't what he has a quirk?" "*sigh* Well that's where were stumped." He puts up a picture of a foot and shows us around the toes. "From what we can tell, the boy should be quirkless with two joints in his pinky toe as depicted in his x-rays, but he can control paper as you say?" "Yes, can you show him Izuku?" I do as my mom says and makes some papers come out of me and turn into origami flowers.

The doctor looks at me a little confused as to how to continue. "Strange, the only logical explanation I can say is that it isn't a quirk." "What do you mean?" My best guess is that it's a power that was given to him by either you or your husband that is not quirk oriented." Mom looks sad for a moment before the doctor asks. "Is this talent known in either of your families?" "Izuku.....Izuku isn't naturally ours." "What do you mean?" I get a little sad remembering a note I found a little while ago with my mom saying the truth to me a few months back.

"I found Izuku when he was an infant with a note saying he needed a home. Since me and my husband at the time wanted a child, we adopted him and never looked back. The only reason Izuku knows right now is because he found the note that his real mother left. As of right now, we don't even know who she is or why she left Izuku." "Fascinating. Well if you know anything more, please contact me and we will go over it. But for now lets call it a quirk to avoid issues. Since we never had a quirk like this before it's up to you to name it kid." I think for a second and say the first thing that comes into my head. "Origami."

At the park

After we came home, mom told me that it would be a while till dinner and that I could play in the park near our home. I go and start walking with my doctors appointment going through my head. "So it isn't a quirk. If it's not that, then what is it then?" I get out of my train of thought when I hear Kaachan. I run over and see him and the other two boys he hangs out with hurting a girl. "What's wrong kid? You had a big mouth before when you said that I was very arrogant, where'd it go?" He tries to kick her again before I shout at him. "KAACHAN, STOP!" he looks over and sees me coming between him and the girl.

"What are you doing here Deku?" "I don't know what she said to you, but stop it. She looks really hurt." I motion to the brown haired girl that has a lot of scuffs and is crying. "She deserved it for speaking to me the way she did." "And what makes speaking the way she did to you and you all ganging up on her 3-1 fair enough for someone to deserve!" I could see Kaachan get angry at me. "Step aside Deku, or your next." I take a fighting stance and get ready for Kaachan's attack. "If you won't stop, then I'll stop you myself!"

At that point, Kaachan comes charging at me with an explosion about to hit me. I shut my eyes and prepare for the worst. After a second of feeling nothing, I opened my eyes to see a woman with blue hair and what looked like paper wings on her back holding Kaachan's hand and stopping him. "You like ganging up on kids that are weaker than you? Then lets see how you like it done to yourself." She stares at Kaachan with anger to make him scared enough that he peed himself. 'When did she?'

About 20 minutes prior Konan POV:

Today was my day off of work with just me and Deidara in the house. In the time I've been up, I had taken care of cleaning the house, doing the dishes, hanging the laundry, and a few other things that needed to get done. I normally try and keep my mind busy so I don't think of Izuku and how he is. The last time I had free time and did nothing, I nearly put myself into a deep state of depression that I almost couldn't come back from. 'Might as well take a walk.' I put on a black pair of jeans and a dark purple shirt before heading out. "Hey Konan, you mind grabbing some ink for me while your out?" "Very well."

I head out and grab the ink that Deidara needed for his manuscript. Since we were here, we all found a job or two that we had some latent talent with. Deidara currently works as a small comic writer for a newspaper. It was not a significant job, but it was his job and it payed well enough to do his share of the rent. Once I left the store, I decided to take the long way home to think on what to do next. I went over mental checklists to find I am fine where I am when a sudden thought came into my head.

'I wonder how Izuku is growing up?' As the thought crept into my head, I felt tears stream down my face. My dreams are still haunted by the thought I let mine and Yahiko's son be taken by a stranger who I only knew from following her a bit. 'Stop it Konan, Izuku is fine without you. He is no longer your son since you gave him up.' The words I spoke were not reassuring at all. In the end, I just wanted to cry even harder knowing that he may never see me or know that I am his mother. I try and take these thoughts out of my head and try and keep walking. "Dear god, I need closure."

I start walking past a park when out of the corner of my eye, I see a small kid with dark hair with green tints in it. I look over and see a boy that matches the age and facial features of Izuku stand in between a brown haired girl and a blond boy with two others behind him. "She deserved it for speaking to me the way she did." "And what makes speaking the way she did to you and you all ganging up on her 3-1 fair enough for someone to deserve!" I listen in and see the blond boy make sparks out of his hand with the dark green one taking a fighting stance. "If you won't stop, then I'll stop you myself!" Hearing these words made the blond boy enraged and goes to attack him. 'Don't get involved. Don't get involved. "Don't get involved. Don't get in-aw screw it!" I jump in and stop the boys attack by grabbing his hand.

"You like ganging up on kids that are weaker than you? Then lets see how you like it done to yourself." I glare at the boy with anger and make him wet himself with the look of sheer fear in his eyes. "T-this ain't over Deku. I'll get you and that round face girl back for this, you hear me!" The boy runs away with the other two in tow. 'I hope that kid learns to let go of that pride soon. It may be an issue growing up.' "Um. Thank you for helping us miss." I look over to see the green haired boy helping the little brown haired girl. 'Could he be Izuku?' I get down on a knee and look at the boy eye to eye. "What is your name little one?" "Izuku, Izuku Midoriya." 'Oh my god it is.' "And what is your name?" "I'm Ochako Uraraka." "Well then, how about we bring the two of you to your parents so you can relax a bit." Both of them nod and each take one of my hands. We start walking out of the park and down a street.

"My name is Konan by the way. So what had brought you two here today?" "My mommy and daddy and me just moved here and they told me that I could play here while they unpack." "Are you my new neighbor?" "Uh, maybe." "It's nice to meet you  Occhan." "Oochan?" "Do you not like it?" Uraraka smiles and shakes her head. "I think it's cute." Izuku starts to blush at this before making an origami flower to give her for her hair. 'Oh my god! He has my talent!' I start internally screaming while Izuku looks at me. "Ms. Konan, can you control paper like me too?" "Well yes, but it isn't a quirk." "Yours isn't a quirk too!" "What it actually is is called a Kekkei Genkai. To put it simple, it's passed on like a quirk but isn't a quirk." Izuku starts to smile and asks me a painful question. "Can you teach me to use it?" 'Stop it here Konan! You know that your only going to get yourself too deep in this and won't be able to come out. Once he finds out your his mother or worse that you kill people, it's all over. Just say no. SAY NO DAMMIT!' "Certainly. I would love to teach you how to use your talent. I could also train you as well Uraraka, if you would like. 'DID YOU TAKE STUPID PILLS THIS MORNING!?'

The both nod and smile at me. 'Pain won't like this.' "Ochako sweetie, why are you all dirty?" I look over to see a couple that looks like Uraraka with her running to them. "A blond kid was picking on me because I told him that he sounded arrogant when he said he was the best around. Before he hurt me to much, Deku came and saved me with Ms. Konan helping him." 'Deku?' Izuku started to get a little flustered at this. "What's wrong Deku?" "Well, Deku is an insult Kaachan gives me since all I can do is make origami." "I'm sorry! I didn't know it was a mean word to you! I just thought it was a cool hero name since you saved me!" "It's ok. If you want to call me Deku, go ahead." Izuku starts to blush immensely at her comment. I begin to get the urge to kill the little bastard that came up with that nickname for Izuku. 'There will be words spoken if I see that little brat again.' "So you saved my daughter miss. Thank you." "I didn't save her Izu-I mean Midoriya did. I just stepped in when it got out of hand." "Either way, thank you for doing so." Both the Uraraka parents bow to thank me and pick their daughter up. "Common sweetie, we need to meet our neighbor who offered us an invitation to dinner as a welcome to the neighborhood." They start heading to the same direction that I am with Izuku to the Midoriya residence.

We all knock and a woman with green hair comes to the door. "You must be the Uraraka's. I'm Inko and welcome to our home." Inko looks over and sees Izuku holding my hand. "Izuku, who's your friend?" "This is Ms. Konan. She helped me when Kaachan was bullying Occhan." "She did?" Inko looks up to me and thanks me for this. She invites us all in with Izuku and Uraraka going to play in the other room. We all sit down and talk a bit before I ask Inko and the Uraraka's a question. "If I We're to ask you three if I could train your children as heroes, would you allow me?" "Goodness, that's quite a suggestion. Why would you wish to do so?" I hold my hand out and create a few origami butterflies to explain. "From what I have seen, your son has the same power as I do and I wish to teach him how to. Your daughter has also caught my eye a bit and I wish to teach her as well. If things go right, I may be able to help them become great heroes to be. But the choice is yours if you wish to." They all think about it before hesitantly agreeing. I thank them and get ready to leave saying that there is a few things that I need to do before tomorrow. I walk out the door and see both kids behind me waving goodbye with smiles on their faces. I smile back and head out after giving my contact info to Inko and Mrs. Uraraka.

While on the way back, I run into Pain who happened to see everything. "What do you plan on doing Konan? You know it is not good for us to get involved in such things." "I know, it's just that Izuku has my powers and I want to teach him so badly to use it." "That is irrelevant. We cannot allow children to-" "I know already, but that doesn't mean we can't teach them." Pain holds an agitated stare at me before answering. "You may train them on three circumstances. First, you will not say anything about the Akatsuki. Second, I will be present for all training. Third and most importantly, you will not tell Izuku who you are to him." I agree and head back home with Pain. 'It isn't what I would prefer, but I can at least stay in my sons life.

The next day came quickly with me and Pain waiting in the forest for Izuku and Uraraka. Once they came, we checked to see their chakra elements. Just like me, Izuku is able to use wind, water, and earth. While Uraraka could use fire and lightning. We began training them in physical abilities to get them ready for the future. They didn't do anything strenuous, just a run in the forest and a few exercises to train their muscles. Once a few hours passed though, I took them both home to not push them too hard on the first day. Once I came back, I sat on a rock looking into the forest with Pain. "I can tell he has a bit of Yahiko in him. I see why you wanted to help him." I smile and think about the times Pain had looked and had seen Yahiko instead of Izuku during the day.

"It truly is a shame he could not see his son himself. He would have loved to see Izuku as the proof of his convictions." "It is." Pain begins to get up and motions for me to do the same. "I will assist in their training, but I still stand by those rules for now. If in the future I see that Izuku is ready for our origins, I will tell him. I will tell you when it is time for him to hear from your mouth the truth of his mother." He walks away with me following and thinking about the fact I could just be around my son. Even if it is a lie of who I am, I am happy I can be part of his life in any way.

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