Truths Revealed

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Real quick before we get into this. I will have Izuku and Ochako have studs in them as a way of respect to Pain and Konan. It won't be a crazy amount, just small ones in Izuku's nose on the left side and in ochako's lower lip and also a paper flower in her hair on the right side. They'll also know a couple of jutsu's by now with some based on their elements. Enjoy.

Age 14 Izuku POV:

"Today's the day. Common Izuku, man up." Ever since we started training with Mr. Pain and Ms. Konan 10 years ago, Me and Ocha have changed quite a bit. I lost most of my uneasiness with people and gained a bit of confidence in myself. We also started to change our nicknames for each other with me calling her Ocha and her calling me Izu. "Dammit, why is it so hard to say this?" Right now, I'm standing in front of my bathroom mirror trying to get some courage to tell Ocha about the feelings I've obtained over the past few years.

"Just say it to her Izuku. Say 'I love you'. All you have to say and hope for the best." I recently had wanted to push saying it since an incident a few weeks back when Kaachan attempted to make Ocha go out with him. He practically pushed me out of the way and wrapped his arm around Ocha like he owned her or something. Once he did, he stated to her that she was 'his woman' now. I felt a bit of satisfaction when Ocha pulled his arm off and said 'I don't date jackasses'. I was happy he didn't get her, but reality hit me that if I wanted to be with her, I had to grow a pair and show her I'm a man. At least that's what Ms. Konan says. I start walking downstairs to get some food before school.

Meanwhile Ochako POV:

"Common Ochako. You can do this. You've known Izu for years now and there should be nothing that scares you." For the last 30 minutes, I've been trying to gain confidence in myself to make a move on Izu. I've always admired him as someone with ambition. But over the past few years, that admiration turned into something else. I felt these more when the idiot Bakugo tried to make me his girlfriend while pushing Izu out of the way. In that moment, I felt a mix of hatred, shame, and loathing. Hatred for Bakugo doing this, shame for Izu having to witness me being hit on, and self loathing for letting it happen.

With very little knowing on who to turn to, I went to Ms. Konan for advice. She told me that the feelings are love and that I somehow had become smitten with Izu. I didn't believe her at first, but she then asked me to imagine Izu having a relationship with me and then with another girl. I felt happy when I was with him, but severely angered when another girl was with him. At that point, I accepted my feelings and decided I need to do something before that happens. "Ochako, breakfast is ready." "Coming mom." I walk to the kitchen prepared for what I want to say.

A few hours later Izuku POV:

"Ok everyone, today we will be filling out career aptitude papers for your futures." Our homeroom teacher comes in with a stack full of papers before throwing them into the air at his podium. "But who am I kidding, you all want to become heroes!" Everyone started cheering and using their quirks, except for me, Ocha, and Kaachan. "Alright, alright, I know you all have amazing quirks, but it's against the rules to use them on school grounds." "Oi teach, don't lump me in with these extras. The best they could do is get a sidekick job with some shitty D-lister." "Hey, what do you know Bakugo!?" "Yeah, what makes you so special!?" "Oh yeah, Bakugo enlisted with UA." 'Just add more fuel to the fire why don't you.'

Kaachan starts standing on his desk and gloating his 'accomplishments'. "That's right you shitty extras. I aced all the mock tests." 'With me and Ocha getting the same score as you.' "And completely annihilated the battle simulations." 'Again, same score because we needed to use hand signs to do the bigger stuff.' "I'm going to be the best hero that even surpasses All Might!" "Oh yeah, Uraraka and Midoriya are also going to UA." At that point everyone looked at us and remembered that both of us were the only people that never lost against Kaachan after elementary.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR BETTER THAN ME LOSERS!?" Kaachan slams his hands on the desk and makes an explosion that almost damaged the books on my desk. "Hey easy, some of these are library rentals. If they get damaged, your paying the fine." "Listen closely you nerd. Neither you or that flabby ass bitch of yours is going to beat me. So stay the fuck outta my wa-" "Ok lets back this bus up a bit Bakugo. Flabby? Out of all the things you could call me, you go with flabby!? I bet I got a better toned body than you do you ignorant cunt!" 'Not gonna lie, she does have a rockin toned body from our training. Wait, what the hell am I thinking!? I'm not a pervert like that!'

"You were so conceited with your own score in those that you forgot that me and Izu scored the same exact score as you did. The only reason we didn't score more than you in the battle training is because we needed to take a few seconds to make hand signs. Next time you want to boast this, make an effort to know where other people who have just as much talent as you stand." Kaachan starts getting so mad that he pulls his arm back and prepares to hit Ocha. In that moment, I wrap his entire arm up with paper bombs and shield Ocha with my paper. "I wouldn't keep going if I were you Kaachan. You know well enough how dangerous those paper bombs are on your arm. So if you want to continue, prepare to lose an arm." I glare at him ready to detonate one until he sits back in his desk.

End of the day

I start packing my stuff to go home while talking to Ocha, when Kaachan comes to start angering us more. "Oi, were not done here losers." "Can't you just admit your not the best Kaachan? Striving for it is one thing, doing it and proclaiming you are is a different story." "SHUT THE FUCK UP NERD, BEFORE I BLOW YOU TO BI-MMPH!" I cover his mouth with a paper to shut him up. "Thank you Izu." "No worries. But uh, is there any chance we can take the long way home today? I had something I wanted to talk to you about." Ocha starts to blush before nodding. "That works fine, because I had something to say as well." We start making our way out before Kaachan gets the paper off him.

Meanwhile at the Midoriya residence Konan POV:

Inko had invited me to have tea with her, Mrs. Bakugo, and Mrs. Uraraka to talk and see how their kids were doing. It felt weird that they invited me as a member of their group since they knew very little of me to begin with. "So how is training going with our kids Konan?" "Very well Mrs. Uraraka. Ochako has been learning how to be a proper kunoichi with rather skilled talent in learning genjutsu. Izuku though not a master of his Kekkei Genkai yet, is very close to manipulating it to the fullest and nearly surpassing me in his talents." I hold a rather confident smirk when thinking of Izuku being better than me at the age he is while sipping my tea.

"You seem very invested in training them Konan. Is there anyway you can teach my Katsuki a bit?" "For him to be able to train with me, he would need to learn discipline and respect authority. Sadly, he refuses to take any advice that an adult would and I do not see him capable of gaining anything from my efforts." "Damn, that's a shame." 'There's that, and I don't want that egotistical ass of a son of yours anywhere near my son when I get time with him.' Inko starts looking at me like she wanted to ask me something. "Ms. Konan, can I ask you a bit about yourself?" "What would you like to know Inko?" "Well since the doctor said Izuku's Kekkei Genkai or whatever it is isn't a quirk but works like a quirk, I wanted to know if you have any relationship other than a teacher to Izuku."

'Dammit! I knew this question was gonna come up soon.' "I-I do not." "Ms. Konan, I have seen how you look at my son. You look at him the same way we all look at our children. I am not mad if you are family to him, I just want to know if it's true or not." I start to bite my lip in frustration before speaking. "Y-yes, I am related to him. Biologically I am his mother." Everyone started looking at me surprised until Mrs. Bakugo spoke. "Why is Inko his mother then? And why are you keeping it from Izuku?" "*sigh* Have any of you ever heard of the Akatsuki?" "That vigilante group that has killed some people? What do they have to do with this?" "Both me and my friend pain are members. From what the repoerts state of our names, we are Angel and God." "But how does that have to do with Izuku and you being his mother?"

I take a moment to clear my thoughts before I speak. "All the members of the Akatsuki are not from this time. We come from an era several hundred years in the past and desired ultimate peace by any means. That includes killing. When we first arrived here almost 15 years ago, I had found out I was pregnant with a departed loved ones child. Knowing that the Akatsuki is not the most stable place to raise a child and not wanting to let go of the last living proof of the childs father, I hid my pregnancy from my piers and gave it away on the day of it's birth. I hated doing this in general. But when *sniffle* but when I looked into the child's eyes and saw the proof he exists, I began to hesitate on what I had to do. It took every ounce of strength I had to give him away. When I did that, I put him in an alley that I knew a woman that wanted a child, but was having difficulties would be. In the moments leading to the end, I-I almost didn't care if he would be in a hell that we would. But I had to do it knowing that if I didn't he would suffer from it. I hate myself for that decision. I hate myself for giving away my only child to a woman that I barely knew. But the worst of it was that I hated the fact I couldn't give my baby a home he needed."

I began to have tears going down my face remembering the stare Izuku was making that said 'don't leave me'. "What was the child's name?" "*hic* I couldn't bear the thought of naming the boy I had given birth to. I knew that if I did, I wouldn't be able to do it anymore. *hic* Dear god I'm a horrible woman. I'm making a goddamn excuse as to why I gave my only son up and making it seem like it was all I could do. I should've done more. I should've been there for him as a mother instead of a teacher. I should've taken him as my own son instead of giving him to a stranger." At this point, I gave up holding my crying back knowing I lost the chance back then to become anything of worth to Izuku.

"So why did you want to train Izuku?" "When I met him at the park, I thought this was a chance to finally learn about my son. But he never knew who I was and still does not. How can you say to a child that you are their baby that they gave up at birth and that your mother was trained and is in a group that commits murder. I-I don't think I could handle it if he looked at me and hated me because of it. If I could've changed one thing in my past, it would've been letting Izuku go." Inko just held a hurt expression on her face during this all.

"I don't blame you if you hate me, but let me be the one to tell Izuku this. He at least deserves to hear it from me out of anyone. Please just-" I'm cut off by Inko hugging me. "It's not your fault Konan, you made the best decision you could. I don't think any of us could do what you did for the betterment of our kids. Thank you for letting me raise Izuku as a replacement for you." I start to hug her back and bawling my eyes into her shoulder. "Thank you Inko. You have no idea how much I hate myself for what I've done to him." Both Mrs. Bakugo and Mrs. Uraraka come over and start hugging me as well saying that they understand and are there for me. 'Izuku, please at least understand your mothers decision when the time comes. I don't care if you hate me after, just know I did it knowing you would have a better life.'

Somewhere in the city Izuku POV:

For the past few minutes, me and Ocha have been walking around with me trying to build up the nerve to say what I want to. Once we hit an overpass, I finally take all my courage to tell her. "Ochako, I need to tell you something really important." "Oh, well I kinda need to tell you something also. It's a little embarrassing to say, but if you wanna say yours first." "Oh no, if you need to say something, then you say it first." "Then how about on the count of three we say it together." "Ok." 'Here goes.' We count down from three and blurt our what we wanted to say together. "I like you! Please go out with me!" 'Wait, did she just?' We both look at each other before we process what the other said. "Ocha, you like me in that way?" "Y-yeah, I kinda grew feelings for you over the years and well...." she stops and hugs me. "I kinda had the same thing happen to me." "So does this make us a, you know." I smile and hold her chin up. "Yeah, I guess we are a couple now." I push my lips against hers and start melting into the feeling.

We were so engrossed with our little act that we hardly heard the strange swishing sound behind us. "Good, two meat shells to use." I open my eyes with irritation to a giant ball of sludge interrupting us. I use my paper to create paper bombs to blow the thing into a million sludge wads. "You know, there's a thing called 'reading the mood'. Try to do it every once in a while." After all the sludge stopped going everywhere, the manhole opened to reveal All Might coming out. "HAVE NO FEAR, FOR I AM- Wait." All Might looked around to try and find something before looking at us. "Excuse me you two, but have you seen a man made of sludge around here?" I point to the sludge remnants and explain to him what just happened. "Nicely done young man! But next time leave this to the professionals please." "W-will do sir. But before you leave, c-could you sign my notebook please?" I hold out my notebook for All Might to sign. I start silently shrieking with Ocha smiling at me. We both assist All Might in putting the villain in a bottle while speaking about our dreams to be heroes and any advice he can give us. "Thank you for the assistance in this matter young Midoriya and Uraraka. Now if you excuse me, I have to take this villain to the local authorities." At that moment, All Might jumps into the air and quickly gets out of view. "So cool. I think I might pass out." "He really is a lot cooler in person. But your still really awesome Izu." I get a little flustered when Ocha grabs my arm during this and leads us home.

On the way, we see a giant amount of smoke and rush over to see the same sludge villain with a hostage in him. "Izu, isn't that the same sludge villain that you beat before?" "He must've gotten away from All Might somehow. We gotta do something." I start looking around and see that the biggest threats are the fires. 'We gotta do something about those first.' I start making a few hand signs before shouting. "Water style, Water Jet Jutsu!" I shout a stream of water out of my mouth to put out the fires in an instant with Ocha charging in making a few hand signs of her own. "Lightning style, Raging Lightning Jutsu!" Ocha creates a massive amount of Lightning taking care not to hit the person inside. She immediately uses her zero gravity quirk to pull the person out and take them to the side. When she does, I produce a large amount of paper bombs to explode the villain into a million pieces again. Once I was finished, I walked over to Ocha to help her up since she fell from the impact.

"You ok?" "Yeah. Got out of the range just in time." "That's good." I look over to see a pissed Kaachan who was trapped in the sludge villain. 'Great, now he's gonna rant that he didn't need our help.' "Hold it right there you two!" We look over to see Death Arms coming to yell at us. "Are you two crazy!? You could've seriously gotten hurt! If things didn't play out the way they did, you could've even gotten killed!" He keeps going with Kaachan getting praised for his powerful quirk until Ms. Konan walks over. "Lets go you two." "Hold it, their not going anywhere just ye-" "You know what, how dare you!? I watched the entire thing and saw none of you doing anything to help the boy trapped in the villain! Where were you when that villain was trapping the boy with no means for him to escape!?" "Woa, calm down lady." "I will not calm down! Better yet, you stay out of this Mt. Lady! Out of everyone here, you were by far the most useless! Now I am taking these kids home and their parents will deal with this. Farewell useless heroes." Ms. Konan walks away with us while flipping the heroes off in anger. 'Ok, never saw that coming.'

We keep walking until we meet Mr. Pain with 8 other people. "Izuku and Ochako, we have seen you actions and wish to congratulate you. But before that, I must ask what possessed the both of you to do what you did?" We looked at each other and answered. "It was the right thing to do." Mr. Pain just smiles before continuing. "You two truly wish to do right for this world, and for that I must confess something. Myself and Konan are not just some random people that have been training you. We are in fact two of the members of the Akatsuki." Me and Ocha look at Mr. Pain amazed. "We wish to help you grow even stronger, but we must enlist the assistance of all members of the Akatsuki to do this. We will not force you, but if you wish to grow stronger we will not hold back and train you harder than ever. Do you both wish to go this route?" We both think about it before nodding yes. "Good, training will begin tomorrow at Dagobah Municipal beach. Be prepared to face true pain." He walks away with us ready for what will take place in the near future.

And this finishes this chapter. I'm also going to take polls for anyone who wishes a single member to mentor Izuku or Ochako more and one for what Spirit animal they would summon. They can be a Naruto canon or a different one in general, so feel free to leave your ideas and I'll make a decision after. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and see you all next time.

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